by Jameschick

Title: N.O.D.

Pairing: S/X

Rating: R

Disclaimer: Not mine, no money being made.

Summary: It’s National Orgasm Day, and Xander needs a place to hide.

Distribution: You actually want this? Take it.

Feedback: Make my heart all aflutter.

A/N: Not beta’d all mistakes are my own.

Spike sat up in alarm as his crypt door flew open, but then relaxed into a mildly annoyed state when he realized it was only the boy that had come crashing into his home. Still, it was bloody rude and uncalled for.

“Au! Do you see me barging my way into your home?”

Xander looked around the musty crypt and grimaced.

“First of all, yes, you do, and second of all this is hardly a home Spike. It’s supposed to be someone’s final resting place.”

“T’is, it’s mine. And I was bloody resting until you barged in here like the devil himself was after you. What the hell are you here for?”

Xander looked at Spike like he was crazy.

“Don’t you know what day it is? It’s the 31st of July!”

Spike quirked an eyebrow and tilted his head.

“Yeah, and?”

“It’s National Orgasm Day, Spike!”

Spike blinked.

“They have a day for that now?”

“Yeah. So you have to hide me.”

“From what?”

“Anya! Jesus Spike, don’t you remember last year? She almost killed me!”

Spike chuckled as the image of a pasty faced, worn out Xander floated into his mind. He had heard the girls talking later, and found out that the silly demon bint had put a strap on the poor bugger and rode him for hours without letting him come.

“Oh yeah. Still, why come here?”
“’Cause An hates cemeteries, everyone knows we hate one another, and they won’t look for me here.”

“True enough, what’s in it for me?”

It was Xander’s turn to blink.

“Wha… huh?”

“I said, what’s in it for me?”

“Oh, well what do you want? I only have about forty bucks in my wallet but it’s yours if you let me stay here for the next twenty-four hours.”

Spike pretended to think that over while his evil mind came up with a much better form of compensation.

“Nah, don’t want your money, boy. Got something else in mind.”

Spike looked Xander over slowly from head to toe and then back up again, he met his eyes and then licked his lips. Xander took a step back and nervously wondered if Spike was going to ask him to bleed for him.

“Wh-what do you have in mind?”

Spike smirked.


The vampire drawled as he stalked toward his prey.

“It is National Orgasm Day.”

Then he pressed his cool lips to Xander’s warm ones. Xander mentally shrugged and kissed back. At least he wasn’t being asked to bleed, and unlike Anya, Spike wouldn’t try to fuck him to death.

“Alright, but no cock-rings or I’m outta here!”

“Deal, pet.”

The vampire purred and led the boy down to his boudoir to hide away until tomorrow. He’d have to thank who ever had come up with the idea to celebrate orgasms - although, he wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to find out Anya had had a hand in it.

The End


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