After Glow-y Moment
Xander was obsessed by the little silver ring. It wasn’t carved or adorned with gems just a smooth captured bead but it was infinitely fascinating to him. He propped his chin on the crook of his arm and watched as the flickering candle light glinted and sparked off the curved metal. The nub it pierced stood puckered as if offering it’s treasure to be worshiped.
Reaching out he tugged on the ring enjoying the accompanying hiss of pleasure from his mostly unconscious lover. The nipple had earlier that evening been a dusky rose but was now an angry red. Frowning at this Xander leaned over to lave the abused flesh he had been playing with. Perhaps he’d been a bit too enthusiastic with his new toy, still Spike hadn’t complained so he supposed he could forgive himself.
Leaning back Xander surveyed his work. The nipple and surrounding areola were glistening damp from their tongue bath. The color was no longer red soothed back to a more pleasing dusky hue. Xander went pack to his playing. Tipping the ring to lay above the nubbin and back down a few times before his attention wandered. Turning to lay more fully on top of Spike brought the other nipple in to view.
He gently pinched the nub pulling on it. Xander hummed in satisfaction seeing the nipple draw tight. Shifting he suckled on that one as he had it’s mate noting the difference in taste. This one was missing the metallic tang the ring brought the other. Xander squirmed closer to his lover tangling their legs together lost in thought as he absently played with the ring-less nipple.
“Spike, can we go and get this one pierced tomorrow?” Xander asked looking up from where his fingers were kneading the bare nipple.
“Whys that Pet? Do I look lopsided?” Spike asked with a crooked grin.
Xander shook his head and dropped a kiss on the pebbled peak, “No but I don’t want this one to feel left out, the other one got such a pretty little bauble.” Xander explained eyes wide totally sincere in his wish for both to be equal in their adornment.
Spike chuckled a bit and stroked his hand through Xander’s sable hair. “’Course Pet, wouldn’t do to have it be lonely now would it?” Xander flashed a wide pleased smile at his lover. “Com’on Pet lets get some sleep, we’ll go first thing Sunset.” Spike settled the sheet over them continuing to play with the dark locks as his lover nestled his head under his chin arms going round to hold him tight.
Xander drifted to sleep and Spike reminded himself to never ever let Xander eat anything Nibblet cooked up at the witches house again. Cuddly sex-kitten Xander was fun in a -skin hungry must have you now- way but eight hours of it was near exhausting on a poor old vampire.

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