A Heaven Made Match
This is a good year. Harry couldn’t help but think. Voldemort has finally been vanquished and will no longer be able to haunt my dreams. I’m Head Boy, I graduate tonight, and I have the hottest male specimen on the block. Licking his lips, Harry entered the Great Hall to receive appreciative whistles from admiring students, male and female alike.
Walking silently to the Gryffindor table, Harry couldn’t help but glance at the Head Table to catch a glimpse of eyes the color of obsidian staring at him. Smirking inside, Harry took his customary seat aside Hermione, giving his habitual morning greeting to his two best friends even though Ron was otherwise distracted by a blond Slytherin across the room.
Digging into the feast set before him at the table, Harry almost missed Hermione hissing at him. “Did you do anything bad last night?!”
Confused, Harry asked the first question that came to mind. “What makes you ask, ‘Mione?”
Worrying her bottom lip between her teeth, Hermione responded with, “Snape hasn’t stopped watching you since you walked in.”
Barely suppressing the urge to blush and smirk and giggle at the same time, Harry answered with a “No” to Hermione’s enquiry.
An eerie silence filled the hall after Harry’s answer. Frowning, Harry was about to search the hall for the reason for the disruption of noise when a smooth baritone voice answered his silent question with a low bellow of “Mr. Potter.”
A slight shiver ran down Harry’s spine and a quiet reply slipped out his lips. “Yes, Professor Snape?”
Spluttering, Hermione rose to defend Harry, planning to say that he could not attend detention due to graduation, when Harry beat her with a quiet “For what, Professor?”
A huge sucking sound filled the room as all the students, save Harry, drew in tremendous quantities of air as Professor Snape strode dangerously close to Harry before bending downward to speak in his ear. Hundreds of hands rose, poised to cover ears from the expected shout from the Potions master.
“For having a sexy Slytherin seductor’s smile.” Long calloused fingers darted out, turning Harry around and placing his derrière on the table. Long arms wrapped around a young waist and thirsty lips pasted themselves to whetted lips. A youthful pair of arms wrapped around the Potion master’s neck, catlike hands hiding in glossy black hair.
A few minutes passed before gaping mouths and dry eyes were closed, the heated kiss still in progress.
The need for air pulled the raven-haired men apart. Still gasping for breath, Harry smiled as he replied to accusation. “For once, I am guilty as charged, and I suppose I must be punished. Tell me Professor, when shall this detention be carried out?”
Barely an inch separated the oblivious duo as Snape replied with an “Immediately!”
Grinning maliciously, Harry pecked Severus on the cheek then launched himself over the Gryffindor table and out the hall doors, laughing out a reply of “You have to catch me first!”
Growling, the Slytherin Head of House glided gracefully out the doors after the young Seeker.
No sound was to be heard in the Great Hall for several minutes after the pair’s departure, until laughter filled the hall. All eyes turned to the Head Table to see Headmaster Dumbledore laughing hysterically, tears rolling down his cheeks.
Smiling, Minerva couldn’t help but say, “Definitely a match made in heaven.”

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