Partaking the Dragon
Today signals the start of a five-part mini-series of discussions based on the Harry Potterium entitled “PAROXISMS of Potterium.”
The Harry Potterium is a highly complex species. It develops relationships with creatures of many walks of life. One of the most favored partners of the Harry Potterium is the Draco Malfikis.
The Draco Malfikis, nicknamed “The Dragon,” while normally exuding a snobbish façade, often seeks out the Harry Potterium’s attention. Public meetings between the two often result in underhanded jibes and fights that manifest in injuries. The tauntings of the two parties are often laced with sexual connotations and subtle flirtatious comments, most of which remain unnoticed by onlookers. In private, however, the circumstances change drastically.
Some private altercations start with the intent to cause physical damage, but rapidly deteriorate into something more intimate and sexual in nature. These scenarios often become commonplace, much to the ignorance of the Ronald Weaselus and the Hermione Grangium.
The relationship between Harry Potterium and Draco Malfikis is often complicated by their respective upbringings. While the Harry Potterium is used to being treated as a slave, the Draco Malfikis was raised by the Lucius Malfikis to be respected and obeyed at every whim. Despite such differences, they often form symbiosis.
However, not all Harry Potterium enjoy the company of the Draco Malfikis. Some prefer the company of older breeds. Join us next time as we explore the highly debated relationship of the Harry Potterium and the species more commonly known as “The Potions Master.”
Challenge: Take any other Harry Potter character and write a “documentary” like this one on its different partners. (Of course, if you want to use the idea for some other series—Gundam Wing, Escaflowne—I wouldn’t mind). If you accept my challenge, please email me or leave a review and I’ll list in the next installment.
Grayswandir, the Moon Sword

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