Virgin For Sale
Let's envision for a few moments that Jim's dad kicks the bucket. Jim (just shy of 18) would therefore never join the Army - staying in Cascade to take care of his brother Stephen, who's only 12 at the time. Set now-ish cause mullets scare me.
Jim really hated being an Ellison some days. Usually those days coincided with the quarterly board-meetings. Jim grimaced, he'd be so glad when Stephen graduated and could take over the family business. Sighing he turned his thoughts from that happy day to the invitation in his hand. By virtue of being the 'Head of the Ellison Household' Jim routinely got invites to charity events or letters begging for donations for causes he'd never heard of much less cared about.
He was almost afraid to look at the invitation he'd received from Rainer University. Jim did have a certain fondness for the Rainer, after all he'd gone there and Stephen was currently attending. On the other hand he didn't want to go to one of those stuffy black-tie balls. The Dean would make a long winded speech and the only people even remotely close to his age were the trophy wives. Stealing himself Jim opened the card. He skimmed through the details quickly.
Well this was certainly new. They were having a student run auction. Three student groups had banded together to raise money for their causes. Four Anthropology students needed money for an academic trip to India; three Engineering majors were mentoring at a local High School and looking to raise money for the High Schools F.I.R.S.T. Robotics Competition team; and a whole group of non-Drama/Acting majors wanted to produce a play. There was a sample list of items that they had made or were donated to be auctioned. The students themselves were also offering up services such as car washing, yard work or tutoring.
At least these were more worthwhile causes than some. It didn't exactly sound like a grand time, Jim had never found auctions that thrilling, but Stephen enjoyed them. He could take his baby brother and maybe they could go out to dinner afterward - make it a real brothers' night out. And who knows? Jim might even find something worth bidding on.
Jim grabbed his keys from the dish by the door and hollered for Stephen to hurry up. The auction was casual dress so Jim was wearing a light weight peacock colored crew-neck shirt and brown cords. He peeked out the window, it was starting to drizzle so he slipped on a beat-up brown leather jacket as well. Finally Stephen came down stairs hair still damp from a shower.
For once the business major was neither in a oxford and tie or torn jeans and a T-shirt just two washing from falling apart. The burgundy Henley and black jeans were just dressy enough for dinner out. Jim tossed his brother his jacket and they left.
Stephen talked most of the way to the campus. He was excited about some of the jewelry that was supposed to be up for auction. One of the girls from the theater group did some nice leather work and he wanted to pick up a few pieces for his friend Kate's birthday. Jim was content to let him ramble and teasingly argued over where they were going for dinner. He enjoyed spending time with his brother. Something that they hadn't had much of a chance to do since classes had started again.
The lot in front of the cafeteria was packed so Jim drove around to a side parking lot and they walked back. There was a fairly decent turn out but the room was still far from crowded. Jim and Stephen headed in different directions looking at all the stuff up for auction.
Jim was browsing through a collection of mismatched glasses when he felt a warm hand come to rest on his shoulder. He turned razzing comment dieing on his tongue when he saw the vision standing next to him. There wasn't anyway to mistake the slim man before him for his brother. Stephen was at least a head taller and never had hair that long.
The man smiled at Jim and handed him a sheet of paper. "This is the list of services that are being auctioned, it's got the lot number and who it's being offered by. I'm Blair, if you have any questions feel free to ask me."
Jim felt like that voice had wrapped itself around something in his chest and yanked. It sent his heart beating faster and a rush of blood to his loins. He blinked and looked down at the list and away from those sparkling blue eyes. Jim noticed a Blair on the list and looked back up, speaking quickly before the siren could slip away.
"The Blair that's offering guitar lessons?" Blair tucked a piece of hair behind his ear and nodded. "Have you been playing long?" Jim stepped out of the way of a woman and her baby, ending up very much in Blair personal space.
"Since I was a kid. One of Mom's friends taught me-" Blair talked, seeming to relax as the story went on, his hands moving expressively. Jim let the man's voice wash over him. His mind didn't drift off but it was like the rest of him did. The other sounds in the room dropped away and he was totally focused on Blair. Jim took a deep breath trying to capture the student's scent. Honey and mint, he just knew that was Blair. His eyes half closed the scent was so intoxicating. Jim wanted to get closer; to pull the dark haired beauty into his arms and nuzzle the skin behind his ear, to taste his lips.
A woman's voice called for Blair, the nasal pitch grated on his ears. Jim lost his focus on Blair and he was suddenly aware of the sound and movement of the crowd around them. With a quick goodbye the other man slipped away. Jim resisted the urge to follow after him but it was a close thing. He'd never been so instantly drawn to someone before. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was something else going on beside the immediate lust. He had this lingering euphoria, like he'd found something he hadn't know he'd been missing.
Jim watched as Blair and a blonde girl made their way to the stage at one end of the room. The auction was about to start. The forgotten paper in his hand crumpled. Now that he'd found Blair he wasn't going to let him get away. Jim had certainly found something worth bidding on, he'd take Blair's time any way he could get it.
Jim had won the bidding for Blair's lessons. It was the Saturday after the auction and they were going to have the first of six sessions. Jim had fluttery little butterflies swarming in his belly. He wanted everything to go just right. Stephen was up in his room finishing a paper for his Political Economy class. His presence would hopefully dispel any date-vibe the offer to stay for dinner might create.
As much as Jim wanted to have Blair all to himself he didn't want to come on too strong and scare the younger man off. Slow and steady was his motto for the night - for the next few weeks. He wanted to get to know Blair. Jim knew that if he started something with Blair he'd want it to be for keeps.
He was almost certain this attraction was more then just lust at first sight. They'd spent over an hour on the phone the other night talking after they made plans for the guitar lessons. They discussed a little bit of everything: the weather, the starting basket ball season, professors, music. Blair was so easy to talk to that the time had just slipped by him.
Jim heard the sound of a car pulling up the drive and took a steadying breath. He went to open the door for Blair. His nervousness disappeared at the sight of the younger man's wide smile. Jim lead Blair to the den and the two settled on facing chairs, relaxed in each other's company like they'd been friends for years.
Blair stayed for dinner that first night and the four after that. The sixth night Jim took him out to dinner. As friends but it was a great night regardless. After that Jim had Blair out to the house a couple nights a week and took him to a basket ball game and to see Lethal Weapon marathon at the cinema. Blair talked him into going to a flea market.
It had been an enjoyable three months but Jim wanted to take the next step. He didn't want to curb his urge to kiss Blair hello. Jim could hardly hold his tongue when girls came on time while they were out. The very thought of someone else toughing his Blair made his blood pressure rise.
Tonight Jim would ask Blair to date him. Then he could start his campaign to have Blair move in.
Blair was stunned by Jim's question. "I don't know- I mean... I've never dated a guy before."
"We'll still go to dinner and games or hang out at my house just like we have been. Only now I'd get to kiss you." Jim leaned in and captured Blair's lips. The kiss was soft and almost chaste. Just a hint of passion to come.
Blair drew a shaky breath when Jim ended the kiss. He looked into the older man's eyes seeing his caring, his banked need. Offering him everything, anything, and his love. He breathed deep and made his decision. Blair pulled Jim into another kiss trying to tell him with out words everything he was feeling.
Suddenly the young man pulled back from the kiss, 'Hey! As my boyfriend that means you have to help me man that booth at the RenFair." Blair looked pleased with the revelation.
"Hold on! I thought you were trying to talk Stephen into helping you?"
"I was but your my boyfriend and therefore much easier to bribe." The vixen wrapped his arms around Jim's neck and kissed him soundly. The older man forgot his protests and gave in. After all a bribe from Blair sounded rather interesting.

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