Xander stomped up to his apartment weary after a long day of dry-walling. Xander could hear music when he topped the stairs. Shaking his head at first thinking that it was Spike’s punk but the beat was off. Perhaps Amyl was on another 80’s retro kick. But as he got closer the music got louder - it was definitely coming from his apartment.
Curious Xander slowly unlocked the door and pushed it open a crack. There was Spike dancing around the living room singing.
*In touch with the ground
I’m on the hunt I’m after you
Scent and a sound, I’m lost and I’m found
And I’m hungry like the wolf*
To say Xander was shocked would be an understatement, he let the door fall further open. His lover was bouncing around the room - shirtless ... singing Duran Duran.
*Strut on a line, it’s discord and rhyme
I howl and I whine I’m after you
Mouth is alive all running inside
And I’m hungry like the wolf*
There was something odd going on for Mr. Sex Pistols-were-the-last-great-band to be listening to, let alone sing, 80’s pop. Xander bit his lip and wondered where he put the camera.
*Burning the ground I break from the crowd
I’m on the hunt I’m after you
I smell like I sound, I’m lost and I’m found
And I’m hungry like the wolf
Strut on a line, it’s discord and rhyme
I’m on the hunt I’m after you
Mouth is alive with juices like wine
And I’m hungry like the wolf*
After a bit Xander set his stuff quietly next to the door, closing it behind him and tossed his jacket off. He stepped further in and caught an arm. Pulling Spike around to face him. The vampire just grinned at him and stole a kiss.
“Hey Xan Pet.” Spike greeted moving to nuzzle into Xander’s neck still humming the tune and bouncing on his toes.
“Uh, hi Spike. Had a good day then?” Xander asked a bit concerned. Spike nodded before he pulled back and started babbling about his day. He talked a mile a minute about the mail being late and the washer being possessed and Dawn visiting. Not exactly unusual.
Then Spike tried to go get what Dawn had brought over but he didn’t let go of Xander and the human failed to follow so he pulled up short and fell back into the Xander. Spike looked up at the brunet, giggled and tried again. This time Xander let himself be led.
Scooping something up from the coffee table Spike presented his prize to Xander. It was a mostly empty bag of chocolate covered espresso beans. Xander closed his eyes and prayed. When he opened his eyes Spike was bouncing and smirking wickedly. Not good. Xander tried to back away but it was too late.
*pounce* *thud*
Xander groaned at the feel of Spike lapping up his neck to nibble on his earlobe. An overly caffeinated Spike was like a Tigger on crack. Spike ground his hips into Xander, his erection sliding against Xander’s hardening flesh. A horny Tigger on crack.
Xander bucked up pressing them closer together thankful that tomorrow was Saturday because he had a feeling he wouldn’t be walking straight for a while. As if to confirm that Spike practically shredded Xander’s clothes getting them off.
Not that Xander was complaining mind.
*Burning the ground I break from the crowd
I’m on the hunt I’m after you
Scent and a sound, I’m lost and I’m found
And I’m hungry like the wolf
Strut on a line, it’s discord and rhyme
I howl and I whine I’m after you
Mouth is alive all running inside
And I’m hungry like the wolf...*
Song: Hungry like the Wolf - Duran Duran (Windle's orbit Prompt #1)

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