Old Friends

Part 11

Angel’s P.O.V.

~Lying on the sand, I can hear the waves gently lapping at the shore. Will’s head on my stomach, staring up at the sky, my hand softly stroking his hair. He loves the stars. I used to spend hours lying with him in the gardens as he’d ask endless questions about constellations and the mythology behind the names.~

“Tell me about Scorpion.”


“Yeah… him.”

“Scorpius was responsible for the death of Orion, the great hunter. The scorpion stung Orion in reply to his claim that he could defeat any beast. He was placed in the opposite side of the sky from Orion, to avoid any further conflict.”

“I like him.”

“I know.”

~He pulls out a cigarette and exhales a long puff of white smoke. I’m watching the soft breeze carry it away.~

“Whatcha thinkin’ about?”


“Not frettin’ again, are ya?”

“No. Just looking at the sky.”

“Me too.”

~There’s a man on a unicycle, wearing a rainbow wig, riding down the strand. That’s odd.~

“Will, look at this guy…”

“Where… Oh… heh… got himself a good look goin’ there.”

~Will’s head turns as the man nears us.~

“Nice night for it.”

~The man nods at him and rides away.~

“What the hell was that about?”

“Don’t know, but ya gotta admire a bloke that’ll take a fashion risk like that. Got a set o’ stones on ’im.”

“Or he’s off his meds.”

“Six of one.”

~Lie back down, look for Orion’s belt. I feel him moving up my body to lie on top of me. Pretty blue eyes.~



“Fancy meetin’ you here.”

“We keep bumping into each other like this, people will talk.”

“Rumors? About us? I’m shocked… I’m livid… I’m mortified, even.”

“Don’t worry, they’re all true.”

“Oh. Right, then. Reckon we should snog, or somethin’.”

“That might be an advisable course of action.”

~His head dips, his lips gently brush against mine, my own part to receive his tongue. Softly, we caress each other, pull his bottom lip between mine, suck tenderly on the bit of dampened flesh… he sighs quietly, I feel the cold exhale against my face. Run my hands up his lithe form, pull him in tight, his fingers caressing my cheek. This kiss is so smooth, so forgiving. The waves on the shore break with a muted sound, they seemingly wash away what was, and bring in what is. Supple, moist lips… opening for me, tongues lap delicately together in a timeless dance. Moving slightly… soft kisses traveling along my jaw, wetness dampening my ear.~

“I love you, Angel.”

~He whispers faintly, the puff of air against the moisture sends shivers through me.~

“I love you too, Will.”

~Staring into my eyes now. Yes, Will… I do. But you already know this. You’ve always known this.~

“I’ve missed you.”

~Oh God. I can’t help it. I close my eyes, feel a knot forming in my throat. So much time lost. I can’t respond. I can’t find the words.~

“Hey… open your eyes, love. Look at me.”

~Open my eyes, see his, gentle, caring. The knot getting tighter in my throat. Long elegant fingers cupping my face. Still quiet, my throat aches.~

“Don’t run off.”

“I’m not.”

“Feel it.”

“I do. I don’t want it to end.”

“It won’t.”

“Let’s stay here. Relocate. Leave everything behind. Start new.”

~He’s smiling at me. I know it’s ridiculous, but still…~

“We’re needed where we are, pet.”

“Fuck ’em.”


~It was worth it to get that grin.~


~I’ll do my best to try looking innocent here. He’s much better at this than I am.~

“Cheeky monkey… what’s gotten into you?”


“Ahh. Ya have a point.”

“Every now and again.”

“So… I’m a bad influence, then?”

“The worst.”

“Right then, I apologize – unreservedly for any negative stimulus I’ve been a party to.”



“Of course.”

“Won’t hold up in court. No witnesses.”

“Oral agreement, I may have a case.”

“Now you’ve opened the door to the innuendo. You know you’ve got it comin’. Shall I even bother?”

“No… it’s too easy. Beneath you.”

“’Course it is. Everythin’s beneath me. I’m Spike… William the Bloody… World class shag, an’ all that rot.”

“And humble, too. You forgot humble.”

“It was included in the ‘an’ all that rot’ afterthought.”

“My mistake. Always adding the all inclusive caveat.”

“Cover your perimeter… Old friend o’ mine taught me that.”

“Yes, I did.”

“Straight away, always did me right. Never forgot it.”

“Good to know I had some positive influence on you.”

“Some… not much, though.”

“Little shit.”

“When you’ve resorted to name callin’, ya know you’ve lost, dontcha?”

“Yes. Punk.”

“S’alright, luv… bein’ an ol’ geezer, like ya are… well, it’s no wonder ya can’t manage a simple declarative sentence.”

“This old geezer’s about to turn you over his knee and spank your ass.”


“What was that about one word sentences again?”

“If I answer in more than one word, am I gonna get the spankin’?”

“Probably not.”


“Right, what?”


“Ha! You never stop making me laugh.”


“Come on, let’s get the kids their gifts.”

~Move to get up.~

“Oi! What about me spankin’!!”

“The faster we buy the presents, the faster we’re back in the room, Will.”

~He’s standing now. Looking like he’s about to say something very obnoxious.~


~I was wrong… he’s about to do something very obnoxious. His hand at the top button to his jeans… Open. God. Turning… sliding them down… Fuck… Never, in the history of the world… has there ever been a more perfect ass. Little shit. Baby rhinoceros is back. It’ll be a blast shopping with him. Grr… He’s really got this coming. He doesn’t hear me running at him, I’m sure he smells me. Tackle that sweet little fuckable ass, pin him to the ground. Perfect.~

“So it’s a spanking you want, eh Will? Want me to cherry up that pretty little ass of yours?”


“One word sentences too much for you? Relying on grunts now?”


~Raise my hand and bring it down hard against his backside. Sweet smack, right on the fleshy part of that pale, perfect globe. Again. Again. Pretty little boy, grunting every time my hand cracks against his skin. I can’t wait to take him home with me. Slap. Again, again. Can’t wait until we’re in my bed… not some fucked flat mattress in a holiday resort. Grab it hard, and squeeze before I raise my hand again. Come down hard. Again. Again. When he’s with me. When he’s by my side. I don’t care what I’m doing, he’ll come first. We’re chasing after demons, he wants to fuck… pull him into the nearest alley and drop trou. Can’t wait. My boy. Crack against that skin. He’s groaning so loud… shooting straight through me. My boy.~

“Had enough?”


“Turn over.”


“Turn over, you spoiled little brat.”


~Bring my finger to my mouth, bite down, yes… Slip my hand between his cheeks, finger pushing in.~


“I said ‘turn over’…”

~Reluctantly turning onto his back. Pouty face… look at that… so sweet.~



~Still with the pouting. I have to grip myself, relieve some of this… tension.~

“I know you don’t want this to happen here.”

“No… reckon I don’t.”

“Listen… we go, we find the kids presents, we go back to the room, and I fuck you until your eyes cross. Deal?”



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