Peter really felt the age difference between him and his classmates at times like this. He was in need of advice; and while Bobby, Kitty and the others were good friends he craved a more mature outlook. Someone not in the middle of hormonal teenage angsting and dealing with puberty charged power fluxes.
Peter had a crush - he wasn’t naive enough to call it love since he barely knew the man. Though crush didn’t really express the depth or breath of the feeling but Peter had no other word for it, not even in Russian.
The feelings had escaladed so fast it had taken him by surprise. The first sight of Logan had inspired fascination, he was an outsider among those at the mansion - like Peter often felt he was. Peter had been disappointed when Logan left to find his past. A bit envious as well, that Logan was going off on such an adventure. To be able to come and go as you pleased - no reason or purpose but your own.
He’d thought a lot about the older man while he was gone. Wondering were he was and what he’d been doing. Marie had gotten the occasional phone call and would regale them with tales from Logan’s trip. But that had just served to peek his imagination more.
It wasn’t until Logan’s return that Peter had his first amorous thought about him.
Peter had been sitting outside reading under a tree when he’d looked up to find Logan pushing a bike out of the garage. He’d watched as the older man tinkered with the motorcycle. Peter had an affinity for mechanics - always enjoying the ’shop’ classes that Mr. Summers taught. If he hadn’t been quite so shy would have offered to help the older man. Instead he’d watched as Logan worked. Soon he became distracted by the way the man moved instead of what he was working on.
Peter had flushed at the sight if Logan’s tank pulling tight across his chest and the way his jeans clung to muscled thighs. The sudden attraction had taken him by surprise. Peter had know for years that he was attracted to both sexes, it was the intensity of the feeling that overwhelmed him. He wasn’t sure what exactly about the man hit him so hard - maybe it was the sense of wildness that hung about him.
Logan is very observant - a survival skill that has done him well - so it was inevitable that he would notice Peter’s attention.
The older man had cornered him late that night. Not angry but confrontational none the less. Peter had blushed answering Logan’s questions in stilted English, his mastery of the language disserting him in his flustered state.
Logan had made it clear that although he found Peter to be an attractive boy his affections lay elsewhere. He understood unrequited lust but he suggested that Peter would be better off finding someone else to focus his attentions on. He was endearingly gruff while doing so.
It was as Peter was returning to his room that the attack came.
He helped some of the younger students, sending them off down the escape tunnels. Relief flooded through him at the appearance of Logan. When the older man turned back Peter offered to help - something protective in him flaring. Logan sent him after the students, and he went. Not happy about leaving Logan behind but knowing the man could take care of himself.
Their group had fled through the woods and Peter focused on keeping them together and moving. They put miles between them and the mansion, using the woods for cover and avoiding the road. Before dawn they found an abandoned house and hide inside. There were sheets over the furniture and a ‘For Sale’ sign out front overgrown with weeds and bushes.
Peter had taken first watch, guarding the group while they slept. After three hours he woke the next watch before taking his turn at getting some rest. Peter shifted again, he was exhausted but wide awake. His mind raced worried about the other students, if his group was safe - if Logan was. How long they might be out here, weather or not they should move.
Eventually his mind drifted to Logan’s words last night. Before he might have tried to distance himself, but the school had been attacked. Their sanctuary violated. And that violation brought things into perspective.
Peter wasn’t going to give up. Their lives weren’t exactly idyllic and he wasn’t going to give up on a chance at having a mate. He’d show Logan that he could be better then any hope of Dr Gray could ever be.
X-Men MovieVerse Ficathon
Written for: Carla
Pairing/scenario requested: Colossus/Wolverine Friendship and/or actual or implied slash, specifically tying in the "I can help you" line and angsty look

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