I knew he was going undercover. Hunting a crime lord known to frequent punk styled dance clubs. One who has a weakness for Asian men, young submissive Asian men, with long hair.
So Une sent him home to change for the assignment. He glared his way though the office as people ribbed him and made bets on what he would wear. Even Trowa had a smirk on his face.
They obviously do not know my lover. He has a wild side to rival Duo’s hidden beneath his contemptuous facade. I wager that he will have a few admirers after this.
He looks like jailbait. Fucking sex on leg as Duo would say. Trowa is no longer smirking, nor is anyone else. Speechless in shock and I can see why.
He is wearing black leather pants. They are Duo’s so the waist is too big allowing them to ride low on his hips while pulling tight across his thighs. My old Slytherin Sex God T-shirt hugs his chest, the bottom cropped to show a tantalizing strip of his stomach and the dip of his lower back. Slung over his shoulder is that beat up leather Biker jacket he and Duo both claim.
At the silence of the room he impatiently tosses his head to get the hair out of his eyes. Dark eyeliner makes his eyes look darker, bigger almost vulnerable if it weren’t for his belligerent expression. Around his neck is the first collar I ever gave him. Its a slim black band with a Chinese dragon in place of a tag settled at the hallow of his throat.
Suddenly the room is buzzing with whispered conversations. Some have started drooling but he is oblivious to the hungry looks as he makes his way toward us.
I growl when the creep to my right makes a remark about claiming. Duo grabs the back of my shirt to keep me from moving but he heard me and looks over. I give him a Death Glare to let him know I won't forget and to watch his back. I can see the moment he remembers what happened the last time someone tried to take what’s mine. His face pales and he turns away.
I am distracted from my prey by my lover’s voice. I reach out and put a possessive hand on his hip allowing my fingers to dip under the edge of his barrowed pants.
My beautiful Wufei. Mine, he and Duo both. When we get home I shall remind them of it. For now though we have a bad guy to catch. But later...

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