400 Years
Four HUNDRED years. A long time, even for a vampire, to be bound to another. Spike banged his head against the cell wall. How in hell did he get himself into these things?
It was Peaches fault it had to have been. Bloody bastard probably set the whole thing up. Spike slid to the floor sighing in resignation. Alright, ’s unlikely but Spike was still going to blame him. His idea after all, ‘Take some time off Spike. Go somewhere exotic.’ Git.
While he’s passing out blame might as well add Harmony’s name to the list. Dumb bint ’s the one who suggested the damn resort. Not that Perpetual hadn’t lived up to the brochure. Lush scenery and Japanese architecture gave the place a sensual feel. Since it was demon run and catered to various demons all the buildings had necro-tempered glass.
Actually Spike had quite enjoyed himself until last night, probably would still be if he hadn’t caught Tem’s eye. Tem - right hand of Xarth the Ni’bus chieftain and owner of Perpetual. Fucking fae-demon hybrids.
There was to be a huge celebration tonight - feasting, drinking, music and Spike. Since, according to Tem, he’d make a perfect present for his master’s newly returned son. The heir apparent to the ruling clan of the Ni’bus tribe. The guest of honor for the night’s celebration and Spike’s soon to be master.
Not a bloody thing he could do about it either. Spike was technically in Ni’bus territory and subject to their laws. By the time he could get word to Angel for help he’d already be bound.
Spike looked up as a guard opened the cell door. He’d been bathed earlier in preparation and now two girls came in dragging him up and efficiently dressing him in robes. Moving rapidly to keep up with his escort Spike fidgeted with the robes. A white sheer had been belted on first with a voluptuous shimmering dark blue over-robe. His neck and shoulders were bare, Spike felt if he were on display in spite of the numerous yards of cloth wrapped around him.
They reached the outside and he heard Tem presenting him to the Heir. Spike gulped as he was pushed onto the dais and he got his first look at Xarth’s son.
His eyes widened in shock, “Harris!” Xander looked fucking sexy in formal robes. “Let me go?”
“No.” Xander jerked him closer “I think I’ll keep you.” Spike’s cock twitched at the possessive words.
Xander worried his lobe making him moan as the magic of the binding tightened around him. Spike changed his mind - four hundred years as a pampered consort to Xander sounded perfect.
Written for Bloodclaim's 400th member celebration.

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