
by Winds-of-Dawn

Listen to me, Jim,
Take my heart, I'm yours.
Take my soul, hold me in your arms,
Hear my voice, I'm here for you always.
Let not your fear pull us asunder,
Nor let doubt cloud our love.

Listen to me, Jim,
Hear me always, you are mine.
Your soul I guard with my whole self,
Your life I cherish with all my heart.
Let not your anger stand between us,
Nor let grief keep us apart.

Listen to me, Jim,
Turn away from me never, we are one.
Hold my soul, it's yours to keep,
Hold my heart, be there for me always.
As I keep you safe and close to my heart,
So keep me close and let me go never.

Listen to me, Jim,
Know I'm here for you always.
Let go of your pain, I'll catch you,
Hold on to my love, it won't burn you.
Take what I offer, give back what you can,
I am yours always, we are one, always --
Always together... one, yet apart;
Together always... apart, yet not.

Listen to me, Jim...

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