Harry threw back another shot of the local moonshine, or whatever they called it. Strong stuff, burnt worse than fire-whiskey and it might have killed off his taste buds. But Harry was playing a game and lost so he took the 'penalty' without protest. "Sorry guys, I think that's it for me. I'm going to quit while I can still stand." Harry grinned at the good-natured teasing, waving his hands in a 'no more' gesture. "Have fun." He stood from the floor, taking a few seconds to gain his balance.
Harry had found Malta pleasant. He'd had several dishes with prickly pear, which was odd but nice. There had been good wine, singing that his translation charm had trouble keeping up with, and warm sea air. The two nights he'd spent there had been quite refreshing. But there hadn't been much to do and Harry had had the urge move on.
He ended up in a small wizarding village in Greece. The town was having it's Spring Equinox celebration and Harry was enjoying the party. He got pulled into a dance as he crossed the room by a girl and boy a year or two younger then himself. Harry laughed as they spun around letting the excitement, the joy of the holiday seep into him.
They ended up outside, tramping and spinning concentric circles around a bonfire with, what looked like to Harry's eyes, every one in the village from age sixteen to twenty-four. Harry ended up in the outer most while his former dance partners were in the middle circle. He felt light and loose in a way he hadn't in forever.
The circles changed direction and Harry started singing along with the others, humming through the parts he hadn't quite caught the words to. It felt like the very air was chasing around them, playing with them. Harry giggled suddenly, he must have been drunker than he thought. For a moment he could have sworn he'd been dancing off the ground.
Eventually the dance broke up; couples and trios disappearing into the dark along the beach. Harry sat by the fire for a while enjoying the cool night air, watching the quarter moon drift across the sky. After a bit he retreated back to the inn for a snack; all the dancing had burned off the food he'd eaten at the feast earlier.
There was a card game going on in the corner and Harry took his plate of food and perched on a stool near by to watch while he ate. There were only a few bites of the seemingly obligatory greens left on Harry's plate when an older gentleman tapped a case against the edge of the bar-height table.
"Would you like to play?" the man asked.
Harry shrugged and nodded his thanks to the barmaid as she swooped by and bustled off with his plate, leaving behind another glass of wine. "Backgammon?" He inquired, Harry recognized the case from a long ago Christmas.
"Yes, you know how to play? I'm not so good at it as these Greeks." The man gestured with chin at the gathering of men in the far corner who seemed to be playing tournament style. "And prefer a friendlier game."
Harry shrugged and gestured for the man to take the other seat. "I'm Harry." Potter offered his hand.
"I am called Chuma." The older man shook his hand with a light grip. "Pleasure to meet a fellow traveler on such a night."
Harry thought the wording seemed a bit off but his mind was too pleasantly fuzzed from drinking to concentrate on why and the matter was quickly forgotten.
They played several games and Harry swore more then once that Chuma was cheating. It seemed as though the rules changed from game to game until Harry couldn't remember what the original rules had been. The strong wine was probably not helping matters. After the eighth-ninth? Ninth game, Harry was pretty sure, Chuma declared him the winner.
Harry tried to stand-up to toast his opponent but the floor tilted and the young wizard fell back cracking his head on a table before he hit the floor. When the room quit swimming before his eyes a couple of women were fussing over him. They assured Harry that Chuma had sent Harry's winnings to his room and if he was feeling steadier one of the busboys would take Harry up - just to be on the safe side.
Harry squeezed his eyes shut and managed enough control to give himself a quick burst of healing energy. His magic dulled the pain in his head and settled his stomach. Harry grasped the busboy's arm and let himself be pulled up. The next thing Harry knew he was tumbling into his bed and snuggling against a nice warm pillow. "Heating charms are great things," Harry half mumbled before sleep over took him.
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