The Halls Are Alive With the Sound of Screaming
Saint Potter! Hah! No such person exists.
Oh his wildly imaginative fan club insists that he has never been with anyone in a sexual sense. I beg to differ.
My proof:
Hmm, first. His smile. He never smiles unless it can be used to his advantage. I have watched as he charmed his way out of a birthday party for one of his fans. A Hufflepuff, Bones I think, had requested Potter's presence at her best friend's party. He smiled in such a way that I swear she orgasmed on the spot. He politely refused, saying that he had a prior engagement that he was unable to cancel. That engagement? A date with his Firebolt. Something that could easily be rescheduled.
Second piece of evidence—the way he eats his dessert. Potter never just takes a bite. One evening, the house elves had served a decadent array of cheesecakes. One flavor? Not enough. He must have had one of each type: strawberry, chocolate, cherry, peach, every one. Each cut was precise, delicate. The piece fed in on a fork. The fork twisted around and pulled downward as his head tilted backward. A look of pure bliss covering his features as he leisurely licked his lips after every scrumptious bit. Crumbs on the plate? No. One wetted finger slowly brought every single, solitary crumb back to his mouth to be digested. Thorough.
Third tip-off, the way he handles his wand. It's not an unusual habit, but whenever he pauses while demonstrating, his left hand strays to it. Sometimes he wraps his thumb and forefinger around the wand and rubs, up and down, up and down. Occasionally, his index finger slides up the smooth edges of the wand, slowly, eliciting light sparks of green. I have even caught Potter tonguing the tip of his wand, as if about to deep throat it.
And they say he is innocent of all sins? How does one explain that blowjob to be innocent motion? It appears, to me, that the urge to suck on an object, phallic in nature, in unnatural and definitely not innocent. In public no less!
One thing I can ascertain is that no matter how much he denies it, he is most certainly a pouf and an experienced one at that.
I saw him in Diagon Alley before term. He looked awfully chummy with that werewolf. Both of them sent off that vibe. Small gestures, surreptitious looks, and not so subtle smiles. The 'wolf claims he was there to provide The-Boy-Who-Lived some modicum of protection, but I know better.
It seems almost ludicrous. The-Boy-Who-Lived, lauded as the most Light Wizard alive, pillow talking with a dark creature.
Merlin! I wish I receive that kind of attention from him.
"Hey, Malfoy! Quit drooling and get over here!"
"And I should do that, why?" Can't let them think I'm too easy. I do intend to come out of this with at least a molecule of dignity.
"I'll make it worth your while."
Of course, Harry Potter and the son of a Death Eater is just as unbelievable.
"Tonight, my pets, the halls will be alive with the sound of screaming. . . "

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