Your muses are always with you.

by Winds-of-Dawn

~A large, spacious, and well-lit kitchen in an apartment building. A round dining table placed in the half of the kitchen away from the oven and the refrigerator. WoD is sitting at the table, sipping a cup of tea, and proof-reading something printed on regular, letter-sized, paper.~

WoD: (looks up to notice Blair sitting on other side of the table) Hi, Blair.

Blair: Hey.

WoD: (looks around with a slight frown) Where's Jim?

Blair: Sleeping. He's exhausted. You have him working full time.

WoD: Oh, yes. (pause) He's actually been a lot more cooperative than I expected.

Blair: You telling me? I thought he'll be kicking and screaming.

WoD: Well, maybe he finally got used to it.

Blair: (chuckles) Maybe. But then, it was his idea to come stay with you in the first place.

WoD: I've been meaning to ask you that. Why did you come?

Blair: Well, you called us, didn't you?

WoD: Maybe. But I didn't expect it to be so... (shrugs) Not like this.

Blair: Jim says he has a lot of affinity with you.

WoD: (scoffs) Do we even have to say it? Yup, Jim and I, we are built from the same mold, smelted in the same forge, cooked in the same pot...

Blair: And you both love me, very much.

WoD: Sure, but the question is, why do you love Jim? You could have anybody you want, you are easy to look at, have a charming personality, intelligent, sensitive...

Blair: Ah, but all that is on the outside.

WoD: And the inside?

Blair: Inside I need it all. Need somebody to see me and only me.

WoD: And Jim is like that?

Blair: (shrugs) Hey, you know Jim.

WoD: (lifts up her cup, and realizes it's empty) Tea?

Blair: Yeah, thanks.

(WoD gets up and puts kettle on the fire.)

WoD: You still haven't said why you came.

Blair: Because you called us.

WoD: Come on, it's not that simple. I first called you almost a year ago. You only showed up less than two months ago. And I don't have to mention to you all the people who call for muses, only to have them never show up, do I?

Blair: Well, then, because you were ready for us.

WoD: Was I?

Blair: You tell me.

(Kettle whistles. WoD turns off fire, gets cups, pours water, sets the cups on the table.)

Blair: Thanks.

WoD: I've enjoyed having you here, you know.

Blair: But you don't think we'll be here forever.

WoD: Will you? Stay forever?

Blair: We are a part of you, WoD. Nothing is ever going to take us away from you.

WoD: But things... change.

Blair: You know very well nothing stays the same, WoD.

WoD: And yet, everything stays the same, too.

Blair: Going mystical on me?

WoD: Well, you do it to Jim all the time.

Blair: (chuckles) You are right.

WoD: Have you seen my academic muse?

Blair: Mmm-hmmm.

WoD: How is she?

Blair: (shrugs) Well, you know.

WoD: She thinking of coming back?

Blair: Do you want her back?

WoD: I don't know. (pause) People misunderstand me, you know.

Blair: hm?

WoD: I mean, outwardly I'm a recluse. An introvert. Goes for months without going out, without seeing anybody.

Blair: Yeah?

WoD: Actually, I like people. I'll be running all around town, chatting up everybody in sight, if only...

Blair: If only you could speak.

WoD: Yeah. And if only my body wouldn't get so exhausted so easily.

Blair: You can speak, WoD.

WoD: Yeah, I know I can. It just takes so much effort. To speak. To hear.

Blair: You are talking now. To lots of people.

WoD: Yeah, thanks to the two of you.

Blair: Nah. (looks out the window) It's almost dawn.

WoD: A bunch of nightowls, aren't we?

Blair: Yeah. (stretches) Gotta go back. Jim gets cranky if he wakes up without me.

WoD: Tell me about it.

Blair: Thanks for the tea, WoD. (gets up, starts to leave, then turns back) You know, WoD, your muses are always with you, even if you don't see them.

WoD: Thanks, Blair. Good night.

Blair: More like good morning. Say hi to Aly and Trish for me when you see them.

WoD: And Marmoset's muses?

Blair: Yeah, them, too. Later. (leaves)

~WoD goes back to proof-reading her printout. In the doorway, unnoticed by WoD, a female figure, not clearly focused in the camera, watches. Gradually, more figures come into view: a Buddhist monk, a Catholic priest, several nuns, an elderly man and woman, a little girl, Jim and Blair, and more unidentified figures.~

Blair: We are always here, WoD, whether you see us or not.


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