Post-Mission Activities
Heero: AHHHH!
[The sound of running feet approach a door]
Quatre(whisper): He came back from his last mission rather battered.
Trowa(whisper): You didn't check him?
Quatre(whisper): No. He said he was fine, just needed some rest.
Trowa(whisper): And you believed him?
Quatre(whisper, with a scathing look): I'm not that skeptical! Besides, he wasn't limping or cradling his arm or anything.
Trowa(giving Quatre a look that said "Heero-is-a-very-good-actor-and- wouldn't-let-you-notice-him-hurting-unless-he-was-dying"): . . .
Quatre: *sigh*
[Quatre raised his hand to knock on door]
Wufei(muffled by door): Shh. Everyone will hear you.
Heero(muffled by door): Sorry. That hurt!
[Quatre and Trowa exchange glances; press their ears against the door]
Heero: That feels good.
Wufei: You like that?
Heero(panting): Harder! . . . . Right there! . . . Hmm. Perfect.
Wufei: Here. Let me take your shirt off.
Heero: *whimper*
Wufei: Just a little further. There. [Sound of sopping wet shirt hitting the floor]
Heero(whining): I'm getting cold!
Wufei: Let me warm you back up again.
[The sound of hands rubbing flesh, creaking bed frame, groans, and panting permeate the room]
Heero(blissful moan): That feels good.
[The sound of a door opening]
Duo: Wufei, I thought you were going to wait for me!
Heero: I'm sorry. I told him to start. Don't yell at him.
Duo(guiltily): No. I'm sorry. I didn't know you were that bad. I should have gone faster.
Wufei(smile in his voice): Would you like to help? I'm sure Heero won't mind.
Duo: Hell yeah.
[The bed creaks loudly as Duo lands on it. The unmistakable sound of jar being opened]
Heero: That's kinda cold.
Duo: Don't worry it'll get hot real soon.
Wufei: Maxwell, give me some of that.
Duo: Sure, Wufie.
Wufei(muttering): I'll ignore that.
[The smacking of lubricated hands hitting flesh and Heero moaning in pleasure]
Duo: God, Heero. You're so tense.
Wufei: Heero. Are you hungry?
Heero(blissfully): Ravenous.
Duo(mischievously): What would sate your appetite.
Heero(a hungry growl): Hmm. . . sausage.
Duo(curious, mock innocence): Of all varieties?
Heero: Uh-huh.
Wufei(a smile in his voice): Okay.
[Wufei padded silently to the door, opening it; in toppled Quatre and Trowa, blushing furiously]
Wufei(quizzically): What are you doing?
[Quatre and Trowa stood up, averting their eyes]
Quatre(sternly): The real question is: what were YOU doing to Heero?
Duo(confused): Why? Did you want to join us?
[Quatre and Trowa looked up sharply, looking at the two still on the bed]
Quatre(blushing further due to his misunderstanding, eyes widening)
Quatre and Trowa(slack-jawed): . . .
[Heero lay on his stomach, half-naked, arms wrapped around the pillow his head was resting on. Duo sat, straddling Heero's back, hands paused on his shoulders.]
Quatre(incredulously): You were giving him a massage?
Duo(in a "duh" way): Yeah.(Duo quickly pasted on a mischievous, knowing grin, looking straight at the pair) What did YOU think we were doing?
Author's note: I know this plot is well used. Gomen. My first POSTED fic. Hope ya'll liked it. This was a one-shot, but I may turn it into a series if someone wishes to give me ideas on future parts. Please don't flame me if you hate shounen ai and you read this fic, I did warn you. Please, Comments and Criticisms welcome.
Ja ne. Grayswandir

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