Draco and His Bad Morning
::Morning in the Dungeons::
Draco groaned, his head reverberating with the sound of Goyle’s bellowing voice. He really should have stopped drinking last night after he finished off that bottle of Fire Whisky. He fumbled around the base of the right bedpost until the hidden compartment snapped open. Draco snagged the little bottle inside, downing the contents in one swallow.
It tasted beastly but the Hangover Eclipser rid him of his aching head and churning stomach in seconds. Draco rolled onto his back and breathed deeply for a few moments while the potion caused his assorted bruises to tingle as they healed. A wonderful side-effect of Eclipser.
He must have fallen last night, that was the only explanation for why his back, bum and forehead were tingling. Merlin he hoped no-one had seen him. That would just be disastrous. He knew he got a bit silly when he was drunk so he’d gone... to an abandoned classroom?
Draco rubbed his eyes and tried to remember what happened after that. More drinking, he was certain, then... dancing, maybe. Something about a wall.
Memories flooded back to Draco. Hitting the wall. Potter. “Oh, Circe!” Potter had seen him! Draco groaned again and tried to smother himself with a pillow. It was useless, he pulled the pillow away, he just couldn’t kill himself. With his luck he’d end up haunting Hogwarts and that was just too cliched for a Malfoy to contemplate.
The Slytherin Prefect waited until he heard his dorm mates leave before rolling out of bed and making his way to the showers. He set the water as hot as he could tolerate and spent a good two minutes just standing under the beating spray. Draco washed quickly before tackling his mop of hair. He poured a generous amount of his special shampoo into his palm, rubbed them together to start a lather before passing them through his hair.
Hands on the back of his head Draco blinked in consternation. Carefully he ran his fingers over his scalp again. Instead of the tangled mass he was expecting he found only rough stubble. “Bloody hell!” Draco cursed. Then he remembered the too innocent face of Potter offering to cut his hair as a favor.
Draco quickly rinsed the shampoo off and hurried out of the shower to the sinks. He almost screamed at the sight of himself. You could see his birthmark! He snatched his wand and cast a lengthening charm. Nothing happened. Draco closed his eyes and counted to ten in Latin. He cast the charm once more, still nothing.
This time Draco did scream.
The sound echoed up the air vents, scaring more then one first year. Potter, who was on his way to breakfast stopped and listened, a smirk on his lips, before jogging to the great hall whistling as he went.
In the dungeons Draco was throwing items out of his trunk as he searched furiously for the hair growth potion he’d been saving for a prank. Finally he found the vial and downed the contents. He pulled open his armoire door, watching in the mirror for his hair to grow. It stubbornly refused to lengthen. Giving a great sigh of despair Draco flopped back onto his bed. He couldn’t go to class like this. He wouldn’t. Not even Snape himself could convince him otherwise.
Written for my Mom. ‘Cause she really like the first part and she bribed me with chocolate.

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