Firefly Getaway
Gene left Jim at the office, pausing only long enough to snag the key’s to Ehefrau from the food laden teen as they passed in the doorway. A brief, “Going to Fred’s,” thrown over his shoulder at Jim’s confused inquiry. Gene almost felt bad for leaving the kid after sending him out for food but he knew the teenager could probably eat the lot himself and would more then likely enjoy the time alone.
It wasn’t long before he was pulling up to Fred’s estate. He stopped at the front doors and let one of the retainers park the car. Gene made his way right to Fred’s personal wing, bypassed the office and entertainment rooms and knocked on his friend’s bedroom door instead.
It took just a moment for the other man to answer. Gene’s eyes flicked over the brunet’s outfit almost unconsciously, "Hey, Fred. New shirt?" He was wearing black jeans and a raw silk shirt that looked like it would be soft to the touch. The deep red was a good color for Fred. It gave him a different air then his usual bright shade, a little more suave, or polished, or something.
"Oh you know, just something I had hanging in my closet.” Fred replied, hands smoothing over his chest. “Why don't we have dinner and go over the parameters for the job. Where ever you feel like Gene, my treat."
"Sounds good, but let‘s have dinner here instead. If that's all right with you?" Gene didn’t think going out would be a good idea until he found out what exactly Luo needed an additional bodyguard for.
"Sure. I'll have something sent up. We can have a drink and talk while we wait." Fred gestured across the hall to the entertainment room. “It’s such a nice evening why don’t we eat out on the terrace? The sunset over the gardens is quite a sight.”
“Why not.”
They stopped at the wet bar and mixed themselves a drink, coke with just a splash of whisky for them both. Gene was still wary and didn’t want to dull his senses too much. While the scared man was pouring Luo called down to the kitchens to order their meal.
Fred’s outdoor space was very much like his indoor space: comfortable, well decorated and mellow. They took seats at the large round glass-top table and sipped their drinks for a moment. The view of the sunset was rather nice.
“So Fred, what is this about a bodyguard job? I hope you haven‘t been getting into trouble.”
“No more then usual.” Fred quipped grinning widely. “I’ve been invited to attend the Solstice at Serenity Temple. It should be a wonderful event, the only possible snag is that access is restricted and I’m only allowed to bring one guest. Normally I wouldn’t be bothered taking one of the boys, even if they don’t have a proper appreciation for the planet and it’s temple, but I’ve been feeling uneasy lately. I’m sure it’s probably nothing...” Fred shifted and tried to look like he was putting on a brave front.
Starwind frowned and turned to face Fred more fully. “Are you worried someone at the Temple might be setting you up?”
“Oh, no! It’s just that I don’t think I’d be able to truly relax there unless I was sure I’d be safe, and well... I always feel much more secure when you’re around.”
Gene patted Fred on the arm absently, mind busy with what his friend had said. The businessman wasn’t the bravest guy but he wasn’t usually an alarmist either. If Fred felt like there was a good reason to need the extra muscle then there probably was.
A maid arrived pushing a cart with silver domed plates and a chilled bottle of wine. She served them and left with out a word. “Tell me about this festival, where we’ll be staying, arrangements you’ve made, who you expect to be there, that sort of thing so I’ll know what to expect.”
The brunet smiled and started talking. He knew Gene would agree to go, still he was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to convince him. The mercenary hadn’t even asked about his pay yet.
If parts of this seem familiar it’s because they used to live at the bottom of chapter 2.

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