Archiving Old Fic – The Office Visit (aka Mistake #3) – The X-Files – Mulder/Skinner

08/27/2011 Posted by walterh

Title: The Office Visit (aka “Mistake #3”)
Author: Squidgie (Walter H. Hopgood)
Email address:
Fandom: X-Files
Pairing: Mulder/Skinner
Rating: NC-17
Archiving: OK to archive (just let me know where!)
Notes: This is offered as response to a challenge made on
the MaleSlashFans mailing list. That challenge was based
on an article in Mens Health Magazine on “eight things you
shouldn’t do with your penis”. Don’t blame me – this is
UnChuck’s fault. 🙂

if [“$FEEDBACK” = “flames”]
cat $FEEDBACK > /dev/null
mail -s “Feedback for your story” < $FEEDBACK

(OK, so I’m a geek)


“You wanted to see me, sir?” Mulder made his way past the thick
door to his boss’ office, closing it solidly behind him. He
walked toward the larger man, his suit pants and white shirt
pulled tight against his body.

“Agent Mulder,” Assistant Director Skinner almost grinned. “I’m
glad to see you.” The built man rose from his chair and walked
over, meeting Mulder halfway. A meaty hand rose to Mulder’s
shoulder, as if to stop him. “Hang on a second.” Skinner
continued toward his office door, opening it up just enough to
poke his head out. “Miss Mathews?” He attempted to get his temp’s
attention. She was an older woman, slightly hard of hearing and
prone to bouts of daydreaming. Obviously, she was in this state
now. A deep throat-clearing cough rose from Skinner’s chest,
loud enough to wake the dead from Mulder’s last few cases, followed
by “Miss Mathews?” Skinner edged more of his body out of
the door.

“Oh, yes sir?” The light haired woman finally came back to reality,
a place where she obviously spent little time. She rose at her
desk, “What can I do for you, sir?”

The feeling of a tug on the front of Skinner’s pants caught him off
guard. “-Uh- Don’t get up! No, I don’t need anything further,
Miss Mathews.” Skinner felt a hand snake through the opening of
his pants, massaging his thick cock through his underwear. “Please
just go ahead and clock out,” he managed to add without sounding
too breathy. “It’s getting late,” he continued, as a wet sensation
began penetrating the material of his pants and underwear, “Just
clock out. I’ll see you on Monday.”

The office door shut quickly, and the room was filled with the
sound of the lock being turned, securing the lovers in the room
together. Skinner finally looked down and saw Mulder, on his
knees, with one hand inserted through the zipper, aiming the immense
cock down Skinner’s pant leg. He moaned as Mulder continued
massaging the larger mans balls and base of the cock. The hand
had snaked the cockhead out of the leg of the briefs and aimed it
towards the right pocket of the pants, where it was currently being
sucked and wet from the outside. “Mulder, dammit!” he quietly
exclaimed through clenched teeth, “Let’s at least get away from the
damn door.”

The tongue removed itself from the pant leg, “But Wally! It’s
kindof fun -”

“Don’t you ‘But Wally’ me, mister!” Skinner replied, with more
joviality in his voice than mock anger. He put his hands in Mulder’s
armpits and pulled him up to meet eye to eye. A quick kiss brought
their lips and tongues together. “Get over to my desk,” he hissed,
as they pulled apart.

Mulder withdrew his hand from his lover’s pants, leaving a gaping
hole where the zipper was down. He smiled and eased his way over,
waiting for Skinner to join him. As he tried to turn, a hand
held him in place. Skinner brought his body up against Mulder’s and
began rubbing his hardened cock between Mulder’s asscheeks, only
separated by the material of their clothes.

Kisses found their way from Skinner’s mouth, delivered lightly down
Mulder’s back. His hands followed down each side of Mulder’s
body, tracing each contour, pausing slightly only to reach around
and tweak the succulent nubs of nipple that lay on Mulder’s perfect
chest. Continuing down, Skinner bypassed the leather belt, and
dove directly to the asscheeks his clothed cock had just been
assaulting. Once there, he bit and gnawed at the material, at the
deliciously round bottom that was in front of him. “God, I love
your ass, Mulder,” he mumbled between bites. He breathed out,
letting the body warmed air caress Mulder’s ass cheeks, going
through the fibers and tickling the sensitive skin around Mulder’s

With the hot breath caressing him, Mulder pushed back, trying to
give more and more of himself to his lover. His hands went behind
his back, pulling the balding head closer to his body. The
combination of moistness and heat was turning him on greatly,
and his cock throbbed in his pants for attention. He guided
Skinner’s hands from his sides to where his penis lay screaming
in his pants, begging for attention. The larger man massaged
Mulder’s cock expertly, while his teeth nipped on Mulder’s backside,
leaving small marks of red underneath the material, as if to stake
out his territory.

Mulder pulled forward gently and turned himself around slowly to
face his lover. He gazed down into Skinner’s eyes, seeing the
fire that burned below the cool exterior. He leaned forward, bending
at the waist, and claimed a kiss. After their tongues mingled, each
tasting the other deeply, Mulder leaned back up, and ground his
crotch into his lover’s face. Skinner brought his hands forward and
grabbed for the front of Mulder’s pants, but had his hands swatted
out of the way.

“No,” Mulder said seductivly. “With your teeth.”

Skinner was always surprised at how sensual his lover could be.
To know Fox Mulder was to realize his passion, and Walter loved
that that passion spilled over from Mulder’s job into their
sex life. He obeyed, and leaned up, taking the end of the
leather belt in his mouth. As he moved his head, manipulating
the belt free, the taste of the leather in his mouth exploded
on his tongue, causing him to moan. Within a few more moves,
he freed the belt from how it had been locked in place. As he
moved up to work on the zipper, he realized how much his lover
was turned on, and nuzzled Mulder’s cock back and forth within
the confines of Mulder’s pants. Mulder hissed in a sigh, as
the sensitive cockhead was moved back and forth along the silk
lining of his woolen trousers.

“Take it out, Walter. Suck me off.” Mulder could be quite
blunt when it came to matters of the bedroom, and Skinner was
all too happy to oblige. He rose on his knees slightly, and
nuzzled his lips and tongue into the zipper opening of Mulder’s
pants. Skinner was eager to free his lover, so with the taste
of metal coming from between his front teeth, he began to
free Mulder’s member.

Halfway down, Mulder pushed his crotch into the larger man’s
face, grinding against the hot skin he found there. Skinner
felt hot flesh against him, and hurriedly moved his mouth
down, almost completing the trip of the zipper. With one
quick tug he was almost through, when a piercing scream
echoed through the room. Startled, but still holding the end
of the zipper in his mouth, Skinner looked up, and as he
saw the uncontrollable look of excruciating pain paint itself
across Mulder’s face, he too was subjected to a horrendous
pain that seemed to emanate from his lips. The pain was
unbearable, and the sound of two men screaming threatened
to bring down the walls.


Dana Scully sighed, and looked at the paperwork that seemed to
fill her desk. It looked like it was to be another quiet
weekend at home, finishing what she couldn’t face at the office.
Another sigh left her lips, as she stood up and began to
shovel the paperwork into her case. Her actions were interrupted
by the shrill sound of a telephone ringing. “Scully” she
tiredly barked into the phone, after picking it up.

Milliseconds after responding to the phone, she knew something
was not right. There seemed to be a man in the background
who was in pain, based on the amount of noise he was making,
and the person holding the phone seemed to be breathing
rather hard. “Hello?” she queried.

The breathing man took a second, but finally spoke.
“Agen Scuwwy, dis is Waatu Skinnu. Pwease con up to ny
offiss now!”

Scully pulled the phone back and looked at it, as if it could
explain what was going on, then put it back to her ear.
“Skinner? Sir, are you OK?”

Exasperated, the voice cried out in pain, then tried to focus.
“No. Pwease get up here. Ny offiss key is unduh ny sekwateries
in box. Pwease huwwy.”

“Oh my god sir, are you hurt? I’ll be right there!” Scully
dropped her bag, and made her way to the stairs, up several
flights, and down the deserted corridor to her boss’ office
at break-neck speed. She tried the door, beating on it when
she found it locked. /The key/ she thought to herself.
/Where’s the damn key?!?!/ She tore the secretaries desk
apart searching for it, going faster with each cry of pain
that emanated from the office. The key finally surfaced,
after being roused from a stack of papers near the inbox,
and she shot to the door, unlocked it, and flung it open in
one quick, smooth motion. Exasperated, she ran into the
office to aid her ailing boss.

Three steps in she stopped cold, her face expressionless.
She stood there, staring at her boss and partner, each
of whom had a different part of his anatomy embedded
in Mulder’s trouser zipper. As it sank in, she was the first
to break the silence, with a small giggle. As it built, she
continued laughing uncontrollably, holding her stomach which
now ached.

The younger man could control it no longer. “Dammit Scully!”
he yelled.

It was followed up quickly by a loud “SHU DA DOOW!” that rose
from Skinner’s chest, filling the room.

Between giggles, Scully managed to ask, “I’m *giggle* I’m
sorry, sir. *giggle* What?”

Hot breath leaving his lips angrily, Mulder answered for the
larger man, “He said ‘SHUT THE DOOR’!” At that exertion,
he winced in pain and let out a loud yelp.

Scully composed herself enough to turn around and shut the
door, closing them off from the rest of the world. She walked
towards her partner and her boss, and tried to put on her
“Doctor” face, assessing the situation as best she could.
It appeared that Mulder was stuck on the downstroke of the
zipper, and Skinner on the upstroke, each with a fair amount
of flesh mangled by the steel. “OK, you two,” she began,
as she finished her examination. I’m going to go downstairs
and get a pair of needle-nose pliars and some topical xylocaine.
First I’m going to numb you up here,” she poked Mulder
gently just above the crown on the top of his penis, “and
you, sir, here” pointing to Skinner’s upper lip.

“Whatever.” Mulder said exasperated. “Can you just do it
soon. And quietly?!” Mulder knew he was never going to hear
the end of this. But getting Scully to help was the only sane
and safe way of getting them out of this situation without
hurting themselves beyond that threshold of pain on which they
were already teetering.

“Wait a minute,” Scully said, moving Mulder’s penis gently
in her hand. “Oh my god, look at this….” The tone of her
voice captured the two men’s attention, and diverted it
from the situation just long enough for her. With one hand
she grabbed the material of the pants, and with the other, the
cold metal clasp of the zipper, and yanked it firmly and
quickly up, releasing it’s two prisoners.

And the halls were filled with the sounds of two grown men
howling in intense pain, and one woman, laughing as she had
never laughed before.

The end.

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