Fanfic Made Me Gay
By Jameschick

Parts 6 - 10

Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Bottom

Part 6

Spike’s POV

Soddin’ HELL! The Magnificent Poof himself is coming to town. Just what I need. He’ll know exactly what’s going on between the whelp an’ me. Not that there’s anything going on, mind you. But he’ll know that the lad wants me, and he’ll know that I’m not exactly opposed to the idea as well.

What’s this? The kid is aroused? Over Angel? Bloody. Effin. Hell! Not another one who wants me damned sire. Why me? Why does everyone want Angel? Dru, Buffy, now Xander. Hell, Harmony probably would have wanted him, too, had she ever met him. FUCK!

The cloud of pheromones in here is so thick you could cut it with a knife. I’ll be damned if I let the souled tosser have the boy! He’s mine! Now I just have to make sure the boy knows it. I’ll just wait till I can get him alone, press him up against the closest hard surface and kiss him stupid. Stupider. No, has to be now. Can’t wait. Come on boy, look at me. Feel me watching you. Come on, yeah, that’s it. See this? Demon here, luv. Possessive vampire, not sharing!

Holy. Fuck. He likes that! I flash my eyes at him and I swear he damn near came. Oh this is sweet. The boy wants to be mine, to be owned, possessed, taken. By a demon. By me. Oh, hell yeah, I can work with this.

Where’s he goin’? Shit, slayer at the door, he’s not getting away that easy. Too bad. I could’ve followed him and had a bit o’ fun. Remind him who he belongs to.

Gotta get to him before Peaches shows up. Don’t want him thinkin’ about Angel like that. MINE. Oops, not a good idea to growl in front of the slayer and her pets. Could get a bloke in trouble. Sneer at her, flip off the watcher; let them all think I’m pissed about the Gelled One coming here. S’true, just not for the reasons they’re thinkin’.

Ah, the boy’s not stupid though. He knows. I can smell him from here. Want him. Now. I look at him and we lock eyes. I tilt my head toward the stairs and then head up to the bathroom. He’ll follow me. I’m sure of it.

Part 7

Xander's POV

What the hell am I doing? I’m following a vampire upstairs to the bathroom. To do what? Fuck? And why am I doing this? Because he basically told me to. Ordered me to. Oh, there were no words spoken, just a look. A look that said ‘follow me or else’. And why does the idea of obeying Spike make me horny?

I’m sick. I’m a sick, sick, man. But, I’m a sick man who’s FINALLY gonna get some. So hey, what was the problem again?

Turn the knob, open the door, step inside. Eeep! Vampire in my personal space. This is not good! Oh… hey… Um, never mind. This is good. Very, very good. Hands on my skin, teeth grazing my throat, hard cock pressed against my own. Oh yeah. Very good. I can’t help the moan that escapes from me. I feel him chuckle against my neck. It sends shivers up and down my spine. I’ve never been so turned on before in my life.

He lifts his head and looks at me. His blue eyes melt into the yellow eyes of the demon. Can I cum now? I thrust against him and he smiles before kissing me. No fangs, but his teeth feel very different from a humans. They’re smoother, sharper. It just reminds me that I’m kissing a demon.

I shudder as he undoes my zipper and slips his hand inside. I fumble with the button fly of his jeans, I need to touch him. He steps back, just enough to get both our pants undone and pulled down. That’s when I see it. Pale, smooth, like marble. I touch it and he hisses. “So hot,” he murmurs. I smile and tighten my grip. He bucks forward and growls.

I’ve never touched another man’s cock before, never wanted to. It feels weird, mostly I think because Spike is a vampire. It’s not hot like my own, more… room temperature, I guess. He’s not circumcised. I play with his foreskin a little, it’s nice. I like it. He seems to enjoy it as well.

Next thing I know, he’s stroking me and thrusting into my hand. I start to move my hand up and down his shaft, harder, faster. He looks at me with those yellow eyes again. I’m lost. I squeeze my eyes shut as I cum and cum. I feel him bury his face in my neck. He sucks desperately on my skin as he shudders and shoots his load.

I don’t want to open my eyes. I don’t want this to be over. I want more. More of this. More of Spike. If I open my eyes it’ll all be over.

“Look at me, pet,” he says, and I do.

Part 8

Spike’s POV

His eyes are closed. I don’t like it. I need him to look at me, to see me. I need him to know that it was me who touched him, me who kissed him, me who made him cum. “Look at me, pet.”

He opens his eyes. He can speak volumes with those chocolate brown orbs, they’re so expressive. I could fall into them, I could. The boy is just so… vulnerable. He’s practically screaming ‘don’t hurt me’. Oh, but if only I could…

He’s waiting for me to say something, to hurt him, to make him regret this. I don’t. I just lean in an’ kiss him, softly, like he matters to me. ’Cause I guess he does. Wouldn’t be doing this in the watcher’s loo if he didn’t. I pull away and he follows me, so I kiss him again.

“Breathe, pet,” I remind him, ’cause he seems to have forgotten he needs to do that. “Not goin’ anywhere.” ’Cause I’m not. Well that’s not true, I am, but so is he. We can’t stay up here much longer before the others start looking ’round for us.

I grab some tissues and clean us off. I make sure to rub my cum into his skin. That way he’ll smell like me. I want to make sure Pain-gel gets the message. Hands off. He’s mine. Maybe I should tell Xander that.

“You’re mine now, pet. Not sharing!” And what do you know? There’s that tantalizing scent of arousal again. Makes me want to take him, right here, right now. Can’t though. We’re in Rupert’s bathroom and the Poof is on his way.

I walk to the window and pry it open. He looks at me funny. “We’ll look a might suspicious if we walk outta here together, pet.” Understanding dawns on him and I slip out the window. I’ll just have me a post-shag cigarette and then slip back in through the front door.

Part 9

Xander’s POV

Okay, so what the hell just happened here? I just gave Spike a hand-job. Yeah, okay, so he gave me one too. I guess that makes it okay, right? Just a couple of guys giving each other a hand? Yeah, that was lame even for me.

And what does he mean I’m his now? His what? His boyfriend? Not hardly! His lover? Not yet. His pet? His fuck-toy? What the hell am I to him? Okay, deep breaths. Relax. You don’t have to think about this right now. There is slayage to be had, a big nasty to fight, and Angel is on his way.

OH. FUCK!!! Angel is on his way. He’ll know. He’ll… smell it, or something. And can I just say, eeewwww!!!! So, that’s what this was about? He wants to make sure Angel knows we’re… whatever it is we are.

Stupid vampire. I would never… ANYTHING with Angel. He’s Buffy’s, always was, always will be. Just because I find him attractive - scratch that, I find *Angelus* attractive, and what kind of sick fuck does that make me? - doesn’t mean I’m gonna throw myself at him.

I wash my hands and splash some water on my face. I see that I now have a very noticeable hickey thanks to Spike. I cover it as best as I can with my hair and turn my collar up before leaving the bathroom. I wonder if any one knows? If any one saw me follow him up here? God, I hope not.

Everything seems normal. Wills and Tara are looking things up in books, Buffy is in the kitchen with Giles, talking. And Spike is… Not here. Okay. No panicking. Not gonna start thinking he’s had his fun and left. Nope. Not me, not panicking at all.

Part 10

Willow’s POV

I think Xander and Spike are having sex. Tara thinks they are close to it but haven’t done it yet. I’m not so sure. I’m positive Spike went up to the bathroom just before Xander did. But maybe not since he just came out alone.

But if there’s nothing going on, then why is Xander hyperventilating and looking around the room? The only person missing is Spike and I’m still pretty sure that he was in the bathroom with Xander. Unless… Did he go out the window? No, he wouldn’t do that unless he was trying to hide something… Like the fact that he’s having sex with my best friend. Grrrrr. I mean who next? First he’s macking on Buffy, now Xander? If he even looks sideways at me I’m grabbing Tara and making a run for it.

Oh, there’s Spike. He just walked in the front door, flicking a cigarette away before closing the door. He looks around, notices Xander still standing by the stairs and smiles at him. He actually smiles! Not leers, not smirks, smiles. They are SO having sex! Spike never smiles at any of us. Well, except Dawn, and only when she’s done something to royally piss off Buffy.

He should smile more often. It makes him look younger. Okay, duh! Vampire, doesn’t age, I know. But still, it’s true. It makes him look… less demony, more person like. Softer, yeah that’s it. Softer.

Oh. That’s probably why he doesn’t do it. I guess it would be hard to keep up a reputation as a ‘bad ass’ if you looked soft. I wonder if that’s the way William looked when he smiled? He must have been a real heart breaker in his day. Those blue eyes, that face… and such a sweet smile.

I don’t know about this. I mean… it’s Spike. Chipped, yes. But still evil. And Xander is… Xander. He’s so easy to hurt. Every one he’s ever cared about has hurt him. Cordy dumped him, okay there was a ‘fluke’ behind that. But then there’s Anya, okay, he left her at the altar. But did she have to become a demon again and try to get vengeance on him? I won’t even mention the bug lady or the mummy girl.

Tara thinks that Spike has changed. I don’t know, she didn’t know the ‘bottle in your face - bring you back to be like me’ Spike that I remember. Then again, we all do the wacky when our lovers leave us. Look how well I handled the whole Oz situation. Maybe Spike is lonely? He hasn’t been alone before. There was always Dru and sometimes Angelus. Maybe he just wants someone to love?

Maybe Tara is right after all. Maybe Spike has changed. He hasn’t threatened us for a while now, he hasn’t even threatened Buffy for weeks. And Xander seems so lonely, maybe I should just keep my nose out of this like Tara suggested.

On to Parts 11 - 15


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