Category: ‘fiction’

Archiving Old Fic: Late in the Season – The X-Files – Mulder/Skinner

08/27/2011 Posted by walterh

Late in the Season, by Squidgie (from the mid 1990s)

This is just a really quick story that came to me and I had to
put together. OK to archive at MKRA/MSSS. Please ask me if
it’s to go anywhere else.

Feedback is much appreciated. Send to


Assistant Director Skinner grew restless…. He paced his office, waiting
for his agents to show up and give him report. They, Mulder and Scully,
had been gone for two weeks in some small backwater town, investigating
something…what was it? Alien abduction? Tree creatures? He couldn’t
remember for the life of him. His mind was too preoccupied. Being without
Mulder for the last two weeks had been hell. He was just getting used
to being with Mulder after having been alone for so long. To top it off,
their three month anniversary, which was to have been a nice dinner out
on the town, discreet of course, ended up being a frozen TV dinner alone.
Walter dropped his massive frame into his chair, wondering what could be
taking his lover so long.

As if on cue, a shrill beep broke the silence. His hands withdrew from
their worriesome place at his temple. “Yes?”

“Agents Mulder and Scully reported in a few minutes ago, Sir. Security
just called and let me know,” the voice of his secretary reported from
his speakerphone.

Walter sighed, feeling much lighter than he had just moments before.
He stode to the door and thanked her on his way past her desk.

A visit to the basement by the AD always seemed to turn heads, and this
one was no different. As Walter made his way down the elevator and
through the out of the way offices and supply rooms, he always gained
attention. Not so, however, when he showed up at the open door to
the small office in the back. His eyes glanced around the room, finally
setting on the pair in a back corner. “A-hem” He announced his
presence to the couple.

Mulder and Scully turned, finding themselves being paid a visit by their
boss. Mulder’s face lit up seeing Walter standing at the door, the effect of
his lover’s presence showing. “Welcome back, you two.”

“Thank you sir,” Mulder replied. “It’s good to be back”. His stare
lingered on Walter for a moment. “We’ve got some final paperwork to
finish, but we’ll be up soon. The things we’ve seen….”

Scully rolled her eyes back, trying to ignore the dull ache and Mulder’s
comments. “Allegedly saw, Mulder” she added, leaving Mulder’s side to
search for some aspirin in her desk. Finding none, she headed for the
door, needing to find the elusive medical kit that was alleged to be
somewhere here in the basement.

Walter, detecting that there was just about to be another “round” of
something, dropped his gaze from Mulder and surveyed the room. “I’ll
see you two upstairs” he announced. “Oh, and by the way” he added,
stopping Scully in her tracks, both agents attention focused on their
boss’ face, “In case you’d forgotten, it’s almost the end of January.
Take down these Christmas decorations, *please*.” Mulder and Scully
looked around, seeing the lights and tinsel that had been thrown
half-heartedly around the room.

As he turned to exit, Skinner was stopped by Mulder’s voice. “Sir?”

“Yes, Agent Mulder?”

His answer was provided not by word, but by a look. Skinner followed
his lover’s eyes up, seeing a small red ribbon with a pathetic, shriveled
piece of mistletoe hanging from the doorway. His face blushed bright,
challenging the color of the ribbon, and his eyes dove to Mulder’s, who
was beaming back at him and glancing to the petite agent now also standing
in the doorway. Skinner dropped his eyes, locking onto those
of the auburn haired agent. “You know what that means. Sir.” Mulder
added, egging his lover on.

Never taking his eyes from Scully, he replied, “Of course I do Agent
Mulder.” Scully bit her lower lip, and leaned up in anticipation.
Not to be outdone, Walter brought his massive hands to her arms and
squeezed affectionatly, then turned and walked across the room, stopping
in front of his lover. He took Mulder into his arms, pulled him close,
and brought their lips together passionatly. As Mulder struggled slightly,
Skinner embraced him even tighter, thrusting his tongue deep into his
lover’s mouth, exploring every part of it.

Skinner broke the kiss as abuptly as it began, and strode back to the
office door. He turned back to see the shocked faces of his agents.
“My office, ten minutes,” he called, and took off towards the elevators.

Archiving old fic: The Delivery – The X-Files – Mulder/Krycek

08/27/2011 Posted by walterh

The Delivery, by Squidgie (from the mid 1990s)

This story involves male/male sex, in explicit terminology. In other
words, if you don’t like this kind of thing or you’re under the legal
age for your area, well, you can just get the heck outta here!

This story is my Krycek/Mulder sex story with Pendrell overtones. All
characters are owned by FOX/1013/X-Files. I’ve just borrowed them and
written the good bits that Chris Carter hasn’t. *grin*

Mucho-mucho thanks and big squidgie hugs go out to my editor, Panda.
I’m not always the most coherant person, and she made sense out of
my electron scratch for me. (Yes, sweetie… I *AM* going through a bit
of a Krycek fantasy-phase at the moment, why do you ask? *grin*) Also,
big thanks and hugs go out to DarkBrat for allowing me to borrow the
Pendrell concept for this story. More mucho thanks to Steff, my
cybersis, who got me into writing again.

Feedback is much appreciated. Send to


Alex Krycek entered Fox Mulder’s apartment building, careful to stay within
the safety of the shadows. He knew this place well, having come here several
times when he was Mulder’s partner, and even more when he was monitoring
Mulder for his former boss. The paint on the walls, the carpet that lined
the hall, and the smell of the building brought back feelings in him. Most
were just a familiarity, though some were feelings of desire. Sure, he had
been interested in Mulder. But his life with Brian Pendrell, during his time
as Mulder’s partner in the Bureau, was all that he needed. That is, until
Brian tossed him aside for the chance at being with Mulder’s partner, Scully.
Alex’s memories of his life with Brian, which had put a smile on his face,
transformed to that of betrayal at the thought.

Krycek took a mental step back, put all of these thoughts out of his head, and
concentrated on his mission. Sure, Mulder would be suprised to see him, but
he had to meet with him. Alex had important information for him – information
that would help the now-ailing Scully. He’d learned of her condition through
one of his contacts in DC, and felt compelled to help. After all, it was
something he had to do. It couldn’t make up for the loss of her sister, in
which he had taken part, but at least he could help prevent Scully’s death.
And, so what if Mulder was suprised. Besides the information Alex had to
offer, he also had a little matter of personal payback to give to Mulder.

As he approached the door, he could hear Mulder speaking to someone – someone
he couldn’t place and hadn’t counted on. “Who could he be in there with?”
Alex asked himself. “I saw him enter alone.” Krycek put his ear to the door,
careful to make no noise, and listened in to the muffled conversation inside.

“…yeah, and can I get a a six-pack of coke with that? Yeah, a large combo,
extra cheese, no bellpeppers, and a six-pack of coke. Cash. Yeah. Thanks.”

Alex heard a beep and realized this was the sound of Mulder’s phone being
turned off. “So, hungry Mulder?” he laughed to himself. “Well, I’m sure
you’ll like this pizza.” And with that, Krycek left the apartment door, and
slipped back into the shadows.

The brunette driver pulled up to the building, cursing her Corolla as she did
so. “You stupid thing! I’m taking you back to that damn mechanic, and hope
that he finds that friggin’ rattle before I go deaf.” As she pulled the key
from the ignition, she leaned over to grab the food and drink, only to be
stopped by her wayward seatbelt. “AARGH! That’s IT! Tomorrow, I’m sending
you over a cliff myself!” With a quick snap, she released the seatbelt and
stepped out of the car. Her eyes glanced over the apartment number, then up
to glare at her source of most recent aggravation. With a quick kick, she
turned and headed up to make the delivery.

As she approached the building, a dark haired man seemed to slide out from the
darkness and into her path. His deep green eyes greeted her, and were joined
by a smiling face. “Good, you’re here… I’m starving” he said to her.

“Hello… You, um,” she glanced at her delivery slip “Mulder? Apartment 42?”

“Yeah, that’s me. I just decided to take a little walk. Glad I ran into
you. How much I owe you?”

Handing the food to him, she sayed, “It’s $15.42. Or, I’ll give it to ya for
free if you have a baseball bat I can borrow for a few minutes so I can have
a little heart to heart with my car over there.”

Her customer laughed, his green eyes twinkling like the stars they stood under.
“Good one.” Alex put the box and sodas down on the nearby steps, then searched
his pockets and pulled out a wad of bills. “Here you go,” he said, handing her
a twenty, “and keep the change.”

Her eyes smiled at this. “Thanks, guy! First decent tip I’ve gotten all night.
Damn cheap bastards in this neighborhood, for the most part. Thanks!” With
that, she turned and headed back to her car.

“Oh, hey! Um, how much for the hat?” he asked, his question greeted with a
most curious look. “I’d really like to buy at hat from you.” When her look
continued unabated, he added, “I’ve always wanted one.”

“Yeah right,” she commented back. “I come back to the store without any part
of my uniform, and my boss docks my salary ten bucks.”

Krycek pulled out two more twenties out of his pocket and handed them to her,
then removed the hat and perched it atop his head. “Thanks!”

“For an extra twenty, you can have the car, too!”

“Sorry… No need. But thanks for this!” and he waved his new prize at her.
With that, Krycek turned and walked up the stairs to Mulder’s apartment.


The knock on the door brought Mulder back to reality. After twelve
greuling hours at the office, he decided to finish his paperwork at home,
rather than in his basement office. Work lately had been a bit more of a
chore, as he thought of it. On top of his regular duties and his boss riding
his ass for every little thing, he was now concerned about his partner. Though
she jokingly threatened him with bodily harm if he changed any aspect of how
he treated her because of her illness, he still did it. He couldn’t help it;
it was his protective mechanism kicking in. He rose from the table, and started
for the door. As he reached through his pockets to get his cash, he glanced
though the peephole in his door, and was greeted with the sight of a red hat
worn by the delivery person. He opened the door with one hand, and continued
counting his money. “How much do I owe you?” he asked, still focused on his

“This!” was the reply. With that, Mulder looked up, only to be struck
in the face by the glancing blow of a fist. Mulder was knocked off his feet,
turning slightly as he fell, ending up lying face down on his floor. In an
instant, the intruder was upon him, holding him down. As Mulder realized
what was happenning to him, he recognized the owner of that voice – the owner
of the body that was now pinning him down after a surprisingly short struggle.

“Krycek, what the fuck are you doing?” Mulder thrashed under Krycek, but
the years of being on the run had produced surprising strength in his captor
and given him the advantage. He looked around, lifting his head to search
for his weapon. But with one arm pinned under himself and his other arm
pinned by Krycek’s impressive strength, he finally gave in. “What do you
want, Krycek?”

“I came here to talk to you, Mulder. I’ve got something for you. Some
information that will help Scully.”

“Yeah right. Then why the hell did you just punch me in the face?”

“Well,” Alex started, “Actually, that was payback for every friggin’ time
you hit me, Mulder.” Alex maintained his weight on his former partner, not
letting up yet. There was little need, as Mulder had finally quieted down
to listen to him. But all the thrashing, and now with their bodies so close,
Alex realizled the effect Mulder was having on him. Alex tried not to think
how long it had been since he was so close to a male body, much less one that
was as beautiful as Mulder’s. “Now, are you going to listen to me?” he asked,
letting his grip on Mulder lessen just slightly.

“Fine” Mulder gave in. “Just get the fuck off me.”

Alex complied, though he felt the loss as his now fully erect cock was no
longer nestled between the cheeks of Mulder’s ass. He quickly turned and
adjusted himself, then sat down on the couch and watched Mulder rise from
his prone position on the floor. “OK, so let’s have it.” Mulder told him,
mentally judging his proximity to his gun, just in case.

“Mulder, I’m not going to shoot you. If I’d wanted to do that, you’d be
on the floor bleeding by now.”

Mulder nodded an acknowledgement. It seemed that Alex did know him as well
as he thought he did. “I don’t know, Krycek. Can’t be too careful around
a rat-bastard like you. What is it that you want to talk about?” Mulder’s
eyes searched Krycek, as his face displayed the lack of trust he had for
his former partner.

Alex reached into his jacket pocket, producing a silver container. Opening
it, he showed Mulder small tubes, each containing an orangish liquid. “This,”
he started, “is what they’ve done to Scully. When she was abducted-”

“Which YOU took part in, you bastard!”

“Hey, I was following orders. You had your boss, I had mine. You had your
job to do, and so did I.” Mulder looked at him with a mixture of contempt
and disgust blazing across his face. He began again. “When she was abducted,
they gave her a dose of this. This is what caused the cancer she’s got now.”

“What is it?”

“I don’t know. All I know is that I had a hell of a time trying to get this.
All you have to do is get it analyzed, and a therapy can probably be derived
from it.”

A look of distrust overcame Mulder’s face. “Why should I trust you?” he
began. “How do I know this isn’t just some trick, or something that will
make her worse?”

Krycek’s expression went from having what Mulder considered to be a normal
conversation (for Krycek at least), to that of a person with a painful past.
“We all have demons in our past, Mulder.” he said, glancing away from Mulder’s
face. “And if you had the chance to get rid of one, you’d do the same as me
and you know it.” It didn’t take another word for Mulder to see the honesty
and realize he was being told the truth.

Mulder reached over and took the vial from his former partner. “Where to get
this analyzed…” Mulder wondered aloud, starting to search his brain for a
confidential place to have it done.

“I’ve got an idea where” Krycek said, laughing quietly to himself. “Brian
owes me one, and I know he can keep it to himself. We can trust him.” He
thought to himself /And of course I can see how the little bugger is making
out with Scully/.

Mulder got a wondering look, which was now beginning to duplicate itself on
Krycek’s face. “Brian…Pendrell? Is that who you mean?”

Krycek didn’t like the vibes he was now getting from Mulder. “Yeah, why do
you say it like that? What’s wrong, did he quit the Bureau or something?”
He forced a nervous laugh, not wanting to hear Mulder’s reply.

His former partner crossed the room and sat next to him, which reminded Krycek
of a film he once saw where the person sitting on the couch delivered grave
news of the other person’s beloved. As he remembered this, his face began to
drain of all colour. “Krycek, Pendrell was killed a couple of months ago.
He was in a bar, celebrating Scully’s birthday when he took a bullet meant
for another man.” As the final words left Mulder’s mouth, Alex’s felt himself
begin to go limp, causing endless wonder for Mulder. “Alex, what’s wrong?”

Krycek tried to get to his feet, but felt himself collapse onto the floor.
He body was overflowing with emotion, as if every part of himself were
about to betray him. /It couldn’t be, could it? My Brian is still alive.
He *must* be/ he thought to himself, as his eyes welled up with tears. “No,”
Krycek kept saying, drawing himself up into a fetal position. Though Brian
had ended their relationship, and Alex had hated him for it, try as he wanted
to, his love for Brian had never waned.

Mulder watched Krycek crumple upon the floor, trying to fathom what had brought
this on. He had never seen such a display since Scully’s mother had said
goodbye to her daughter and husband… /No/ he thought to himself. /Krycek
and Pendrell must have been lovers./ That was the only explanation. Mulder
found himself on the floor next to Krycek in an instant, extending his arms
around him, trying to comfort him. “Alex, I had no idea… I’m so sorry”
he said, as Alex sobbed in his arms. Mulder gently rocked him, trying as he
could to take the pain away. For as long as Alex had been on the road
the need to supress his emotions had been too great, but this was the final
straw. He continued to sob uncontrollably, as the two rocked back and forth.

As Mulder gently stroked Krycek’s dark, silklike hair, he began to wonder
what to do. They had been on the floor for what seemed like forever, and
Krycek’s sobbing continued feverishly. But he couldn’t keep him on the
floor for too long. As Mulder looked around, he saw that his bed was,
for the most part, free of books and papers. His bed was more like a
book shelf or filing cabinet, as he always felt more comfortable sleeping
out on the couch, like a guest in his own home. He gently put his arm
underneath Krycek’s shoulder, and began to raise them both from the floor,
slowly making their way to the next room.

The bedroom door had been mostly opened, but the bulk of two men would not
fit through easily. Mulder kept hold of Krycek while kicking the door the
rest of the way open. As they approached the bed, he pulled Krycek near
him and positioned their bodies on the side of the bed closest to him.
He knelt down, rolling Krycek down gently, until his body was almost all
on the bed. Mulder let go of him to get the rest of Alex’s body onto the
bed, only to have one of his hands cupped and drawn close to Krycek’s body.
He used his one free hand to reach down and pull Krycek’s legs up onto the
bed, then sat down next to Krycek, still comforting him.

Within a few more minutes, the sobbing began to slow somewhat. Mulder
continued to reassure Krycek, all the while whispering comforting thoughts
and touching his face and hair gently. As it got quieter and quieter, Mulder
gently rose from the side of the bed to head for the bathroom and get a
cool washcloth for Alex. As his hands slipped from Alex’s body, Alex’s
body tensed. “No, Mulder… Don’t leave me! No!” he pleaded with him.
“Just stay with me, please?”

Mulder took his position with Krycek on the bed, climbing up behind him, an
stretched himself out, their bodies forming a comforting “spoon” position. He
held Krycek until exhaustion set in, and they slept.


The first rays of sunshine entered Mulder’s window, falling gently upon
his face. As he started to once again become coherant, Mulder realized that
last night, for the first time in quite a while, he had slept quite well.
No nightmares, no waking up in the middle of the night, just a good
night’s sleep. It was then that he realized that he was not alone. A
warm body was next to his, it’s muscular form a complement to his own.
In an instant, the events of the previous night flooded his memory. He
opened his eyes and focused on Krycek’s body lying next to him, and
became aware that a pair of deep green eyes were studying him intensely.
“Krycek?” he began.

“Mornin’ Mulder…”

“How are you doing? You OK?”

Krycek sighed heavily. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. I’m sorry about last night.
I had no idea that Brian…” he started, but as soon as the emotion began
to well up in him, he put his defenses up. “Well, there’s no sense in
going into that all over again.” Alex placed his hand out, putting it
gently on Mulder’s chest. “But thank you. Thanks for helping me out last

The rough hand on his chest startled Mulder slightly. As Krycek’s hand
lingered momentarily, it’s effect on Mulder started. His morning erection
which had been going away, now throbbed with new life in the pants he still
wore from the night before. Mulder blushed slightly and he stammered, “No,
uh, no problem. You needed help, and I was just doing what I needed to do.”

Krycek relized from the blush emerging on Mulder’s face, what effect his hand
was having on his ex-partner, and started to withdraw it. Though he was
attracted to Mulder, he didn’t want to jeopardize their newly created bond
with each other. As his hand drew nearer to his own body, Mulder suddenly
reached out and grabbed it with his own two hands and brought it towards him,
mimicing Krycek’s own actions of the night before. “Mulder…” he began,
but Mulder placed his palm back on his chest with one hand, and put his
fingers to Krycek’s lips, to quiet him.

“It’s ok.” Mulder said softly, his hands flowing gently from Krycek’s lips
to his hair, then to his shoulders. Mulder pulled himself and Krycek
together, his arms enveloping Krycek into his body. Krycek’s eyes
searched Mulder for an answer to his newfound behaviour, but found none.
What he did find was Mulder’s passion. The passion that Mulder used to focus
on his job, on his search for the truth, was now focused on Alex.

Mulder smiled nervously at Krycek. Though he had been bold enough to finally
go with his feelings, letting Krycek know how he felt, he was now unsure as
to his next move. The feelings of desire for another man had been repressed
deep down for so long. His arms began to betray him, and he began to shake
slightly with nervousness.

As if on queue, Krycek read the uncertainty within Mulder, and realized it
was his turn to comfort. He hugged Mulder tightly, drawing his lips to
Mulder’s. His lips grazed Mulder’s slightly, Mulder’s warm breath pouring
over his face. He put his lips to Mulder’s again, this time adding more
and more pressure. As they kissed, Krycek thrust his tongue deep into
Mulder’s mouth, exploring every inch of it. Mulder returned the kiss, his
hands now exploring his new lovers body, the muscles acting as an
intoxicant to both men.

Both men began to rip at each other’s clothing, wanting desperatly to be
as close to each other as possible. Mulder shed his shirt, while Krycek’s
pants and socks quickly followed to the floor. As each man stripped down,
skin drew over skin, heightening their passion. Mulder put his thumbs into
the waisteband of his boxers and began do draw them down, when Krycek’s
hand stopped him. Krycek’s eyes left Mulder’s, and he trailed kisses over
Mulder’s lips, down his throat, and into the small patch of hair on Mulder’s
chest. He paused slightly, giving each of Mulder’s eraserlike nipples a
generous lick with his hot tongue, then nipped at them lightly with his teeth.

Krycek continued raining kisses upon Mulder’s chest, then lingered around
his stomach where he licked the small bellybutton he found before him. As
he did so, Mulder sighed heavily, bringing out the formation of six well
defined abdominal muscles. He brought his hand to them, fondling them as
his teeth found the waistband of the underwear. As Alex’s hand continued
to explore Mulder’s torso, his teeth pulled down the boxers, revealing a
meaty cock already glistening with precum. With one last tug, the boxers
were now pulled down. Alex brought his nose up to the large, globelike
testicals that moved almost hypnotically in their sac. As he took in Mulder’s
aroma, his tongue darted out, lapping at both eagerly. Mulder began to buck,
thrusting into Alex’s face. Krycek brought his hand from where it had been,
playing with Mulder’s left nipple, and held the throbbing cock between his
fingers, aiming it for his mouth.

The sensation took Mulder by suprise. He felt as if his whole body had been
enveloped in warmth and moistness. When he opened his eyes and gazed up on
the site of Krycek going down on him, the sensations doubled. He thrust
deep into Alex’s throat, craving every inch of it for his own pleasure.
Just as he thought it could get no better, Alex took his member deeper
than Mulder had ever experienced. As he did this, Alex opened his mouth
slightly and began to lick at Mulder’s balls, as Mulder’s cockhead was
massaged by the muscles in Alex’s throat. “Oohh… You’ve gotta.. *UGH*
You’ve gotta stop, Krycek… *Mmmm*”

Alex knew that Mulder was close. He’d felt the cockhead flare in his mouth.
But he wasn’t done with Mulder just yet. He let Mulder’s cock slip from
between his lips, landing with a smack against Mulder’s stomach. Before
Mulder could signal this tremendous sense of loss, Alex was back up face-to-
face with Mulder, kissing him passionatly. “You, um, got any lube handy

Mulder looked at him with a wicked grin spread across his face. He leaned
over to his nightstand and presented a tube of KY Jelly as if it were the
ultimate present. Krycek took it in his hand, undoing the top with his
fingers nimbly. He squeezed from the bottom of the tube, forcing the cold,
clear gel out and onto his forefinger. As he planted a kiss on Mulder’s
neck, his arm disappeared behind his own body, spreading the gel around his
anus generously. His hand then went to work spreading the substance over
Mulder’s thick cock, sending Mulder close to the edge.

Now prepared, Alex leaned down on his arm and kissed Mulder. In the next
instant, he leaned back pressing Mulder’s cock to the entrance of his ass.
Mulder instinctly bucked. “Whoa… Take it easy there. This will just take
a…” and with that, the head of Mulder’s cock penetrated the ring of his
ass, sending a slight burning sensation throughout Alex’s body. He inhaled
through his teeth and slammed his eyes shut, as if to rid himself of the pain
that he felt. It seemed to work. Alex exhaled and looked down on Mulder’s
face and chest, as he lowered himself further onto Mulder’s cock.

Alex lifted his body slightly, countering Mulder’s thrusts. With each one,
Mulder got deeper and deeper into Alex’s body, threatening to lose himself.
As Mulder’s hands guided Krycek’s hips, Krycek took his hand and began to
masturbate himself. With each stroke, clenched his asscheeks, and action that
Mulder felt as he pumped his cock into Alex. Alex met each stroke with that
of his hand on his cock, trying to intensify the session even more. Though
he wanted this moment to last forever, he felt himself approach the edge.
As his fist flew faster on his cock, he looked deep into Mulder’s eyes, the
pools of green that seemed to be screaming to him. That was all it took.
Alex threw his head back and moaned, while his cock sent semen flying all
over Mulder’s chest and his thighs. As he kept pumping out the milky white
substance, his ass tightened, sending Mulder to the edge. Krycek’s orgasm
started to subside, as Mulder thrust deeply into his ass. Mulder’s hands
pushed Krycek’s hips down as far as they would allow, as he spilled his seed
deep into Alex’s body. Mulder cried out, as the last of his cum made it’s
way into Krycek’s ass.

Alex collapsed on top of Mulder, both bodies panting heavily as if just having
finished a marathon. He kissed Mulder in an open mouthed, breathy kiss, and
let Mulder’s cock slip from his ass. As Alex lay down next to him, the two
stared into each other’s eyes, preserving the moment. Alex lay on his side,
resting his head on Mulder’s heaving chest and played with the small
hairs found there. Without another word, Mulder cradled Krycek into his
arms, holding him to his chest until both were deep asleep.


Mulder woke up, noting that his newfound lover was no longer at his side. He
got up and wandered through his apartment, not finding him. All he found was
a note that read, “I love you, and I WILL be back. Alex.” He pulled the note
to his chest and let out a painful sigh. “You’d better be, Krycek. You’d
better be…”


Archiving old fic: “The Changing Room” – The X-Files – Mulder/Krycek

08/27/2011 Posted by walterh

The Changing Room, by Squidgie (from the mid 1990s)

This story contains a Male/Male graphic sexual encounter. If this is not
your cup of tea, or if you are under the age of 18 years, please do not
read this. Go and find something not so dirty.

All characters are owned by Chris Carter and 1013 Productions. No harm
is meant by this. This is purely fan-fiction. All comments are welcomed.
You can reach the author at All flames will be
properly extinguished with large doses of /dev/null.

This story takes place during the second season episode, Duane Barry. Mulder
and Krychek have reported to a hostage situation, and Mulder has begun dealing
and getting to know Duane Barry.


“That’s it… I’m going in”, Agent Mulder said to himself. He felt there was
something real, something genuine about Duane Barry and his experiences, and
had to know first hand. The sudden loss of power, and the unexplained bright
light had provided him with his way in. Barry’s fear of being abducted had
caused him to fire his weapon, and one hostage was now down. But instead of
sending in two medics, Mulder had talked his way into posing as one. It was
the only way he would get in.

Mulder went about rationalizing his decision to the team, citing his background
with the criminal mind, his rapport with Duane, and everything else he could
throw at them. He glanced up at Agent Kazdin, her dark eyes hiding none of the
opinions she had of Mulder’s idea, much less Mulder at this point. “Don’t give
in to his psychosis” she kept reminding him. “Duane Barry is a sick, sick man.”

“I have to know this for myself.” Mulder shot back, and started walking, not
wanting to further be subject to the scorn from her eyes. He’d already secured
a uniform for himself, or at least almost. The black haired, blue eyed medic
was just about his size, and was currently in the building’s small restroom
changing out of it and into civvies. *knock* *knock* “You doing OK in there?”
Mulder asked as he wrapped on the door.

“Yeah” came the voice behind the door, and the door flung itself open. An
almost detached hand thrust the uniform to Mulder indignantly. As he reached
for the clothes, he noticed the arm, and most importantly the torso and body
to which it was connected. Lighter, soft hair covered the forearm, that led
to a very nicely shaped bicep. Following it with his eyes, he reached the
thick mat of hair that was the Medic’s chest. It seemed to be almost groomed,
it was so perfect. Two nipples jutted out like erasers, that made Mulder’s
mouth go dry, but it was the nice trail of hair that led to the top button of
the Medic’s jeans that almost did him in. It was pointing, almost inviting
Mulder to the wonderful package hidden underneath.

Mulder tried to regain his composure quickly, but it didn’t work. The sky blue
eyes looked cross at him, as one of the Medic’s eyebrows shot up. He grabbed
the clothing from the outstretched hand, and tried to make the most of the
situation. “Hmm… Looks like it’s cold in there” he tried, which only made
the eyebrow shoot up even more. The Medic reached back and grabbed his sweater,
threw another look his way, and hurriedly left the bathroom.

The agent shut his eyes, trying to block out the fact that he’d just made a
total ass of himself. “Oh well…”, he thought to himself. “I’ll make sure
someone else gets his uniform back to him, so I don’t go through *that* again.”
Opening his eyes, he looked around the small room, trying to figure out what
to do with his clothes once he got them off. After finding a hook just inches
above his head, he set the uniform down, and started tugging at his clothes.

Alex Krychek had returned. Slightly indignant, but returned none the less. It
seemed that he’d been deemed “coffee boy” sometime when his back was turned, as
the agents put in orders. “Years of training my ass…” he steamed, and whipped
around to go make a phone call. He caught something in his eye, but was too
late to avoid Agent Kazden and the remains of her cappucino. Before he knew it,
he had luke-warm coffee streaming down his side. “Thanks” he added,

“I’ve outfitted one of you guys already… I don’t have clothes for two, you
know.” she said. This provoked a curious look from Alex. “While you were out,”
she explained, “Agent Mulder got it in his thick skull that he wants to go over
there. I tried to talk him out of it but he would have nothing of it. You’re
his partner, you try.”

Alex dropped the tissues he was using to dry himself off, and looked around.
“Where is he?” he asked, continuing to scan the room.

“Probably changing… I just saw the medic who donated his clothes walking away
from there,” she said, pointing to a back hall, “just a minute ago.”

“Thanks” said Alex, and headed off.

As he headed for the hallway, his mind wandered to thoughts of his partner in a
uniform. It didn’t help any that he had gotten his partner out of the pool,
wearing the skimpiest of bathing suits, just prior to coming to the scene.
Alex, who had had a thing for uniforms since his first boyfriend decided to go
out on Halloween all dressed up as a cop, was now really aching inside. But,
as he had a job to do, he tried to put it out of his head. As he arrived at
the door, he decided to make the most of the situation. Instead of knocking,
he reached for the knob. He smiled to himself when he turned, and found it
was not locked, then continued to turn and opened the door.


“What? What happened?” Alex questioned.

“Thanks for knocking me in the head, Krychek” said Mulder as he was pulling an
undershirt on. “What do you want to do next, break my arm?”

“Well,” Krychek started, as he took a long look at Mulder, who now had his back
to him, “I might consider it, if I can’t talk you out of this.”

“No deal, Krychek, I’m going, and you can’t make me change my mind.” He now
had pulled on the EMT shirt, and unzipped the loose fitting pants to tuck it
in. “That man is credible, and I need to get to him.”

Krychek pushed himself into the small room, closing the door behind him. “I
don’t think it’s such a good idea. The man’s a fruit cake, Mulder!”.

“I’ll be the judge of that. Now let me out.”

“No. I’m sorry, I can’t do that. I don’t think you should go. You need to
think about this.”

“Dammit Alex!” Mulder shouted, getting right into his partner’s face. “I have
to do this.” he added quietly, hoping his hushed tone would get him out of
there faster. He looked into the deep pools of green that were his partner’s
eyes. “I *need* to do this” he added, turning away. “So what’s it going to be?”

“Well, if you were a policeman,” he said, pointing to Mulder’s uniform, “I could
steal your night stick and make you stay here. But you’re not going to listen
to me…and I don’t have a night stick to bully you around with, now do I.”

“Tell you what… Next hostage situation I dress up as a cop, I promise.. Deal?”

Alex’s mind wandered back to his past, and before he could stop himself, he
gave a little laugh, saying, “I wish”. As soon as he realized what he’d said,
his face turned ashen, and his eyes darkened against his now reddening skin.
“I’m sorry, Mulder. I didn’t mean to say that.”

“‘s OK.” Mulder replied, his tone halfway between caution and excitement. “You
like that kind of thing, Krychek?”

Flushed, Krychek responded, “Just drop it Mulder… It’s not your scene, so
just drop it. I’m sorry I said it.”

“How do you know it’s not my scene? How do you know what makes my toes curl and
what doesn’t?” Now, throwing caution to the wind, he decided to add, “…and
how do you know I’m not hiding a night stick under this uniform?” That said,
he liesurly dropped his arms to his side, one hand tugging at the loose fabric
of his pants, showing a growing lump to the left of his zipper.

Alex had broken out in a cold sweat. As Mulder continued, his groping became
more pronounced, as did his hard cock’s outline in the drab blue pants. He
swallowed hard, as Mulder drew his face closer and closer, his green eyes
burning as hot as his skin that was now rubbing arm to arm with Krychek.
Mulder’s steaming breath was now on Alex’s neck, adding to his own extreme
heat. “All you gotta do is ask…” sighed Mulder, as he nuzzled against his
neck, planting light kisses just below his partner’s ear.

“Oh, Mulder” was what he had tried to say, but it became muffled, as Alex turned
his head, and drove his tongue deep into his partner’s mouth. It felt like
velvet. Alex’s hands were suddenly all over Mulder, exploring the body before
him, hungry for it. He wanted him; all of him. His hands went over Mulder’s
back, then to his chest, where his shirt was taken off in a flay of buttons and
fabric. His fingers found the pink nipples, waiting for his mouth to devour.
As his mouth worked, his hands found a mind of their own, digging into the
loose fabric of his new lover’s pants. As he kissed his way down, his hands
found what they were looking for…

“Suck it, Alex”, Mulder hissed… Not one to be disobedient, he fished out
Mulder’s rigid cock, and took it into one hand and his balls into another. A
flick of the tongue found his balls to be like silk, and he took one, then the
other into his mouth, rolling them around gingerly. By now, Mulder was
groaning loudly. Alex shot a hand up to Mulder’s mouth, to quiet him down,
but instead a finger was plunged into Mulder’s throat, showing him what Mulder
so desperately wanted. His finger receded out of Mulder’s mouth, and again
found the small mat of fur on his partner’s chest, seeking out the two small
prizes it held.

Alex softly let the balls slip from his mouth, and wound his other palm around
the rigid flesh that dangled in front of him hypnotically. He opened up to
accommodate the large member, while Mulder guided it into the warm mouth by
holding Alex’s head. Mulder thrusted his hips forward, causing Krychek to gag
slightly. After all, it’d been some time, and Mulder was larger than any other
he had gone down on. But within seconds, his throat opened up just like old
times, and Mulder was able to push his way deep into Alex’s mouth. Alex rested
his head against the door, and let Mulder do all of the work, taking from his
throat as he wanted to. By this time, his own cock hard and uncomfortable in
his suit pants, Alex had fished it out, and was pumping it furiously, stroke
to stroke with Mulder.

Mulder threw his head back, and Alex felt his partner’s balls drawing up into
their sack. He knew Mulder was close. With his free hand, he began stroking
Mulder’s testicles slowly, rolling them around between his fingers. This proved
all that his partner could take. As Mulder let out a throaty moan, Alex’s
felt spurt after spurt of warm, salty fluid fill his mouth. “Damn! He must not
have gotten off in weeks!” Alex thought to himself, as the fluid dripped from
the corners of his mouth. He continued to suck, swallowing as much of it as
he could take, all the while furiously working his member. Mulder
pulled back, and his now spent cock slowly withdrew from Alex’s mouth. Alex
felt two strong hands go under his armpits, and pulled him up from his kneeling
position, now face to face with Mulder. His partner lunged hungrily for Alex’s
mouth, wanting to taste himself on his tongue. Alex started moaning, and as
Mulder grabbed each of his nipples through his shirt, and twisted them almost
painfully, Alex shot his load all over Mulder’s now limp cock and stomach.
They stood motionless for a long while, neither wanting to spoil the moment.
Finally, with a deep penetrating kiss, they separated, finding their own
reflections in the room’s mirror.

“You know, I could get to like this, Krychek” Mulder said, as he searched for
some towels to clean himself up. “And I could *definatly* get used to it”,
which he followed with a quick peck on the lips.

Krychek got a coy look on his face, and said, “I could too. But one thing.”

“Yeah, Alex?”

Krychek smiled, “Just remember to wash that uniform before giving it back to
it’s owner.”

Mulder smiled, and started towards his partner. *KNOCK* *KNOCK* “Agent Mulder?
We’re ready to fit you with your vest and mic now” the voice said, from behind
the bathroom door.

Remembering where he was, and his original mission, Mulder replied back, saying
he’d be out soon, then waited for the footsteps outside of the door to quietly
fade out with the distance. Kryckek’s face turned down, momentarily forgetting
the passion they had shared and returning to the hostage situation at hand.
“I’ll be fine” urged Mulder, and put the palm of his hand gently on his
partner’s chest. Alex’s eyes rose to meet Mulder’s, and he smiled back. Yes,
he knew Mulder could handle himself.

“I know… Just be careful.”

“Well, if you can promise another performance like the one we just had, I
swear I will be.” He shot a smile to his partner, and left the small room,
ready for the task at hand.


Taking a chance on PodFicing

07/10/2011 Posted by walterh

So lately I’ve been getting into PodFics – basically someone reading a fanfiction story.  There’re some good ones out there, and since I started WWOMBTube for Peja’s Wonderful World of Makebelieve archive (and as a whole), I figured I needed to record something to be the first MP3 on the sharing site.  So, I chose “Live A Little“.  It’s a Stargate Atlantis AU that elderwitty and I wrote where John is a tattoo artist, and Rodney is – well, Rodney.

A link to the WWOMBTube page of “Live A Little” is here, or I’m going to try and embed it.  Here goes!

Fic: The Princess Crack – SGA – McShep – Rated: R

06/23/2011 Posted by walterh

Title: The Princess Crack
Authors: squidgiepdx and elderwitty
Fandom: SGA
Pairing: John/Rodney
Rating: R for language.
Words: 11,292
Don’t read if you’re offended by crack!fic.  Or if you’ve read The Princess Bride.  Or watched the movie.  Or any movie – ever.  Or if  you’ve ever seen Stargate: Atlantis.  Or read SGA fic.  Or fic of any fandom.  Or books – English, Esperanto, or other.  If you respect: the English language, the Pope, that guy on the corner who screams when you pass, or the creepy feeling you get going up the creaky stairs at night even thought you tell yourself that it’s just the stairs and not someone with an eggbeater waiting to flatten your soufflé and glue hair on your chickens… don’t read this.  Really, for the love of all things holy, this is the crackiest crack that ever cracked at a crack.  Don’t say we didn’t warn you.  We’re not all that nice to Kavanaugh and even take a swipe at Keller.  Jewel’s a nice girl, but Keller’s got it coming (only because the writers MarySued her at the end, though). 
The Princess Bride on crack!(fic). 
(squidgiepdx) I was the one who ate the dried macaroni pieces off our mother’s Mothers Day present when I was 6 years old.  There.  I finally got that off my chest.
(elderwitty)  It was me who wrote in red felt tip on the discarded plastic part of the mustache comb blister pack.  Sorry, Kirk.
Non-disclaimer: We own everything.  Oh, yeah.  We own McKay and Sheppard, Ronon’s original hair (but not the S5WOMF), Kavanaugh’s whine, Carson’s accent, the sets, most of Northwest Canada, and every Stargate related idea from the beginning of time.  Also?  We’ve built own functioning Stargate.  Really!  You wanna see? Okay, but no cameras, and you have to do your own sound effects.


When Rodney was born, the World’s Most Perfect Ass belonged to Lars Lündørfïskëbräün, a Norseman who fancied himself a Viking, even though their reign had ended a few hundred years earlier.  Lars would often put on his silly, horny helmet and go out into his neighbors’ fields, reenacting the Battle of Clontarf with the sheep and the goats living in the pastures.  His habit of doing lunges with a calf under each arm as preparation for “battle” should’ve guaranteed that his ass would wear the crown for decades, but Lars was caught in a compromising position with 8 pounds of freshly churned butter, whereupon his fate was sealed.  After catching Lars and publicly shaming him, however, his fellow villagers’ health improved, since butter became taboo for decades.  Any traveler who asked for it (because it did make a lovely addition to the yak-based soups and stews that were so common during this period) was looked upon with a stern eye, and run out of town.

Rodney, a curious child, was quickly rising through the ranks as he-

“Excuse me?”

Yes?  Who is that?

“It’s Rodney.  But then again, you’re writing this so you knew that. Dumbass.”

Yes, Rodney, we’re getting to you.  What do you want?

“Okay, so Lars Lutefisk or whatever it was.  You said what – a few hundred years after the reign of the Vikings?”

Yes, Rodney.  What does it matter?

“Well, it matters to me.  Okay?  What year is it?”

It’s medieval times, Rodney.  You live in a hovel, with a pit for a toilet and a boy to tend the farm.  Does it matter what year it is?

Rodney stands, arms folded in disdain and mouth turned down in a frown.  The camera focuses on Rodney’s twenty-year-old ass, which is rocketing its way up the Most Perfect Ass ladder even as we describe it in all its lush, biteable glory.  “Year, please,” he demands.

It’s, uh…  1480?  There.  Are you happy?

“Yes.  Yes, I am.”  The camera suddenly zooms out to reveal Rodney collecting his things.  “Which way to Italy?”

You’re in the imaginary land of Florin.  Italy doesn’t exist here.

“What do you mean, it doesn’t exist?  You mean to tell me you’ve dropped me into the Renaissance, right when Leonardo is doing some of his most incredible work, and you put me in an imaginary land?”  He snorts disdainfully, frowning at the walls around him as he drops his meager belongings back on the rough-hewn board that acts as a kitchen counter in the fifteenth century.  “Fine.  Whatever.  Can we just get on with this ridiculous act?”

The scene fades, and the Narrator begins again.

Rodney, a curious child, was quickly rising through the ranks as he-

“Do we have to start that again?”

It’s part of the plot, Rodney.  It’s what we do.


Rodneyacuriouschildwasquicklyrisingthroughtheranksashelearned everythingineverybook-

“Wait.  Why are you talking so fast?”

So you can’t interrupt me.  Obviously that plan failed.  I’m starting over now – Be quiet.

Sooo…  Rodney, a curious child, was quickly rising through the ranks as he learned everything in every book that he could read.  He was a medieval nerd.  His ever-bickering parents-

“Excuse me – why do my parents always have to bicker?  I mean SGA?  This story?  Why?  And while we’re at it, why am I the girl?

Rodney’s barrage of questions leaves the Narrator with escalating blood pressure.  He sighs.  Rodney?  Did you even read the book?

“No.  I think I saw part of the movie once.  Seriously, why waste my time on some drivel when there’s-”

Rodney!  If you had read The Princess Bride like you were supposed to, you would have learned that Buttercup’s parents always fought.  It was one of their favorite things to do.  They even kept score.

“Yes?  So what does this have to do with me?”

::heavy sigh::  Rodney?  In SGA, did you not complain about your parents and how they argued?

“Maybe…  I can’t really remember right now.  Stupid writers.  And Brad Wright should be shot-”

Out of a cannon! ::clears throat::  Yes, we know.  Well, anyway, the description of your parents’ bickering made an impression.  At least in fanon.  It’s all over the place out there.  Just pick up any McShep story that deals with family, and invariably you’re ranting about something your parents did to you.  I mean, in “Sheppard’s Law of Martyrdom” by pir8fancier you stuck toothpaste in your ears, for ancient deity’s sake, because your parents would not stop arguing.

Rodney looks outside and sees his parents tussling over who gets to throw the torch on the farm boy’s hovel this month (since today is the day chosen by Rodney’s marvelous random-number generator; a device made from dung and string and ceiling wax, and other farmhold stuff) and burn it to the ground.  “Fair enough,” he concedes, before tuning in to hear his parents bicker.

“It keeps him on his toes.”

“No.  I say it builds character.  Strength through adversity and all that.”

“Seriously?  The only bit of dialogue we get in the whole bloody story, and you waste it on that?

Rodney drops his face into his hands, thereby missing a dark-haired youth running out of the burning hovel with all his belongings (he’s used to this sort of thing by now), patting out the small fires on his pants.  It’s quite a sight to see, but Rodney doesn’t get to enjoy the gaping hole in the waistband of what look like ancient board shorts, and the furry, muscled flesh beneath.

“What else should I know about this ‘Buttercup’ person?  And you never said why I have to play the girl.”

Buttercup grew up much like you, Rodney.  By the time she was your age, she was closing in on being the most beautiful woman in the world.  I think she was beat out by some Indonesian gal or something like that, but that’s not important right now.  Buttercup had two of the most perfect breasts-

“Breasts?” Rodney yells.  “I don’t have breasts.”

A slow, appreciative drawl comes from the doorway to Rodney’s hovel.  “Sure you do.  Just turn around, and look lower.”

Who’s that there?!

“John.  You know; the Westley character.”

Well, John, you’re not in this scene yet.

“I was just over there, putting out the fire in my pants.  I had to find something to do.”

“Oh great.  ‘Fire in his pants’?  He’s my romantic interest, and that’s all he can come up with?”

Rodney?  Shut up.  John?  Go away.  Your scene starts in a few minutes.  Can we get on with this?

Fine!” they declare in unison and part ways.

Where was I?  Oh yes… Curious child, nerd, arguing parents.  So anyway, as Rodney’s parents started to age, their health declined tremendously, though their argumentative natures remained as strong as ever.  Rodney began helping around the hovel more and more; squatting to pick up vegetables from the field, or doing lunges while getting water from the well.  Each stretch and strain of muscle worked a fine-tooth adjustment to his heart-shaped derriere, and moved him up the ladder of the ‘Most Perfect Ass’ roster.

But Rodney wasn’t alone in this bleak medieval period.  Long ago, his parents had taken in a young man named John-


Excuse me?

“Salve!” John repeats, then adds, “It’s the traditional Roman greeting.  You said this was medieval times, right?”

No, John.  Not Ancient history.  This isn’t rhymer23’s ‘The Fall of the Roman Empire’.

“Yeah, well.  You kinda stole the whole ‘breaking the fourth wall’ thing from her, you know?”

Well, she was hardly the first to do it, you know. ::mumbled parenthetical aside:: Sure, she was the one we stole it from, but only because she was the latest we’ve seen use that device. ::sigh::  Okay, starting again.  But Rodney wasn’t alone all that time.  Long ago, his parents had taken in a young man named John.  A Farm boy-

“Okay, so I’m a farm boy.  But this doesn’t look like Iowa.  There’s Rodney, but where’s Finn?  Or is this before Finn?  And aren’t I supposed to be a handyman, not a farm boy?”

NO!  This isn’t sheafrotherdon’s Iowa-verse.  Didn’t you get that when Rodney’s parents set fire to your hovel and sent you leering at Rodney’s ass?

“Yeah, well, I pretty much leer at Rodney’s ass in any McShep thing you folks write.  That, and worship his itty bitty Rodney belly.”

Rodney pipes up from around the corner.  “Can we stop talking about my ass and other body parts for a while, please?”

Shut up, Rodney.  You’re not in this scene.

“Yes, but you’re going to give me a complex.  Or body dysmorphic syndrome or something.”

You can’t have body dysmorphic syndrome because it hasn’t been invented yet.  That’s not until 1886.

“Well gravity won’t be ‘invented‘ until Sir Isaac Dumbass sits under a tree and gets hit by an apple in the 1680s, or whatever the silly old wives tale is these days.  But that doesn’t stop apples from falling out of trees and braining people, now does it?”


John and Rodney hiss insults at each other while the Narrator shuffles some papers, and Rodney’s parents resume acting like peasants on their deathbed.  Still arguing.

As I was saying – John was taken in to be the farm boy.  His duties are to work with the animals, live in a hovel nearby, and see that Rodney’s every need is fulfilled.

“Heh heh,” John tosses off a porny laugh and waggles his eyebrows at Rodney.  “That means we’re having sex.”

No it doesn’t!  It means Rodney gets to boss you around, and you have to do what he tells you.

“Ha ha!” Rodney barks, sounding a lot like a certain schoolboy from The Simpsons.  “Farmboy?  Fetch me that pail of water.”

“Get it your damn self, Rodney!” John responds.

::clears throat:: Excuse me, people.  John?  Follow the script.  You’re supposed to say, ‘As you wish’.


Because that’s how the story’s written.  Now do it.  Rodney?

Rodney smirks at John.  “Farmboy.  Fetch me that pail of water.  Now.”

John grits his teeth as his eyes cut to slits, staring death into the Fourth Wall POV.  “As you wish,” he grinds out, before petulantly stomping off to fetch the water.

As the years pass, the two become closer.  They work the farm together daily and spend evenings discussing what the future might bring, sharing their hopes and dreams.  Rodney wishes for a star in the sky that can send death to a planet below and John wants a magic sword that can easily fend off anyone threatening them.

One night Rodney asks John to pass the jerked squirrel meat, and John replies, as always, ‘As you wish.’  A few days later Rodney asks John to check for evil minstrels and court jesters under his bed before he retires, and John replies, ‘As you wish.’  It takes Rodney a while to realize that every time John says, ‘As you wish,’ he really means, ‘Look.  I’m no good at talking about this stuff.  But you’re really hot and you smell good – for medieval times – and I can’t stop gawking at your ass, so how about we get a little hovel of our own and, you know…do it?’  When this revelation hits, it fills Rodney with such overwhelming joy that he can’t help but call out to John, who’s just run out of his burning hovel holding all of his belongings.

“Farmboy?  Come here and kiss me!”

John grins, abandons his meager worldly goods to the mud, and rubs his hands together.  “Now we’re talking!”

“Uh uh uh!” Rodney stops him with a finger to John’s lips.  “What do we say?”

John kicks the ground like an impatient child.  “Fine.  As you wish.”

John takes Rodney into his arms, dipping him slightly.  Their lips meet, and had this been the Ming Dynasty in China, John would have recognized the fireworks going off in his brain.  Instead, he just pictures massive clouds of fireflies dancing around the sky (like that really catchy song by Owl City), but the thought of fireflies suddenly makes him start to itch.  John’s never liked thinking about bugs.

As he breaks off the kiss, John says, “Rodney?  I must go make us a fortune so that we can have a farm of our own.  With a hovel that’s sturdy and land that’s fertile.  And far away from your parents, so they can’t burn it down.”

“But they’re nearly dead already,” Rodney says, pointing to the couple in a darkened back corner of the hut, far enough away that the casual reader can’t hear what they were arguing about (since they already said their lines on page 3).  “Why not just take this place.”

Because, Rodney, it’s not in the script.  John must go out into the world and earn his money so that you can break free and finally be alone.  Together.  Together alone.  Whatever.  Anyway, John, say a passionate goodbye to your dearest love.

“See ya!”  John declares and skips out the door.

See ya?!?!  I declare my undying love to that… that… idiot?  And all he can say is ‘See ya?'”  Rodney rolls his eyes.  “This story doesn’t get any better, does it?”

Sorry, no.  Anyway, as John says goodbye to his dearest love, Rodney calls after him.

“But the world out there.  It’s filled with dangerous things.  Like pirates.  And Vikings.  And unsecured drilling platforms that leak oil and kill ocean life for thousands of miles in every direction.”

Rodney bites his knuckle with angst.


Ahem.  I said, Rodney bites his knuckle with angst.

“Yes, yes, fine.”  Rodney bites his knuckle, grimacing at the taste.  “Happy now?”

Yes.  Thank you.

Rodney’s leaning against the door and gazing after John, who suddenly runs back to Rodney’s side, looking concerned.

“What’s wrong?” Rodney asks.

“The whole angsty knuckle biting thing.  That, and I wanted to look at your ass one more time, so I can describe it – in great detail – to whichever pirate may take me captive.  Who knows?  It may just save my life.  It worked for Westley.  Here, turn around so I can get a really good look.”

“Westley?” Rodney asks, not turning a whit.

“You know,” John says, pulling a second-hand paperback out of the back pocket of his ancient board shorts; the ones with a hole in the waist that makes Rodney gape and ponder.  “Westley.  The guy my character’s based on.  Didn’t you read the book?”

Rodney’s eyes somehow narrow and roll simultaneously.  “No.  I did not read the book.  When did you?”

John jerks his chin up.  “Back on page 3.  He sent me away when I joined the story too soon.  I had to find something to do.”

“You couldn’t have read the whole book back there.  Five years we were in Pegasus, and you never even got to Chapter Three of War and Peace.”

John tsks.  “Have you tried to read Tolstoy?  Yeah, I thought not.  This is a pretty easy read.  Here.  Take my copy.”  With that, John sets out from the house again, skipping off towards adventure and pirates.

“Aww…  He does love me.  He gave me his book.”

John turns back and calls to Rodney.  “It’s true love, Rodney.  True love and a perfect ass.  Nothing can stop us, because there’s nothing the world loves more than a sappy love story or a hunky guy with a really hot ass.”  As he disappears into the forest (the fire swamp lurking somewhere in the distance), he calls back, “And true love means I shall always come for you, Rodney.  No matter what.”

Rodney stands at the door, fingering the pages of the book before he realizes that he, and he alone, will be doing the chores for the farm now.  There will be no farm boy to torture.  No farm boy to plow the fields.  To slop the pigs.  To worm the horses.  To milk the cats.

“Well, shit.”

Though the work is done grudgingly, Rodney’s ass is toned and shaped with each chore.  Soon he’s surpassing other heinies, unknowingly flying up the tuchus chart.  On his thirty-fifth birthday, the fifth anniversary of John’s departure, a tall, dark man on a serious-looking horse nears their home.  He dismounts and knocks on the hovel door, startling the parents awake and sending them into a bickering rage.

“Yes?  I’m over here,” Rodney calls from Farmboy’s former hovel that hasn’t burned to the ground in recent memory (since he sabotaged his random number generator to only go off on the 37th of the month).  “I had to move out; they were making me totally insane.  What can I do for you?”  Rodney looked at the tall man, staring at the strange circular gold mark on his forehead.  “Mister…”

“Teal’c, the Count Rugen.  You can – no, you will call me Teal’c, the Count Rugen. I’m here with news.”

“Yes, yes.  Get on with it.”

“I was tasked to let you know this.  Your Dear John’s boat was attacked four years ago by the Dread Pirate Roberts.  I’m afraid that all were lost.”  Teal’c, the Count Rugen surveys the slop farm, eyeing the sheep in the far pasture with interest.  He winks at one, who starts to back away slowly.

“Leave my sheep alone,” Rodney declares.  “And, four years ago?  Couldn’t you have told me – I don’t know – sometime sooner than now?”

“I’ve been very busy,” counters Teal’c, the Count Rugen, never taking his eyes off the sheep.  “I’m a Count.  Things to do, places to go.  You know.  Count-y things.”  He ends his statement with an “Ah, ah, ah,” sounding like some sort of creature from a children’s television program.  Only way more creepy.

“No, I don’t know.  I’ve been stuck on this shitpile for the last few years waiting for John to come back.  I should have known it.  He always did have a crazy, suicidal streak.”  Rodney bends over to pick up a stray piece of slop, giving Teal’c,theCountRugen™ a splendid view of his backside.  “And now the prickly bastard’s died and left me here.  Alone.”

After a few moments contemplating what uses he could put that ass to, Teal’c,theCountRugen™–

The authors can suddenly be heard having a spirited discussion behind the scenes.

I mean, seriously: Teal’c,theCountRugen™? (C’mon, you know it’s funny.)
Where the hell did that come from? (Me.  All me.)
Did we discuss this? (Yup.)
What?  We did? (Yup.)
When?  I don’t remember that. (A couple of weeks ago – you were home from work?)
OMFG, you mean when I was on Vicodin?  Holy shit, I should know better than to answer the phone when I’m on Schedule III narcotics. (And I should really stop taking advantage of that.  ::wicked grin::  )
Eh, fuck it.  We’ll fix it in beta. (No, we won’t.  ::winks at the readers::  )

Anyway, after a few moments contemplating what uses he could put that ass to, Teal’c,theCountRugen™ tucks his 70s style disco shirt (unbuttoned to the waist, the multiple sets of nipples peaking against the fabric) tighter into his pants, using the movement to cover the personal adjustment necessary after such thoughts.  “What?  It’s not like you’ll never love again.”

Rodney rolls his eyes and looks to the skies, then asks, “Do I really have to say it?”

Teal’c,theCountRugen™ looks confused.  “Who are you talking to?” he asks.

“The Narrator,” Rodney responds, nodding his head upward.  When Teal’c,theCountRugen™ widens his eyes, preparatory to denouncing him as a heretic, Rodney continues, “Oh shut up, or I’ll make him talk to you, too.”

Yes, Rodney, you DO have to say it.  You know, this could be an SGA/Silence of the Lambs crackfic crossover, and we could be playing ‘it put the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again’ right now.  Comprende?

“Fine.”  Rodney sighs and rolls his eyes again, before stating flatly, “I shall never love again.”  After a few beats, Rodney looks up.  “You know, I’m just not the pining type.”

That’s the story, Rodney.  You have to pine.  John’s ‘gone’.

“Oh!  Then he’s not really gone.  Otherwise you wouldn’t have put quotes around the word ‘gone’.  I’ll see him in a few paragraphs, I’m sure.”

Fine.  But you absolutely must pine, Rodney.

After a few minutes of thinking, Rodney looks up.  “How about I pine over the fact that I haven’t seen a computer in approximately forever?  Or the sad state of educational opportunities here in the fifteenth century?  The complete lack of indoor bathing and/or toilet facilities?  Or – wait – I know!  How about the freaking abacus being tops in computing technology, and retaining that position for hundreds of years?

Teal’c,theCountRugen™ opens his mouth, looks around, shuts it again.  He pulls the reins on his steed and begins to head away from the farm.  He stops after a few feet, taking another gander at Rodney’s truly spectacular backside.  “You know, my Prince – Prince Lucius – is looking for a partner to help rule this land.  Though it’s probably just a ruse to start a war with Guilder.  Interested?”

Rodney contemplates an interlude with a prince.  “Well, I suppose I could do something that’ll get me out of this dump until John gets back.  Sure.  Why not?”  As he gathers his things, he ducks into his parents’ hovel and screams, “I’m going with this Count guy.  Go ahead and die, you miserable bastards.  Don’t wait up!”

The next eighteen pages of the book describe Rodney’s immersion into castle life.  The following forty-seven pages detail attempts by Lucius to woo Rodney, as he has wooed others around him by playing at being a charming, wonderful guy.  Lucius hadn’t counted on Rodney having moderate to severe allergies to ragweed, pollen and most Florin grasses, however, so the magical potion that he’s relied on in the past doesn’t work.  Still, Rodney is fairly content in his situation.  Prince Lucius was somehow even able to procure plans for da Vinci’s tank, scythed chariot, and giant crossbow.  It seems that princes have really good connections – reaching even to Italy, nominally outside the make-believe world of Florin and Guilder.  Rodney spends his time studying the plans and even making improvements, since he knows of John’s love for things that allow him to go fast (mid-1480s timeline notwithstanding) or protect Rodney’s beautiful ass.  Most days, Rodney wanders out to the Prince’s orchards and reads under apple trees, dodging the genius-cidal fruit out of spite.

After a good day of reading, he stands up and stretches before leaning over to pick up his book.

“Excuse me, old woman?” a nasal voice calls.

Rodney harrumphs and turns abruptly.  “I’m a man.”

Wait.  What?  No!  Stop that!  We’re not doing that Python sketch.

“Whatever,” Rodney responds, glaring at the motley crew in front of him.  “Who are you?  And what do you want?”

The man with the ponytail steps forward.  “I am Kavanaugh, the Sicilian.  This is Ronon,” he says, motioning to a giant man next to him, “He doesn’t talk much.  And this is Teyla Montoya,” indicating the beautiful woman on his other side who is armed with a pair of fighting sticks.  “Would you come with us, please?”


Rodney has every right to question the threesome.  After all, the Thieves’ Forest hasn’t been culled in weeks.

“Thank you, Narrator.  Now why should I come with you, Kavanaugh?”

“Because,” Kavanaugh starts, “We’re going to hand you over to the IOC.”

“The IOC?”

” The Iocane Oversight Council.”

“Ooh, yes.  That IOC.  And then what?”

“We’re going to take you to Guilder, bash your head in, and dump you on their doorstep so that Prince Lucius can find you and start a war with Guilder.”

“Wait.  You’re going to dump me on Guilder’s front doorstep, and then what – how is Lucius supposed to find me before the Guilderians do?  I mean, won’t I – I don’t know – start to smell or something?”

Kavanaugh sniffs himself, then his companions.  “This is medieval times.  Everybody smells.”

“Fine.  I’ll come with you.”  Rodney hunches his shoulders as he nears the group.  “Doesn’t matter.  John’ll find me.”

Kavanaugh nods to Ronon, who throws Rodney over one shoulder, carrying him firemen style.  “I doubt that,” he declares with condescension.

What Kavanaugh doesn’t realize:  Ronon is entertaining thoughts of knocking him upside his head; Teyla is picturing running him through with her fighting sticks; and there is a man in black following them at a distance.

“See?” Rodney says.  “Told you so.”  This prompts Ronon to bounce Rodney on his shoulder, nearly crushing his spleen in the process.  “Careful with me, you big ape.” Rodney yells, though his words go unheeded by the large Satedan.

The four cross a large field, then cut across a corner of the fire swamp (where they meet an annoying young blonde doctor who is immediately pushed into a patch of lightning sand, not allowing her character to be developed beyond this sentence), all the while followed by the man in black.  They board a ship and set sail for Guilder.  The man in black gains on them with the help of an ingenious outboard motor (da Vinci’s designs for which were never discredited, so you can’t prove it didn’t really happen.  So there, neener neener.) on his own vessel, and corners them on a small ledge at the foot of the Cliffs of Insanity.

“The Dread Pirate Roberts!” Kavanaugh exclaims.

“The Dread Pirate Roberts!” Teyla exclaims.

“Ugh,” Ronon grunts, sizing up the man in black and unceremoniously dumping Rodney on the ground.

“John!  I knew you would come,” says Rodney as soon as he gets a look at the pirate.

John whips off the mask.  “How did you know it was me?”

Rodney clambers to his feet, puts his hands on his hips and cocks one at John.  “Seriously?  We lived together for what?  Five years?  And you lived in the next hovel over for fifteen years before that?  I know that hair.”

John puts on a fake pout.  “I just got it cut and styled.  Found a new hair gel – which is hard to come by in this day and age.  I wasn’t sure you’d recognize me.”

“You can call yourself The Dread Pirate Cowlick or whatever-”

“Roberts,” John corrects him.

“Fine.  Cowlick.  Bedhead.  Whatever.  The mask covered your eyes, not your hair.”  He rushes to John, and the criminal trio looks away while the pair catches up on five years of kisses.  “I knew you would come back to me.”

“Always, buddy,” John replies, kissing him deeply, again visualizing a cloud of fireflies, which makes him pull away from Rodney to scratch himself uncontrollably.

“Are you done?” Teyla asks.  “Or do you need more time?”

“Naah, we’re good,” Rodney and John reply simultaneously.  John notices Rodney giving him a thorough head-to-toe onceover.  “I’ve been working out since I left.  You like?”

“Yeah, but I was looking at that.”  Rodney motions to John’s clothes.  “All black?  Seriously?  I’m never letting you dress yourself again.”

With Rodney at his side, John thrusts his sword towards the three abductors.  “What business have you with my true love?”

Kavanaugh crosses his arms and smirks at John.  “These two,” looking ridiculous as he tries to gesture to Ronon and Teyla with crossed arms, “are my hired goons.  We captured Rodney for the Prince.  He is to be murdered and dumped on the doorstep of Guilder so there can be war.”

“Wait,” Rodney starts.  “Murder first?  Then dump me?  Wouldn’t it be easier to take me there and then murder me?  I mean, at least that way you don’t have to keep carrying me around.”

Kavanaugh starts to laugh, before cutting it short to squint at Rodney, who has suddenly proven to be ever-so-much-smarter than he.

Before Kavanaugh can respond, John asks Teyla and Ronon,  “Why are you with this buffoon?”

Teyla’s eyes focus into the past as she relives a tortured memory.  “I am earning money as a freelance terrorist.  I’m saving so that I may take revenge on the besmircher of my father’s memory, blackened so many years ago

Ronon grunts before admitting “Eeh.  I haven’t killed anybody lately.  I was bored.”  He looks at Kavanaugh.  “Oh, and I guess the money, too.”

John puts the point of his sword to Kavanaugh’s throat.  “Give me your purse.”

“I don’t have a purse.  I’m a dude.  Dudes don’t carry purses.”

The narrator breaks in.  Kavanaugh?  Internal pockets are a modern invention; they used to be more external and less useful.  You should know that it is the fashion of the day to carry a purse if you have money.  Historical fact.  We read it on Wikipedia, so it must be true.

A sly smile crosses John’s face.  “Fine.  I’ll do it the old fashioned way.  Your money or your life.”  His sword has scarcely lifted from Kavanaugh’s throat when a leather sack heavy with golden coins is tossed his way.  “Thanks,” he says, sheathing his sword.  “Teyla?  Ronon?  You’re with me now,” he says, handing them the loot.  It only takes a second for their allegiance to change (indeed, they’re happy to no longer be bound to the boor), and they stride up next to Rodney and John.

Kavanaugh watches the foursome nervously, whining as they make their way back to John’s boat.  “You can’t just leave me here.  That’s not fair!  I’m a very important person!  I’ll make sure the Prince hears about this.  And the Count!  And then I’ll complain to the IOC!  And let me tell you-”

“No, Kavanaugh,” John stops him, “let me tell you.”  He pulls out a 9mm pistol and shoots Kavanaugh in the foot.

Wait.  What’s going on here?  John?  Did you just SHOOT Kavanaugh?

“Yeaaah…” he sheepishly admits.  “But he was whining.  A lot!”

Fair enough.  But, c’mon – pistols weren’t invented until the 1800s, and the first 9mm was produced in Belgium in 1901.  I’ll let it go because it’s Kavanaugh, but don’t do it again.

“Fair enough?!?!” Kavanaugh exclaims.  “How is this fair?  This is the freakin’ middle ages?  I’m probably going to get an infection and die.”

“Ronon?” John asks, tilting his head Kavanaugh’s direction.  Ronon picks up Kavanaugh and dumps him in his own boat.  “Tell you what.  We’ll point you at France.”

“France?” Rodney asks.  “I thought this was medieval make-believe land.”

“Ixnay on the ake-believemay andlay, Odneyray.”

“Great.  Pig Latin.  You realize the writers stole that from rhymer23, too, yes?!”

Hey, now.  I’ll have you know that Pig Latin has been around since long before rhymer23, or even Al Gore’s Internets.  It dates back to the time of the RolyPoly Roman Empire.  So there.

“Play nice, you two,” John says before dropping a kiss on Rodney’s cheek.  “I missed you, Buddy.”  Turning back, he points his sword at the cringing Sicilian.  “Now, Kavanaugh, do you want to sail toward France, or would you rather head out toward The Shrieking Eels?”

Kavanaugh forgets his bleeding foot for a moment.  “Shrieking eels?”  He tsks snidely, throwing a sneer at John.  “There are no shrieking eels out there.”

“Uh, yeah – there are.  You sailed right through ‘em.  They knew I was following so they kept quiet.   They like me.”  He stares flatly at Kavanaugh and adds, “They don’t like you.”

With Kavanaugh thoroughly chastened, John goes on, “We’re going to aim your boat for France.  I suggest you find a nice cheese maker there, preferably someone who makes a nice moldy blue cheese.  Get yourself a big bucket of cheese, then stick your foot in it.  Do that and I promise it won’t get infected.  Ancient Pirate’s secret.”

“Great,” Rodney says as Kavanaugh’s boat floats away.  “I’m never eating cheese again.  Ever.”

Rodney’s statement isn’t true; he continues to appreciate a nice Gruyere with mutton.  Though he should probably reconsider, if only for John’s sake, as they will be sharing a pit toilet for many years to come.

“Seriously?”  Rodney looks around at the three people staring at him, all thinking about his slightly spastic colon.  “Must we talk about my lactose intolerance?”

In an effort to change the subject, John makes a suggestion.  “How about we all go get a drink.  Yes?”

And there was much rejoicing.

The quartet journey back to the Thieves’ Forest on the outskirts of the city of Florin with very few issues, notwithstanding the crazed looking man running towards a castle with what seemed to be a chalice serving as a beacon.  They enter a tavern and approach the glowering man behind the bar.

“Barkeep!” John calls.  “Four ales, please.”  He rummages in the pockets of his black pants, which seem to cling to his hips by some sort of magical spell, but comes up empty, having passed the purse to his new partners in crime.  “Umm, Teyla?  You buy the first round.”

Teyla nods approvingly, though Ronon cocks his head to one side and squints.  “Why do you get to hold the money?”

Before Teyla can respond, Rodney interjects, “Because you would probably trade it for a handful of magical beans.  Idiot.”

Ronon turns his glare on Rodney while he considers that.  Now he’ll have to come up with something else to do with his share of the purse.  He just hopes that fellow he met the morning before hooking up with Teyla and Kavanaugh won’t be too disappointed.  Maybe he can introduce the magical beans guy to his friend Jack.

For a few moments, the team looks around nervously, not sure what to say to each other without a pint or two in them.  “Barkeep!” John repeats, more sharply this time.  “Ales, please.”

The ill-tempered and unwashed bartender turns to John, all the while keeping an eye on the oddly dressed people around them.  He spits into the mug he’s holding and rubs it with a rag that’s seen better days; probably as a bandage on a wounded person’s syphilitic nether regions.

“Gross!” Rodney condemns.  “How is that sanitary?”  He looks around, noting the condition of everything else around him, then shrugs.  After all, it is medieval times.

The bartender finally speaks.  “We don’t serve your kind here,” he says, spit-shining another glass.

John is glaring at the barkeep when Rodney interjects, dope-slapping him upside the head.  “Great.  Of all the joints in all the make-believe lands, you have to take me to Homophobies McBigots.  Thanks.”

“Shut up, Rodney,” John replies.

Yes.  Shut up, Rodney.  That wasn’t even a good insult!

Rodney sighs.  “You can hardly blame me for it.  You wrote the damn thing.”  The Narrator slinks away quietly.  “You want me to try again?  How about… Bigot Barn?  No?  Asshole’s Alehouse?  The Puckwit’s Fub?

Fine, fine.

“Rodney!  Narrator!  Shut up.”  He turns to the barkeep.  “What do you mean, you don’t serve our kind here?  It’ll be centuries before organized homophobia takes root.  And-”

“Not that kind,” the bartender snorts.  To emphasize his point, he grabs Miracle Radek, the nearest man at the bar and plants a wet and sloppy kiss on him.  Drawing back, he takes a moment to chew the part of Radek’s MLT (mutton, lettuce and tomato) sandwich that he gained during the kiss.  He swallows before continuing, ignoring Radek’s rant in some unintelligible foreign language, as well as the looks of disgust from his patrons and the small band in front of him.   “That type,” he says, pointing towards the sky and causing the team to look up uncomprehendingly.  “Narrator types.  Don’t trust the lot of-”

The scene fades briefly as the bartender grabs his throat, trying to speak, but unable to produce even the tiniest squeak. His character is suddenly rewritten to have been born without a voicebox, due to the various badgers, spotted beavers and mules that are suddenly thrust into his family heritage.  Just goes to show, you DON’T fuck with the Narrator!

Once the scene resolidifies, John yells, “Barkeep,” making one last effort to get their ales as the newly mute barkeep drops his head dejectedly.  As he pours the first glass, he sees men dressed vaguely like Nazis sneaking up behind John. Using an obviously well-practiced maneuver, the newcomers quickly surround the team, and before they can draw their weapons (or rather before Ronon, Teyla, and John can draw their weapons while John pulls Rodney behind him, copping a feel of Rodney’s perfect ass in the process – HONK!  HONK!) the team is disarmed.

“The Genii?  I hate these guys,” Rodney says.  “I hope they don’t capture us and force me to create a nuclear bomb out of, I don’t know.  Dung and spit and leftover mutton.”  He lifts his chin defiantly, adding,  “Not that I couldn’t do it, you know.”

“Not this time, McKay,” states the unnamed Genii redshirt (who’s actually wearing olive green, but is quite obviously doomed anyway).  “You need to come with us.”

As the team is frog-marched out of the tavern, John looks over at the barkeep.  “You could have warned us.”

The bartender starts to speak, remembers the recent rewriting, erases the Special of the Day board (Radek got the last MLT anyway) and writes, “I would have, but your Narrator made me mute.”  He points to it smugly.

Since the team is now outside, they don’t see the Narrator’s hands appear behind the tavern.  The sound of the roof being pulled off distracts them from the sight of the bartender being plucked from his bar and unceremoniously flicked like a faulty paper football towards the horizon.

I told you not to fuck with the Narrator!  Bwahahahahaha!

The soldiers and team stop to discuss the strange movements of the roof (now returned to its regular station).  “Do you hear that sound, Ronon?” Teyla asks.

Ronon thinks back to the original Princess Bride manuscript before replying, “Umm… Is it the sound of ultimate suffering?”

“No,” she responds.  “It’s the sound of a mute bartender screaming.”

Their journey through the Thieves’ Forest is uneventful.

“Hail!” the elderly Genii leader calls as they reach the portcullis.  “Raise the gate and alert Count Teal’c that I have his prisoners.”

A small window opens and a face peeks out.  “Whom shall I say is calling, Sir?  Also, please remember to always address him by the proper title – Teal’c,theCountRugen™”

“My name isn’t important.  It’s imperative that I turn these fugitives over to the Cou – er, Teal’c,theCountRugen™ right away.”

The guardian rolls his eyes.  “Surely you have a name.  I have to say who it is or he’ll just tell me to take a message.”

“Fine,” the man replies, shuffling his feet.  “Tell him it’s Lars.  Lars Lündørfïskëbräün.”

The gatekeeper’s eyes grow big.  “Lars Lündørfïskëbräün?  Crap!  I’ll go hide the butter.”  He turns to someone hidden from view, and commands, “Give me two minutes to get to the kitchen before you let them in.”

After the requisite two minutes pass, the portcullis clanks open.  Teal’c,theCountRugen™ is standing in the middle of the room, white wispy disco shirt open to his pants, displaying his expansive chest.  He looks like a cheap knockoff of Solid Gold Dancer Denny Terrio, himself a bad copy of Tony Manero from Staying Alive.

Teyla’s eyes narrow and her face grows cold.  “The six-nippled man!”

“Didn’t I tell you about him?” Rodney asks.  Taking a precautionary step backward as Teyla shakes her head, he contritely adds, “Sorry!  My bad.”

“So,” Teal’c,theCountRugen™ begins.  “You must be that Athosian brat I taught a lesson to all those years ago.”  He smiles at the memory of the skill he used against a very young Teyla.

“Yes,” she says defiantly.  “And while I appreciate you teaching me how to do fivesies at jacks, it is my father’s memory I’m more concerned about.”  She spits at Teal’c,theCountRugen™’s feet and foreshadows, “I shall avenge his memory before this day is through!”

“Yes…” The Count sneers, wiping his begobbed foot on a luckless guard.  “You do that.”  He continues with an evil chuckle, “That is, if you survive the pit of despair.”  He turns to Lars and his fellow guards.  “Give Rodney to me,” he commands, “for the Prince shall take his hand tonight.”  With Rodney in his grasp, he orders, “Take the rest to the pit.  They have an appointment with…the machines.”

The guards tremble visibly, though John, Teyla and Ronon are stalwart in their defiance.  “No machine can defeat us!” John cries as the three are manhandled from the room.

Entering the pit of despair is a slow process, as their guards are very skittish.  The prisoners are taken to a room that might be mistaken for an operating theater, if not for the lack of good light, sanitary conditions, and goodwill, along with the sets of stocks lined up waiting for victims.  The guards hiss demands for speed at each other as they chain the trio’s feet and lean them one by one into the devices.  John tries to fix the details of the stocks into his mind, so he can procure this exact model once they’ve escaped and rescued Rodney.  The nice thing about this version is how it makes the ass stick out just-

“You looking at my ass, Sheppard?” Ronon asks, breaking John’s concentration.

“No, no,” he lies.  “Just thinking about Rodney.”  His thoughts turn back to the present situation.  “Hey!  Hey!” he yells at the guard, “Watch the hair.”  He settles into the stocks on his own terms, getting his position just right, wondering how he’ll have to modify the stocks so they don’t hurt Rodney’s back.  He hopes Rodney will be okay with having a kink night more than once a week…

His attention is drawn back to the room as the guards (who are wearing earmuffs though the pit is a sweltering 94 degrees) prepare to leave after hearing, “Two minutes” from someone outside.  The quicker ones scurry off, passing on their way out…things…albino things with unseeing pink eyes and ears sewn shut on their way in.   “What the hell?” John shouts.

“What?” John’s guard half-shouts.  “Can’t hear you.  Earmuffs.”

John flips the guard the bird, which was quite different in medieval Florin.  It was a two-handed affair that grew out of a night of shadow-puppet boredom.  The thumbs were supposed to connect while the fingers spread out and flapped.  When you added the “Caw!  Caw!” sound effect it really made a lot of sense.  But with his hands in the stocks, and a gruff in his throat (he’d have to remember to pad his stock so Rodney’s neck would be more comfy), he looked and sounded like a demented badger that had been kicked in the head one too many times as a child…cub…pup…  Whatever you call a demented young badger.  If badgers had horns.

But I digress.

The guard pulls an earmuff off.  “What do you want?  And how dare you insult my heritage with that awful display of – whatever that was.”

“What the hell is going on?” John asks, nodding toward the albino creatures who are moving three large glass-screened boxes into the room.  “And what’s with these freaks?”

“Ooh, you’ll wish you were them soon enough.”  As an odd, high-pitched voice comes from under one of the boxes and a light flickers in the glass, the guard’s eyes grow frightened.  He quickly replaces his earmuff and runs from the room, sealing the three prisoners in with the blind, deaf, pigment-deficient workers.

The box that emitted the first noise flickers again and an awful tune – music such as never been heard outside these walls – begins to play, followed by a booming voice intoning, “This week on The Jersey Shore…“.

Ronon thrusts against his prison, desperately rocking back and forth.  “What have you done to us, Sheppard?” he calls out in distress.

All eyes focus on the second box as it sparks into existence just in time for a badly aging woman with very large hair to scream, “You betta check yo’self before you wreck yo’self!”, followed by an announcer threatening, “Tonight on the twelve hour marathon of The Real Housewives of Miami-”

Teyla’s eyes roll back into her head as she cries out, “I call upon the strength of the Ancestors.  Please, make it stop!”

The third machine is turned on, an annoyingly perky brunette filling the screen.  “Hi!  I’m Rachel Ray.  I hope you have an extra bottle of EVOO, because today we’re gonna need it!”

John cocks his head and sees his team members trembling.  “Come on people…  It’s not that bad.”  He hears Ronon retch a few times before he projectile vomits, coming pretty close to the nearest box.  “Jeez, buddy.  That’s pretty harsh.”

With tears streaming down her face, Teyla chokes out, “How is it you…you are not affected by this, John?”

John shrugs.  As much as he can while in the stocks, anyway.  “I dunno.  My mother was dead, and my dad was hardly ever home.  I was pretty much raised by our housekeeper.  She used to let me watch this stuff all the time.”  He sighs, “I guess I’m immune.”

Suddenly, the Narrator makes an appalling noise and bids you – Look!  Look!  Over there!  Shiny!  There… That should distract you enough to forget that we learned earlier in the story John was raised in a hovel on Rodney’s farm.  That the whole ‘dead mother, absent father, sustained himself by eating Pixy Stix and Mallowbars, grew up watching Guiding Light, Another World, and other daytime drivel, then having his homework checked by a housekeeper before she tucked him into bed’ was just a cop-out that the writers took to make sure John wouldn’t be affected by a device (both electronic and plot-type) that won’t be invented for some five hundred and twenty-five years after this story takes place.  Look! Shiny!  The narrator waves his hands in a mesmeric fashion while intoning in his best Obi-wan Kenobi fashion, “This is not the story continuity you are looking for.”

Actually, you know what?  This is a really good time to check in on Rodney.

Rodney allows his captors to lead him toward the castle, a building far grander (but no cleaner) than the hovel he grew up in.  He knows he’s been cast in the part of the “maiden-to-be-rescued” for this reimagining, but if gets even a hint of John’s person being in actual danger, he has a plan to break free and get the others out – plotlines, conventions, and authors be damned!  Meanwhile, he plays along to see how the other half lives.  (He muses as he walks that it’s probably much closer to “the other 0.4%”.)  He tunes back in to hear one of the guards telling the other about the ZPM that was brought in for the wedding.  “Wait, what?  There’s a ZPM here?  Take me to it, now!”

“But, your bride-ness-” the hapless guard begins.

“DON’T CALL ME THAT!” Rodney roars.

“Yes, your br–uh, yes … sir?”

“That’s better.”  Rodney congratulates himself on nipping that nonsense in the bud while the guard stammers through an apology, followed by the excuse that he believes the Prince wants Rodney taken straight to his ‘bridal cha–er, uh, um, your dressing room for the wedding, sir’.

“Oh, you and the Prince are besties?  Discuss all his plans together, do you?  I’m sure you two hang out in the evenings all the time.  Why, it’s a wonder that it’s not you heading for the altar.  Except that, oh, wait – I’m his affianced!  You have to do what I say, so take me to the ZPM!”

Rodney can’t believe his luck as the thoroughly cowed guard (No, he wasn’t mooing. It means he was meek.  I’m serious – you could look it up!  But if you want, you can imagine him mooing. Go ahead; we’ll wait.  Okay – better now?  Back to it.) and his cohort lead the way to the ZPM Room.  He’s heard since childhood of the power of the ZPM, and can’t wait to see one.  Maybe he can even use it to help make good the escape he’s sure John is going to need any minute now.  He’s still plotting contingencies and backup plans when they enter a dusty room filled with musical instruments.

“What’s this?  You morons brought me to the wrong room!”

“N– no, ma’–sir,” the smellier guard stutters.  “This is it.  My cousin Bernerd helped move them in.  The man who runs it was very impressive.”

“I don’t care if he was on fire,” Rodney snaps.  “There isn’t one thing in thing room that starts with a zed.”  Seeing the blank (-er than usual) looks on their faces, he continues, “A zee, okay?  Nothing in here starts with the letter zee!”

“Um, see.  Well, beggin’ Your Fianced’s pardon and all, but this whole thing together is the ZPM.  The Great Symbaldi himself told me that he built it and he’s the only one in the world can make it work.  Crave pardon again, Princes–SIR! but this is the ZPM – with this he can play all four of these at the same time.”  The shorter guard with the ridiculous mustache finishes up his explanation with what he clearly intends to be a courtly bow.

Rodney stares in disbelief while he ponders the utter idiocy of the age he finds himself in.  Finally, brain no longer in danger of exploding from exposure to so much stupidity, he finds his voice.   “So you’re telling me that the famous ZPM isn’t a power source?”

The guards warily shake their heads.

“And it’s not a weapon of any kind?”

The guards, still shaking, each take a small step backward, toward the door.

“Let me get this straight.  The ZPM is a machine for playing multiple xylophones?”

The guards stop shaking and start nodding.  Or, well, Smelly does.  Mustachio keeps on shaking until Smelly jabs an elbow in his ribs.  Their relief at making the Prince’s bride (to-be) understand shines on their faces.  (Sure, it shines like a glowworm in a box around the corner in a cave, but still.  Shining.)

“So, the Xylophone Playing Machine is known as the ZPM?  Not the XPM, as anyone with even a single brain cell would know is correct?”

The guards tilt their heads like dogs hearing a high-pitched noise.  (aka, twinch – a very useful Sniglet.)

Too disgusted to even try educating them on the intricacies of the alphabet, Rodney commands the guards to take him to his room.  On arriving, the pair crowds the door to get a glimpse of how the gentle folk sleep, but Rodney shuts the door firmly on them (and their smell and facial hair [and maybe a pinky toe]).  Spying a huge vase of flowers on the dresser, he decides to read the card before throwing them out the window to appease his allergies.

Dear Florin –
Congratulations on your engagement.  I hear your princess
has a hot ass.  Too bad he has to die.  Have fun with the
honeymoon and the assassination. 🙂

See you on the battlefield!  Love –

Rodney sighs as he pitches the blooms into the moat, hoping against hope that they might make it smell the tiniest bit less revolting.  Great.  Now he has to come up with a plan to save everybody’s ass, including his very hot, very own.

And, now, we take you back to the Pit of Despair – as the camera focuses on Rachel Ray.

“Today on the show, we’re going to bone a duck!” she declares, over the sounds of Ronon and Teyla vomiting uncontrollably.

“Doesn’t she mean, debone a duck?” John wonders absently.  As the question hangs in the air, the woman onscreen picks up a bottle of thick yellow liquid and proceeds to do something so intimate to the duck with it that it’s immediately banned worldwide.

“That’s it,” he declares.  “We’re breaking out of here.”

The escape method John uses involves such incredible incredibleness that it simply can’t be properly rendered in words.  Suffice to say that it takes half an hour of noisy work (which doesn’t bother any of their captors, since they’re deaf, and the rhythmic properties of which seem to soothe Ronon and Teyla somewhat), before they break free.  Equally inexplicable is the reason why the entire pit of despair is covered in a thin layer of blueberry juice.  And that each person they encounter on their way out of the pit is exactly one inch shorter.

The trio makes their way into the castle.

“Okay, what’s the plan,” John asks.  “Besides finding Rodney.”

Teyla’s eyes glitter with anger.  “I need to find the six-nippled man and enact my revenge for what he did to my father, oh, so many years ago.”

“Yeah, you keep bringing that up.  What’s all that about?” Ronon asks.

Teyla takes a deep breath.  “I come from a long line of toasters, and-”

Toasters?” John asks.  “You mean the little machines that-”

Don’t say it, John.  We covered your ass earlier with the Jedi mind trick.  Don’t make us have to use it again.  Teyla?  Please continue.

“Mine are a proud people, steeped in the ancient arts of service and honor.  One morning Teal’c,theCountRugen™ appeared at my Father’s business, in desperate need of assistance.”  Her voice tightens, sorrow tingeing her words.  “My father went straight to work.  He was a master at his craft; there was none better.”

“So, he was a tradesmen,” John clarifies.  “What was his trade?  Swordmaking?  Knifemaking?  Carpentry?”

“He cooked breakfasts.  But his true passion – what really got him out of bed in the morning – was toast.  He could move a piece of bread over the fire so that it toasted evenly.  Crisp and tasty on the outside while still warm and chewy on the inside.  He once had a crisis of faith when the town elders voted to move from yak-based butter to goat.  I was forced to go live with my third cousin twice removed for a fortnight while Father rebuilt the entire kitchen in preparation…”

John and Ronon glance at each other before turning back to Teyla.  “So what happened with Teal’c,theCountRugen™?” John asks.

A gentle tear traces down Teyla’s cheek as she resumes.  “When I saw Father from the corner of my eye, I stepped away from the table, taking my jacks and thanking Teal’c,theCountRugen™ for imparting his knowledge of fivesies.  I hid in a corner and watched as Father brought him a feast like no man had seen before or since.  With two kinds of toast and five different types of jam – can you believe it?  Some people called him crazy.  You never serve more than three choices of jam.  But Father… Father knew best.  He knew that if he could please the Count, we would be set for life.”  Teyla daubed at her eyes, surreptitiously wiping her nose at the same time.  She moved as if to hold Ronon’s arm for support, but it was actually just an excuse to scrub her disgusting hands on Ronon’s even dirtier shirt.

Her eyes darkened as she recounted the next part of the tale.  “Teal’c,theCountRugen™ ate and ate, while my father fretted in the corner.  You see, he didn’t even touch his toast.  It just sat there on his plate.  Mocking my father.  The Count finally threw his napkin onto his plate, smearing it with the five jams.  When my father asked why he hadn’t touched it, the Count had the audacity to claim that the toast was burnt.  Burnt!  He demanded that it be removed from his bill.  I watched, staring into my father’s eyes,” she chokes back a snot bubble, “and saw the exact moment that his world crumbled.  Taken from him in an instant.  He had nothing to live for anymore.  After the Count left, my father said he had something important to do and sent me to my room to work on my butter-application technique.  To my everlasting regret, I obeyed him without question.”

“What happened?” John asked, throwing in a hand gesture to hurry Teyla up.  After all, they still had to rescue Rodney.

“Father sat down and wrote me a note, which was hard since all we had in our cottage were clay tablets.  Every last dime was spent on toast development.  Anyway, he told me he loved me, said that there was only one way to restore honor to our family name, and hoped that I would understand someday.  I found him-” Teyla gasped, biting her knuckle (all angsty, like Rodney should have back on page six).  “I found him face down in the toasting fire.  Dead!  But that wasn’t even the worst part.”  Neither Ronon nor John take the bait, so she continues, “He was burnt on one side!  That is the ultimate disgrace for people from my village.”  She leans over and blows her nose on a purple drapery that she had just realized was beside her.

John and Ronon look at each other, wondering if the story is over, before Ronon suddenly says, “Dun dun dunnnnnnn!” like the sting in the soundtrack of a noir film.

Quick as a flash, Teyla grabs a knife from Ronon’s hair and holds it at his throat.  “What was that for?”

“I dunno,” Ronon confesses.  “Just seemed like it needed a sound effect or something.”  She nods as she calmly hands the knife back.

John hides his face in his hands and, like every reader still with us, wishes for the last fifteen minutes of his life back.  He rolls his eyes and wipes his face, hoping to dislodge any signs of frustration found there.

“So, okay,” he drawls, looking at Teyla, “What was I saying?  Oh yeah.  What’s our plan?”

“I must find the six-nippled man and-”

“Yeah, yeah, we got that part.  Now I need to save Rodney.  Ronon?  What are you going to do?”

Ronon skims the last few pages of the used paperback he’s been carrying around.  “I don’t really know.  Looks like I’m supposed to go find transportation of some sort.”  He tosses the book over his shoulder, where it catches on the purple thing that Teyla just soiled and sticks briefly before sliding down the fabric in a manner far too disgusting to describe.

“Okay.  I’m going to go get Rodney.  You,” he points at Ronon, “go find us transportation.  You,” he points at Teyla, “go find Teal’c,theCountRugen™.”

Here I am!” Teal’c,theCountRugen™ calls from the end of the hall.

Teyla’s eyes narrow to slits.  “I’ll be right back,” she promises before charging at the man.  Upon reaching him, she cuts him with a look.  “You know why I’m here, Teal’c,theCountRugen™.”

“Whatever,” the tall man replies.  “I’ve been on a gluten-free diet all my life.  Didn’t your father know that?”  When Teyla stands taller than she ever has, he adds weakly, “It was just toast…”

Rising up on her tippietoes to be eye level with the sniveling man, she leans in for the kill.  “Your father was a hamster, and your mother smells of elderberries!” she hisses.  She begins blowing raspberries at the traumatized man, beating the sides of her head, each slapping sound causing Teal’c,theCountRugen™ to cringe until something snaps.  He grasps the tails of his shirt, crunches up his face in terror and runs off camera, crying like a…  Like a…  I don’t know.  Something that’s really, really sad.  And cowardly.

Wait, wait, Teyla.  You got that wrong.  It’s your mother was a hamster, and your father smells of elderberries.  Go out and come in again.  I’m sure we can get Teal’c,theCountRugen™ back in here so we can redo it.  Guess he’ll have to go to makeup for some touchups first, though.  It’ll just-

Teyla points the finger of admonishment at the Narrator.  “No,” she says defiantly.  “That was intentional.”

But.  But.  The Pythonites! (*)  They’re gonna-

She brandishes her F.o.A. once again.  “No.  I do not fear their hedgehog.”

After a brief break to regain her composure, she returns to John’s side, noting that Ronon has already slipped off to fulfill his assignment.  “Wow…  I have been preparing for that confrontation my entire life.  Now that it’s passed, I don’t know what to do.”

John nods and pats Teyla’s shoulder as a gesture of support, but has no words of sage advice to offer.  “Come on,” he says, pulling her back to reality.  “Let’s go get Rodney.”

The pair uses a house phone to call the front desk.  “Yes.  I’m… You know.  That Count guy.  What room are Prince Lucius and Rodney in, please?”

They hear quick typing before the guest services coordinator informs them that, “They’re in the Honeymoon Suite.  It’s on the same floor you’re on, Room 1150.  They’re on their way back from the ceremony now, so you’d better hurry if you want to catch them before the wedding night starts.”

“Thanks,” John replies before hanging up.

They quickly find the room and tip the guards at the door to let them in.  Teyla hides behind yet another purple tapestry while John lies on the bed, much like Westley at this part of The Princess Bride.  They wait.

And wait some more.

And even longer.

Finally, there is movement at the door.  “I’m never eating bran muffins before a banquet ever again,” Rodney says to the supposedly empty room.  He crosses to his dressing table and idly fingers a knife he laid there earlier in the day, contemplating his fate.

Rodney takes one last look at his perfect ass before picking up the knife.  He holds it just below his right ass-cheek and tries to psyche himself up.  He closes his eyes tightly and attempts to thrust the knife in, but stops at the last second.  Time after time he wills himself to do it, only to repeatedly chicken out.

“Turn around a little so I can get a better look at that ass,” John calls from the bed.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Rodney demands.  “I’ve been waiting for you to say your line.  You think I didn’t notice you the second I walked in here?”  When John throws an odd look at Rodney, he continues, “It’s your hair.  I think it’s sentient or something.  It comes into a room five minutes before you do.”  John laughs.  “I knew you were here even before you did.”

“As did I!” a voice exclaims from the doorway.  Prince Lucius stands there in full royal wedding regalia.  “But you’re too late, Sheppard.  He’s mine.”

“Oh, get over yourself, Lucius,” John retorts.  “You two aren’t even married.”

“Of course we are,” the prince replies.  “You think we get all dolled up in this formal crap for nothing?”

“I can prove it,” John says.  When Lucius raises disbelieving eyebrows, John calls out, “Narrator?”

Yes, John?

The trio looks towards the sound of the voice, and Teyla takes advantage of their distraction to blow her nose on the tapestry.  “Are Lucius and Rodney married?”

No, John.  But how did you know?

“Because the authors of this dreck were too lazy to write the freaking wedding scene.  That’s why,” he replies.

Once again, touché.

Rodney regards the Prince.  “You really are an idiot, aren’t you?” Lucius nods before realizing what he’s agreeing with.  “Sincerely, a first class idiot.”  Rodney thinks for a moment.  “No, wait a minute, I take it back.” He pauses briefly before declaring, “If an idiot and a moron had a baby, and that baby was dropped on its head – repeatedly – and that child was hydrocephalic besides, the contents of its diaper would still have a higher IQ than you.”

Teyla claps approval and John’s eyes grow wide.  He enthuses, “Wow, buddy.  That was pretty darn good!”  Rodney preens.  John snaps at the prince, “Lucius, we’re not through.”  He raises his sword to Lucius’ neck and says, “To the pane!”

The blood drains from Lucius’ face and stammers a reply.  “I don’t like pain.  I mean, ask anybody.  Ask Rodney-”

“Not p-a-i-n, you asshole.  P-a-n-e.”  When Lucius doesn’t get a clue, John twitches his sword towards the glass.  “Go over to the window, dumbass.”

“Ooh,” Lucius replies.  “I can do that.”  He looks out at what would be the rest of his wedding party (had a wedding taken place).  Instead, he sees the dirty, barely literate huddled masses of his kingdom standing out his window.  “Oh, my.  This is bad,” he says, surveying the signs they’re holding up.  Most of the placards have only a giant “X” on them.  A few others have large arrows pointing to the few signs that do have actual words on them, like ‘Lucius Bad’.  Or ‘Lucius Sux’.  Or the most popular, variations on ‘Ur ugly and yer mama dresses you funny’.  The scene shakes Lucius to his core.  He fiddles with his ruffled collar and cries out, “But…  But…  I picked out this suit myself!”  After leering at Rodney’s ass one final time, Lucius runs from the room in search of Teal’c,theCountRugen™.   They end up enjoying a cathartic cry together.

“Well,” John says.  “That just about does it.”  He glances out the window, hoping to see Ronon and their transport, but the courtyard is filled with villagers.  They seem quite content to stay put, even after John calls out, “Come on, guys.  We need this space clear.  We’ve got a stunt to do, and then one last scene.  Move back, willya?”

Don’t worry, John.  I got this.

The sound of hooves on cobblestone clears a few villagers from the area below the castle windows.  As Ronon nears, the twang of a Satedan blaster can be heard as he fires into the crowd, the rest of which disperses almost instantly.

“Nice!”  After a few minutes, John adds, “Thank you.”

Don’t mention it.

None of the three are that anxious to be the first to go out the window.  As Teyla leans out to check her goal, John and Rodney give her a helpful push, sending her tumbling out the window.  With her usual grace and favor, she lands upon her charge (though the animal looks more steer than steed) with nary a hair out of place.

After witnessing her jolting landing, John winces at Rodney and Rodney winces back.  They’re each instinctively cupping their balls protectively in their hands.  “Umm,” John calls down.  “We’ll take the stairs.”

Once out in the Courtyard with their compatriots, lifting Rodney into his saddle and climbing onto his own beast alongside, John shares a round of glances with his compatriots.  A glance that asks, ‘So what’s the plan for tomorrow?’

John grabs something from his saddlebag and tells Rodney to stand up in his stirrups.  Thinking he’s about to get ‘the kiss’ (the one the movie Grandpa describes as ‘the most perfect kiss of all time‘), Rodney closes his eyes and leans closer to John.  After a second of no contact he feels something brush past his ass.  He opens his eyes and looks back as John settles an extra blanket on the saddle before patting it.  “What the hell?”

John smirks.  “I have plans for that ass.  I don’t want it bruised.”  With the dirtiest leer that he can muster, he adds, “Yet.”

He grabs a quick kiss from Rodney and prepares to lead them out through the castle gate.  At that moment, a violent crowd (very like the one at the climax of Monty Python and the Holy Grail) appears, armed with Spam, face-slapping fish, and stuffed dead parrots.  John gets his tiny band out of there as swiftly as he can, and they count themselves lucky that either the silly walks or housecoats slow the unruly crowd tremendously.






(*)  Okay.  So we would have explained it, but we figure those people who were going to get it, got it, and those that didn’t, stopped reading.