A Play in the Park
“So what does one where to a play in the park?” Xander asked as he came up behind Willow and Tara as the walked across SU’s quad.
“Eep! Xander! What?” Willow blew a stray lock of hair from her eyes and loosened her death grip on Tara’s hand.
“Play. Park. Clothes?” Xander made begging, I’m-cute-and-hopeless-and-you-want-to-help-me eyes at the girls.
“Um, I guess, that would depend on when and what you’re going to see.” Tara grinned shyly at him.
“Saturday, midnight showing and I have no idea what we’re seeing.” Xander pouted. “Spike won’t tell me.”
Willow laughed at her best friend and grabbed him by the arm leading him over to the parking lot where she knew his car would be. “Well he must be taking you out of town, there aren’t any theater groups playing in Sunnydale right now. Don’t worry Xander we’ll help you get all dolled up. But. This will require... SHOPPING.”
“Oh, no Wills! Not the shopping! Save me Tara!” The brunet made a mock frightened face and drug his feet.
“Sorry Xander, there’s no escape for you.”
“Ok we’re here. Now, what are we seeing.” Xander demanded as they got out of the car. The damned vampire had kept quiet the whole way to LA and all through diner.
“Yes Spike, I’d quite like to know as well.” Giles was playing chaperon tonight.
“It’s a comedy Pet, should be right up your alley.”
“Uh-huh. But what is it? A Shakespearian something or other? Or-” Xander suddenly stopped at the sight of a large sign. Giles groaned when he saw what made Xander stop. Spike just smirked and pulled Xander along the path to where the audience was spreading out on the dimly lit park lawn. The vampire unfurled a blanket and the three sat down just in time for the play to start.
“Welcome one and all to the fourth and final midnight showing of ‘3 Guys in Drag Selling Their Stuff’!
Written for windles_orbit #26 ‘a play in the park’

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