Category: ‘random shit’

30 Days of Weird Al Meme – Day 14

07/26/2011 Posted by walterh

Day 14 is the exact opposite of day 15. What is the worst Weird Al movie song? Ugh… Has to be “Spy Hard”. It’s a miss. Even the video isn’t that good, and is even a little offensive. ::sigh::

30 Days of Weird Al Meme – Day 13

07/26/2011 Posted by walterh

Day 13 is: “What is your favorite Weird Al movie song?” Without a doubt, it’s “UHF”, the title song from Al’s 1988 movie of the same name. IT IS AWESOME!

30 Days of Weird Al Meme – Day 12

07/26/2011 Posted by walterh

Catching up on these…

What is the first Weird Al song that you remember? That would have to be one of his oldest – “Another One Rides The Bus”. CLASSIC!

30 Days of Weird Al Meme – Day 11

07/20/2011 Posted by walterh

Day 11 is “What Weird Al song always makes you smile?” And I have to say – without a doubt – that it’s Christmas at Ground Zero. Just freaking awesome. 🙂

30 Days of Weird Al Meme – Day 10

07/20/2011 Posted by walterh

Day 10 is “What Weird Al song have you played the most?”. Well, going through my iTunes, it’s clear that there’s one long-term favorite. And that’s “Weasel Stomping Day”. ::snark::

30 Days of Weird Al Meme – Day 9

07/18/2011 Posted by walterh

Day 9 question is: “What’s Al’s worst polka”.

Ugh. Seriously. It’s like asking a parent which child they hate the most. It’s just not something you can answer easily. I mean all of Al’s polkas are awesome.  But since I have to choose one, it’s… Polkas on 45.  Why?  Only reason – it’s probably the oldest, so most irrelevant of all the polkas.


30 Days of Weird Al Meme – Day 8

07/18/2011 Posted by walterh

Day 8 is: “What video of Al’s do you just not like?”. And I have to come up with “Bob”. I’m sorry – I don’t really like Dylan’s style of music. This one I think I’ve watched maybe once all the way through?

30 Days of Weird Al Meme – Day 6

07/15/2011 Posted by walterh

This one wasn’t too hard, actually… The question is “What video did Al make that I consider a ‘miss’?” I’d have to say “Party in the CIA”, the parody of “Party in the USA”. It’s just… I mean cute and all, but it’s really too dark for Al. I consider it a miss.

30 Days of Weird Al Meme – Day 5 (late!)

07/15/2011 Posted by walterh

Yes, this one is late…

The question is: “What is your favorite Weird Al original song?”, to which I had to think long and hard. The answer? I finally chose “Generic Blues”. This one was tough!

30 Days of Weird Al Meme – Day 4

07/13/2011 Posted by walterh

For Day 4, the question I came up with is: What is your favorite Weird Al parody – non Michael Jackson.  This was a tough one.  There’re so many good ones.  But you know what?  This song is timeless.  I still love it!