Text Box: Tommyboy's Fan Fiction
Man From UNCLE




In a dark cave somewhere, two agents wake up from being drugged and left. Napoleon Solo, the older, darker agent assists his younger, partner in setting his arm.

�Is it broken?� the younger man asked.

�I don�t know.  Stop fidgeting.�

�I�m not fidgeting.�

�Yes you are.�

�No, I�m not.�

�Stop that.�


Silence between them till the younger man groans when the older partner shifts his arm.

�Da,� reverting to Russian, unable to mentally switch to English at the moment.�

With a chuckle, though no offense to his partner, �Must be, you�re speaking Russian.�

�I could do another dialect if you want.� His blond partner offered.

�No, Russian is enough.� He answered,

Slowly his arm was encased in a bandage to minimize damage.

�There, set till we get out of here.�

�And where is here?�

The darker partner looked to his partner, �I thought you knew.� 



@ 2005 Tommy Boy fan fiction * design and content by Paula C. *