Skyline Hotel
Xander walked down the ramp of Serenity and into a new life. He’d bought passage on the old firefly nearly a month ago and although he’d come to like the crew he was more then ready to planet side again. There was just something reassuring about solid ground that space lacked.
He waved good by to Book and Kaylee again and made his way toward the town center. Xander had gotten a job tending bar at a ’fancy’ new hotel. His Uncle had been business partners with the owner and he was sure that was the reason he’d been hired. Still Xander wasn’t going to look down on a job that got him out of the back woods settlement and away from his father.
This place wasn’t exactly the height of modern when compared to the core worlds but for the outer reaches it was pretty damn posh. Skyline hotel boasted fancy and/or exotic everything. From the linens to the food. Xander had been hired nominally because he had a ‘pretty face’ and knew some ‘bar tricks’.
After settling in to his temporary room at the Skyline (temporary cause there was NO way he was staying in the tiny sparse room for as much as they wanted to dock his pay for) Xander headed to the bar. The guy running the place gave him a run down of the liquors and mixed drinks they served. Afterward he demanded a demonstration of Xander’s skills. He spent a quarter of an hour tossing bottles and juggling shakers.
Satisfied he could hold his own the boss shooed him away with orders to return that night. Xander wandered about the town looking at a few places to rent and window shopping. There were dress shops and a bizarre general store that sold food - fresh and packaged and little odds n’ ends.
Xander splurged and got an early supper at a white-washed cafe, enjoying the fresh fruit he got as dessert. Twilight settled and he headed back to Skyline. Washing up quickly he changed into the pressed white shirt and shiny blue vest of his uniform. Xander made it down to the bar just in time to tie on his apron before the pre-dinner rush started.
Xander smiled at the two older women seated at the end of the bar. He quickly mixed their drinks and setting them on the bar with a little flourish that had them giggling. Stuffing his tip in the pocket of his apron Xan moved down the bar setting up a row of shots for a bachelor party. There was a bit of a lull and he paused to swipe down the bar top, collecting empty glasses and pulling out another rack of clean ones.
Xander looked up as someone settled into the stool in front of him. A soft slightly accented voice requested a whiskey. The voice sent pleasant tingles down his spine and Xander poured the stranger his drink absently flipping the bottle drawing ooo’s from a few other patrons and a raised eyebrow from the man.
“Here ya go.” Xan grinned at the pale man setting his drink before him. The man murmured “Thank you,” and took a sip. Xander took in the man’s obviously tailored cloths, his shirt and vest fitting just right to show off his lean torso. His hair was honey blonde and cropped in close curls that Xander itched run his fingers through.
The barman watched as the wealthy young man drained his drink and signaled for another. While he poured the blonde unbuttoned his cuffs and rolled them up leaving his forearms bear. Xander nearly whimpered, he had such a thing for hands and the man‘s elegant hands were giving him wicked thoughts.
flushed Xander moved to mix some sweet fruit concoctions for the two Companions sitting in the corner with a heavy set older man. That was something that had shocked him - Skyline housed seven Companions. Xander shuddered a bit, the red head and long haired blonde were beautiful but the thought of them with that lout was repulsive. It did serve to wilt his stirring erection though.
Xander mixed and poured putting on little displays for the crowd but his attention kept being drawn back to the blonde man. He blushed when the man noticed his stare slightly embarrassed at being caught. Xander turned away sliding an ale down the bar but he couldn’t resist a glance back at the handsome man. The blonde’s gaze roamed up his body when there eyes met he lifted a eyebrow and curled his tongue over his teeth. Xander bit his lip and went back to slinging drinks glad for the apron that hid his hard-on.
He’d made it through the night with out breaking any bottles or glasses. He’d with stood the ‘night cap’ rush and made quite a nice pile of tips. There had been many gorgeous men and women in the bar that night and he’d gotten a few offers. But he hadn’t taken any up, the hot blonde watched him the whole night.
As Xander shut down the bar the man got and slid on his jacket. The brunet watched him walk out saddened that the coat blocked the view. When he’d reached the door the lean man turned and blew him a kiss before disappearing. Xander grinned to himself, he had a feeling that he’d like working here.
written for scoobiesinspace fest

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