Category: ‘fiction’

Fic: Coming Down on Your Head – Hawaii Five-0 2010 – Steve/Danny – NC17

10/06/2011 Posted by walterh

“In here,” Danny calls to answer the knock.

Steve enters Danny’s apartment and looks around for his partner. “Sorry I missed Gra…” his voice trails off. “What are you doing?” he asks when he sees Danny’s legs jutting out from underneath a childlike structure made of a box fan, two chairs, and lots and lots of blankets.

Danny’s legs retreat into the fort, his face peeking out for a moment. “She took my blanket,” he says, then adds, “for this,” as he gestures to the structure.

Steve just smiles, shaking his head gently. “You know I have plenty of blankets at my house, Danny,” he offers.

“Yes,” comes the reply, then Danny ducks in for a second, pulling out a hard plastic doll wearing a shimmering yellow gown and tiara, “but this one is for Princess Christina.”

“Princess Christina, huh?” comes Steve’s reply. “She’d better not be in there making me jealous.” He leans down and grabs a kiss, then disappears for a second out of view, coming back moments later with the pillows from Danny’s bed. “There room for me in there?” he asks. Without waiting for a response, he crawls in, stealing another kiss along the way.

Settling on his back, he puts the second pillow next to him, patting it gently. Princess Christina is abandoned at the portcullis as Danny settles in next to his partner.

Danny lays on his side, his broad hand settling on the smooth fabric of Steve’s shirt. The pair shares a smile, then Danny leans in to kiss Steve; a kiss with a hint of tongue and previews of things to come. As he breaks off the kiss, Danny puts his head down on Steve’s shoulder, Steve wrapping his strong arms around him, snuggling close. And the pair sits quietly, just sharing the moment.

The men lay there, content to stay in the fort and touching, holding each other, relaxing as the afternoon continues to draw on until Danny’s stomach starts to protest. “You want a sandwich, babe?” he asks Steve.

“Naah… I’m good,” comes the reply.

“Yeah, okay,” Danny says, then starts to get up.

“Wait, wait,” Steve protests, then pulls Danny back down, grabbing a kiss. “Just a few minutes more,” he says through a yawn.

Danny leans into Steve, kiss after kiss pulling him further from sleep. He lets one hand roam, swallowing the moan Steve lets out as he runs his fingernails over the thin cotton shirt that covers Steve’s chest, teasing the nipple within.

Steve tries to overpower Danny, pulling him on top and settling him on his chest, Danny’s powerful thighs pushing Steve’s legs apart. He arches his back, grinding his cock into Danny’s, then grabs his partner’s ass. As Danny raises his head, Steve asks, “You wanna fuck me?”

Danny almost instantly shuts his eyes, images of Steve already filling his head. He leans down to claim Steve’s mouth, licking his way down the jawline and sucks on Steve’s neck while his hands make quick work of his pants and boxers, then starts on Steve’s, only stopping when Steve raises his hips, pushing his clothing off in one quick motion. Happily naked, he pulls Danny back on top of him.

With a quick kiss, Danny licks a trail down Steve’s chest, stopping to lap at Steve’s leaking cock appreciatively. He brings one finger to Steve’s ass, playing with the tight hole, barely getting the tip of his finger in. Between gasps, Steve says, “We, ummm… We may need some lube.”

“Yeah, I got this,” Danny says, then grins at his partner before grabbing Steve’s legs behind the knee, pushing his legs up, giving him access to Steve’s ass. With a mischievous look, he leans down, first biting the soft flesh of Steve’s ass before licking a trail from just behind Steve’s balls, stopping to lap at his hole.

As the sensation quickly causes gooseflesh across his body, Steve leans up. “Danny…” he says, eyes glazing over as Danny goes back, licking and sucking Steve’s ass. After three minutes of it, he’s mumbling incoherently as Danny continues the magic with his tongue, using a finger or two along the way. 

Danny raises up, and Steve can see his cock leaking liberally. “You ready for this?” he asks as he puts Steve’s legs on his shoulders, Steve’s only reply is a near constant, “Fuck me, Danny. Come on, fuck me already!” and an urgent pulling of Danny closer with his powerful runners legs.

It takes Danny a second to get them lined up, but he finally puts the head of his cock against Steve’s hole. He pushes in gently, feeling the head pop just past the ring but stopping as Steve catches his breath at the intrusion. When Steve lets out the breath, he leans down and claims Steves mouth as he starts to slowly piston his hips, letting his cock enter Steve fully, teasing his prostate over and over with each stroke.
Leaning back up, Danny bites at the knees since they’re closest, then leans down, biting Steve’s nipple before nibbling his way back up Steve’s jawline before reclaiming Steve’s mouth. His breath starts to come in short bursts, and Steve can feel Danny trembling above him, so he moves his hand to his cock, matching Danny’s thrusts stroke for stroke.

“You close, babe?” Danny asks, his eyes glassy. Steve is on so much sensory overload that all he can manage is a nod of his head.

After half a dozen strokes, Steve finally manages, “I’m gonna come, Danny,” and Danny raises back up, increasing his thrust, deliberately hitting Steve’s prostate rapidly and purposefully. As his orgasm starts to bubble up, Steve straightens his legs a bit and feels the coarseness of the blanet-fort’s roof against the bottoms of his feet. With another quick pull of his cock, Steve lets his orgasm overtake him, come spilling out his cock and collecting on his chest, puddling in the lines of his abs. 

Danny’s cock is squeezed by Steve’s orgasm and takes him to the breaking point. He leans up, thrusting Steve’s legs higher as he pounds into Steve, groaning a heavy sigh as he starts to orgasm, spilling his seed deep within his lover.

The combination of Danny on his knees and Steve’s legs prove too much for the fort. Just as Danny starts to come back to reality, he notices the overwhelming warmth enveloping him as Steve starts an easy laugh below him. It takes a few seconds for him to realize that they’ve totally destroyed the fort, all that seems to be holding it up is Danny’s head and Steve’s feet.

“Jesus, babe,” Danny says, then lays down on top of Steve, feeling his stomach get wet as he does so. He claims Steve’s mouth, then slides off to Steve’s side, joining him in the laughter at the ridiculousness of the situation. With one more kiss, he leans up, pulling the blankets off them, and vows to make Steve help him rebuild the fort before Grace’s next visit.

Archiving Old Fic – The Spark – The West Wing – (GEN)

08/27/2011 Posted by walterh

Title: The Spark
Fandom: The West Wing
Pairing: Mrs. Landingham / Tom Jordan
Rating: G

"Mrs. Landingham?"

The busy secretary looked up to the familiar voice, but in an office
full of people, locked her gaze with a handsome, dark haired man. His
eyes caught hers, a twinkle shining her direction.

"Umm..." Donna continued.

Seconds passed as Dolores continued to stare at the man, his eyes
reminding her of her long departed husband.

A smile was shared between the two before reality intruded once again.


Archiving Old Fic – The Peace Offering – The American President

08/27/2011 Posted by walterh

Title: The Peace Offering
Pairing: President Shepherd/Sydney Ellen Wade
Fandom: The American President
Characters: President Shepherd, First Daughter Lucy Shepherd
Rating: G
Summary: Lucy is a rebellious teenager because she feels her mom is being replaced.
Words: ~330
Prompts used: “Ice Cream”, “Rebellion”


“Whatever,” Lucy offered, abandoning her music practice and throwing her instrument down on her bed as if it burned her hands.

“Come on now, Lucy” her father, President Shepherd began, almost begging.  “Can we talk about this?”  Shepherd ran his fingers through his hair.  He could negotiate with the Russian Federation for a proxy-war cease-fire.  He could deal a crushing blow to the Iranian nuclear program with just a speech to the United Nations General Assembly.  Why is it, he contemplated, he couldn’t get through to his teenage daughter about wanting to date Sydney Ellen Wade?  “There’s ice cream in the mess.”  His late wife had never been able to domesticate him, Shepherd still using military terms for ordinary things.

Lucy threw darts at her father through her bang-covered eyes.  “I’m not a child, father.”  She new calling him “father” instead of “dad” would tweak something within him.  Lucy 131, Dad 67.  Since this particular stage of teenage rebellion began, it seemed that Shepherd never scored a single point during their tete a tete matches.  Today seemed no better.

Lucy began to think of how her father had been more attentive as of late, and how the affairs of international relations had even escaped their daily tasks.  Talk of Sydney sprinkled throughout their conversation.  She realized it was better than being battered on the nations that made up the Baltic region.  Better for her, and it seemed better for her father.  She released an angst-ridden teenager sign, though determined not to allow her father see her smile.  “Fine.”

President Shepherd smiled and put his arm loosely around his daughter’s shoulder, as they rounded the corner out of her room, aiming for the White House kitchen.  As Shepherd nuzzled his daughter’s hair lightly, three Secret Service agents sprang into action, flanking the president on all sides.  Lucy even ignored the reference to her and her father in the walkie talkies as they shared a quiet moment.

“Eagle and Little Bird on the move.”


Archiving Old Fic – The Growl – The West Wing

08/27/2011 Posted by walterh

Title: The Growl
Pairing: None
Fandom: The West Wing
Characters: Will Bailey, Toby Ziegler, C. J. Gregg
Rating: G
Summary: Will is PISSED OFF!
Words: ~150
Prompts used: “Furious”, “Therapeutic”


Will scalded the room with a look.  The situation seemed to be so ridiculous that it infuriated him.  Would it be that he not loved these people so much, he would be furious enough with each to last several lifetimes.

Toby and C.J. just signed in unison.  “I know”, Toby offered weekly.

“But if we fall for this stunt by the Republicans,” Will started once again, ” The President will look absolutely buffoonish.”  Will pulled at his hair, hoping for a solution to spring forth from his DHT challenged hair follicles.

“Look,” C.J. began.  “There’s nothing we can do.  Why don’t you go for a run?  Or go kick a-”

“Republican?” Will offered weakly.

“Well, I was going to say a wall.”  C.J. smiled.  “But I hear kicking a Republican during a mid-term can be quite therapeutic.”  It was just enough levity the room seemed to need, the tension releasing like a violently popped balloon.


Archiving Old Fic – The Ceremony – Sports Night – Dan/Casey

08/27/2011 Posted by walterh

Title: The Ceremony
Pairing: Dan/Casey
Fandom: Sports Night
Characters: Dan Rydell, Casey McCall, Isaac Jaffe, Esther Jaffe
Rating: G
Summary: Dan and Casey attend a little function
Words: ~500
Prompts used: “Wedding”, “Aassassination”

Dan reached for Casey’s elbow, leading the two to up the sweeping staircase towards the somewhat noisy party currently under way in the massive hall.  The feel of Casey’s muscular arm, contrasted with the silkiness of the tuxedo material caused a miniscule smile, indicated by the slight hitch in Dan’s mouth.

“Daniel.  Casey.  So good to see you!”  Both men held their hands out to the opulently dressed black woman in front of them, minding the path and wake that the large hat perched on her head created every time she turned.

“Esther.  So good to see you.  What a beautiful service,” complimented Casey.

“Oh it was.  I have never seen a more beautiful wedding.”  Dan’s eyes cut to his boss, whose eyes were glowing with both the joy of a newborn’s father, and the consternation of a man with an unsolvable problem.  “It was beautiful, Isaac.”  Dan fumbled with a large Williams & Sonoma bag in his free hand, a present for the newlyweds to be offered upon entering the reception.

“Where’s my present, Daniel?”  Isaac posed.  Esther shot him an unnerving look.

Casey and Dan looked at each other, then back towards Isaac.  “I’m sorry, sir?”  Inside, Casey was panicking somewhat.  When he was married to Lisa, she had been in charge of all things social.  His new relationship with Dan had been uncharted waters for both of them, and the thought of breached wedding protocol started to tug at the gently unraveling yarn of his soul.  A yarn that Dan could usually bat at easily, as if he were an intrigued kitten, with just a look.

“Present?” Dan inquired.

“Yes.  My present.”

Esther dismissed the trio to welcome even more guests.  Out of earshot, Isaac continued.  “I asked you for something very specific before this wedding, Daniel.”

Both men thought for a moment before the younger man’s face lit up, beaming at his boss.  “Now sir-” he began to protest.

“Now sir me nothing.  Danny, she married a Republican.”

Contemplating their own predicament, Casey offered, “He’s a bright young man, sir.”  Casey turned to eye his partner as he continued.  “And he loves hi- her, very, very much.”

“Be that as it may,” Isaac spoke broadly to both men,”he’s a Republican.  All I asked for was an assassination attempt before the darn thing could get underway.”  Isaac steadied himself on his cane.  “Now what the hell are we supposed to talk about during family holidays and get-togethers”

Dan glanced back at the limousine that was pulling up, breath stolen momentarily from the wondrousness of the bride and groom carefully extracting themselves from the back.  He grabbed Casey’s hand and squeezed lightly, love beaming between the two men.

“Whatever it takes,” Casey offered.

“You do what you have to do for love,” Dan looked up into Casey’s eyes, conveying the emotions of the day between the two men, “Sir.”

Isaac dismissed the couple with a slight swath of his cane, making his way back to his wife.  “Go get a seat, you two.”

As if prepared, the couple responded in unison, “Yes, sir.”

Archiving Old Fic – Two Sorkinverse CrackFic Stories

08/27/2011 Posted by walterh

Fandom: The West Wing/Sports Night (crossover)
Pairing: Dr. Nancy McNally/Dan Rydell
Rating: PG13


It was that moment that Dan wondered just what he'd gotten himself into. 
Sex clubs were supposed to be fun. "Owww..."

"Did I say you could talk?"


"No WHAT??"

"No ma'am."

Nancy picked up a ballgag and put it in her slave's mouth, then continued 
the spanking.



Fandom: The West Wing/Sports Night (crossover)
Pairing: CJ/Jeremy
Rating: PG

It started innocently enough. A look across a crowded bar, which led to 
suggestive conversation, which led to the hotel room the couple had now 
shared for three glorious hours.

CJ readied herself as Jeremy watched. "What?"

"Nothing," she started. "It's just-"


"You reminded me of someone. A friend."


Archiving Old Fic – My Time to Look at Things Anew – Scrubs – JD/The Todd

08/27/2011 Posted by walterh

Author: Squidgie
Fandom: Scrubs
Pairing: JD/The Todd
Rating: NC17
Summary: JD has an interesting day, and The Todd does that thing
with his eyebrows.

Notes: Just a little story that stuck in my head for
a while. Takes place during the sixth season - spoilers
for one of JD's quirks (not to give too much away). I'm
more of a JD/Cox type of writer, but The Todd invaded my
brain and must have rewired me, at least enough to get this
one out. Very mucho thanks to Panda for getting me writing
again, and to WickedWonder for stepping up to be a very
awesome and quick beta. This could turn out to be a series
of stories, we'll see! Feedback definitely welcome!
Disclaimers: Don't own 'em. NBC does, and they'd be
pissed off if they saw what I did with their boys, but
hey, I'd watch the show a HELL of a lot more than I
already do if the shows had scenes like this!


The day started like just about any other for Doctor John Dorian at
Sacred Heart. He started with rounds, checking on his patients,
seeing how they responded to the previous night's treatment, and
evaluated new admits. But today, JD wasn't his usual chipper self.
He was coming down hard on himself for past failed relationships and
being alone. Elliott had Keith, and Turk had Carla, but he had a
string of failures that littered the halls of the hospital and other
nearby establishments. He was not only down, but felt like he was
in a rut and needed to right himself.

Approaching the nurses’ station, JD was immediately accosted. "Bambi!"
exclaimed Carla. "Room 202 needs his chest tube evaluated, and room 206's
labs just came back. Oh, and one more thing?"

*sigh* "Yes, Carla?" The young doctor picked up some charts to
look them over and write new orders.

Carla's eyebrow lifted slightly. "You think you can manage to pull your
head out of your ass today?"

Before he was able to chastise Carla and make a quick getaway, he noticed
a sudden presence to his right. "What's in your ass, now?" The tone
and sexual innuendo was never far away when The Todd showed up.

"Nothing's in my ass, Todd. Thank you."

"Would you like there to be?" Todd followed up the comment with his
trademarked eyebrow wiggle.

In an attempt to get away from both Carla and The Todd, JD clutched
his charts and turned his back on them both. The instant he heard Todd
declare, "I'm going in!" he knew it was a bad idea.

"LOOK!" JD declared, placing his free hand on The Todd's chest. *Wow,*
his mind started to wander as his hand felt the muscular flesh beneath
it. *Has The Todd been working out?* He was brought back to
reality as The Todd began flexing his pectoral muscles, jiggling JD's
hand in their wake. "I don't need anything in my ass, Todd, or
anywhere else for that fact." JD cut Carla off as she began to giggle
slightly, "And I wouldn't mind if you just let it be, Carla."

JD became acutely aware of two things. The grin on Carla's face, due
to the fact that JD's hand was still firmly placed on The Todd's chest,
and the beginnings of an erection in his scrubs. Retracting his hand
finally, JD looked up to see a playful frown on the young surgeon's face.
"Gotta go," JD declared, and left with his charts covering his
nether regions.

"Hey, JD! Wait up!" Todd called, running after the young doctor. When
he was finally caught up, Todd continued. "You know, I know what it's
like to be odd-man out here." JD couldn't help but feel sympathy for
the young surgeon. "If you need to talk or anything, let me know."

JD threw a look of incredulity to The Todd. "Talk?"

This time, the look on Todd's face was not at all playful. "I'm serious,
JD. You're kind of the goofy loner around here. Well, at least since
everyone else has been hooking up." JD could hear the seriousness in
Todd's tone. "Come on. If you need to talk, I'm here."

The pair was passing the on-call room, which would normally be empty
this time of the day. JD took it as a sign and stopped. He put his
hand on the knob and turned it, thinking he must be crazy, but his
want of craving human contact overruled his normally quirky brain.
He looked at Todd and muttered quietly, "What the hell."

The pair entered the quiet, dimly lit room. JD looked around to make
sure they were alone, with The Todd right behind him. Turning, he
didn't realize how close Todd was, and the pair was almost nose to nose.
A smile cracked through JD's face.

"What?" The Todd didn't know whether to smile back or be insulted.

"Nothing," was the quiet reply. "It's just hard to think of you
seriously sometimes when you're always trying to get into everybody's

"Dude," Todd started somewhat seriously. "Have I hit on you lately?"
When JD's face started to turn, he added, "In the last two minutes?"

"Fine." JD gave in and sat down on the lower bunk of the bed farthest
from the door. Todd sat down next to him. "It's just that-" JD started.
"I don't know..." JD looked up from the bedcovers to catch Todd's

"You don't know what?" Todd asked questioningly.

"I don't know. I guess I feel like a loner lately. Everyone has
paired off, even my intern Gloria and Leonard, the security guard with
the hook-hand." JD tried to look around the room, since opening up
to The Todd was a bit difficult for him. "I guess I just wish I
had someone special in my life, but I've screwed up every relationship
with every woman I've ever been in. I guess I'm just looking for a

"Change is good," The Todd offered. "What about dating guys?"

JD blushed and became flustered. "I, er... ahh..."

Sensing being cut off from this newfound personal intimacy, Todd tried
to smooth over his blustering statement. "I mean I don't mean to
cross the line or anythi-"

"You're not crossing the line. And yes, I have dated guys before,"
JD continued. "Actually, my longest relationship was with a guy. It
was in college, but before med school."

"Tell me about him." Todd sounded sincere, if not a bit horny, but JD
decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.

"Well, we had actually met in theater camp when I was really young. His
name was," JD looked up, "was actually, Todd." This revelation brought
a smile to Todd's face, but JD tried to ignore it and continued. "I
went out for a part in Pirates of Penzance in college when one of the
sound guys kept smiling at me. When I finally went up to him to introduce
myself, I finally recognized him. We went back to his apartment and
talked for hours to catch up. When it was time to go...I just decided
to stay over. Then one thing led to another, and..."


For a split second, Todd realized his outburst sounded way TOO horny
and less sincere. He mentally calmed himself down and regained his
serious composure enough for JD to continue.

"Anyway, we were inseparable. I moved into his apartment and we did
everything together for almost two years." A gentle smile came to JD's
face as he remembered the experience fondly. "But then I got accepted
to medical school and had to move. He had family and had to stay, so
we decided to break it off." JD's voice trailed off revealing the pain
he had carried from this breakup over the years. A small tear formed
in the corner of JD's left eye.

"That blows. And not in the good way!" Todd's expression had the
intended effect, and JD rolled his eyes. Todd was smarter than most
people gave him credit for, for he knew how to read people, and how
to diffuse a difficult situation. "I mean, sounds like you really
liked the guy, and it was hard to break it off. Have you dated guys

"No, not really," JD offered half-heartedly. "I mean, I got into
William and Mary, met Turk, and have just stayed away from dating men.
It's just easier that way, I guess."

"Well, maybe it's time. You think?"

JD shrugged nonchalantly. "I dunno... Maybe."

"Think of it this way," Todd tried to offer. "Your longest
relationship was with a guy. If you liked it, and you're not having
success with women, you should give it another try. Who cares what
anyone else thinks, you know?"

Another shrug escaped JD's shoulders. "Yeah", he said absently,
"Maybe I should."

Feeling like a burden had been pulled from his shoulders, JD
actually felt lighter. This time when he looked into The Todd's eyes,
it was in a different light. Sure The Todd was juvenile. But he
proved he could actually be a true friend to lean on. "Thanks, Todd."
JD reached out to hug the young surgeon, as was his way.

"Dude-love-five!" was what JD was greeted back with, so he
unwillingly raised his hand. Todd faked him out, however, and
grabbed JD around the shoulders, giving him a breathtaking bear-hug.

"And ya know," Todd continued as he released the younger man, "If you
wanna get back on that man-love wagon, rides are on me. Literally."

JD laughed. "Aah, Todd. There you are. I knew you weren't
far." The two men got up and started to leave the on-call
room when JD remembered his charts. As he turned and bent over
to pick them up, he felt a sharp pinch on his backside. "Hey!
Hey! Hey! Knock it off."

"I'll let you return the favor anytime."


As the days went on, JD found himself a little happier and a little
more content with his work. He still wasn't dating, but his talk with
The Todd had a strange reaction on his psyche. He felt more comfortable
being himself, and was even more comfortable being alone with himself,
something he had not experienced for quite a while. He even started
looking at The Todd differently. Sure he was a sexist pig that would
sleep with anything that walked, apparently. But he hid a caring, quiet
side as well, that as of now, only JD knew about. It was nice having
that intimacy, especially with another guy. Sure, he had Turk. But
Turk was, well Turk. More like a brother than anything else. The Todd
was, well, The Todd.

Standing at the nurses’ station, JD looked over to the surgeons he was near.
"You wanna go get a drink tonight after work?"

"Can't, dude," replied Turk. "I'm on Izzy patrol tonight since Carla-"

"Not you, Turk. Todd."

Turk looked up from his charts, first at JD, then at The Todd and shot a
‘What the hell?’ look at JD. Appropriately, Turk followed up the look with
a “Dude, what the hell?”

Before JD could answer, Todd did for him. "Sure! But I gotta warn you,"
he followed up. "I get handsy when I've had libations."

"I can handle it." Then, turning to Turk, "What?"

Throwing confused looks like pies, Turk queried, "What just happened here?"

"I think," Carla started, "that Bambi just asked The Todd out on a date."

"A date? Dude," Turk started to sound dire, "Are you sure about this? I
mean, you both work here."


"Owww!" Turk turned to Carla, who was retracting a patient's chart, but
whose expression said could yield another couple of blows. "What was that

"Think about it, jackass," Carla retorted, then mumbled something in Spanish.


His shift over, and his patients tucked in for the night, JD headed to the
doctor's lounge for a quick shower before his "date" with The Todd. Once
his gear was stored, he grabbed a towel and donned his shower shorts. He
did hear one of the showerheads going, and after all, the shorts were for
"the man that had nothing to hide, but still wanted to."

JD hung his towel outside of the communal shower and walked in. Based on
what he was hearing, his favorite spot - the little walled off area that was
somewhat private in the back of the shower *Thank you Americans with
Disabilities Act!* seemed to be open. He walked towards it, and passed a
rather soapy and very naked Todd.

The Todd greeted JD with a "Well howdy-do!" and a couple eyebrow wiggles. JD
kept walking, but couldn't take his eyes off of Todd. The water was flowing
over Todd's body, letting the soap bubbles slide easily off Todd's muscular
shoulders, down his chest, continuing down his stomach and mixing in the
little treasure trail before gently sliding-

"OWWW!" JD had been watching The Todd so close that he ran into the wall
jutting out from his favorite shower spot. *Damn you, Americans with
Disabilities Act!* He absentmindedly grabbed and rubbed his shoulder, while
looking over at Todd. His eyes were met with a huge grin plastered on The
Todd's face, white teeth gleaming back at him. JD eked out a small but
embarrassed smile, then ducked into the small showering area. *Oh yeah,
that was smooth.*

JD took solace that he at least had not fallen down, and that The Todd had
smiled back at him while he was gawking. And at least he was somewhat hidden
at the moment. Still, he hung his head down slightly and leaned into the
wall as he turned on the hot stream of water, letting it cleanse away the
awkwardness he was feeling. The more he stood there, the more he wondered
about Todd, and fixated on the muscled physique that retained in his memory.
There was a bit of a stirring in his shower shorts, fuelled by the thoughts
of a very naked and willing Todd just ten feet away. "Down boy," he
commanded himself.

It was at that instant he heard Todd's shower turn off, and the pad of wet
feet making their way across the shower floor. As the feet seemed to come
closer, JD turned from the wall and looked at a very wet, still very naked
but not soapy this time, Todd.

"Dude... What's with the shorts?"

"They're my shower shorts," JD replied, somewhat lost in the visual
smorgasbord that was The Todd's body. He tried to regain composure,
"They're for the man who has nothing to hide, but sti-"

"Yeah, I know, I've heard it. And I've seen them way too much." Todd
stepped closer and got a bit quieter. "You should lose 'em. Come on!"

"I don't know if that would be wise..." came JD's tentative reply. "After
all, if I did that," JD noted Todd coming ever so much closer, still
shining his pearly whites, "wouldn't we essentially be rounding third
base..." Now The Todd was just inches away, eyebrow up, and other parts
of him getting ready to stand at attention. "...before our first date?"

The Todd's arms rested on JD's hips, just at the waist of the shower shorts.
In one swift motion, Todd pulled JD towards him, their bodies now wet and
clingy. JD laughed a little nervous laugh, which was met by a curious look
on Todd's face. "What?"

JD tried to quiet his nerves. "Um, nothing. I just, um..."

Again Todd's eyebrows went Northward inquisitively. "Yes?"

"I thought you were going to pull my shorts off, not pull me next to you."

The Todd's hands slipped back to JD's waist, tugging at the fabric, but
still keeping JD's body pinned to his. "I can do that, too." With that,
Todd put his hands inside the waistband of JD's shower shorts, and began
to feel around JD's body, pinching his upper buttock and caressing the skin.

JD pursed his lips to object, when Todd seized on that as well. Lips met,
Todd's freshly cleansed lips hitting JD's, and the two tongues entwined.
JD pulled his arms around Todd, pulling the young surgeon closer, wrapping
a hand in Todd's hair. JD could feel the muscles of his partner moving ever
so slightly, touching him here and there, until he became aware of a new
sensation... The coarse waistband of his shorts seemed to be down around
his ankles, from the feel of it, and the sensation of warm water flowing
down his backside.

Eyes open now, JD looked at Todd. "Damn. You're good!"

"No," replied the surgeon. "I'm The Todd."

JD had a laugh stifled as Todd leaned into him and pressed deeply into him,
tongues again twisting, tasting, and enjoying each other. Todd reached down,
one hand cupping one of JD's ass cheeks, the other one reaching up to
playfully twist a nipple. JD's response was to groan, causing a vibration
in both men's throats.

Todd leaned into JD and kissed him harder, pressing his rigid cock into JD's
thigh. JD reached down with his free hand and fisted the cock greedily. As
the intensity of their kiss continued to grow, JD started to gently
stroke Todd's cock, running his thumb over the head. The sensation now
caused Todd to moan, sending Todd's hands further in exploration.

JD felt Todd's hand reach around his ass cheek, stopping at the base where a
well manicured finger start to tease his hole. The more the two men kissed,
the further Todd's fingers would explore. Todd broke the kiss off first
and looked deep into JD's eyes, as his finger pushed deeper into JD's
throbbing hole. "You want it?" he asked, wrapping his other arm around JD
to steady the couple in their wet surroundings.

"It's been..." JD cut himself off as the finger probed deeper, sending him
further into ecstasy. "It's been a while... even longer since I was with
a guy." The overwhelming feelings of lust were consuming him. "I think we
need to-". His words were cut off as he decided to give in to the delicious
feelings Todd was causing within him. JD planted another kiss on Todd's
lips as Todd moved to get a better angle, slipping a second finger into JD's
ass. It took just seconds for Todd to find the prostate, which caused JD
to breathe in sharply with every probe. "Oh yeah, right there..."

Todd made a final push with three fingers into JD's ass, readying him for his
engorged cock. As he opened his eyes, Todd enjoyed the look of ecstasy on
JD's face. He felt JD pushing back on his fingers, signaling that he was
ready. As Todd went in for one more kiss before spinning JD around, his
partner's eyes rolled back into his head. For a split second, Todd was
visualizing high-fiving himself, until he realized JD seemed...

*Ugh* "JD?"

JD's eyes rolled back into his head just as his entire body went limp. Todd
leaned JD's body into his own, holding him so he would not fall. "JD?" Todd
shut off the shower and laid JD down on the wet tile. "Oh shit... Oh shit..."

Todd thought fast. In one fell swoop he pulled JD's shower shorts up, threw
JD over his shoulder, and ran out of the shower. Luckily the doctor's lounge
was near the trauma station, which Todd ran to with JD tucked over his
shoulder. He caught site of an empty bed listed on the patient bed board
and took JD into the room, calling for help as he passed the station.

"Was that-" seemed to be all that Perry Cox seemed to get out before he ran
into the room behind a naked man carrying a very wet companion. As he
entered the room, Perry recognized the naked man, as well as his companion.
"What happened?" Perry asked, looking at the alarmed condition on Todd's

"We were just," Todd started, and then thought better. "I mean he just went
limp in the shower."

Perry Cox thought about commenting on "limp", seeing as how The Todd was all
*but* limp at the moment, but chose to stay professional. "Did he hit his
head at all?"

"No," Todd confessed. "I was able to grab him. What's going on?" As a
surgeon, Todd was used to unconscious patients, but not unconscious sex
partners. The situation had unnerved him somewhat.

"Well I hate to tell you this," Perry started. Actually, at that particular
moment, Perry Cox was *relishing* telling his mentee's apparent sex partner
the situation, but again, professionalism won out. "Did JD tell you about
his condition?"

A confused look plastered itself over Todd's face. "Condition? What

A quick touch to the nose, then the customary folding of the arms had Perry
Cox in his usual stance. "Seems that JD has developed vasovagal syncope. Well,
his particular diagnosis was for defecation vasovagal syncope." The
light started to go on for The Todd. "He passes out sometimes when he
poops...or if there is other pressure, in some way, with his, er," this was
harder, and just not quite as fun as Perry had hoped it would be, "with
pressure on his anus."

Fully relieved that it was just a simple thing, The Todd looked more relaxed.
He knew he was still naked, and probably getting dirty looks from Dr. Cox
and any number of the nurses and staff hanging around outside, but he didn't
care. He looked around for an ammonium carbonate vial. "Do you have any
smelling salts?"

Perry Cox removed a small cotton covered vial from his pocket. "I'll do it,"
he said, nodding to Todd. "I think I know where your hands have been," he
muttered. He didn't particularly care about the coupling, but wished it
whatever nerdy sex his mentee was having would happen OFF campus. He broke
the small ampule and waved it under JD's nose.

It took just seconds for the medication to work, as JD started to rouse from
his slumber. "Wha?" He was a bit groggy at first, focusing on the figure
in front of him. "Todd, I'm so sorry. I should have told you..." JD moved
a little on the bed, turning to Todd, exclaiming halfway through it, "Ow...
my ass..."

A clearing of the throat told JD that he wasn't alone with Todd. *Oh shit...
I am in so much deep shit!* "Hello, Doctor Cox," JD said somewhat

"Are you okay?" Todd asked. JD looked up at Todd's eyes and could see beyond
the immaturity that lay just on the surface that was forever on display,
and instead saw the real person beneath; the person that was concerned about
him right then.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." JD started to get up from the bed slowly, and then pulled
a folded blanket from the side table, handing it to Todd to cover up. As he
offered it, he again repeated, "I'm fine."

"You two, uh," started Perry Cox. "You two get outta here and go home."
Perry turned to leave, then shot over his shoulder. "But for the love of
all things holy AND the nightmares I'm now going to be subjected to, would
you Pa-le-e-ee-e-eeze be careful?"

JD knew it was going to be all right. Perry Cox wouldn't over-enunciate if he
were pissed. And if he weren't mistaken, Cox had winked at the couple before
storming out of the room, parting people who had been congregating on the outside.
"Nothing to see here. Move along! Get back to work or I'll page Bob Kelso."

The crowds parted, JD and The Todd were once again alone. "Thanks," JD said,
reaching out to Todd.

"Anytime, I promise." Todd leaned in, and the couple sealed the promise with
a kiss.



Archiving Old Fic – Love, Sleep and Oral Sex – Scrubs – JD/Dr. Cox

08/27/2011 Posted by walterh

Title: Love, Sleep, and Oral Sex
By: Squidgie (Walter H. Hopgood)
Rating: NC17
Fandom: Scrubs
Pairing: JD/Doctor Cox
Warnings: None
Notes: I'm a pharmacy person by trade, so I had to 
pull some medical stuff off the 'net.  Thanks to Google 
for pointing me in the right direction on comas.  Other 
than that, it's pretty much a PWP story that I had to 
write last night when I couldn't sleep for the life of me.
Disclaimers: Don't own 'em.  NBC does, and they'd be 
pissed off if they saw what I did with their boys, but 
hey, I'd watch the show a HELL of a lot more than I 
already do if the shows had scenes like this!


It had been a tough day at Sacred Heart.  Even tougher
for John Dorian than most of the residents, both physically 
and emotionally.  It was no wonder he was running around, 
biting people's heads off.  Already, Carla and Laverne 
had been cowering at the nurses station, diverting nurses 
and residents alike from JD's area.  When Laverne saw 
Doctor Cox approaching the "forbidden zone", she thought 
twice about warning him. "If anyone can get through to 
that skinny white boy," Laverne said to no one in particular, 
"It's him."

Upon entering the patient's room, Doctor Cox emitted his
trademark whistle.  "Whoa there, Barbie!" exclaimed the
older doctor.  Ignoring the look he received, he continued
with his attempt at humor.  "Now I know that some he-man 
probably broke your little girl heart, but that's no reason 
to turn this," he motioned to the unconscious patient that 
the resident was assessing level of coma on, "poor being 
into your own personal voodoo doll."

JD put down the needle that he had been using to test the 
comatose patient's stimuli with and turned to fully face 
his colleague.  "Listen, I don't need your crap right now, 
okay, PAULINA?"

"Mmmm....  Saucy!  I like a girl with some spunk," Perry 
Cox shot back.  "Tell me now.  Are you wearing the pretty 
pink crotchless panties I bought you?"  Ignoring the daggers 
that sprung from the medical student's eyes, he stepped 
forward.  Now with the pair just inches apart, he drove 
the conversation home.  "You know, if you are, I've got 
some singles in my wallet for a lap dance."

Having taken all that he could stand, vein popping out of 
his forehead and hair thrown back much wilder than normal, 
JD slammed his fists down onto the side of the bed with a 
boom that rang throughout the room and snorted, "ENOUGH!" 
He felt as if he was about to explode, and Doctor Cox seemed 
like the best recipient of his anger at the moment.  "Do 
you know what kind of day I had?" he asked through gritted
teeth.  "No, you don't.  Why?  Because you haven't been here 
for thirty six friggin' hours, have you?  No!  You haven't 
had to deal with  nine codes, two DOAs, three overdoses, 
each of whom has decided to puke on the part of me that was 
previously not covered by the bodily fluids of an earlier 
patient, and this," he gestured back at the stilled patient, 
"damn idiot who I don't know why medically he's in a coma, 
but he is."

JD knew that he shouldn't have taken his frustrations out on 
the older doctor, but he had just been in the wrong place at 
the wrong time.  As he pulled his hands up to his face in an 
effort to wipe away the frustration, Doctor Cox went to work, 
studying the chart.  "Bloody sputum, cyanosis," he began 
reading from the chart, "And according to the EKG, tachycardia.  
Tell me, sunshine," he finally looked over at JD, "Did anyone 
mention if Mister Johannsen here has been traveling recently?"

A guarded, questioning look shot from JD's eyes, wondering 
where his superior was going with the line of questioning.  
Thinking back, he remembered the worried wife who brought 
the disoriented patient in.  "Actually, yes.  He just came 
back this morning from a business trip to Colorado.  Came 
home early, as a matter of fact, because he wasn't feeling 

"Well then," Doctor Cox retorted, smacking the younger doctor 
on the shoulder, "You've ordered a CT scan, yes?"  With the 
head-nod acknowledgment by JD, Doctor Cox continued, 
"Because this looks like HACE to me."

"Oh shit...." JD uttered, his voice barely intelligible.  
"High Altitude Cerebral Edema."  He looked at his older 
counterpart when the lightbulb had finally turned on in his 
head.  "His CT scan is in an hour.  That should confirm it."  
He sheepishly studied his shoes for a moment, embarrassed 
for the oversight.  "I'll let you know the results, sir," 
JD finished his thought, voice barely audible.  "Oh, and 
Doctor Cox?" he added as the older doctor turned to leave. 
"Thank you."

A twinkle shown brightly from Perry Cox's eyes at his favorite 
medical student.  "Not a problem, cupcake," he added, in an 
effort to poke JD's buttons once more.  "Now cheer the hell 
up!" he declared rather loudly, followed by a smack to JD's 
posterior, then stopped in his tracks.  "Oh my lord and stars, 
*that's* what the attitude is about." Doctor Cox put his hand 
on JD's right butt cheek, letting it linger. "You're not 
wearing the crotchless after all," he began playfully.  "You're 
in that thong again, aren't you, and it's ridden all the way up 
your crack.  Right?"  A smile showed his perfectly white teeth, 
while his hand lingered just a moment longer than it should.  
"Is it the hot pink one or the 'All American' red, white, and 
blue model you save for government holidays?"

Frustrated, overly tired, and now embarrassed at being somewhat 
turned on, JD pushed Doctor Cox's hand away.  "You want to know 
about my panties?  *Fine*!  Here."  JD began to loosen the tie 
that kept his scrubs up around his thin waist.  "Look all you 
want, Bucko!"  JD removed his hands, and the scrubs were pulled 
down by gravity, giving the doctor what he thought was enough 
to make him turn and run screaming from the room.

Instead of leaving, the older man surprised JD by putting his 
hand to his chin, studying the sight appreciatively.  "Well now, 
Buster Brown," Perry Cox retorted with a raised eyebrow, 
"Someone *is* happy to see me!"  

What JD had not realized until he looked down at himself, was 
that his cock seemed to be at half staff, a result of the 
attention the not-so-innocent butt rub inflicted on him by his 
superior.  "Oh jeez...."  If here were a bedpan in the room, 
surely he could crawl into it and hide until the end of his 
residency, or at least until Doctor Cox had left the room.  
If only that last patient hadn't thrown up on his midsection, 
thoroughly soaking his scrubs and through to his last pair of 
boxers he had stashed in his locker.

*/ What the hell, /* Perry thought, and took the resident's 
cock into his left hand.  "Well now," he began, trying to take 
control of the situation, "When was your last physical?"  Before 
the younger man could reply, he continued on and added, in his 
most doctorly voice, "Turn your head and cough, young man" he 
ordered, taking his time with moving JD's testicles out of the 
way, while gently rubbing the tip of JD's cock with his thumb.  
Sure enough, JD turned his head away from the older man and 
coughed and waited for the next command.  

And waited.

After a full five seconds, with blood continuing to engorge 
his turgid penis, JD turned his head to face his colleague.  

"Well what?" Doctor Cox threw back.  "I've got your cock and 
your balls in both of my hands.  And I don't have to know 
medicine to see what's going on down there."  He squeezed JD's 
cock slightly, encouraging a small drop of fluid from the slit.  
"What are you gonna do?"  Perry Cox bit his lip pensively, 
awaiting reaction.

Whether it was lack of sleep, the frustrating day, or just 
the fact of having to see Doctor Cox's naked physique in the 
shower day after day, JD would never know what made him do it.  
But before he came to his senses, he pulled his superior's 
face towards his own,  stealing a kiss from the slightly pouty 
lips he always seemed to focus on.  JD forced his tongue into 
Perry's throat, a moan slipping from both of their chests.  
With each twist of their tongues, Perry Cox seemed to pull 
and caress JD's fully engorged cock, manipulating it in his 
hot, silken hands.

The feelings experienced by John Dorian were exquisite, but 
with the patient room so public, he began to get nervous and 
pulled back slightly from the good doctor's lips.  He looked 
into Perry's brilliant eyes and stuttered, "Um.... Don't.... 
Don't you think we should-"

"You bet I do," Perry Cox cut him off.  In an instant, he 
closed the door behind him and sank to his knees, wrapping 
his warm hand around the young doctor's penis.

"No!  I meant-" JD began, but all sense of right and time 
left him as Doctor Cox engulfed his cock in his warm, wet 
mouth.  Unconsciously, JD wrapped his hands around Perry's 
head, while he leaned back onto the patient's bed.  The 
sensations he felt were wonderful, as he gave into the 

Perry Cox had longed for this moment, and now that it 
presented itself, he relished it.  He let his hand guide 
his mouth, corkscrewing down over the resident's cock, 
while playing with JD's lightly fuzzy balls with his other.  
He coaxed a moan out of the younger man's mouth by 
squeezing  the balls ever so lightly, all the while 
increasing the suction he used on the sensitive member.  

A combination of no sleep, along with the ministrations 
of a *very* talented tongue, helped to increase the intensity 
of everything JD felt.  It wasn't long before he was panting 
heavily, feeling the approach of his impending orgasm build.  
With each bit of praise he uttered to whatever deity he 
could think of, Perry increased his rhythm.  Before he knew 
it, JD was on the brink of release, thrusting his cock deep 
into the moist cavern of Doctor Cox's throat.  "I'm....  
I'm...." was all he was able to get out.

Perry Cox reluctantly pulled off of the younger man's 
cock, slicking it with spit as a lubricant.  He continued 
to manipulate the cock with his hands, paying particular 
attention to the head, as JD threw his head back, his orgasm 
imminent.  Perry looked up at the wondrous sight of his 
protege, head thrown back in a state of utter passion, as 
the younger man gave into his orgasm.  Wave after wave 
overtook him, and Perry helped the younger man keep his 
balance by steadying him with his arm, letting JD relish 
in the moment.

After what seemed an eternity, John came back to reality, 
though very slowly.  He looked down at the man that brought 
him such great pleasure, a sheepish grin covering his face.  
It was then that he noticed his scrubs; the third pair he'd 
had on that day.  "SHIT!"

Doctor Cox followed the younger man's gaze, seeing where 
JD's eyes rested.  A large puddle of semen had soiled the 
bunched-up left leg of his scrubs, currently straddling his 
ankles.  He chuckled easily, making light of the situation.  
"Well now, Newbie," he began.  "Guess someone's gonna have 
to make a mad dash of it, now isn't he?"  He grinned widely 
at JD, grabbing a meaty asscheek and squeezing it hard.  

John shut his eyes but for a moment, as he was brought back 
to reality with a light embrace and warm lips caressing his 
own.  At that very moment, his troubling day, lab results, 
forgotten orders: not a thing mattered.  Only he and Perry, 
at that moment, and what they'd shared.  As he fumbled with 
his clothes, Doctor Cox helped him, copping a feel here and 
there along the way.  

Once both men were mostly presentable, save the large wet 
spot on JD's leg, Perry took JD by the arm, fishing for 
something in his own pocket.  "Here," he said, thrusting a 
key into JD's hands, "take this."

"Wha...."  JD began somewhat unintelligible before Perry cut 
him off.

With as much authority as he could muster, Perry looked 
sternly at the young resident.  "Home.  Now.  No questions, 
just go."  As JD turned his head quizzically, he added, 
"My home.  There's too many people coming and going at your 
place.  I'm ordering you to get out of here and go rest.  
But I'm asking you to stay with me.  Think you can handle 
that, John?"

A sleepy grin plastered itself like a giant billboard over 
JD's face, at the first time ever use of his real name by 
his superior. "Yeah," he beamed.  "I think I can."

"Good," Perry shot back before stealing a quick kiss and 
making his exit from the room, "Because we're not through, 
you and me."  With a wink, he was gone.



Archiving Old Fic – The Ride – Scrubs – JD/Dr. Cox

08/27/2011 Posted by walterh

Author: SquidgiePDX
Title: The Ride
Fandom: Scrubs
Pairing: JD/Dr. Cox
Rating: PG13
Words: 1025ish
Disclaimer: First time fic.  This is something I started to be a
much longer fic, but stopped at a natural point and never went further
with.  Decided to publish as is.  Not my characters, owned by ABC.
Summary: What happened after Dr. Cox uttered the words "We're not done!"
to JD, then climbed on the scooter with him.


"We're not done."

Those words rang through JD's ears as Dr. Cox had tapped him on
the helmet, then climbed aboard Sasha, JD's scooter, and urged
him on.  The older doctor grabbed JD around the waist, almost causing
JD to lose control.  /* I've imagined this before, but I know I'm
not going to like the outcome */ JD thought as the two plodded on
towards his apartment.

JD waited for Perry Cox to get off the bike before shutting it off.
Wide eyed, he looked at his mentor with a "What did I do?" innocent
look plastered across his face.

"Don't give me that, you!" was all of the response he would get.  
Responding the the slight pout on JD's lips, the older man relented 
every so slightly.  "Come on; let's get inside and talk."

The stairs to JD and Turk's apartment, now fully inhabited by Carla
as well, seemed to tower over JD forever.  As he slowed down slightly,
he was rewarded with a smack to the backside.  "Get a move on there,
Newbie" was all he had to hear before he started taking the steps 
two at a time, but still not anxious to be alone with his mentor.  In
becoming a doctor, JD had buried his feelings about who he was, and
tried to hide them from others.  His failure in dating women was
phenomenal, but at least he was keeping his secrets safe.

"You want a beer?" JD asked quietly as the two stepped into the apartment.

"Yeah.  No.  Wait, later."  Perry Cox  JD looked at him
curiously, not ever having experienced the older man being tongue tied. 
If anything, he was the most verbose man JD had ever met.  

At that moment the medical compulsive part of his brain merged with his
imagination.  /* Oh god.  He's so angry at me that he's had a stroke.  
Quick, get him some aspirin and call 911! */  JD's eyes betrayed him.

"Calm down, Newbie."  Dr. Cox grabbed JD by the shoulder and directed
him towards the couch, leading him first by the arm, then by holding the
small of JD's back.  "Come.  Sit."  Perry motioned a spot on the sofa,
and the two sat.

"I, uhh" Dr Cox stammered.  He looked around the apartment, down at his
shoes, and then finally go the courage to look into his young apprentices
eyes.  "Aww, shit".

"What?"  By this time JD's imagination was going into overdrive.  He 
was desperate, but wasn't quite sure what he was more desperate for - to
get out of the aparment, get away from his mentor who's jaw was clenched
every so sexily, or...  

"Look," Perry broke the silence finally, "I like you."  Looking at the floor
again, Perry got up and started pacing.  "Damnit."

Dumbfounded, JD stared at the older man.  "What do you mean, you like me?"

Not quite knowing where to start, Perry Cox started blurting things out.
"You know Jordan is a good friend.  She was a horrible wife, but she's made
a good ex-wife, and a much better friend."  Perry looked into JD's eyes.
"She's made me realize a lot of things.  Things about me."  The older man's
eyes dropped to the floor for a second, then locked onto JD's like a
missle.  "...and things about you."

"What do you mean, things about me?"

"I mean I like you.  I mean I really like you."

"Oh great, so I'm some kind of Sally Field award acceptance speech?"  The 
confused look on Perry Cox's face at JD's diversionary tactic was met
with, "I know, I know.  I was a theater camp geek."  And while JD's
lips tried to divert the subject, his heart and mind were racing.

The patented Cox whistle echoed through the empty apartment, and a
flustered expression, along with pointed finger, directed JD to sit.
"Listen," Perry started, "this isn't easy for me."

"Then just spit it out.  Whatever it is, just te-"

JD was cut short when the older man leaned into him and kissed him with
a ferocity fit for a wild beast.  

"-ll me...  What just happened?"

Finally able to have a coherant thought pass from his head to his
lips, Perry spoke.  "You make me crazy.  You make my day.  I look forward
to coming in to work just so I can spend some time with you.  And yeah,
I know that I make you crazy by calling you Melinda and Sherry and
Carolyn, but I also know that you love it as much as I do."  With 
bashful eyes, a trait not normally seen in the dominant narcicistic
male, he continued, "And I really hope that you and I can do something
about this."

"What this?  All you did was say you liked me and you kissed me." JD
was getting a bit flustered.  Sure, he cared for his mentor, and wanted
this - probably even more than his mentor did.  But his wall of protection
that he had built over the years working with a man who did not seem to
like him the same way back shot up and dug a moat, as if his heart were
protected deep within the walls.

A sigh escaped Perry Cox's lips, scuplted chest sinking in the scrub top
he was wearing.  A weak, defensive smile on the older man's face tried to
hide the hurt he had just been inflicted.  "Look.  I have come to terms
with who I am, and who I want to be with.  I'm pretty sure," he continued,
grabbing JD's chin with his strong hand and focused on his eyes, "that
you like me as well.  I would really like to give this a shot," then added,
"if you're interested."

Seconds passed.

"I mean it, John".  

There was something in the older man's tone, and the sincerity of using
his name - his REAL name - that caught JD off balance slightly, and
forced a smile across is face.  JD reached out for Perry's hand from under
his chin, kissed the palm gently, then looked into the older man's eyes
before closing his own, and returning the smoldering kiss from before.


Archiving Old Fic – The Ring – The Sentinel – Jim/Blair

08/27/2011 Posted by walterh

Title: The Ring
Author/pseudonym: Squidgie (Walter H. Hopgood)
Email address:
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: J/B

Status: NEW
Date: 2/28/98
Archive: YES to Merry and Michelle
Archive author: Squidgie
Archive email address:
Series/Sequel: Part of the Panda series 
Other website:

Disclaimers: I don't own Jim or Blair - they're owned by UPN and Pet
Fly. However, I *do* make many trips up to Vancouver, and if the
boys just happen to make their way back home with me in my suitcase,
I promise to send them back relatively unharmed. :)

Notes: This is dedicated to my Panda.  This story is the second in a
series called "The Panda Series."  Each story is a standalone, but 
contains a panda in some way.  The first of this series was titled
"The Bear."  Big old bear-hugs to you, ShelBear!  You're a great
influence on me, and a wonderful editor!  This is my second
Sentinel story.  Feedback is wanted desperately (or I'll send you 
an email chain letter!  Bwahahahahahaha!!!)

Summary: It's just a Jim and Blair story

Warnings: None, unless you don't like romance.  There is no sex in
this, but there is a steamy scene.  :)

The blue and white truck pulled off of the road, turning into the
parking lot of a convenience store.  "Sure, Chief, whatever.  When they
start carrying whole wheat, organic Twinkies at Whole Foods, I'll
buy them there.  Until then," Jim pulled his keys from the ignition,
turning to Blair and giving him a flat expression, "after you buy
groceries, I get to stop here and pick up my junk food."

A sigh escaped Blair's lips.  "Man, don't you know how *bad* those
things are for you?  Think about what that crap is doing to your
insides, Jim!"

Jim's face lit up with an innocent smile.  "Yeah, but it keeps me
looking young, Chief."  When Blair's face threw an expression that
could only mean, /Yeah, right/, Jim narrowed his eyes at him, sending
imaginary daggers right through Blair.  

Oblivious to the invisible blades penetrating his person, Blair continued
on with his tirade as they made their way in and through the store.  
"Jim, you heard about the latest findings about what preservatives are 
doing to us, haven't you?  Did you know that the average corpse is 
degrading at a rate that is 53 percent slower than corpses from the 19th 
century?  And-"

"Blair!" Jim almost yelled, "I don't really need to know this.  But
what I *do* need," he said while grabbing a few packs of Hostess'
finest, "is my own little version of heaven.  Besides you, that is,"
and shot a smile to his partner that showed he'd won, and Blair's
version of healthy cardboard "treats" were not long in finding their
way to the dumpster.

Blair wished that Jim wouldn't do that.  It was hard enough that through
the course of the last couple of years that he'd fallen head over heels
in love with him, with a healthy amount of lust thrown in for good measure.  
But when Jim teased him, unknowing of his teasing's effects, it made 
Blair's desire ache that much more.  It did, however, have the desired 
effect that Jim was going for.  Blair became flabbergasted at the remark 
and had stopped his health food tirade.

The pair made their way up to the checkout counter, which was now
a couple of people deep.  The clerk spotted them over the ten year
old, who's icy drink was dripping all over the counter and the change
he spilled out of his pocket to pay for the beverage, and shot
an instant smile towards Jim.  /Your day's looking up, Delores/ she 
thought, /Your sexy detective is here./  Delores had a thing for
the cop that started the day he walked in wearing his dress blues.
Her suggestive smile beamed at him, her eyes not hiding a bit of
desire.  Jim, never the one to take flirting well, blushed a deep 
crimson when her made up eyelid winked at him.

"She want's ya, big guy," Blair whispered to him, which made him blush
even deeper.  

"Knock it off, Ch-"

"DON'T MOVE!"  The voice came from behind them suddenly.  Everyone in
line's attention was immediately drawn to the young man, pointing a
gun at the crowd.  The man's eyes seemed desperate, almost wild.
"Give me all your money!"  All hands in the line instinctively went
up, as Blair and Jim began to scrutinize the robber, searching for
a weakness.  /Jesus/ Jim thought to himself.  /This kid's strung out
on something./  Seeing this, he knew instinctively to take the situation
easy; don't provoke the kid or he might do something stupid.

Jim began speaking slowly, quietly.  "It's OK... Why don't you-"

"SHUT UP!  Now give me all the money in the register, and everybody
give me your wallets.  You!  Behind the counter!  Put it in a bag and
pass it this way."  The kid was sweating, his eyes darting about and 
hands shaking.  He couldn't have been more than eighteen, but scared 
and desperate.  His tenseness was echoed by the people he was now
holding up.

Again, Jim tried to calm everyone down with a calm, authoritative voice.
"It's OK, everyone.  Just do as he says and he'll leave us alone."  He
reached into his pocket and retrieved his wallet, handing it to the boy
along with the others that were being offered.  Realizing that his 
situation was working as he planned, he began to shake off some of
his nervousness and reached out to grab the items offered to him.
Hands shaking just slightly, he took too big a handful, dropping a
couple to the ground.

"SHIT!" He exclaimed, pointing the gun directly at Jim.  Jim looked down,
realizing it was his wallet that had fallen, opening up and displaying
his badge prominently.  The gun, aimed directly at Jim's head, was
shaking violently.  "You a cop?" he asked, the meekness of his conviction
showing in his voice.

Jim didn't even get to utter the words.  As he began to form the word "Yes" 
on his lips, shaking his head affirmative to the question, the boy panicked
and grabbed the person nearest him, treating him as a shield between him
and the cop.  The money forgotten, he tried to back away from the group,
all the while holding his captive close to his body.

/Shit, man, not again./ Blair thought to himself.  He kept his arms up as
the robber held him by the neck, backing slowly toward the door of the 
convenience store.  His eyes locked onto Jim, his arms also still in the
air, and conveyed his panic back to Jim.  Blair and the robber were about
five feet away from the group, when the noise of an oblivious teenager
coming through the main door startled them.  The thief flung around and 
shot the gun toward the sound of the noise, sending him and Blair off

This slight distraction was all Jim needed.  He lunged at the thief as
soon as he began to turn in a desperate attempt to control the situation.
He landed on the robber, who's arms flailed, sending the gun one direction
and Blair the other.  As Jim and the thief landed on the ground with a
thud, Blair's forehead connected with the corner of a display table with
an eerie crack, his body falling to the floor unconscious.  Panic took 
over in Jim's thoughts as he flew into Blessed Protector mode for his
guide - *his Blair*.  "Blair!?" he called, as the young man beneath him
began to stir and fuss, reality coming back to him.  He asserted his
entire weight down on the robber, adjusting only to flip the boy over,
yanking the boy's arms behind his back harshly.  "BLAIR?" he yelled 
again, inflicting pain on the robber by pulling his arms even higher, as if
punishment for what he'd done.  With all the confusion and noise, it
took all his available strength and concentration to force out everything
around him - the groaning robber beneath him, the crying child who had
been at the front of the line, the sound of a police siren that was now
about two blocks away, everything - and focus on the heartbeat of his
guide.  There it was.  It was still beating at a rapid pace, but it was

Jim breathed somewhat easier, and turned to the woman behind the counter
who was still standing there, frozen.  "Did you trip your silent alarm?"

The woman slowly came back to reality, as if in a coma and waking up for
the first time in years.  She reached under the counter, pressing the
switch.  "I..I...I just did."

/SHIT/ Jim cursed to himself.  /That must have been for somewhere else/
he thought, wishing the sound of the police car was for the store.  "Get
on the phone and call for an ambulance!  Tell them it's an officer down."
Jim knew he stood the chance of getting written up, but Sandburg *was* his
partner, and after two years on the force, most of the cops treated him
as close to a cop as they could.  He *was* one of their own, at least in
Jim's eyes.  Another struggle of the body below him brought his attention
back to the young robber.  "Do you have any rope or anything back there?"

The clerk turned to hang up the phone and shook her head at Jim.  As soon 
as the phone was in it's cradle, she moved to the sink behind her and turned
the water on, letting it wet a washcloth in the sink.  She rang it out
and went to Blair, who was just barely starting to stir.  Jim blocked
the smell of blood as best he could, and watched the woman dab at the
crimson stained gash on Blair's forehead, cooing over him slightly.  
"Shhh... It's gonna be fine," she spoke quietly to Blair.  She wiped
away as much blood as the thin, well-worn cloth could handle, then
patted Blair on the chest before getting up to rinse it out and freshen
it up.  Jim couldn't stand not being able to help his guide, but took
a little comfort in the aid the clerk was providing.

Blair began to move gently, a moan escaping his lips.  He drew his hands
up toward his head, speaking in a voice barely audible to even a
Sentinel's hearing.  "Jim?"  His hand touched his bleeding wound,
wincing in pain as he did so.  "Oh, man..."

"Don't move, Chief," Jim demanded.  "You took a nasty fall."  The clerk
knelt again at Blair's side, dabbing his head and held the cloth
in place to slow the bleeding.  "Just take it easy," he added as police
and an ambulance pulled up outside.  

Raising his arms to his sides and pushing himself up, Blair tried to
force his back from the floor.  "I'm fine, Jim," he added woozily.
"I don't need to-"

"Forget it, Chief.  You're going to get checked out by the docs, so lay
down or as soon as I get off this guy, I'll come sit on you and hold *you* 
down."  Jim shot a smile to his partner.

"Promises, promises," Blair added, weakly, and collapsed back on the

There was a flurry of activity as Jim handed off the thief to the
officers, all the while keeping at least his hearing on Blair and
the EMTs who were caring for him.  He noted all the readings that
they had been doing, showing Blair's vitals had all been within
normal parameters.  Jim told the arresting officer that he'd be in
to fill out the paperwork Monday; this was his day off, and with
that, turned his full attention to Blair.

"Jim, *please* tell them that I'm fine.  I'm just a little weak.  I
can rest at home."

Jim snorted a cautious laugh.  "No can do, Chief.  Boys?" he looked
at the EMTs, "You may have to strap him in," which brought a
laugh from the technicians.  "Chief?  You do as they say.  I'm going
to get the groceries home, then come to the hospital and check on
you, OK?"  As much as Jim wanted to ride with Blair and the EMTs,
his Blessed Protector mode doing overtime, he also didn't want to
freak Blair out.  He looked fine, and was fine from what they'd
told him.

"I *told* you I'm just a little weak.  I'll be...." Blair's face went
blank, and his head hit the small pillow with a light thud.  His eyes
rolled back into his head, and his body began to tremble, each limb
convulsing violently. 

"CHIEF?!!?" Jim yelled, bringing the technician's full attention back
to Blair.

"Shit!  Grand Malle."  The first EMT called as he grabbed Blair's head
and held it back.  "Robert, get me a mouth plate!"  The second EMT flew
back out to the ambulance as panic covered Jim's face.

"What can I do?" Jim asked the EMT, his panic showing in his voice
as it did on his face.

"Hold his legs."  Robert, the second EMT, ran back in the store, handing 
the instrument to the first EMT.  Jim watched as it was inserted into 
Blair's mouth as Blair's body continued to convulse.  "Does he have a 
history of seizures?"

Jim shook his head.  "No.  This is the first."  Jim watched as Robert
hooked each set of straps from the side of the stretcher around Blair's
body, wrapping him into a medical cocoon.  "Did his fall cause this?"

"I can't tell.  Let's roll."  The pair moved Jim out of the way and 
brought the stretcher to it's standing position, and quickly made
through the door and to the ambulance.  

In an instant Jim was running after the pair, climbing into the cab of 
the ambulance.  Robert turned to him, not knowing the full extent of
the pair.  "Are you his next of kin?"

A shot of pain ran through Jim's body at the words, and he winced
slightly.  "I'm his partner," he offered firmly.  His eyes told the
driver not to question him, just let him ride.

"Fine," Robert added while reaching for the microphone.  "Just sit back
and stay out of the way."  He brought the microphone to his face and
announced their status.  "Cascade General, this is Alpha-40..."


The ride to the hospital had been the longest five minutes of Jim's life.
Blair's convulsion had stopped a few blocks from the hospital, but he
was still out.  Jim's senses were running at full capacity, his 
hearing and sight trained on his guide who was strapped down in the
back of the ambulance.  

Jim was climbing out of the vehicle before it had come to a complete stop
at the doors to the emergency room.  He ran to the back of the ambulance
and barely missed a door as it swung open.  The driver, Robert, made
his way to the open doors and the paramedics worked in tandem, taking
Blair out of the ambulance, rolling him through the doors and toward
a room.  Jim followed, listening to the pair give report to a nurse and
doctor to whom they were handing Blair off.  Before he could enter the
room, he was met by a nurse in blue scrubs, blocking his entrance.
"Are you with um, Mister..." she looked at the paperwork in her hands.

"Sandburg," Jim replied, almost yelling.  "I'm his partner."

"Then what I need you to do," she added in a much practiced and almost
condescending tone, "Is to go out there," she pointed towards the lobby,
"get him registered, and fill out his paperwork."

A scowl overcame Jim's face, but he knew he was defeated.  He trained
his hearing on Blair's room, and turned towards the ER lobby, sighing
his resignation of the situation heavily.  He walked through the double
doors, and sat in the chair next to the admitting clerk, and started
rattling off Blair's pertinent information to him, all the while alert
to the goings on in Blair's room.  As he heard it, Blair was stable, but
the doctor wanted several tests to be run to check the extent of his
head trauma.  

The clerk finished entering the essential information into the computer 
and handed Jim a stack of paperwork, nodding to a chair in the lobby
in which he could complete it.  As Jim rose, he smiled, hearing his
guide's voice as Blair came to.  He crossed the room, listening
in on the conversation.

"Wh.. What happened?  Where's Jim?"

"It's OK, Mister Sandburg.  You hit your head and had a seizure." The 
voice was singsong and calming.  "You're in Cascade General ER and
we need to run a few-"

"Where's JIM?!" Blair demanded, rustling the sheets on the gourney.  

"Lay back down, Mister Sandburg.  Your partner is out in the lobby.  After
we've run some tests, we'll let him come back, OK?  But until then," more
rustling of the gourney's sheets, "You have to lay back and let us finish,
OK?  Do you understand, Mister Sandburg?"

Blair must have nodded, as the person attending him turned and walked
out of the room.  Under his breath, he muttered, "Do you understand,
*Mister* *Sandburg*?"  He lay his head back down, the sound of silky,
dark curls running over the pillow beneath his head.  "Jim, I know you're
out there, and you're probably listening to me right now.  I'm fine,
so you can stop worrying."  Jim smiled quietly to himself.  His guide
seemed to know him quite well.  "You can take Blessed Protector out of 
overdrive now."

A heavy sigh of relief finally passed Jim's lips, and he slumped back
in his chair, finally allowing himself to relax for the first time
since the incident.  /God, I don't know what I'd do without my Blair./
he thought.  /Wait a minute, *my Blair*?  That's the second time.../
his thoughts trailed off as to how he was thinking of his partner in
a possessive sense.  The lamp of enlightenment had been lit back at the 
store as Blair lay bleeding, when Jim realized he couldn't do anything for
his partner.  All emotion began to clash within him, as he allowed his
deep, far hidden feelings to float to the surface.  Yes, *his* Blair.
The feelings of helplessness had helped chisel the love that he held for
his partner free from his darkened, closed off heart.  His eyes began
to well with tears as the emotions swirled within his chest.  /Yes/
he finally admitted to himself, /I'm in love with Blair./

Jim wiped the tear from his eye, as the frustration of reality hit
him hard.  /Stupid!  You're in love with your straight partner. *STRAIGHT*/.
He got up and dropped the forms off to the admitting clerk, and made
a quick trip outside.  It had suddenly gotten very stuffy in the lobby,
and he needed space - and time - to deal with his newfound emotions.
Once in the clean air, he shook his head, as if to force all of the
thoughts into one easy way of dealing with them.  Knowing how futile
this was, he began to walk.  On one hand, he wanted to rush to Blair's
side and tell him his new found feelings.  That's what Blair would want,
right?  But reality kept stomping the idea down, telling him that he had
a damn good thing right now, and not to blow it.  Jim laughed to himself
at his sudden pun.  "God, Ellison, what are you gonna do?"

Jim looked up to the sky, as if for guidance, and it came raining down
on him in buckets.  The sky was a beautiful blue, immediately reminding
him of his partner's eyes and the soul that prowled beneath them.  He
knew that was something he never wanted to lose, so he made a promise to
himself.  He could love his guide, but only from afar.  He had to hide
his true emotions from Blair, lest he find out and leave Jim forever.
Jim shuddered at the thought - he didn't think he could handle that.
"Do what you gotta do, Jimmy," he said quietly to himself.  "Just don't 
lose him." With a heavy sigh, Jim turned back to the emergency room, 
and walked slowly back.

The closer he got, the better he could hear his guide's heartbeat.  He
walked back into the ER, and started to make his way to his original
seat, still focused on Blair's room.  There were other people with him
now, discussing the further tests needed to be done.  He heard Blair 
speak.  "No way, man.  I don't *want* an MRI.  Those things freak me 
out, man."  Jim knew his partner was frightened by the edge in his voice. 

"Mister Sandburg, you really shoul-"

Jim was brought back quickly by the woman making her way to him.  
"Mister Ellison?"  He suppressed a flinch as the closness of the voice 
bombarded him, and mentally turned down his hearing.

"Yes?"  He replied, trying to be casual.

The nurse motioned her hand towards the double doors, through where his 
partner was.  "You can come back and see him now."

"Thanks," Jim muttered, and headed straight for Blair's room.  He rounded
the corner in near record time and came to stand just outside of the
room.  He knocked quietly as he entered, trying not to disturb the
conversation taking place too much.  "Chief?"

A pair of the bluest eyes he had ever seen met his, threatening to steal
his breath.  "Jim!  Thank god you're here.  They want to do an MRI, man.
I don't think I can handle it."

Jim took his place at Blair's side, opposite the doctor, touching his
leg gently.  "I don't know, Doc.  I tend to agree.  He can barely sit
still through a movie." He ignored the glare the was now beaming at him.
"I don't know how he'll be able to be still for an MRI."

"Well, like it or not, he has to have one.  Mister Sandburg," he turned
to Blair, "seizures don't just come about for no reason.  I want to make
sure that there's no scarring, no permanent damage."

"Too late," Jim added wryly, earning him yet another glare.  "Blair, I'll
be right there.  You'll be fine.  There's nothing to worry about."  Jim
realized his hand was still on Blair's shin, rubbed it in a comforting
motion, and withdrew it easily, as to not call attention to it.  For
Blair, this was too late.  Jim's touch had been electric, as it always
was.  He silently prayed to all the gods he could remember *not* to get
excited, not to let the electric touch of Jim's hand get to him, but a cool 
breeze gave his body other ideas.  As he tried to mentally turn his emotions 
off, the breeze caressed his chest, his shirt unbuttoned and laying open, 
causing his nipples to harden in an instant.  Blair tried to casually 
adjust himself, hiding it as a motion of giving in to the doctor's wishes.

"OK, I'll do it," he admitted, leaning forward to cover his nipples and 
minutely adjust the hardness in his jeans.  He turned to his partner.
"Just promise me you'll be there, man."

Jim was momentarily caught off guard, his sense of smell suddenly
pummeled by... pheromones?  There was the distinctive smell of Blair
with a new smell that challenged this senses as well as his thoughts
about his roommate.  "You got it, Chief," he added, trying not to be too 
conspicuous as he continued to investigate the odor.


"Take off all your clothes, and put this on."  Hearing this in any other
situation would normally intrigue Blair, turning him on if it were
the right person saying it.  But not now.  "Your jewelry, too.  
Mister Ellison and I will go into the booth."  Hospital gown now handed
over to Blair, the radiology technician turned to Jim, motioning
him to the door.  "Once you're undressed, let me know.  We'll go through
this door over here," he pointed to the door that led to the MRI scanning
room, "and I'll get you situation for the scan."  He turned back to
Jim.  "After you, Mister Ellison."

/Damn./ Jim thought as he made his way out of the changing room.  /Gonna 
miss the show./  His newfound feelings were still raging within him, now
fed with the thoughts of his guide, naked and so close to him.  Jim 
entered the MRI control booth, then turned to the technician standing
next to the door where Blair was.  "Where do you want me?"

"Sit anywhere in the back," he responded, reaching for the door where
Blair was.  "Just please don't touch anything."  The technician walked
in and escorted Blair into the room with the MRI equipment.  

Jim watched the pair enter the room, and smiled as he caught a whisp
of Blair's bare bottom.  The technician helped Blair up onto the table
and adjusted him to the position necessary for the procedure.  "OK,
just remember to lie back, take easy breaths, and do *not* move until
we are through."  Instructions given, the technician turned to leave
the room.

"Good luck trying to keep *him* still." Jim said quietly to himself,
thankful that he was the one with sentinel abilities and not Blair.  

The technician walked in and sat down next to Jim, trying to figure
out what the smirk on Jim's face was all about as he started getting
the MRI setup and ready to go.  As he performed some final adjustments,
he flipped on a microphone.  "Mister Sandburg, can you hear me?"

"Loud and clear," came the response.  "Jim, you out there, man?"

"I'm here buddy.  Just lay back and take it easy, and do as the man
says, OK?"

"Easy for you to say," Blair added quietly.  "You're not the one that's
stuck here in this damn room."

The technician, having heard this banter between his patients and their
ever present guests too often, tuned out the exchange.  "Mister Sandburg,
are you ready for me to begin?"

"Yeah, I gue- Oh crap!  Wait a minute!"

A look of concern played on Jim's face.  "What is it, Chief?"

"Hey Jim?  Can you come in here a minute?"

Jim turned toward the technician, as if to ask permission to enter
the MRI room.  "Before you go in, Mister Ellison," the technician
began, handing a small basket to Jim, "Put your wallet and other
valuables in here.  You don't want your Visa zapped, do you?"

Jim complied, piling his wallet and keys into the small container.
"Anything else?"  he asked.  The technician passed his hand through
the air, indicating it was OK for Jim to check on the patient's needs,
and turned back to the console, ready to begin the procedure.  Jim made 
his way into the room, where Blair's hands were fidgeting underneath 
his hospital gown.  "What's wrong, Blair?  You need some help?"  Jim 
stared intently, trying to figure out what Blair was doing with his 
unseen hands.  "Everything OK?" 

"There.  Got it."  Blair's hands came out from underneath the cloth
and presented a small silver ring to Jim's outstretched hand.  "Here.
Can you hold onto this for me?  I forgot to take it off."  As the ring
dropped from Blair's hand to Jim's, a huge grin plastered upon Jim's

"Jesus, Blair.  I forgot all about your nipple ring."  The grin was 
contagious, as it spread to Blair's lips.  "You got anything else 
pierced that needs removing?"

"Wouldn't you like to know, big guy!" Blair replied, his eyebrows 
threatening to escape his forehead if he flung them about any further.
Blair let the feeling go, remembering the promise he made to himself
about his feelings for Jim.  /Don't flirt with the straight cop, unless
you have another place to live./

Taking one last look at Blair's body laid out on the table, Jim walked 
out of the room, putting the silver hoop in his pants pocket.


"Home sweet home, Chief."  Jim stepped aside as he let Blair pass him
into the loft.  They had left the hospital after a six hour stay had 
presented Blair with a clean bill of health.  The doctor told him to
take it easy for a few days, and to report back if any other problems
related to his head trauma came up.  He also asked if Jim would mind
keeping an eye on his roommate for the next few days, 'just in case'.
/Like that's going to be difficult./  Jim mentally replied to the 
doctor.  "Here, let's get you settled in," he told Blair, steering him
towards the couch.

"Jesus, Jim.  I'm *not* an invalid, you know," was the crotchety reply.
"I'm just a little weak, not helpless."

Jim mentally backed off some, as not to press Blair too much.  "Sure,
Chief.  Can I get you something?"

"How about you put a pot of water on to boil?  I've got some herbs 
that'll take some of this swelling away, and take the edge off of
this headache."  Blair sat back on the couch, listening to Jim
moving about in the kitchen, and tried to cover a yawn.  The entire
hospital ordeal had him tensed, and he just wanted to relax for
a while.  "You want help with those groceries, man?"  Jim was putting
away their items from their shopping earlier that day.

"No thanks.  You just sit back and relax, Chief.  I'll take care of
it *this* time."  Jim took a wet hand out of one of the plastic bags,
the items once frozen were now puddles of cool goo.  "Shit, I forgot
about the stuff for the 'fridge.  We're going to have to go back out
to replace some of this stuff."

"Sure... Let's," *yawn*, "go after a little while, OK?  I just want to
sit back and relax a bit.  That OK?"  Blair looked over at Jim, who
nodded in agreement.  "Jesus, it's cold in here."  Blair pulled his
hands into the sleeves of his sweater and crossed his arms over his
chest, putting his hands in each armpit to keep it warm.  As the
material stretched over his chest, it stimulated his nipples, causing
them to become erect.  It was a wonderful feeling, but something seemed
to be missing... "Oh Jim?  Can I have my ring back, man?"

Jim's face shot up from the soggy bread he was retrieving from the 
bag, images of Blair's naked chest filling his mind.  "Sure, Chief,"
he said, thrusting his hand into his pocket.  "It's right..."  Jim
searched his pocket, but the ring seemed to be missing.  He searched
his other pocket, then went over to the basket to see if it had
caught on his key ring.

"Oh man, don't tell me you lost it, Jim.  That was my only one!"  Blair
sat back against the arm of the sofa, as one more bad thing happened
to him.  The ring provided ample stimulation for him, and if he was
to be cooped up for the next couple of days, he was going to need
all the stimulation he could get.  Then again, just being around his
sentinel would give him at least adequate fantasy material for quite
a while.  As long as Jim didn't figure out why it was he always took
such long showers, he'd be fine in that department.  /A high water bill
just for the chance to get off/ He thought, smiling to himself while
wondering where he was going to get another nipple ring.  But the 
shower was the only place that he could safely get off, and have the 
odor masked almost successfully.  

Jim's face held disappointment, mostly because he'd lost something that
he had been entrusted with.  But there was a part of it thrown in because
he wouldn't see Blair with the ring in place.  "Sorry, Blair.  It must
have fallen out of my pocket, and I didn't notice."

Blair waved his hand at Jim, passing off the situation.  "Don't worry 
about it.  I'll get one later.  Right now," *yawn* "I just want to
sleep."  Blair put his head back against the arm of the couch and 
let his mind go, releasing the thoughts of the day.  Before he knew
it, he was fast asleep.

The bulk of their purchases either put away or tossed out, Jim turned off
the unneeded kettle of water and tidied up the loft as quietly as he could.  
As he put some magazines away from the coffee table, he noticed Blair 
shivering just slightly, the exposed skin covered in a light dust of goose 
flesh.  He went to Blair's room and grabbed one of the heavy blankets from 
the bed, returning to the couch with it, and draped it over his roommate.  
/God, I can't believe how beautiful he looks when he sleeps./  Jim thought, 
as the material left his fingers.  He focused on the closed eyes, watching
them dart back and forth, knowing Blair was dreaming.  He took it all
in, his body threatening to zone on all that was Blair.  When his
roommate adjusted himself fitfully in his sleep, Jim pulled the long,
silken hair from his face, letting it linger within his hands for
a second more than he should.  /God/ he thought.  /I've gotta get 
out of here before I attack him in his sleep!/  Jim left Blair's side
and jotted a note, leaving it next to his sleeping form.  He quietly
picked up his keys, and headed out the door.


Jim finished up the replacement grocery shopping, and was making
his way back to the loft.  He passed a strip mall a few blocks
from the grocery, and noticed a store that, until now, he'd not
paid attention to.  In large red lettering that hung just over the
doorway, the letters spelled out, "PIERCING PAGODA".  Thinking back
to the ring he was charged with, but lost, he pulled into the parking
lot, parked, and strolled into the store.

A teenage girl, who's perkiness and energy level challenged that of
even Blair's, greeted him as he walked through the doors.  "Hi! 
Welcome to Piercing Pagoda!  Can I help you?"

Jim's face went flush with slight embarrassment.  In a quiet voice,
so as not to attract attention from the other shoppers or staff, 
he asked, "Um, do you have any, um, nipple rings?"

"I'm *sorry*," was the syrupy reply, loud enough to send an extra pint
or two of blood to Jim's cheeks.  "We don't do nipple piercing here,
but I can direct you to-"

Totally flustered, Jim stopped her before she dug him in deeper.  "No
I *don't* want my nipple pierced.  I just want to buy a nipple ring."

The girl's face lit up, as she realized her mistake.  "Oh, just a
nipple *ring*."  Attention from the entire store, if not the entire
strip mall, was now fully on Jim.  "We have a small selection over
here.  Please follow me."  She walked behind the counter, directing
Jim to a small collection of thick rings and posts.  "Which one?"

A confused look covered Jim's face.  "Excuse me?"

"Which one do you have pierced?"

/This girl's got a *big* shovel/ Jim thought.  Just as he thought he
couldn't get any deeper - or any redder - this girl rose to the challenge,
and brought home the gold.  Jaw clenched, he replied, "I don't *have*
my nipple pierced.  I'm buying this for a *friend*."  /Is it me, or
is the heat up little too high?/  Jim looked over the selection, finding
one that was almost identical to the one he'd lost.  He pulled out his
wallet, then pointed to the ring.  "I'll take that one."

The clerk was obviously having a great time at Jim's expense.  "Woo,
nice one!  Cash, check, or charge?"

Totally defeated, Jim handed over a twenty dollar bill, took his 
merchandise and change, and left the store, thoughts of dismemberment
and bodily harm filling his head.  He walked through the doors, trying
to ignore the clerk's final words as he left.



The truck pulled up to the loft. Jim grabbed his purchases into his arms, 
making his way up the stairs.  Taking each step quietly, he focused on the
loft, trying to determine if Blair was awake or not.  He realized that
yes, indeed, Blair was awake, and watching some nature special on
television.  Inserting his key, he opened the door to find Blair still
on the couch, engrossed in a documentary.  "Hey, Chief.  How you feelin'?" 
he questioned, as he put the bags on the counter.

"Pretty good, just tired.  Jim, you should come watch this, man."  Jim 
shot a quizzed look to Blair on the couch.  "It's a special on the Giant 
Panda.  You know, where they live, mating habits, that kind of thing."
Blair grinned to the image of the black and white bear on the screen.
"I mean, how can you not help but love these guys?"  Blair looked over
to Jim and nodded his head towards the bags on the counter.  "Thanks 
for getting the groceries, man.  I owe ya."  

/Yep, he's fine.  He's back in good old Blair mode./  Jim thought as he
brought his hand out of one of the bags, flashing Blair a pack of Twinkies,
a smile on his face.  "Hey, I had to go get these, anyway," he grinned.
"Not a problem."  Jim's mind returned to his final purchase, and his
grin stretched further.  "And I even picked something up for you."
Jim walked over to where Blair was stretched out on the couch and knelt
down next to him.  "Here."  Jim handed him the silver hoop.

"Oh man, thanks!  You didn't have to do that!"

Jim nodded, watching intently as Blair unbuttoned his shirt.  "Yeah, I
did.  I lost it, so I have to replace it."  His eyes followed Blair's
hands up his chest, and watched him as he opened the ring, getting it
ready to insert.  "Um, how does it work?"

The tension between the two was thick, and every movement seemed to be
electric.  Blair saw an opportunity to test the waters.  It seemed that
Jim was fascinated by the nipple ring almost to the point of arousal.
Promise or no promise, he wanted to see what Jim's response would be.
"Here," Blair pronounced, grabbing Jim's arm and putting the ring into 
the hand.  "Try it out.  I've had it a while, so you can't hurt me."  
/Yes he can, Blair.  He freaks and throws you out, and you will most 
*definitely* be hurt./

Jim's hand shook slightly as he raised it up Blair's chest to the nipple,
now fully erect.  His left hand followed, cupping the firm pectoral
muscle, and squeezed it gently, making for a better surface on which
to work.  His forefinger went behind the small part of the ring, and
guided it through the nipple, gently pushing it until the shiny surface
protruded through the other end.  Pushing it a little farther, he
used his thick fingers to adjust the clasp, until it was fastened.

Jim released the breath that he didn't realize he had been holding.
Fighting a sudden dryness in his mouth and throat, he asked quietly,
"That OK, Chief?"  

When Jim made no effort to remove his hands from the muscular chest, 
Blair finally spoke.  "You know, Jim," /Dammit voice, don't squeak
so much!/ "In some cultures, we would be considered married now."
He let his eyes meet up with Jim's, which he had avoided until he
finished speaking.  Jim's lips parted slightly, while his fingers
closed on the ring that was now in place, tugging on it gently.

"Really?" Jim asked quietly, his eyes hiding none of the desire that
was raging within him.  "Sounds kind of nice."  Jim tugged on the ring
with a slightly firmer motion, which brought a moan from Blair's lips.
Barely whispering, he asked, "You like that, Sandburg?"

Blair could hold back no more.  His hands went to the sides of Jim's
face, pulling him close.  He licked his lips, then surrounded Jim's
lips with his own, thrusting his tongue deep into Jim's mouth.  Jim
rose from his kneeling position and put his body over Blair's, hovering
as his free hand began to explore the body beneath him while the 
other still tugged gently on the silver ring.  Blair let his hands 
roam, finding hard, red-hot flesh beneath his fingertips, threatening
to sear his skin off.  The couple broke off the kiss and stared deep
into each other's eyes.  

"Jesus, Jim," Blair panted.  "Where have you been hiding *that*?"

Jim just smiled, then gave Blair a quick kiss before standing.  "You
never asked for it before, Sandburg."

Blair immediately missed the closeness that the two had shared just
seconds earlier, his face questioning why Jim was now standing away
from him.  His unasked question was answered as Jim extended his
hand, summoning him to his feet.  "Come on, Chief."

Blair extended his hand out, and it was swallowed between the older
man's hands.  "What?" he questioned quietly.

"Come on," Jim responded, his eyes penetrating to the depths of Blair's
soul.  "We're going *our* room."

"Our room?"  Blair asked, not hiding the surprise in his voice.

Jim released himself from the pools of blue in which he had almost 
immersed himself completely, and turned slightly away.  He knew 
that if Blair took what he was about to say wrong, his heart 
would break.  By turning away, he could prevent some of that hurt 
if Blair shot him down.  "Chief, I know this is new to both of us, 
but I'm not willing to do this half-heartedly.  If I do this, I'm in it 
for good."  Jim turned back to his partner's face.  "Blair," he said 
quietly, "I love you."

A look of immense joy overtook Blair's face, his eyes sparkling.  
"Jesus, Jim!  Do you know how long I've waited for you to hear that?"  
Blair brought his hands to Jim's face, feeling the stubble underneath 
his palms.  "I love you, too."

Blair tilted his head up, stepping on the tips of his toes to meet 
Jim's full height, and kissed him gently on the lips.  As he came back 
down, he grabbed Jim's hand in his and led towards the stairs.  "Come 
on, big guy!"  he added, a mischievous grin spreading over his face.  
He took one step, but felt as if he had been chained to a tree, as his 
body snapped back into place.  As he turned to Jim, he noticed a look 
of concern on the detective's face.  "What is it, Jim?  Did I do 
something wrong?  What?"  Concern dripped heavily from his voice.

The cheeks of Jim's face held a blush, and he stammered as he began to 
quietly speak.  "Um... How do I say this?"  He brought his eyes to meet 
Blair's.  "Blair," he almost whispered.  "I've never done this before."

A light hearted laugh escaped Blair's lips.  "Oh man," he said, eyes 
crinkling with delight.  "You mean you're a virgin?"  When Jim began 
to correct Blair, he restated, "I mean for the male/male thing."

Jim's felt as if today he were in eternal blush mode.  "Yeah.  The male/male

"Oh man, don't worry about it.  We can take it as slow as you want. 
Whatever you don't feel comfortable with-"

"Wait a minute,  Sandburg.  You mean *you've* done this before?"  

Blair needn't have answered.  As he flashed Jim his most innocent smile,
he couldn't help biting his lip in a look of satisfied guilt.  "Yeah, but
I've hardly been around the block more than a few times.  And it's
been years, man.  You think I'd go out with a guy while I lived here?"
he asked, gesturing around the loft.  "You'd have smelled it in a minute.
But I have done some stuff, you know, nothing hardcore or anything.
Well, I've read a lot of stuff, but I've never been able to-"

"Sandburg!" Jim yanked on Blair's hand, bringing him close.

Blair was once again biting his lip, looking up at his partner.  "Yeah,

"Shut up and get upstairs."
