Celebrating No More Drama

by Werewindle


Four of the five pilots had collapsed about the room. Too much celebrating. Hours of drinks, dancing, food and games had taken their toll.

The war had ended - for the second time - a year ago. And after the morning’s memorial broadcast and the obligatory state party that they’d slipped out of Relena had swore that there would be no more public appearances or ’hail the heroes’ stuff.

They were finally free of it. It was a good feeling. So the party - Duo’s idea, just the five of them celebrating an end to the drama.

Wufei turned his head and watched as the L2 pilot hit shuffle on the stereo and started another round of music. A beat pounded out, driving - not heavy but something that made your head nod and feet tap. Even as tired as he was Wufei’s fingers were tapping along trying to incite the rest of his body to move. A woman’s voice joined in and Duo started really getting into the song. His hips rolled with the beat and his arms raised above his head, eyes closed letting the music take over.

Wufei was entranced by the sliver of stomach that peeked out from the rucked up shirt. He could see the muscles moving with those sinful hips. How could someone’s hips move like that? Duo had to be part snake. Said boy opened his eyes and caught Wufei’s stare, crooning the lyrics he danced closer.

It’s only gonna be about a matter of time
Before you get loose and start to loose your mind

Duo grabbed the Chinese boys arms and hauled him up. Holding on to his hips he started moving Wufei in time with the beat. Singing the next line louder-

Cause we celebrating no more drama in our life

Laughing as Trowa popped his head up looked around and flopped back to sleep. One arm wrapped around Wufei’s waist he wiggled his fingers at the other two coaxing them up once more.

With a great track pumpin’, everybody’s jumpin’
Go ahead and put your back and get your body bumpin’

Catching on to the infectious lighthearted feeling Quatre whooped and pulled a reluctant Heero off the couch demanding he dance with him. Quatre’s voice joined Duo’s.

I told you leave your situations at the door
So grab somebody and get your ass on the dance floor

Wufei looped his arms over Duo’s shoulders fingers twisting into the loose braid of hair. He smiled watching his friends dance. They were so carefree, like the weight of fighting was gone.

The end to drama - definitely something worth celebrating.


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