Holiday Treats
Prompt: Fruit Cake
word count: 172
Jim leaned, hip resting on the island, arms crossed watching Blair cook. “What are you making Chief?”
Blair dumped another handful of dried fruit into the mixing bowl and shrugged. “Fruit cake. I thought it’d be great to take to that party Simon is having next week but I wanted to try the recipe out first. It’s been a long time since I’ve made it.”
“Fruit cake?” Jim grimaced. “I don’t know, those green jelly things are kinda nasty.”
Blair shook his head, “No, man. Those atrocities are just bastardized versions of a classic! Traditional fruit cake has real fruit and nuts and is not hard. Trust me you‘ll like this.”
“If you say so Chief.” Jim still sounded skeptical.
“I’ll make you a bet, Big Guy. Try this, and honestly don’t like it then I’ll do what ever you want this weekend: costumes, scenarios, whatever. But if you do like it then your mine to with as I please.” Blair wiggled his brows and gave Jim a naughty grin.
“You’re on.”
Prompt: Scarves
word count: 278
Jim was sitting at his desk plugging along on his paper work. It had been a slow day so far and the detective was starting to go cross-eyed from staring at the computer for too long. He was just starting to make plans for an escape when he heard Blair’s heartbeat in the building.
Jim tracked his lover as he made his way to Major Crimes. The grad student sauntered off the elevator, greeting people as he passed by. Blair dropped down into the spare chair that lived at Jim’s desk.
“Hi, Jim.” Blair smiled at him and squeezed the older man’s thigh.
“Hey, Chief. What are you doing here? I thought you weren’t coming in today.” Jim turned slightly in his seat to face his partner.
“Just running a few errands before my afternoon class. I was out this way and thought I’d drop your lunch off, you forgot it this morning.” Blair reached down and pulled a brown bag from the depths of his backpack. A length of sheer aqua fabric spilled out with it. He shoved it back hurriedly but Jim had already seen it.
“What’s that?” Jim asked as he set his lunch aside.
Blair zipped the pack up firmly. “A little something for this weekend.” He said mysteriously.
Jim narrowed his eyes at his lover. “For you or me?”
“You. And that’s all I’m saying.” Blair bounced up. “See you later, Big Guy!” He waved over his shoulder as he headed for the elevator again.
Jim sighed and tried not to think about it. He opened his lunch, there on top was a chunk of fruit cake.
“Stupid yummy fruit cake.” Jim muttered.
Prompt: Wreath
word count: 292
Jim was glowering when he came into work the next morning. Blair had locked himself in his old room for an hour the night before working on Jim’s costume. The younger man had turned up some chime-y music to cover the sounds and made Jim promise not to turn his hearing up. The grad student had taken his project to school with him this morning. Jim knew because he’d looked everywhere.
The detective was just taking his coat off when the oddest smell floated through the air. A slender man walked toward Simon’s office. He looked about Blair’s age, bronze skin and long black hair hinting at native heritage. The man was carrying a gift bag.
Jim was distracted by Rafe’s arrival, when he turned back Simon was standing in his doorway holding a wreath. The captain was blushing; Jim could just see the flush on his cheeks. Simon shook his head but the slender man persisted and eventually Simon let him hang the gift on his door.
Jim watched the interaction between the two, smirking slightly. It looked like Simon had an admirer. Jim instinctively dialed up his sense of smell. The longhaired man had the musky smell of arousal, surprisingly so did Simon.
Huh. Jim took another deep breath opening his mouth slightly. The odd smell of the wreath overtook him and he sneezed. Loudly. Three times. Jim hurriedly dialed down.
The man left a few minutes later. Jim was about to ask Simon to take the wreath down but the pleased little smile on the older man’s lips stopped him. Besides he if he was a little red-eyed when he went home Blair would fuss over him and that was too good of an opportunity to pass up.
Prompt: Comfort
word count: 108
Jim was laying back on the couch, a cup of tea in hand. Blair had, as he predicted, taken one look at his irritated eyes and immediately began fussing. The grad student was busily cooking some thirty minute stew that smelled divine.
Jim loved listening to Blair move around their loft. He talk to himself, hummed occasionally and, most importantly to the Sentinel, his heart beat it’s familiar rhythm. Jim didn’t know how he could have ever lived without that sound.
He adored it almost as much as Blair’s voice, relied on it more. It was comfort, safety, love and home all wrapped up in one hidden beat.
Prompt: Bells
word count: 205
Jim was going to Blair for this. He really, really was. After he screwed the smirking bastard through the bed a few times. Jim looked at himself in the mirror again, he was wearing a harem outfit in shades of blue. That sheer aqua had been turned into billowy pants, the waist of which settled so low on his hips the base of his dick was barely covered.
The top was two shades darker. It was made of some super stretchy material that clung like it was painted on. Blair had cropped it leaving Jim’s arms covered to the wrist but his chest bare from the lower line of his pecks down. The only other thing his lover had left for him was a delicate looking anklet. It had little disks and tiny bells that rang when ever he moved.
Jim thought that such an outfit would have looked funny on him, instead it seemed highlight his body. He could hear mellow Indian music start, the lilting flutes and tinkling chimes filling his mind with imagery of far away places. The detective straightened his shoulders and turned to the stairs, feeling a little less apprehensive about Blair‘s choice.
He wasn’t giving up his revenge though.
Prompt: Feast
word count: 237
Blair was lounging on a pile of pillows propped against the couch, a thick quilt beneath him. He had his long hair down, the dark curls had grown just long enough to brush his nipples. He wore only black satin pants that Jim knew were his by the way the cuffs trailed over the smaller man’s feet.
“Attend me, Slave.” Blair commanded, gesturing to the spot beside him with a tilt of his chin. Jim walked to him, rolling his hips more then he’d dare any other day. He knelt beside his sprawled lover, head tilted down demurely.
Blair reached out his right hand running it lazily over Jim’s bared stomach and along his arms. He lifted Jim’s hand and kissed the palm, trailed his tongue along the lines of it and nipped gently at the base of the thumb.
He lowered their joined hands to his lap. With his left he snagged a morsel off the tray that sat full to bursting on the coffee table. He offered the bite to Jim, fingers just brushing the older man’s lips. Jim drew the fingers into his mouth, rolling the slice of fruit to the side so he could lick the juices from the tips.
Jim returned the gesture, and so they ate. Feeding each other bits of fruit, bread, meat and sips of a sweet wine until the tray was empty and their hunger for food sated.
Prompt: Dancing
word count: 190
Blair set aside their wine glass and rolled to his feet. He went to the stereo and changed disks to smoky blues. He returned and offered his hand to Jim. “Dance with me, my beauty.”
Jim took his hand let the smaller man lead him to a clear space. They wrapped around each other and swayed in circles across the floor. Jim burred his nose in Blair’s curls, breathing in the scent of his lover and enjoying their closeness.
The younger man was running his hands up and down Jim’s back, from shoulder blades to the join of ass and thigh. Jim shivered at the sensation. He could feel the heat of Blair’s hands, the miniscule snags caused by his calluses on the fabric. Then they’d glide away over bare skin only to be obscured again by the thin fabric of his clothes.
Eventually Blair pulled away, he kissed Jim lightly before speaking. “Lie with me, so that I might pleasure you as your company has pleasured me.”
Jim kissed Blair more forcefully. “Yes,” he replied breathless with anticipation. They disappeared up the stairs and were awake long into the night.

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