Posts Tagged: ‘Jim/Blair/Rafe’

Archiving Old Fic – The Look – The Sentinel – Jim/Blair/Rafe

08/27/2011 Posted by walterh

Title: The Look
Author: Squidgie (Walter H. Hopgood)
Fandom: The Sentinel
Pairing: Jim/Blair/Rafe (A threesome)
Warnings: None 
Notes: Mucho thanks for letting me contribute to the auction. Glad 
that I could help out! Also, thanks to DebraC and FireHorse for beta'ing 
this for me -- great job guys! Yes, the guys seem to go through 
gymnastics, but they have fun! This is another in the Panda series. 
Each story is a standalone story, but has a panda somewhere in it 
(dedicated to PandaBear, who turned me on to Jim and Blair!).
Disclaimer: No Cascade officers were harmed in the production of this 
work, but their clothing did get quite wrinkled when they left it on 
the floor.


"Thanks, Rafe.  If you hear anything more, grab me, okay?  We'll 
be downstairs for a bit."  Jim Ellison smiled at the cop, then
turned to his partner, Blair Sandburg, and directed him through
the open door towards the elevators.

A blush painted itself across Rafe's face as he paused to watch the
handsome pair leave the squad room.  Delectable thoughts raced through 
his head as the pair walked away then turned the corner for the 
elevator.  He had tried to conceal his staring, pretending to read the 
file held in his hand.  Under his breath, he added to himself,
"Ellison, I'd like to do a hell of a lot more than grab."  He sighed
quietly, put his lust back onto it's solitary shelf, and went in 
search of his partner, hoping to duck out for a quick lunch.


Rounding the corner, Blair caught himself mid-sentence, and 
stopped rambling as abruptly as his lover had stopped walking.  "Jim?"  
Seeing the quizzical look on Jim's face, he tried to find out what 
had stopped the larger man dead in his tracks.  "What's wrong, man?"

It was Blair's turn to paste a quizzical look on his face, as Jim's 
left eyebrow shot skyward, taking a lip with it, forcing a crooked 
smile across the cop's face.  "What's wrong?  Jim, tell me what's 
wrong!" The smaller man grew impatient.

"It's nothing, Chief."  The grin grew bigger, and Jim held out as
long as he could, while Blair's face ran the gamut of emotions.
Just as the smaller man looked as if he were about to have an
anuerism, he finally relented.  "It's Rafe."

Blair started slightly, still perplexed.  "What?  What do you 
mean, 'It's Rafe'?"

"I guess my choice of words were, um, shall we say, enticing to
him?"  Thoroughly confused, he decided to put Blair out of his
misery once and for all.  Jim leaned in close to Blair's ear,
stopping only for a second to take a deep breath through his
nose, enjoying the smell of the hair he'd had draped over
his chest just hours earlier in bed.  Whispering, Jim quietly
said, "I said that we'd be downstairs, and if anything came
up to grab me."  

Somewhat loudly, and with an annoying tone, Blair shot back, 
"Yeah?  So?  So what?"

"Well, Chief," Jim continued with a smile, "He said that he'd like
to do more than grab."  Jim pulled back slightly, so his partner
could see his face, eyebrows shooting up again, once again
bringing along a mischievous grin.

Blair huffed, the heavy sound of indignity and property dripping
from his lips.  "Yeah right.  Over my dead body!"  The elevator
dinged behind them, and the pair strode inside.  Blair waited for
the doors to seal them in, alone, before making his move.  Just
as the doors closed safely behind them, the detective was pounced 
upon by the smaller man, pinned against the wall of the moving room.  
His arms were held to his sides by Blair's hands, and his crotch was 
assaulted by the feel of Blair's erection grinding into him, 
causing his own cock to grow with new life.  Piercing blue eyes 
stared up into his own, as a pair of ruby lips thrust upon the 
detective's, their owner's tongue demanding entrance.  With a grind 
of his hips, Blair released a guttural, almost wolflike growl as the 
men kissed.  "You're mine, James Joseph Ellison."

The cop stood there, stunned momentarily as Blair pulled back
and righted himself.  As the elevator's descent halted and the 
bell announced their arrival, he tried his best to come back to 
his senses.  Blair strode out of the elevator and greeted the 
officers he knew as if nothing had happened.  Jim took a few quick 
steps to catch up, then grabbed his arm lightly to direct him to the 
evidence room.  "One of these days, Chief."

A look of pure innocence plastered itself over the smaller man's
face, while eyes sparked and eyelashes batted quickly.  "Whatever 
could you mean, James?"  A light, easy laugh fell from Blair's lips.

"One of these days you're gonna give me a heart attack...."

"Oh no.  No, no, no, no, no."  As the pair entered the evidence room,
Blair tried to look serious.  "Oh wait.  Have you signed over your
life insurance to me yet?"

A hand came swiftly up from Jim's side, bopping Blair on the back
of the head in a joking manner.  "Christ!" Jim exclaimed, as he picked
up the box of evidence and began to open it.  "What am I going to
do with you, Chief?"

"It depends."  Blair nodded at the box that was almost open enough
to reveal it's contents.  "Is that the evidence from the sex
club case?  If so, I've got a few ideas...."  

"You're in luck," Jim replied, taking the first piece of bagged
evidence from the carton.  "Bend over, sweetheart," he smiled
as thrust the item at the smaller man, which turned out to be
a rather large frying pan.

"Ouch!"  Blair backed away slightly, then dipped his head close
to the box.  "You got any lube in there?"

Laughter filled the little room, and the pair finally got down
to actual police work.


A light whistle left Jim's lips, as he busied himself with 
setting the table and putting away that morning's dishes.  After 
the couple had gotten home, they broke the chores into equal 
parts, Blair doing most of the cooking and Jim doing most of the 
cleaning and setup.  It had been like this for the three years
the couple had been together, soon after Blair had moved in to 
help Jim with his senses.  It was a loving relationship, one 
that didn't just smolder, but raged like an unanswered forest fire.

As Blair dished out their meal, he questioned Jim's mood.  "What's
up with you, man?  You seem like you've been on cloud nine since
this afternoon at the station."

"I don't really know, babe."  Jim blushed slightly.  "Well, I do
know, but I don't want it to upset you."  

"What, is this about the Rafe thing?"  Blair was slightly nervous
about bringing the issue up, but tried not to let it show.  He 
hoped Jim hadn't realized it with his heightened senses.

It was widely regarded that couples often could read each other's
thoughts, and many a time finish each other's sentences.  Jim
had never had this with Carolyn, but it came like second nature in
his relationship with Blair.  "Yeah," Jim let out a quick smile.  
"Yeah, it is."

A slightly worrisome look crossed Blair's face momentarily, his
eyes betraying him by showing a small hit to his self esteem.  "You,
um, you want to talk about it?"

"What's there to talk about, Chief?  I'm with you.  And to me, there's
nobody else in this world that matters."

"Yeah, and I feel the same way, man." Blair's voice conveyed his
unspent sigh of relief.  He stood behind Jim momentarily, slipping
his arm around his partner's waist, planting a kiss on the larger
man's back, before returning to his duties.

"It's just...."  Jim fought the words he wanted to say, trying
to make sure the correct ones came from his mouth.  " was,
what's the word I want - nice?  Nice to know I 'still got it'."

A perplexed look plastered across Blair's face.  "What are you talking
about?  I compliment you all the time!  I mean we sit down and talk
about this and that and how good this is and-"

"Whoa there, Chief."  Jim successfully derailed the rambling Sandburg
express just as it was leaving the station.  "I know that.  It's just
that, you know, it's different when it comes from somebody else.  You
know, like when you're driving to work and the person in the car next
to you winks at you or something."  A smugness found it's way to Jim's
expression, pulling his mind away for a split second.  "You know what
I mean?"

"Yeah, man.  Yeah, I do."  Deciding what was good for the goose was
good for the gander, he added, "Like that time the new rookie 
cruised me in the bathroom?"  Blair congratulated himself.  It seemed 
to be a new world record for the Jim-popping-out-veins-on-his-forehead 

An almost guttural growl grew in Jim's chest and threatened to escape
his mouth.  He half snarled, half smiled at Blair, being just on the
right side of playful.  "He was a jerk.  I mean, what a pig, just 
trying to treat you like a piece of meat.  I mean, at least Rafe
is a friend."  

"Oh, so it's okay for Rafe to treat you like a piece of meat?"  Blair
crossed his arms and posed the question to Jim a little defensively.
"Is that okay then?"  When Jim hadn't responded within a few seconds, Blair
pushed some more.  "What do you want, Jim?  Do you want him?"

The distance between the couple was covered in an instant, and the tasks
they had been performing were now a distant memory.  "Blair, I told you,
you are the only one for me.  You're my everything...."  Jim
dropped a kiss on Blair's nose gently.  

Blair tried to get back into performing his job.  "But if you weren't
with me, and Rafe had said that to you, would you take him up on the

Jim thought about the theoretical offer for a few moments, then shook
his head slightly.  "Well, *if* I'd never met you, and *if* he made the
offer, I might consider it."  He then shook his head side to side a bit.
"It really would have to depend."

Ever so quietly, Blair posed, "Do you *want* to take him up on the offer?"

Two thick masculine arms enveloped Blair into a deep hug.  "Babe, there is
just no chance of that."  Jim pulled back slightly, turning the younger
man, gazing down into the pools of Blair's eyes.  "You know me better 
than that.  Hell, you know me better than anyone.  I'm not the kind of 
guy that's going to stray."

The warmth of Jim's arms comforted Blair, and he knew exactly where his
rightful place in the world was.  The last of the self-doubt left his body,
and he relaxed into Jim's embrace.  "I love you."  The words came so easy
now, every bit of it true.

The chestnut colored curls tickled Jim's face as he pulled the smaller
man closer.  "I love you too, Blair."  Both men held the embrace for a bit
longer, glanced into each other's eyes where each could see their souls
entwined, then parted to finish setting up for dinner.


Once the dinner plates had been removed, cleaned, and put away, and the
unexpected phone call from the soon-to-be-visiting Naomi was dealt with,
the couple found themselves sitting on the couch, Blair's head
in Jim's lap, with Jim watching the Jag's game, and Blair engrossed 
in an anthropology text he had come across in the library.  But for as 
much as he appeared to be into the book, his mind had been wandering, 
thinking about their conversation earlier, among other things.  He 
pondered to himself until a commercial interrupted the game, then began 
cautiously.  "Hey Jim?"

A quick kiss from Jim's lips found it's way down onto Blair's head.
"Yeah, babe?"

It was a difficult subject to broach for Blair, and he only hoped he
handled it just the right way, and made it through without letting his
voice crack.  

Jim sensed the increased heart rate and breathing in his guide and pulled
him closer.  "Blair?  What is it?"  Concern fit into his voice prominently,
as a strong hand went to Blair's chin, turning the angelic face 
toward his own.

"Um, what if we both wanted to stray?"  Blair felt Jim tense up and pull
away slightly as he realized his words didn't come out the way
he wanted them to.  /Damn me for asking!/ he thought.  He tried 
to clear up the situation.  "No, no, no, no, no....  I mean, together."

"What the hell do you mean, 'together', Sandburg?"  Jim was still 
slightly agitated, and the veins popped in his forehead again.  
"Is there someone else?"  Before Blair had a chance to respond, Jim 
jumped the proverbial bridge of conclusion.  "Who is it, Blair?"  Blair 
had to put the textbook down and steady himself from the agitated
seat his head was resting on.

"Never mind."  Blair tried to kill the conversation.  "Just forget
I brought it up."

Jim was one to avoid emotion on occasion, but he wasn't about to let go
of something he loved.  Not without a fight.  "No.  You brought it up.  
Now explain."  He looked at the smaller man with a cross face.

Abandoning his prone position, Blair sat up on the couch and turned
to Jim.  "Babe, what I meant was, what if we *both* did something that 
involved Rafe?"  His heart was racing but it appeared Jim had lost some 
off edge just a bit.  "You know, the little menage thing?"  
The heat of anger curtailed slightly between the two men.  "I mean, 
it's not unheard of you know."

"It is in my book."

"But Jim, you yourself said you *might* consider doing something 
with Rafe.  Okay, fine.  In our relationship, I say no.  That's if you 
did something by yourself.  But you know, if we worked together, it 
would be different then.  It would be something that we *both* took 
part in and probably would enjoy."  Blair knew he wasn't in danger 
of losing Jim, as the look on Jim's face said to him, 'Go on.  Keep 
talking.'  "You know, Jim, the concept of fidelity is a purely Western 
thing.  Anthropologically speaking, it was always good to have more 
than one mate, to insure propagation of-"

"Can the speech, Darwin.  Why would we want to do something like that?  I
mean, we have a good sex life, don't we?"  Jim thought about the last few
months, and how sex had become so much more sporadic than in the early days
of their relationship.  But it had been good, and he was satisfied,
he told himself.

Remembering their many sexual escapades, Blair smiled warmly to himself.
"Oh yeah.  We do have a *great* sex life.  And it's not getting old
or anything, but is there something you would like to add to it
or spice it up or something?  Some couples do a menage a trois thing,
some couples switch off partners with other couples-"  The latter
part of the statement brought a pang of fear and possessiveness to 
Jim's face, so Blair continued quickly, "But that's not what I want.
The switch off thing."  He looked at the larger man, raising an
eyebrow, "I ain't letting you out of my sight, Ellison.  But you know, 
I think we could handle a threesome."

Jim looked at Blair, then over to the door, where he just *knew* 
Jerry Fallwell and the entire Moral Majority were going to be waiting
outside to tar and feather him, and then back to Blair.  "Handle?
A threesome?"  Jim shook his head slightly.  "I don't know, Chief.
I don't know if I could deal with that."

Seeing he was actually getting somewhere, but knowing that he had
to put it in the right perspective, Blair tried to drive his point home.
"Jim, remember how you sometimes complain that I don't like to top you
enough?"  He waited for Jim to nod affirmatively before continuing.
"Well, so maybe Rafe is a top.  Or versatile.  Maybe we could arrange 
for you and me and him know."

The television captured the cop's attention again, and he quietly responded
back to Blair.  "No, I don't know."  Of course he was lying.  The crotch
of his jeans was getting tight from the erection he was beginning to sport.  
"Tell me, Chief."

"Well," Blair began tentatively.  "Maybe we could do something where
you and me are fooling around and he tops you."  

A glance found it's way from Jim's face to Blair. /Man, but is it getting
hot in here?/ Jim thought.  "But wouldn't that mean you get left out?  
What would you do?  I mean, me and Rafe, seems like we'd, um.... That
we'd be occupied."

"Ugh."  Blair rolled his eyes in mock disgust.  "Jim, you are *so*
whitebread, you know that?" 

Blair found one of his hands being taken in close to Jim, coming to rest
on his lover's stomach.  "All nice and gooey on the inside, eh Chief?"
Jim smiled easily at his joke.

"No," Blair rolled his eyes, "I mean you're pretty vanilla.  I can't 
believe you've never done anything like this before."

A look of incredulousness plastered itself across Jim's face like a
shoddy billboard.  "And you have?"

It was Blair's turn to blush now.  


The stage was set.  It was close to 7PM on Friday afternoon, and the 
Major Crimes division was pretty sparsely populated.  Besides Jim
and Blair, only Rafe and his partner Henri were in attendance, with
Henri saying his farewell to the trio.  "Come on, Rafe!  You can
do that on Monday; Geez!  Let's go grab a beer."

The handsome head shook gently side to side, it's moussed hair not
shaking from it's held form.  "No," he sighed, stealing a glance
at Jim who was focused on his computer, with Blair sidling up his
shoulder, "I want a clean slate on Monday."  At the headshaking of
his partner, he added, "Don't worry, I'll get out of here soon."

"Your loss, man.  Get a life, will ya?"  Henri turned, facing Jim 
and Blair.  "And you two," he added with a nod.  "What the hell are
you still doing here?"

Blair looked up from his perch near Jim's shoulder.  "Trying to find
the Stinson file."  Blair play-punched Jim in the arm.  "Last
time I let you jockey the computer, big guy."  

A monosyllabic grunt left Jim's chest, as Henri rolled his eyes.
"Whatever.  Just try and get out of here soon."  He turned towards
the door, calling to the trio over his shoulder.  "Have a good
weekend, guys."  

Quiet reigned, at least to the normal ear, over the office, disturbed 
only by the sound of the elevator arriving and departing.  Jim, 
sentinel hearing in place, could hear Blair's heartbeat speed up, 
almost deafening him, but still matching his own heart beat for beat.  
The pair continued to work quietly, until Rafe began to stir gently.  
It was now or never, as Blair squeezed Jim's shoulder gently, then headed 
out of the room.

The pair of longing eyes followed Blair out of the room, then turned
back to Jim.  Rafe sighed quietly, tucked the completed paperwork
into his desk, then gathered his wallet and keys from the drawer.  
"Now that that's done, I guess I'll head out, too."  Desire shone 
through his eyes towards Jim, then back in the direction Blair had 
disappeared to.  As Rafe put on his coat, he tried to hide his longing 
for the two men and carry on a normal conversation.  He strode in front 
of Jim's desk, stopping as he adjusted heavy material of his coat
over his shoulders.  "So," he questioned innocently, "What do you 
boys have planned for the weekend?" Impure thoughts about what his
coworker's loft would see the next two days ran amok through his head, 
and he flushed slightly.

Jim looked up from his task, eyes sparkling and heart beating as
if it would jump from his chest.  "Oh, I don't know," he let out
easily, as he laced his fingers behind his head, leaning back
in his chair.  "Probably just a quiet weekend in.  Maybe catch
a movie."  He spotted Blair walking back in stealthily, then went
on with the plan after a moment of silence.  "Care to join us?" 
he added, just as Blair slid behind Rafe and pressed against him, 
his arms slipping up under the jacket, caressing the sculptured 
chest underneath.  "I'm sure we could find *something* to do," 
Jim cooed.

The tall detective stood stock still, acutely aware of the smaller 
man behind him whose hands were rubbing against his nipples beneath 
the soft cotton shirt, and the large man who had just risen from his 
chair and joined the pair, sandwiching him between the couple.  "Uh-Uhm, 
fellas?"  He stammered as Jim wrapped his arms around pulling the 
threesome close.  As Blair's hands went to his waist and Jim's lips 
sank into the small of his neck, he tried to reclaim his consciousness 
as it flew about the room in a fit of ecstasy.  "Wha-  What the hell 
is going on?"

The established couple pulled back from the stunned man, Blair
moved around, then leaned up to plant a kiss on Jim's lips, snuggling 
up into his lover's arms.  Each man still pawed Rafe gently, as
Blair spoke up.  "We just thought," he began as he looked up
into his lover's face, then back to Rafe, "that you might want 
to join us for a night.  That is," he looked up and down Rafe, 
reading the man's body language, "if you'd be interested in joining us."

The cold sweat that had beaded up on Rafe's brow was now 
disappearing as he began to relax with the pair.  Soft, silken hands
rose from his sides, reaching for the couple.  "Wow," he began,
laughing quietly.  "I don't know what to say."

"We hope you'll say yes," Jim threw back easily, squeezing
Blair gently in his embrace.

More comfortable with the couple, Rafe ran through the impure
thoughts he had had earlier about the loft, inserting himself
strategically.  "I'd, uh.  I'd love to."

A smile covered Blair and Jim's faces, matched with the one that
had plastered itself across Rafe's handsome face.  "Wow," began
Rafe.  "I'd have never thought you two would do anything like

Jim's look went somewhat more serious.  "Well," he blushed, "Actually,
we never have."  He planted a quick kiss on Blair's forehead before
continuing.  "You'd, um.  You'd be our first."

An eyebrow cocked itself on Rafe's handsome face.  "Are you sure you 
two are gonna be okay with this?  I mean, threesomes can be fun - but 
only if everyone's comfortable."

Blair grinned while Jim's face took on slightly stunned expression.
"What, am I the *only* person left on the planet who has never done
this?  Jesus!"  Jim smiled, though feeling a little uncomfortable
for his lack of experience. 

A light chuckle left Blair and Rafe's mouths, followed quickly by
Rafe declaring, "Don't worry Jim," he winked at Blair.  "We'll  be 

As the three began to get ready to leave the station, Jim pinched
Rafe's silken covered ass quickly.  "To hell you will!"  The threesome
each enjoyed a communal laugh, Rafe blushing brightly, wondering just
what he'd gotten himself into.


The trio sat close together in the diner's booth, sated by the meal 
they had shared, but hungry for the carnal dessert that awaited 
them.  They had discussed the idea of dinner on the way to their
cars, and the rumble from Blair's stomach had been the deciding 
factor.  As the three men relaxed, Jim and Rafe's eyes were riveted
to Blair, who was licking chocolate sauce from his fingers. 

"What?" the long haired man asked, wondering what had prompted the
looks of lust coming from his companion's eyes.

"Jesus, Jim," Rafe gestured at Blair.  "How the hell can you live
like this?" he asked incredulously.  Blair's unknown seduction of
the two men during a simple meal had left them teetering on
desire's edge.

A quick arm squeezed Blair's shoulder gently, as Jim smiled back 
at Rafe.  "It's been hell," he chuckled back.  "Do you know what it's
like walking around with an erection all day long?" he asked quietly.

Laughing eyes bounced from lover to lover, as Rafe responded honestly,
"If living with him," he nodded slightly to Blair, "is anything like
working with the two of you, then hell yes, I know."

Blair had stayed quiet as long as he could.  Since they were on the
subject, and the other two men were obviously as turned on as he had
been since leaving the station, he decided to get further into the
details of what was to come that night.  "So, um, Rafe.  What do you
like to, uh, do?"  Blair wiggled his eyebrows at the handsome
detective suggestively.

"What, do you mean sexuall-"

He was cut off by a loud, forced cough that rang out from Jim's chest,
and looked at Jim questioningly.  He followed Jim's cocked eyes to
his left, where the waitress was coming up from behind the counter.
A look of understanding covered his face, as he dropped the subject 
quickly.  Just as he was about to bring up another subject, the waitress 
reached the men's table.

"Is there anything else I can get you boys?"  The waitress tried to
be as seductive as she could, while covered in an eight hour shift's 
worth of food and grease.

Jim looked up, reaching for the check from her outstretched hand.
He was momentarily distracted by one of the only clean spots still 
visible to the public, a pair of black and white miniature plastic 
panda earrings that hung from the woman's ears.  As he contemplated 
just how much she reminded him of Flo, the sitcom waitress, he accepted 
the check from her.  "No thanks.  We're fine."

The waitress sighed quietly and turned, the pair of pandas flying
about her earlobes as she completed her turn and headed back to the
front of the diner.

"Here, let me get that."  Rafe held his hand out to Jim, attempting to 
retrieve the meals' bill from the larger man.

"No, that's okay."  Jim pulled the bill closer to himself while he leaned
back and reached for his wallet in his back pocket.  "Besides," he 
reached in and grabbed a few bills, counting them out.  "We invited
you, remember?"  He smiled back at the younger man, whose face now
wore a blush.

"Yeah, you did," Rafe smiled.  "I'll just have to figure a way to repay
you.  Both."  He winked suggestively at both men.

Not having forgotten the earlier subject, Blair continued on with his
questioning.  "So, how do you want to work out your 'debt'?"  

"Oh yeah.  What do I like sexually, you mean?"  His eyes drew across 
the couple appreciating the handsome view.  "Well, I guess you'd say
I'm pretty vanilla."  He did a quick inventory list of his sexual likes
and dislikes.  "I'm pretty easy going, I like all the general things,"
he was still a little uncomfortable, but only because of the newness of
the situation, but kept going.  "I'm kind of a voyeur, but I still love
to participate.  I've been told I'm a great kisser," he paused briefly
as he felt a leg brush up against his own underneath the table.  It
had to have been Blair, as he was presenting his 'I'm so innocent'
face.  "And I'm primarily a top, but I will bottom for the right guy."

Jim had been sitting back, appreciating the conversation, when he
felt Blair's hand come to a rest in his lap.  "You think we can work 
with that, big guy?"

Jim adjusted himself in his seat, the thoughts of the conversation making
his body react.  Quietly, he ignored the lump in both his throat and his

"Yeah, Chief.  Yeah, I think we'll be fine."

Blair turned back to the third man.  "So," he began, his eyes and voice
as seductive as Rafe had ever seen, "what would you like to do with us?
To us?"

It was Rafe's turn to adjust himself.  Blair enjoyed the effect he had 
on the two men, and ignored his own physical discomfort for the moment.  
"Well," he began quietly, "whatever you two would like me to do in 
particular, or...."

"Well I'm more the bottom, Jim is more the top."  Blair squeezed Jim's
knee gently.  "I was thinking maybe we could head back to our place, or
yours, maybe get a shower, make a fire," Blair's leg rubbed higher up
Rafe's calf, "spread a blanket and see what pops up."  When the two men
didn't speak, he realized they were hanging on to every word he was
saying, so he continued.  "I can tell you what I'd like to do.  I'd like
for Jim and I to strip you down naked, then hold you between us.  Jim
could see just how good a kisser you are, while I suck on your nipples.
Then we'll both work our way down your body, me licking your chest and
then your stomach, caressing your balls with my hands."  He noticed both
men breaking out in a slight sweat, but continued on.  "Then I'd have
Jim and you kneel next to each other, so that you can both kiss some
more while I take both of your cocks in my mouth.  As I work you both
in my mouth, I'll let my fingers play over your bodies."

"Blair-" Jim began, unable to sit without fidgeting.  Blair quieted him
by moving his hand from where it rested, bringing it to Jim's swollen
cock, massaging it gently.  

"Are you cut or uncut, Rafe?" Blair asked pointedly.

Startled out of his delectable fantasy, Rafe answered quietly, "Cut.  Not
by choice, though.  I love men who still have their foreskin."

With a squeeze and a push, Blair continued massaging Jim's cock through the
thick material that encompassed it.  "Well, I'm cut, but Jim's not.  Maybe
you'd like to help me make sure he's ready by li-"  He was cut off
prematurely by Jim scooting away from him, standing up quickly.  "What?"

"Chief, if we don't go now," he nodded to the two men, "I will *not* be
responsible for my actions.  Rafe, I think you'd agree with me; it'd be 

The two men laughed easily, breaking the mood somewhat.  "Damn.  Like I
said, Jim.  How do you live with him?"

Looking around, noting they were alone in the diner besides the waitress, 
who was reading a book with her back to them behind the counter, Blair 
leaned forward gently, grabbing both men's hands.  Pulling them towards 
him, he extended the forefinger on each hand, then took both into his mouth, 
gliding his tongue over their surface smoothly.  With each man now totally 
mesmerized, Blair released the digits from the warmth of his mouth.  "He 
loves every minute of it."


The trio entered Rafe's small home, Blair noting it was as immaculately
kept as it's owner.  "Make yourself at home."  Rafe led the pair into the
main room, "Can I get you anything?"

Blair responded first, as Jim took in the environment.  "No, I'm okay.  Jim?
You want anything, man?"

The larger man seated himself on the overstuffed sofa.  "Beer?"  Jim ran
his fingers over the leather sofa, the silky feel of it registering under his
coarse skin.  It reminded him of the leather jacket he'd lost to his lover.
Once Blair had tried it on, he knew he'd never get it back.  Not that
he'd minded much, since he loved holding Blair while the younger man
wore it.

Rafe returned to the living area, a beer in each fist.  He stopped, gazing
down at the couple who were settling down together, cuddling close.  As
he continued on, he rounded the couch and handed Jim his beer, then went
to sit in the chair opposite.

"Whoa!  Where do you think you're going?" Blair asked.  Just as Rafe was
about to sit, the long haired anthropologist made hand motions to him,
indicating a position between the two lovers.  

"You sure?"  Rafe looked at the men, feeling aroused at the company and
position he was getting himself in to.

A wicked smile crossed Blair's face.  "Wouldn't have it any other way,

With that, Rafe picked up his beer and crossed the room again, this time
towards the couple.  As Blair scooted further to his right, Rafe sat
between the men, snuggling in cozy-like on the sofa, it's smooth material
cool against his silken pants.  An arm rose from Jim's side and encircled
Rafe, as Blair's hand settled on his upper thigh.  A flush ran through
his body, and his erection began new life.  "Oh my," he sighed, as his 
entire body began a delightful chill.

Blair's eyes made their way from Rafe's body over to Jim, where Jim
was caressing the silk clad shoulder and staring back at Blair.
A mutual smile was shared by the couple, as if signaling to each
other.  Blair's eyes went back to Rafe's head, his hand reaching up
and turning Rafe's face towards his own.  The two men leaned in and
shared a kiss, while Jim encircled Rafe with his massive arms, feeling
the well defined muscle beneath the thin material that covered his skin.
As Jim and Blair's hands ran over the third man's body, they met
occasionally, fingers clasping together and then returning to their
mutual stroking.

It was Blair who cut the passionate kiss off first, rising from the
couch.  One hand extended to each man, he urged them to join
him; that couch was just not big enough for the plans he had going
through his head.  Jim stood first, pulling Rafe up seconds later.
The three men stood in the living room huddled together, Rafe turned
facing the larger man.  Jim bent down slightly and pulled Rafe
into an embrace, capturing his mouth and kissing it hungrily, while
Blair ground his crotch into Rafe's silken covered ass through his
own coarse jeans.  

Six hands made their way over each body, caressing the material and 
hot skin that it held gently.  As Blair continued to grind into 
Rafe's ass, his fingers found Rafe's nipples and began to tease them 
gently.  He began slowly, with just the tips of his index fingers,
then as Rafe began to moan heavily into Jim's mouth, he took each
one between his finger and thumb, pinching them slowly.  Rafe
released Jim and threw his head back, leaning it on Blair's shoulder.
As Blair continued to manipulate his nipples, Jim leaned in and
captured his neck, sucking on it gently until Rafe was almost
reduced to a puddle of silken goo.  

It took a few seconds, but Rafe reclaimed his composure enough to
regain his faculties momentarily and slowly pull the men close.
A quick kiss planted on each man's lips, he gathered each by the
hand, leading them towards the bedroom.

Rafe entered the darkened room first, letting go of the men's hands
so he could go to his dresser.  The strike of a match lit the room, 
causing Jim to shield his eyes by burying his face into Blair's neck, 
nibbling gently on the supple skin that he found there.  Candles lit, 
Rafe watched the men caress each other for a moment, before he turned 
back and opened a drawer.  He reached in and pulled out lube and 
condoms, placing them on the bedside table.  

His attention fully back on the men, he watched as each man stared
into the other's eyes, while nimble fingers removed clothing from
the other.  Shirts were first to go, and he watched the sculptured
chest of Jim Ellison push against the furry chest of Blair Sandburg,
with the couple locked in a kiss.  Eyes closed and lips and tongues
tangled, each man unbuckled belts and pants, allowing them to drop
to the floor.  The lovers separated momentarily, leaning down to
remove their socks and shoes, then finally their pants.  As they
stood in Rafe's bedroom, clad only in boxers, they walked over to
the third man, and began removing his clothing.

Blair knelt down in front of Rafe, untying the shoes while Jim 
loosened the shirt and let it hang opened on the shoulders.  Both 
men then began to work on Rafe's pants, Jim removing the belt
while Blair worked the button and zipper.  It was a sensual striptease,
one that caused Rafe to become covered in gooseflesh.  Blair
lowered the pants over Rafe's deliciously curved ass, as Jim
removed the shirt, gentle kisses flowing over the smooth skin.
Rafe was pushed back onto the bed by the couple, so that his shoes,
socks and pants could be removed.  Jim lay him back on the bed and
climbed upon his chest, straddling it, as Blair removed the remaining
garments, then joined the couple, placing his body closer to the head 
of the bed.

With Jim on Rafe's chest, Rafe leaned up, taking Jim's hardening
cock into his mouth.  Jim fed the handsome man his cock, while he
leaned up flowing kisses over Blair's face, trailing them down his
lover's body.  Continuing lower, Jim began to lick at Blair's 
thighs, nuzzling his cock and balls, wetting them with his tongue.
Blair's rigid cock thrust in and out of Jim's mouth, his hands 
running over Jim's smooth skin, then gently through Rafe's hair.
Blair could see very little of the third man, but knew that Jim
was enjoying the sensations the unseen man was causing.

As moans filled the room, each man began to stir from their 
positions.  Already, Rafe's fingers had found their way to Jim's
ass, and had probed it gently, sending one, then two digits
lightly into Jim's ass, just past the ring.  Jim began to pant, 
releasing Blair's cock from his mouth, urging his lover to flip.  
Blair obliged, and turned over onto his stomach, offering his 
backside to the larger man.  Jim turned sideways, allowing 
Rafe to move from underneath the larger man's body, all the while 
attacking Blair's ass with his tongue and fingers.  Jim's tongue 
delved deep, lubricating his lover's ass, as Rafe climbed around and 
moved up to Blair.  He leaned up, putting his head even with Blair and 
began kissing the smaller man deeply.  Blair moaned into his mouth, 
as Jim continued his assault with his tongue.

Rafe positioned his body in front of Blair, leaning up on the bed.
His hands roamed through Blair's hair, pulling the younger man's
face towards his throbbing cock.  His cock was swallowed up by
Blair hungrily, Blair's velvet mouth causing delectable sensations
throughout the cop.  He opened his eyes to see Blair looking up
at him, cock stuffed down his throat.  As Blair deepthroated him,
Jim climbed up from his position, watching his lover devour the
thick member.  Jim moved his body up, lubed his throbbing cock and
positioned it at the entrance to Blair's ass.  With a slight push 
from both him and his lover, his thick cock penetrated Blair's
ass gently.  

With Jim's cock pumping in and out of him, Blair moaned deeply,
while releasing Rafe from his mouth.  He began licking the cop's
balls, enjoying the feel of Jim inside of him.  Rafe watched the
larger man pump into Blair's ass, running his hands over both men.
He pulled himself up from the bed and situated himself behind the
lovers, picking up the lube and a condom as he settled in.  Mesmerized 
by Jim's thrusting ass and muscular back, his hands began exploring 
Jim's body again.  Dabbing lube onto his fingers, he put them between 
Jim's cheeks.  Sensing the probing fingers, Jim started making longer 
thrusts, letting Rafe's fingers tease him ever so gently.  Rafe's 
fingers probed Jim's ass, causing the larger man to shudder in ecstasy.

With his free hand, Rafe brought the condom wrapper to his mouth,
ripping the package open to reveal it's prize.  Using a little
lube, his fingers momentarily taken from Jim's ass, he wrapped
the latex sheath over his stiff cock.  Still mesmerized by the
view, he put his hands onto Jim's side, as if to help direct him.

Trying to focus on the sensations running through him, Jim allowed
Rafe to pull him and his lover to their left, until the two men were 
resting on their sides.  Jim still thrusting into Blair, he readied
himself as Rafe got behind him, his cock throbbing against Jim's
backside.  Getting into position, Rafe slowed Jim down somewhat,
as he placed the crown of his penis against Jim's entrance.  With an
easy thrust, he pushed into the larger man, feeling the hot cavern
surround his sheathed cock.  Moaning, Rafe leaned over the two
men, enjoying the sensations.

As Rafe pumped into Jim, who in turn was still pumping into Blair,
he allowed his hands to roam over the lovers.  He allowed his hand
to find Blair's nipple ring, and pulled it slightly, causing the
smaller man to groan uncontrollably.  Rafe's hand left the furry
chest, then focused on Blair's cock, replacing Blair's hand and
stroking it furiously, stopping occasionally to play with Blair's

The feeling of Blair's ass contracting at each stroke of Rafe's
hand, compounded with the thrusting of Rafe's cock against his
prostate had Jim's body in a state of pleasant bliss.  It wasn't
long until the effects of the two men began to take their toll, 
and Jim felt the beginnings of his orgasm.  He sped up, his body 
crying for release, when Rafe pulled out of his ass quickly, 
stopping his own thrusting with a strong arm.

Wild eyes looked from Jim's face, bearing down on Rafe.  "Jesus
Christ," he exclaimed breathily, "are you trying to kill me?"

"Torture maybe," Rafe grinned at Jim, winking at Blair.  "Maybe
even hurt you a little, but I ain't gonna kill you."  Rafe moved
the two men, separating them somewhat.  "Here, Jim.  Get on your

The larger man obeyed, laying flat on his back on the bed.  As
Rafe pulled Jim's legs up, resting them on his shoulders, Blair
climbed up above Jim, facing Rafe.  With his cock back inside of
Jim, Rafe leaned up, pulling Blair's face to his, taking his
lips and tongue as if to posses them.  Jim guided Blair's hips
until Blair's thick cock was shoved down his throat, and Blair
whimpered in ecstasy as Rafe claimed him.  

One hand on Rafe's chest, the other on Jim's cock, Blair knew
that the feelings he was helping to produce in the other men
mimicked those he felt within his own body.  With Jim clamped 
on his cock, sucking the head intensely, and his lips bruised 
from the intense kissing and licking Rafe was giving him, 
he knew he would not last long.  The familiar tickle began deep in 
his body, followed quickly by an almost involuntary convulsion.  
Jim raised an arm, claiming the nipple ring between two fingers, 
sending Blair over the edge.  He released Rafe's mouth, leaning 
onto the man's broad shoulders, and cried out loudly, as incredible 
sensations swept over him.  His orgasm was powerful, the thick 
ejaculate shooting out of his contracted balls, down into Jim's 
throat.  He could feel Jim swallow his seed, the head of his cock 
tickled by the contracting of his lover's throat.  As his orgasm 
subsided, he withdrew from Jim's mouth, leaned down, and began to 
kiss his lover, tasting his own essence from his lover's mouth.

Now sated, Blair focused on pleasuring the other two men as much
as he could.  He allowed his hands to roam over the other men,
caressing and nipping as much as his tired body would allow.  He
reached back, pulling on Rafe's balls gently, teasing them with
the wetted palm of his hand, and could tell the third man was
getting close.  Rafe's balls contracted up against his body, and he
threw his head back.  With a slight tug against his testicles, Rafe
gave himself over to a powerful orgasm, crying out, taking Blair's
mouth and covering it with his own.  Each thrust into Jim's ass
was punctuated deeply, sperm filling up the latex condom buried
deep in Jim's ass.  

The pulsating sensations of Rafe's orgasm was enough for Jim.  As
Rafe began to slow his thrusts down, Jim's orgasm renewed itself.
He grabbed his cock, and pumped.  Blair's hands fell to Jim's
nipples, sending the larger man over the edge.  Jim cried out 
loudly, his balls sending a scalding load over his stomach and


In the still of the night, the three men lay sleeping.  The lovers
had placed Rafe between them, kissing and talking until the early
hours of Saturday morning.  Spent, each man dropped off into sleep, 
not knowing what the next day would bring, but sure that it would be 
