Text Box: Tommyboy's Fan Fiction
Star Wars



It's in the Moon and the Stars

Han stood before the Falcon, looking out across the large green meadow that he was currently calling home base.  Before him was a squadron of X-wings, commanded by his friend, a young up start that was showing his brillance within the alliance.  He had proven that he was destined to be involved to the hilt with the rebellion.  But Han wouldn't voice that to the kid, it would swell his head to much, he thought with his gambler smile.  

They had come to this planet a week ago, to see if it could support a base for the rebels.  Providing the freighter to move provisions for the expedition, Han made sure he was near the kid.  He didn't know why but it was important for him to be here for him. 

Today, the unit had set out in groups of two to search the land to the east of the meadow.  They were due to return an hour before dark.  Chewbacca, Han's Wookie co-pilot, had set out to the west.  He had decided the eatting provision food was getting old.  He had smelled some game in the area, and that it was time to go hunting.

In the early morning, Han found himself standing at the base of the Falcon, looking over the camp.  He wished that Luke had stayed behind but he knew he had responsibilities too.  It was Luke's wish to lead by example, he told Han while discussing the plan of action.  He couldn't expect his men to go out and do their job if he stayed behind, safe and not paying attention to why they were there, he had to go.  So off he went with his pack and recorder, doing what he wanted.

** ** **
The night fell quickly over the camp.  The twin moons reflected the light giving the camp and the surrounding terrain an eerie glow.  Shadows grew as the moons mounted in the sky.

Finishing a meal of fresh meat that Chewbacca had scored, the squadron slowly started retreating to their own matters.  Some went alone to their tents to rest, others moved off in groups to play cards or more serious intent. 

Han and Luke did the same, moving past the Falcon, into the woods beyond.  They had found a spot not far from camp that was out of sight of seeking eyes of other squadron members.

Han's uniform was that of a pirate rogue, the same he had worn over the two years he had known Luke.  Not one to take on new uniforms, he watched the world go by, determined to keep himself grounded in what he was before joining the rebellion.

But Luke had changed.  He changed from an awkward desert land dweller to Alliance commander. For the expedition Luke had donned the commando pants and skintight shirt.

Han put his hand on his shoulder, feeling the muscles ripple beneath his touch.  Luke had taken his free time at the base to develop his body.    Working out the awkwardness to develop a respectable young man.

Luke turned to look at Han.  He relaxed when he was alone with Han.  Han knew the inner Luke, the one he hid to gain respect of the others in the squad.  But with Han he could smile and turn back into the kid that still dwelled within him.

Han moved his hand to touch Luke's face then stepped closer.  Lowering his head, he brought his lips to Luke's, kissing him.

Luke opened to the invitation.  Reaching around Han's shoulders he held as Han skillfully tasted and challenged him.  Pulling back from the kiss, Han pulled Luke into a tight embrace.  “Missed you,” he whispered.

He knew the feeling.  To see each other but unable to touch, keeping up appearances.  Luke looked into the dark eyes of his lover.  “We got now.”

Han moved away from Luke and stepped away.  He went to an out-cropping of rocks and pulled out a knapsack and a blanket.

“Prepared I see,” Luke commented.

Spreading out the blanket on the level ground, Han approached Luke with beguiling smile.  The air was still warm from the day's heating.  He pulled on the shirt that covered Luke. 

Luke pulled the shirt over his head and dropped it down by the sack.  Han's hands were moving over his skin then pulling him against him for another kiss.

Luke found himself lying on the blanket. Han was working on his boots that was not an easy feat.  Getting the first boot was not that cumbersome, but the second one was giving him fits. Han swore under his breath.  Luke sat up and took the task in hand and discarded the boot.

“Think that you are real smart,” Han growled as Luke lay back on the blanket.

“Well you know what they say about young blood.”

Han moved to lie over the younger man, rubbing his hardened cock against the pilot's own erection.  Without rising to the comment, Han rocked his hips against Luke's, tormenting them both of what was to come.

Luke tried to find leverage for his own hips to dance against Han, but he was evaded.  Finding that Han still had on his flight jacket and shirt, he went to work in trying to get them off his lover.  With some tugging and cajoling, he worked the garments off his lover.

They kissed again, raising the heat between them.

Han ran his hand down between them.  Running it along his hardened rod, Luke moaned.  The pressure of being imprisoned in his pants was getting to much, it strained for release.

“Your acting like you haven't had any for some time kid.”  Han laughed as he undid the fasteners of Luke's pants and lowered the zipper.  Luke groaned as the night air hit his freed cock.  It sprang up into the air as Han lowered his pants down his legs.  Dropping the pants where the shirts lay, Luke lay naked on the blanket.

“Now that is the way I like you,” Han smiled down at the young man,

“Like me?”

“Naked and wanting.  Oh so wanting.” Han brought his hand and pumped the standing organ a few times.

Han stood and discarded himself of his own pants.  He was hard but had to hold himself in check.  Once he gave his all to the kid, he would be out for the count for the rest of the night.  But Luke, he had the luck of age on his side, that he could come all night.

Han knelt between Luke's legs.  He ran his hands up Luke's thighs and lower abdomen.  Feeling every muscle twitch as he moved along the skin.  Running his hand up to hardening nipples, he pinched them, eliciting Luke to moan to the feeling that shot through him.  “Please,” he asked.

“Please what?” he asked.

“Touch me damn it.  My cock is needing you at the moment.”

“I know,” Han teased.  He loved to tease the kid.

Luke squirmed as Han continued to play with his pecs and nipples.    He tried to move a hand to his cock, but Han knocked it away.  “What do you want me to do about it?”

Luke took in a breath, releasing it slowly.  “Suck it.  Take me to the only place that we share.”

Han lowered his head to the standing member and took half of it into his mouth.  Luke groaned when his cock was encased in his lover's hot wet mouth.

Han sucked then lowered his head to take more in.   Swirling his tongue around the man's rigid rod.  He knew it wouldn't take much to get Luke over the edge.  The first time never did take long. 

Luke fisted the blanket as Han sucked and stroked his cock.  Soon he was rocking his hips, fucking Han's mouth.  He arched his back as he came, Han drinking up what he offered.

Han sat back watching as Luke recovered from his release.  He brought his hand to his own cock; thinking about what he would be doing next to give Luke his next orgasm. 

Luke looked to see Han stroking himself.  He sat up and took Han's hand into his and pulled him down to lay over him.  Kissing him, Luke did is best to distract Han for a few moments.

Han pulled away to breath in needed air.  He moved to nuzzle Luke's neck, kissing and nipping at it.  Luke brought his hand down to stroke his lover's cock.  Han moved to look down into the fathomless light blue eyes. 

Reaching to the sack he pulled out a tube and sat back on his feet, coating his finger.  Luke lay on his back, watching Han make preparations.  He opened his legs, giving Han access.  Han's greased finger to Luke's entrance.  Slowly stroking, he let the finger slide through when there was less resistance.  Pulling it in and out a few times, he repeated the process with two fingers then three, letting Luke adjust to the intrusion.  Soon Luke was panting, and thrusting onto Han's fingers, wanting more.

Han withdrew his fingers and finished coating his own cock and settled between Luke's legs.  Luke drew up his legs, holding them up by his calves.  Han looked into Luke's eyes; the love and trust shown urged Han to complete the act that he had started not long before.  Easing his weight forward he moved into Luke.  Inch by inch he moved forward, not wishing to cause his partner any pain.  It had been some time since they had completed this act.  But now, he was making love with his young lover.

Luke felt filled.  He could feel Han with each shudder of breath.  Slowly Han withdrew then slide home.  Each stroke eased the pain and brought warmth.  Han felt his lovers body relax and he continued to move at the slow pace.

Between them Luke's cock returned with it's own life, growing hard as an occasional stroke passed over his prostrate.  Luke remained passive knowing that if he sped things up Han would come to soon.  He liked these times when all control was given up, that all he had to do was rely on Han to make him safe, happy.

Han started to move faster, his own body betraying him with his need, his need to release.  He pumped faster, making Luke squirm with increased strokes to his prostrate.  Luke moaned with hitched breaths with each hit.

"That's it," Han whispered, "tell me," he gasped.  "Tell me.. what you need."

Luke opened his closed eyes and looked up to his love.  "You.. only you."

Han nodded and closed his eyes and they came together.

** **
Han opened his eyes to see the twin moons shining.  Beside him, Luke was dozing, keeping the thermo blanket over them.

Han had passed out while coming.  He never had done it before with other partners, but with Luke he came so hard he blacked out.  At first he was scared of it, now it was part of their lovemaking. 

Rolling to his side, he kissed his lover's lips, gently waking him.

Eyes fluttered open to reveal sleepy blue eyes.  "Welcome back," Luke muttered with sleep.

"You take a lot out of me kid."

"Someone has to keep you in line," Luke retorted back.

Han brought his wrist up to see the time, "I hate to say this, but I think we need to head back to camp."

Luke nodded but didn't move. 

Han smiled and settled, they would be okay for a little while longer.  Knowing Chewie, they were being guarded.  It was nice feeling safe and loved.

Closing his eyes, he relaxed to the breathing of one, Luke Skywalker, friend and lover.



@ 2005 Tommy Boy fan fiction * design and content by Paula C. *