A Vampire's Sunset
Sunset is an important time marker for a vampire. Much like Sunrise but lacking that panicked quality. Sunset is the awakening - when all the wondrous night blooming things come out to play. Night just about anywhere is full of the things human’s ignore or pass off as fantasy - horror.
When your a fledgling newly risen Sunset holds a temptation, the falling of the sun is a time of impatience. Many a vamp has burned their fingers in the dieing light. But as you get older Sunset becomes a time to cherish.
After the first hundred or so years a Master Vampire starts to build up a tolerance to sunlight. You can be awake in the day instead of falling asleep the second the sun peeks above the horizon. You can even venture out in over cast weather.
But Sunset... Sunset is something else. If a Master is sufficiently powerful they can venture out into the Sunset. Not just twilight where the world is soft and gray but true sunset with it’s vibrant reds and fiery oranges.
At first is stings, like the kiss of molten wax but it fades as the colors race across the sky. It’s like a benediction from Ra himself, like forgiveness.
For Spike it’s something much sweeter. Sunset lets him stray out into the light with his lover. He is free to drink in the sight of the light glinting off sable locks streaking them gold and crimson. He can kiss sun warmed skin even as he is warmed by it.
Sunset is their time when they are neither in Xander’s world nor Spike’s. When the day has passed but the night has not risen. A perfect balance.
Written for windles_orbit weekly prompt #5 'sunset'

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