Hidden Talent
Spencer peeked out of the back lounge just to make sure the others hadn’t come back for a forgotten wallet or something. Satisfied that he was alone Spencer pushed play. The DVD cycled through and he clicked on the first section.
This had been a gift from Pete, he’d meant it as a joke but Spencer had tried it out of boredom and enjoyed it. So when ever he could snag a little time to himself without bringing the wrath of Ryan’s bitch face or Brendon’s pout, Spencer would pop this in.
Spencer was just starting to pant a little and his back was arched in a distinctive manner when he heard a soft “Whoa.” from the entryway.
Brendon came into the lounge and poke a finger at the drummer’s cocked hip. “Wow, Spencer Smith that looked awesome!” Brendon grinned and bounced on his toes. “Show me, show me, teach me Spencer. Please?” Brendon opened his eyes wider and put on his best begging face.
Spencer sighed. Someone had let Brendon have Red Bull again. Spencer nodded and pulled Brendon over to face the TV and started the DVD from the beginning. They were interrupted a few minutes later by Ryan and Jon.
“Are you guys...” Ryan trailed off distracted by his friends’ shirtless state.
“Belly dancing!” Brendon filled in. “Look!” He told them and curled his back, thrusting his hips forward and then reversing the motion. “I think I’m getting the hang of it, wanna try?” Brendon asked, excited to share his newest favorite thing.
“Um,” Ryan cut his eyes over to Jon, hoping he have something helpful to say. But Jon was busy trying to look like he wasn’t leering at Spencer. “Maybe next time. We‘ll just-”
“Watch.” Jon caught Ryan’s sleeve and pulled him to sit on the couch. He smiled at Spencer and Brendon expectantly.
Spencer narrowed his eyes a little but turned back to the TV and rewound to where they had left off.
I am considering exspanding this into something longer.

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