Xander's Green-Eyed Obsession
Halloween Happenings
October 30th, Pumpkin Carving in Xander's basement
Xander frowned at the lack of scare in the pumpkin and turned it toward the slayer. "What do you think, Buff?"
Buffy sighed as she played with the seed laden pumpkin innards. "I was thinking about the life of a pumpkin. Grow up in the sun, happily entwined with others. Then someone comes along, cuts you open and rips your guts out." The whammy definitely needed to visit Parker Abrams, hopefully sometime before the misery set in permanently.
Diversion time. "Okay, and on that happy note, got a treat for tomorrow night's second annual Halloween screening. People, prepare to have your spines tingled and your gooses bumped by the terrifying Fantasia! Fantasia?" What was Xander suppose to do with Fantasia?
In typical Oz fashion, the self-same man made the perfect statement. "Maybe it's because of all the horrific things we've seen but hippos wearing tutus just don't unnerve me the way they use to." If I weren't so depressed about my plans being ruined, I'd be laughing right now.
"Phantasm. It was suppose to be Phantasm! Stupid video store." Don't start pouting.
"I thought we were doing the Alph-Delt thing?" Willow asked.
"What ... thing?" Xander couldn't help but be suspicious.
The Buffy blahs rejoined the conversation. "The scary house? Sounds kind of lame."
The king of the campus, well the party-king anyway, elaborated on the not-lameness. "It actually borders on fun. You have to go through the whole scary house maze to get to the party, which is usually worth getting to. Those guys go all out."
"As witnessed last Friday." Smirking Willow was giddy sounding.
"Very true." Oz again.
"There's a party?" And no one bothered to mention it to me? Xander had to wonder if maybe their friendship wasn't as solid as he previously believed. Flashes of that well written letter from Harry blinked at the forefront of his mind.
"We didn't tell you?" Willow sounded sufficiently contrite. Okay, she's sincere. I suppose I can forgive.
"Nah, it's cool." Don't lay it on too thick. Have to make them believe. "You guys got your little college thing. I'm fine. I mean, I got better things to do than tag along to some fraternity." Xander mentally crossed his fingers, hoping no one would call his bluff. After all, Fantasia is a date night movie. Or background music.
"You can come." Thank you, oh merciful Wil.
"'Kay. But only because I lied about having better things to do." Xander grinned. Now all he had to do was figure out what to wear. Must be something cool.
Electronic beeping interrupted any further thoughts. Harry! Xander scrambled to the workbench where his cell phone sat. Grinning, Xander answered the way he preferred. "Xander's House of Horrors, we guarantee screams!"
/That is quite the claim./ Harry chuckled. /Someone is going to believe you someday./
"Guess I may be in trouble when that happens." Xander laughed back. "Up early or bed late?"
/Your clock break?/ Harry sounded amused.
"No." Xander stretched out the vowel, turning to spy his watch. 10:57. Where did the time go? "Okay, not so early."
/Should I be worried?/ Harry asked, semi-warily. /Who are you playing with tonight?/
What? Where is-? "I happen to be carving pumpkins with Wil, Buff an' Oz." Xander growled. "And who have you been playing with the past week?"
Xander practically heard the wince. /I'm sorry, Xan. I sound like a massively jealous git, don't I?/ Harry sighed. /This party is –grrr– a political nightmare that I have absolutely no desire to attend!/ Harry took a deep breath. /And all I want to do, is see you. Forgive me?/
"Not so much of the mood." Xander's irritation factor hit critical. "Perhaps after the nightmare is finished, and you've calmed." Xander swiftly disconnected the call.
"Paradise lost?"
Oh shit! Xander paled at Oz's deadpan statement. Spinning, Xander felt sweat form upon his face as three sets of eyes trained on him as if he were a germ on a slide under a very precise microscope. "Ahhh-. I-. Uhmm-."
"Since when could you afford a cell phone, Xander?" Great. Buffy emerges from a grand Buff-funk just in time to pin Xand-man to the pegboard.
"You're not selling drugs, are you Xander?" Willow joined in.
"Wha—No! The phone was a gift. Had it a week." Xander gulped and braced, waiting for the other shoe to drop.
"And you were going to tell us—when?" Ugh! Some days Buffy needs to listen to herself!
Xander grimaced. "Sunday. But with Parker; Spike; the Gem: who could find the time?"
"He has a point, Buffy." Willow chimed. "I wanna know one thing, Xander." She paused dramatically. "When do we get your number?"
Halloween, 1pm
"I'll be by to pick it up in an hour, hour and a half. Thank you." Xander hung up. Alright. Costume's set, time to help Oz with his delivery. Shrugging on his favorite button-down, Xander prepared to depart.
Keys. Keys, keys, keys. Where are my keys? Xander straightened his collar as he continued to search his dank sanctuary. Movement by the inside staircase forced a jump from Xander. Deliver me from demons, please god! "Anya. You really have to get this knocking thing down. How did you -?"
Anya looked slightly uncomfortable. "Your-ah Uncle Rory let me in. Does he always smell like peppermint?"
This is why I hate my family. Thankfully, sarcasm is still a friend. "The man likes his schnapps. What are you doing here?"
Anya huffed. "We haven't talked. Not once."
Not now! Xander sighed, exasperated. "You said you were over me."
Anya scowled. "You just accepted that? I only said that because I thought that was what you wanted to hear."
Xander winced. Headache, thy name be Anya. "Well that's the funny thing about me. I tend to hear the actual words people say and accept them at face value."
"That's stupid," Anya scoffed.
"I accept that." Xander paused. Maybe I should keep my options open. Harry's been rather overzealous. "I can't say seeing you falls into the realm of a bad thing."
"Really?" Anya preened. "I thought maybe we could go out tonight, for our anniversary."
Again? "Anniversary? Anya, we have to be dating to have an anniversary. One date does not a relationship make. Besides, I already have plans with Buffy, Willow and Oz. It's Halloween, you know."
"I don't understand." Anya frowned.
Sarcasm rally! "Well, every October 31st, we mortals dress up in masks–"
Anya interrupted. "No, no. I understand that inane ritual. It's those people. And you continue to associate with them though you share little in common."
Xander zoned out as Anya rattled off a mass of comparisons. Clueless much? Growling, Xander answered the wordless question of why. "Those things, the bonds of true friendships transcend the growing pains of graduation and adultness. You wanna see this phenom in action, you can come with me tonight to this party."
Anya bounced a bit as she answered. "You mean, like a date? Is that what this is? Are we dating?"
Be firm, Xander! "There are definitely date-like qualities at work here. But it's not a date." No matter how rocky it is with Harry right now, so not a date. "You'll need a costume. Dress-up, something scary."
Alpha Delta Fraternity 7:30pm
"Like the tux, Xander." Buffy complimented.
"Bond. James Bond. Insurance. Y'know, in case we get turned into our costumes again I'm going for a cool secret agent guy." Of course now I'm thinking about that night again. Xander's hands itched to call Harry.
"I hate to break it to you but you'll probably end up cool headwaiter guy."
"As long as I'm cool and wield some kind of power." Xander fought a blush as he ruminated on the various other possibilities.
Buffy turned, headed to the front door of the fraternity. "Oh, its Wil. Medieval Wil. Who are we today?"
Willow bounced happily as she halted before Buffy and Xander, hugging her boyfriend to her side. "I'm Joan of Arc. I figured we had a lot in common seeing as how I was almost burned at the stake and plus, she had that close relationship with God."
Morbid much? Xander peered at a decidedly un-festooned Oz and had to ask. "And you are?" Shifting his over shirt to the left, Oz unveiled a self-adhesive name tag reading 'Hello! My name is GOD.' "Of course! I wish I'd thought of that before I put down my deposit. I could've been God."
Xander laughed internally at the comedic-ness of Oz's statement. I bet Harry would have loved to be here. He never did tell me what he was going as. A pang struck Xander at the thought of a night with Harry at his side."Oh, yeah. I, ah, invited Anya but she's having some trouble finding a scary costume so she's just gonna meet us there."
"Perfect. Everybody's got a date but third-wheel Buffy."
"Nono. Nonononono. Anya isn't my date." Oh, God! Why didn't I think about this reaction? Xander's face was stricken with horror. The trio launched incredulous looks at Xander. "I—," he groaned. "I felt sorry for her. I kinda rejected her last weekend and she took it a bit harshly so I thought maybe extending a hand in friendship might be, y'know, nice."
Buffy cough-laughed. "Wow, Xand. I didn't think you had it in you."
"Hey!" Xander gasped, indignant. "And a resounding huh? What did you not think I could do?" I resent that she thinks I can't show some backbone. Cordelia never got to me, until she got to me—but that was after years of scratching away at my defenses.
"Stringing along two girls at the same time? Or was it Anya you were arguing with last night?"
Xander frowned as the implication hit a little too close to home for him. "Let's get one thing straight, right now. You had your chance. And I'm ready for a party."
Giles' Apartment 8:45pm
The post crazy-frenzy party was gathered, nestled in the furniture of Giles' living room. A dent was verily being made in the huge bowl of chocolate goodies that had been purchased for the hereto un-presented trick-or-treaters. "Some quality treats here, Giles."
"Please, finish them." Giles groaned.
Buffy was scarfing down candies by the handful. "This is much better. There is no problem that cannot be solved by chocolate."
Willow turned a bit green. "I think I'm gonna barf."
"Except that." Buffy swallowed.
Xander concentrated fully on not fidgeting in his position next to Anya. No one had commented on Anya's costume or on what had occurred earlier that day. Guess the open of this evening has been forgotten, much like myself. Unable to stop himself, Xander stared at Anya.
"What?" She half-barked.
Gesturing, he asked, "That's your scary costume?"
Anya looked self-conscious for the first time in Xander's recollection. "Bunnies frighten me." She answered succinctly.
Ri-ght. Bunnicula frightens me. And the one from 'Holy Grail' scares me. Xander blinked. Please tell me they don't actually exist. Not asking ex-demon. Oblivion, much prefered.
"Oh, bloody hell. The inscription." A giggle almost escaped Xander as he heard Giles. For some reason, Xander saw rabid bunny slippers nipping at Giles's heels. Concentrate on the real, Xand-man! Thankfully, the image faded.
"What's the matter?" Buffy fed in the requisite concern.
"I should have translated the Gaelic inscription under the illustration of Gachnar." Giles delivered the book into Buffy's lap.
"What's it say?" Buffy inquired.
"'Actual size.'"
Xander couldn't hold it in. He started laughing hysterically. "Nice punch line there, G-man." He continued to laugh until tears slid down his cheeks. Mildly composed, Xander looked up. Five pairs of eyes stared at him. Oh, god! Why didn't Harry call? I need to get out of here!
"Are you alright, Xander?" Buffy frowned, concern coloring her voice.
Swallowing, Xander stood, straightening up his costume, a self-deprecating smile on his face. "I'll be fine, just need to go home. Make a phone call." Silently, he departed the solemn room.
Xander's Basement 9:05pm
Xander sighed. Sitting upright on the foldout, the last vestiges of the cottage pie, nuked and set in his lap, ready to be eaten, he remained still. The cellphone in his hand displayed no missed calls or messages. No hint at any contact after the call the previous night. Desperation warred with despair. Should he call Harry, despite the unreasonable hour, see if he had calmed since they'd exchanged words? Or were they over? Was that the end of it all? Screw it!
His finger poised, ready to hit the speed dial, the phone began to ring. "Hello?" Xander answered swiftly, mentally crossing his toes.
/Heyyy./ The thoroughly soused voice of Harry rang across the line.

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