Firefly Getaway
Trip To
Fred was having a hard time containing himself, he wanted to bounce around with happiness but he couldn’t or he’d give the game away. Gene was going with him and it would be just them for a whole week, if you discounted the other people but they would only be around during the Solstice festivities.
Finally Fred felt like he might be making some progress with Gene. The other man certainly wasn’t as stand-offish as he had been and his concern over the supposed threat of assassins was an almost tangible force. Once they were living in the same space Fred just knew he could seduce Gene.
Until then he would just have to work on getting the redhead to relax while they flew to Firefly. Drinks, maybe a card game, or a movie would be a good place to start.
The trip to Firefly had taken just under 24 hours. Fred’s privet craft was comfortable and stocked with amenities, distractions and a variety of food and drinks. Years of flying had gotten Gene mostly over his freak-outs so he wasn’t miserable the whole trip, thankfully.
Fred seemed almost nervous when they started out, Gene thought his friend must have been real excited to finally get invited to this festival thing. The redhead wasn’t sure what all they’d be doing but a week spent relaxing with Fred appealed to him. They’d gotten to be closer over the last few years, become better friends in truth instead of overly friendly acquaintances, but they hadn’t ever spent much time together just hanging out.
The only thing that was putting a damper on their trip was the looming threat of an attack. Jim had gotten some information from a source that there was a rumor that a young, well-to-do businessman was trying to put out a hit because Fred slept with his girl or something. Gene thought that was rather unlikely since Fred flew for the other team but he wouldn’t put it past some air-headed slut to use Luo’s name to make her guy jealous or to hide the identity of her lover.
Jim’s source was adamant that so far no one had taken the contract. Gene was going to hope that no one did before they could track the guy down and ... persuade him to reconsider.
Minty shifted two inches to the right, which was all he could manage in the cramped cargo space. He could hear Tance’s clothes rustle as he tried to change positions as well. Suddenly Tance made a stifled growly sound and his arm shot out and around the redhead’s waist. “Sorry, Minty but my arms are falling asleep.” Tance whispered. Minty nodded his head tried to ignore the feeling of his friend breathing against his neck and keep his attention on the cargo bay doors. The ship they’d stowed away on might have had a lax crew but if the pair of them were found before they could slip away then they’d be dead, or as good as dead.

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