Master Vampires Have Feelings Too
2 - Doing the Wash
With no new big bad to fuss about the scoobies were slaving over dusty tomes looking for signs of the next apocalypse. Not very entertaining for a Master Vampire. Spike lounged on the couch not even trying to look busy, unlike Xander who was still halfheartedly flipping through the book in his lap. Rolling his head to look at the boy he suddenly had the urge for a little mischief. Moving about as if he was stretching Spike inched closer to Xander. Finally settling so they were touching all along the side, his head resting on a muscled shoulder.
Brought out of his daze by the weight on his shoulder Xan turned his head to find himself nose to nose with the vampire. His eyebrows shot up toward his hair line. “Um, Spike? What are doing?” he queried blinking at the blond.
“Nothing.” Spike just looked at the boy resisting the urge to smirk.
“Right then why are you over here when there is a whole other side of the couch?” Spike leaned away just long enough to give hope that he would move before sliding his arm behind Xander and scooting even closer. “Like it better over here pet. ‘Sided wanted to see what you were reading, bored I am.”
“You can get your own book you know.”
“Don’t want another one, this looks interesting.”
“Move over and I’ll give you this one.”
“No, go ahead I’m fine here.”
“You to stop bickering and get back to researching.” Giles chastised not even bothering to look up from his notes.
Glaring at the grinning man Xander turned back to his book, hoping that if he ignored him the vamp would get tired of his game and bug someone else. Spike sat quietly for a few minutes pretending to read over Xander’s shoulder. Slowly he turned his head to the side and waited. Xan twitched but didn’t move away. He turned his head a bit more, the dark haired boy fidgeted but kept resolutely quite. Spike waited feeling the tension of the muscles under his arm lessen. Then he pursed his lips and blew right into Xander’s ear.
Xander jumped up book falling to the floor. “Spike! uhg!” his hand rubbed at his ear, but when he turned to look at the vamp he was setting a respectable distance from where Xander had been seated. “What was that for?”
“What pet? That? That was the little buzzer saying my clothes are done. Know you don’t wash laundry very often but surely you recognize the sound yeah?” Spike asked all smirking innocence.
Spike grinned at the boy and pushed past to toss his laundry in the dryer, his grin widening at the sputters in his wake. When he came back into the kitchen Xander was filling a glass with water. Still feeling a bit mischievous Spike silently came up behind the brunet and waited for him to take a drink before popping his head over the boys shoulder. “Thirsty, Pet? Spike asked.
Startled Xander meeped while swallowing, which sounded more like a snorf since he was choking. He set his glass aside and bent over the sink coughing and trying to breath. He turned around and pointed and accusing finger at Spike. “You! What is up with you? Are you trying to give me a heart attack!?”
“Oh now Xan pet, don’t be like that.” Spike pouted at the boy. Xander rolled his eyes and left, Spike leaned against the sink and waited. Xander came back cheeks tinged pink and grabbed the water glass Spike held out for him before stomping back out again.
The research broke up for the night and patrols were sectioned out; even if there wasn’t a nasty about the local fledgling population still had to be culled. So a demon hunting they went - Giles, Buffy and Anya (who had just arrived from a bad date and was loudly complaining about it) in one group and the witches, Spike and Xander in other.
Duly armed they strolled through two cemeteries staking a, for Spike, dissatisfyingly low number of vamps. Spike stayed close to Xander taking out any of the nasties that got to close to the mortal. The brunet gave him an odd look but didn’t say anything. Spike was rather glad for that since he wasn’t sure what the reason behind his new... protectiveness? was.
When they’d finished rounds Spike hurried to the Watcher’s grabbing his duffle and leaving before he did something embarrassing. Unfortunately the twitching feeling that had dissipated earlier that night came back with vengeance by the time he reached his crypt. Spike stripped off his clothes and crawled into bed trying to ignore the sensation and get some sleep.

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