Category: ‘random shit’

And because I love Jack/Ianto so much

07/13/2011 Posted by walterh

Here’s a GIF of their first on-screen kiss in Torchwood, season 1.  This smooch is for you, Greg!  ::mwah::

30 Days of Weird Al Meme – Day 3

07/12/2011 Posted by walterh

Day 3 is “What is your favorite Michael Jackson parody that Weird Al has done?”.  Early on, Weird Al did a bunch of stuff – and a lot of Michael Jackson parodies.  This has to be my favorite one – “Fat”, a parody of “Bad”.  “Bad” was an awful song – “Fat” was awesome!


30 Days of Weird Al Meme – Day 2

07/11/2011 Posted by walterh

For day 2, the item is “Favorite Song (NOT a video)”. I think that “Good Old Days” from his album “Even Worse” has to qualify for that. It’s just awesome… I mean, how many other singers can talk about pulling the wings off of a fly in a song?!?!


30 Days of Weird Al Meme – Day 1

07/10/2011 Posted by walterh

This is for day 1 – “Favorite Weird Al Video of All Time”. I had to think long and hard – and I came up with… DARE TO BE STUPID! I just love this video. It’s the epitome of Al.

My own take on the “30 Days” meme

07/10/2011 Posted by walterh

So there’s a bunch of people who’ve done “30 days” memes. I thought about it, but changed my mind. Then changed my mind again when I though of something a little different.

Behold: 30 Days of Weird Al Meme!

Day 01: Favorite video of all time
Day 02: Favorite song (not a video)
Day 03: Favorite Michael Jackson parody
Day 04: Favorite other parody
Day 05: Favorite original Al song
Day 06: Video miss
Day 07: Favorite polka
Day 08: Worst video
Day 09: Worst polka
Day 10: Song i’ve played the most
Day 11: Song that always makes me smile
Day 12: First weird al song that i remember
Day 13: Favorite movie song
Day 14: Worst movie song
Day 15: Song that reminds you of someone
Day 16: Song that reminds you of somewhere
Day 17: Song that you know all the words to
Day 18: Song you can dance to
Day 19: Guilty pleasure weird al song
Day 20: Song that still makes me laugh
Day 21: Song you wish you could have been in the video for
Day 22: Song that drives someone you know crazy
Day 23: Timeless Weird Al song
Day 24: A not-so-timeless Weird Al song
Day 25: Song you wish Weird Al would have covered
Day 26: Totally forgettable Weird Al song
Day 27: Weird Al song that’s been stuck in your head for weeks on end
Day 28: Weird Al song that turns your mood around
Day 29: Favorite guest star from a Weird Al Video
Day 30: Song that should be played on the radio more

Taking a chance on PodFicing

07/10/2011 Posted by walterh

So lately I’ve been getting into PodFics – basically someone reading a fanfiction story.  There’re some good ones out there, and since I started WWOMBTube for Peja’s Wonderful World of Makebelieve archive (and as a whole), I figured I needed to record something to be the first MP3 on the sharing site.  So, I chose “Live A Little“.  It’s a Stargate Atlantis AU that elderwitty and I wrote where John is a tattoo artist, and Rodney is – well, Rodney.

A link to the WWOMBTube page of “Live A Little” is here, or I’m going to try and embed it.  Here goes!

Switching Over

06/20/2011 Posted by walterh

I’m switching over from iWeb to WordPress.  Why?  Because, though I love iWeb, it’s going away in the next update.  Apple is no longer going to support it.  And since I have a ton of sites using WordPress, I figure I might as well use it, too.

Stuff will be moved over regularly over the next few months.  Plus, I’ll probably blog more. 🙂