Xander's Green-Eyed Obsession
Anya's Return
After carefully avoiding the female contingent of the Scoobies following the resolution of the roommate situation, Xander welcomed the idea of working for Giles on a simple cleanup slash organization job. It didn't pay well, but it kept him from seeking out the campus cafeteria. Plus, snacks.
"I don't get your crazy system!" Xander whined as he attempted to shelve Giles' books.
"My system? It's called the alphabet."
Oops. Perhaps thinking about Harry should be kept away from things that need thinking about. "Huh! Would you look at that!" Xander exclaimed while bonking himself with an imaginary mallet.
The sound of the door opening interrupted the understanding atmosphere. "You should really lock your door." An ex-demon entered the apartment. Cue the funeral march.
"Believe me, I am kicking myself." One could imagine Giles formulating how to make Anya melt like the witch in Oz.
"Anya? Last time I saw you fleeing in terror. How'd that work out for you?" Of course Xander knew that returning to Sunnydale is nearly always a last resort. That or it had magnetic properties to former demons and humans that Giles had not shared with the class. Hmm. . .
"I need to talk to Xander."
Xander shifted and almost said something, thought better, and waited impatiently. YES?
"Go away." She turned a beady-eyed glare on Giles, who remained unimpressed and unmoving.
"Xander come with me." Anya huffed as she dragged Xander outside. He couldn't help but wonder why this crazy female thought she had authority over his motions. Once a doormat, always a doormat? Xander added a mental note to aquire some male friends, if only just to create a barrier between him and crazy.
"Your mother said you were working here?"
"Yeah, need some money and –" Anya swiftly interupted him.
"So where is our relationship going?"
"Our what? Our who?" Huh?
"Our relationship. What kind do we have and what is it progressing toward?"
"I-.. We have a relationship?" When did we end up in a relationship other than supreme disgust with a touch of reluctant acceptance?
"We went to prom." It was a crappy date that nearly went very sour on account of hellhounds and if it weren't for that little disaster that involved a head wound and Willow, I'd have gone with Cordelia.
"Yes. On our one and only date. Second date called on account of snake, remember? And then there's the 'you use to be a man killing demon' thing, which, to be fair, is as much my issue as it is yours."
"I can't stop thinking about you. Sometimes in my dreams you're naked."
"If I'm in the checkout lane at Wal-Mart, I've had the same one." Please tell me she has only been horning in on my traumatizing dreams. Thoughts of Harry half-naked dancing the same as he had that night flashed through his mind.
"So I can assume a standing Friday night date and a mutual recognition of Prom night as our dating anniversary?" GAH! I need a copy of 'Daemons, Dating, and You.' Or whatever... didn't Giles – oh wait. That was 'Wizards, Witches, and Warlocks.'
"Anya! Slow down! In fact, come to a screeching halt! See, these things kind of have to develop on their own." That and we aren't even social. I've had more illuminating conversations with tombstones.
"Alright. How?"
"I don't know. It just . . . happens." Xander, you are such a coward! Tell her that you have a . . . kinda-sorta boyfriend. She isn't a demon anymore. She can't curse you, or him. Heavy silence filled the air as Anya stared at Xander. Coughing lightly, Xander turned back to Giles' apartment. "I have to get back to work. We can talk later."
Shocks ran up his spine and back down as Xander turned away from Anya's naked form. When did nudity become a speech form?
"Please remove your clothes." Xander worked hard to refrain from giving in to Anya's demand and desire.
"Uh, yeah, that offer is a bit more romantic than Faith-," Xander began.
"Yes?" Anya asked as she began tugging insistently at Xander's jeans.
Gulping forcefully, Xander dropped the deflated juice box and restrained Anya's wrists. "But," he half-wheezed, "at this time, I kinda-sorta am in a dating relationship with a wonderful person who has," a sigh, "the most gorgeous green eyes I have ever seen." La-la land was making a vicious attempt to engulf Xander as he spoke. Shaking his head, Xander met Anya's eyes. "If you wish to be friends, I'll be happy. If you wish more, its not possible. . . right now. Possibly not ever." Stepping back from the nude woman before him, Xander took a deep breath. "And, for both our sanity, I will forget this happened. Please dress and we can talk later."
A ding filled the room. "Fabric softener." Anya half-sobbed.
Xander nodded and turned to the chore, and continued to putz about long after adding the softener to allow Anya privacy as she pulled together and exited through the back door.
A very frustrated scream filled the musty basement.
/Hello, handsome./ Harry's sultry answer never failed to garner a response in Xander.
"Do you flirt like that with all your callers, or just poor, lost dish boys you cross paths with on birthday celebrations?"
/That's an interesting question. Let's see. Do I flirt with all my callers?/ Seriousness filled the line.
Xander choked on a nervous laugh.
Amusement filled Harry's voice. /That would be a resounding No. I do, occasionally, receive business calls and answering like that would be quite embarrassing. Now, for the second part . . ./ Harry paused, humming lightly into the microphone.
"Harry!" Xander warned.
Harry sighed before formulating his answer. /I must admit that you are the only 'poor, lost dish boy' I have encountered, and another birthday celebration of that nature is unlikely, so I could say 'yes'-/
"Harry?" Xander cried in alarm.
/But-,/ he continued, /as Fate has always made odds work tremendously against me, and even though the odds are severely favorable to you, I must narrow the fields even further./ A pause came across the line. /Only you, Alexander Harris. I flirt with you, and you alone, in that manner./
"God you are sweet." Xander melted at the sentimentality Harry had conveyed over the phone. "What did I ever do to deserve you?" Wonderment and awe seeped into Xander's voice.
/If memory serves, it was 'Butler-in-Training.'/ Xander choked. Harry laughed. /You were yourself./ Harry affirmed. /And you demanded the same of me. You have never demanded more./
Tears of joy threatened Xander at Harry's revelation. "You'd better not be saying I'm easy, Harry Potter!" Xander mock-threatened.
Peals of laughter resounded the airwaves. /Not remotely!/ Laughter continued to flavor Harry's voice. /It's quite difficult with you. I find it hard to treat you in a manner you'll accept. You make it even harder by not expecting certain behaviors from me. Its . . . liberating./ Harry concluded somberly. /Although, I have a feeling this is not why you called me./
Blushing profusely at the direction their conversation had gone, Xander resolved to get it over with. "I had a Eureka moment."
An intrigued Oh? came back.
"Let's do it." Like ripping off a bandaid.

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