Greenwoman posted this url to senad, saying it reminded her of Jim and Blair.
Things My Girlfriend and I Have Argued About
After reading it, I had to agree.

Blue Sink

by Winds-of-Dawn

Our sink is blue and we're not talking about it. I think it's the algae shakes, but I'm not going to ask him about it. Because if I do, and it turns out it is the algae, he's going to get on my case and nag me about rinsing the sink properly, with sponge and detergent, each time I use it. And then we'll have a discussion about whether that's "rinsing" or "scrubbing." And we'd move on to why I hadn't taken out the garbage when it was my turn (why should I when there was practically nothing inside the can? even if the practically nothing was an unrinsed empty milk carton?), to how I always let food spoil by leaving them too long in the refrigerator (hey, I always intend to eat them later, but later is always when we get called on an urgent case NOW), and then we'd get into what good his senses were if he didn't use them to sniff out and discard the old stuff before they got really nasty, and then he'll say he wouldn't have to use his senses for that if I would only pay more attention... And anyhow, if it is algae, how come he hasn't grabbed sponge and detergent and scrubbed the sink squeaky clean by now? Which leads me to think maybe it isn't the algae, maybe there's some other reason why the sink is blue, maybe some chemical in the water that we should maybe do something about... But what if it is algae?

So our sink is blue, and we're not talking about it.

original "blue sink" paragraph

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