I am going to kick her ass!
With steel toed shoes. Just to get my point across.
I fucking hate Relena! She does this all the time! One little death threat and she goes crying to Une. “ I need Heero; he is the only one I feel safe with. It has to be Heero, it must be Heeeeerooo.” Whine, Whine, Whine.. Then she has the audacity to demand I stay behind! He is my partner, my lover, my Heero dammit!
The Hell with being subtle. The Hell with being nice. It is time that little bitch learned without a doubt, irrefutably, for all time, whom Heero belongs to.
After I’m done with Relena I’m taking Heero home, Stripping that God awful uniform off him, Scrubbing him till that rose skunk scent that sticks to anything within three feet of the pink psycho comes off, then fucking him till he can’t walk.
Now where did I put my boots?
Um ... Trowa? Is that, is Duo wearing what I think he is?
Wearing what Quat?
Well, his boots aren’t those his ass kicking boots? The steel toed ones?
Hilde ended up in the hospital the last time he wore those didn’t she?
Who do you think he is after this time?
Relena I would imagine.
She didn’t! I think now would be a good time for a vacation, don’t you?
Catherine has been wanting us to come visit.
A piece of shadow split from the wall and slinked down the hallway. The shadow pauses in front of a doorway. Voices can be heard inside.
“Heero ... Heero you can’t sleep in the other room, some thing could happen.. I’m frightened you have to stay with me!”
“Miss Relena Nothing is going to happen, the man behind the death threats has been captured. Everything has been taken care of.”
“But Heeeeroooo!” (Voice hits painfully high register)
“Stop. I’ll stay here but only if you quite the hysterics.” (Rustling)
“Oh Heero that couch can’t be very comfortable, come share the bed with me.”
Growls are heard from the bit of shadow (thought we forgot about him didn’t you). The shadow breaks the door open and storms into the room to reveal Heero fully clothed making up the couch and Relena in an incredibly tacky Pepto colored nightgown (to match the room).
“What is that cretin doing here?”
“Listen bitch for the last time, Heero is *Mine*. Mine dammit! No more trying to seduce him, no more sending him naked pictures no more bribes. You get another death threat call Noin. The next time you touch him I’ll kill you.”
“Heero are you going to let him talk to me like that!” Relena screeches while stomping her foot.
Heero calmly walks over to Duo and drops a kiss on to his lips. He turns back to her and says “yes” in a tone that conveys there was never a doubt and perhaps she should have her self checked out if she ever thought there was.
“Bastard! What have you done to my Heero?!”
Duo growls low in his throat at this and his eyes flash a dark dangerous indigo. Duo moves forward as Relena screeches and tries to claw his eyes out. There is a flurry of movement and the sound of boots hitting a body ... Repeatedly.
When it is over, the pink psycho is lying on the floor occasionally twitching.
Heero grabs Duo by his braid and pulls him into a brutal kiss. “I love it when you wear your ‘Fuck Me’ boots.”
“Well how about we go home and you can show me how much.”
The boot wearing shadow and his lover drift out into the night and disappear.
On a nice deserted stretch of beach a petite, almost feminine, blond and a tall lithe brunette are laid out relaxing.
“Did you see the paper this morning Tro? They admitted Miss Relena to the Psych Ward at the hospital. Found her twitching on the floor in her mansion. She was covered in bruises and boot prints.”
“Guess we won't be seeing Duo and Heero for a while then.”

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