Blair shed his clothes until all he had on was an old pair of shorts he’d stolen from Jim and waited next to the kitchen island for his lover to come out of the bathroom. When Jim did, towel around his waist and still damp from the shower, Blair let the older man start to cross the living room before he pounced. Blair drove Jim down on to the couch, distracting him and silencing his questions with a heated kiss.
Between finals and the latest nut-job running around Cascade they hadn’t seen hide nor hair of each other in nearly a week. Jim, the fool, wanted to have a quiet night watching the Jags’ game from the day before. Well Blair wasn’t having it. Jim committed himself to being Blair’s love slave - the detective even had the tattoo to prove it - and Blair was ready to demand some attention.
He sat up, giving in to the urge to rock his ass against Jim’s rising erection as he pressed the larger man’s hands into the armrest. After a moment Blair released him and undid the leather thong holding back his hair. Jim kept his hands where Blair had placed them so the younger man rocked again in reward for his obedience.
He slid back to sit on Jim’s thighs and tugged open the towel; deft fingers tied the strip of leather around the rosy cock he had reveled. Jim started to protest but Blair shook his head no, sharply, and pinched a dusky nipple to drive the point home.
Blair leaned down and kissed his lover, relishing the feel of tan skin under his hands, the way Jim moaned and shifted beneath him. When he’d had his fill of Jim’s mouth he let his lips wander down across a sculpted cheek and corded neck to where the Sentinel’s pulse fluttered madly. He took his time there, studiously creating a claiming mark.
The grad student grinned at the breathy moans he rung from his love as trailed his hair over sensitive nipples. Blair had let the curly mass grow to below his shoulder blades just to indulge his mate’s hair fetish, but there was a delicious wickedness in using his obsession against him. He knew Jim was straining to keep his dials at normal from the way the he trembled.
As much fun as it would be to continue this slow teasing torment Blair was too worked up to drag this out as far as he might like. Another time, he promised himself.
Blair snagged the tube of slick from his pocket and moved between Jim’s thighs, taking the opportunity to kick off his loose shorts. He pushed one of Jim’s legs over the back of the couch and the other to rest on the floor.
He blew on Jim’s cock and swirled a lubed finger over his fluttering opening. The older man’s body was doing a good job of enticing Blair. His blood was thrumming with anticipation, he could only imaging the amount of pheromones pouring off the two of them. Blair quickly prepared Jim, ready to be in him.
Satisfied that Jim was ready Blair withdrew his fingers and lined himself up, he waited until Jim’s eyes locked on his before thrusting. It was wild coupling; Blair pounding into Jim and Jim thrashing. So passionate were they that the couch screeched across the floor with from the force. Time seemed to still and speed up all at once. All too soon Blair felt himself teetering on the crest of release.
He grasped an end of the leather tie holding back Jim‘s release. “Mine!” Blair claimed, speaking for the first time since he’d pounced. When his lover didn’t immediately answer he bent forward and bit the crest of Jim’s shoulder. “You. Are. Mine!” Blair repeated, his lips grazing the indents his teeth had left in the solid muscle.
“Yours.” Jim moaned, dragging vowels out an extra syllable.
Pleased, Blair kissed his lover and undid the tie, swallowing Jim’s cry as he climaxed. Blair shuddered and managed two more thrusts before his orgasm over took him.
They panted, still connected, hands soothing tremors until the world came back into focus. Carefully Blair pulled out and eased Jim’s leg down. They rearranged themselves into a comfortable tangle, content to stay where they were for the time being. Eventually they’d have to get up, if only to eat something before going upstairs. But for now...

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