Owned Series
In Chronological Order:
Pressie and Cake
Spike’s got a present for Xander. It’s a happy smutty Birthday. Inspired by velvet_virago’s drawing "Nummy Birthday Treats"
4/16/2005 - 10kb - NC-17 - Smut, PWP - Warnings: Bondage, Wax Play - Xander/Spike
Prop. of X
Spike and Xander celebrate their one week anniversary...
10/20/2005 - 11kb - NC-17 - Smut, Romance - Kinky - Xander/Spike
Daring Lace
Spike takes a dare. Written for windles_orbit weekly prompt #13 ‘Linens and Lace’.
8/22/2005 - 11kb - NC-17 - Smut, PWP - Warnings: Crossdressing, Bondage - Xander/Spike
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