Humour in Slash Fiction, Log Page 1

<Mulder> Please DCC your questions to our Special Guests to either Cedara, Riticulan, Walt1013, mitsou or Mulder
<dossier> uh, better explain that one. Mulder
<SubRosa> just to double check, /msg is okay too?
Rose Rose passes out the Ben and Jerry's ice cream.
<Walt1013> Yes, it is Rosa
 Wombat throws away the lard
<SubRosa> 'k
<mitsou> Yep that's fine or query on your mouse's right click
<Cedara> you don't ask questions directly in the channel, you do a /msg 
<Walt1013> We collect questions, and post the next when one is done.
<dossier> and that is done how?  I have really never done this 
<mitsou> type /msg nickname question
Rose is afk for a second.
<Wombat> aargh!  Was it something we said?
<SubRosa> ack
<SubRosa> ping city
<Viridian5> Get the cushions....
<Wombat> Nooo!
<wax_jism> they're dropping like flies here
<wax_jism> here, even
<SubRosa> what server did we say we were going to use if this one quit?
<Walt1013> Looks like SquidBot has a bad mood... if that happens, just sign on in again.
<Mulder> could be a netsplit, a boot
<Ecolea> like this means anything to some of us!
<mitsou> rehi
<Mulder> we'll be using dalnet, same channel name if squidge is down
<SubRosa> <g> ecolea
<Cedara> wb
<SubRosa> dalnet, 'k
<Aqua> :)
<fuzzicat> squidge doesn't netsplit. it's a standalone.
<mitsou> just reconnect to and rejoin the room if you get dropped from the server
<fuzzicat> it does sometimes ping out.
<Cedara> when the PingMonster comes out, there's nothing you can do, just wait
<Cedara> and try to reconnect
<Ecolea> ping, ping a song...
Rose begins tossing out bootcushions, duct tape and handcuffs.
<SubRosa> ooh, what fun
<Wombat> Personally, I blame it on evil spirits
<Walt1013> LOL, thanks!
<Viridian5> I blame it on trolls.
<Cedara> hi
<mitsou> Hi heidi
<Walt1013> Hi Heidi!
fuzzicat rubs against Wombat's knee.
<heidi> hey guys
<fuzzicat> hi heidi :)
<Rose> he heidi :)
<Mulder> hi Heidi :) Welcome!
Wombat can't resist giving fuzzicat another big huggle!
<Aqua> hi
<Virg> Hi heidi
<Wombat> Hey Heidi
<Riticulan> Hey Heidi
<Wombat> Hi sebastian
<Sebastian> Hi
<Aqua> hi sebastian
<Walt1013> Hi Sebastian!
<mitsou> rehi itslemmin
<mitsou> Hi Sebastian
<Mulder> Hi Sebastian :) Welcome. Glad you could make it, too :)
<Viridian5> You're back!
<Ecolea> I should probably say Hi! as well, but I'm feeling surly today!
Viridian5 gets handcuffs to fasten lemming down
<Sebastian> ok ok you don't all have yo say hello, thanks
<Xanthe> Hi everyone! 
<itslemmin> Oooh, cuff me, baby.
<Wombat> Wow, fetching leatherware, Xanthe!
<Viridian5> <g>
<Cedara> gee, I think it's getting comfy now...
Walt1013 perks
Cedara sits back to watch
<Xanthe> Ecolea - why surly???!!
<Ecolea> PMS
<Mulder> the Official Chat will commence in a few minutes. Alas Holmes hasn't made it here yet. We'll keep our eyes peeled and lure Holmes into the Office immediately when we spot her.
<Viridian5> Just being protective. Proper preparation and all.
<Ecolea> Need some humor!
<Xanthe> Oh! Hugs Ecolea! 
<SubRosa> hee, viridian
Rose grins and inventories cushions, cuffs, tape and rope.
<Cedara> "proper preparation prevents poor performance"
Wombat gives Ecolea half her chocolate
<Xanthe> Can anyone remind me how to do that action thingie???!!
<Mulder> Please DCC your questions to our Special Guests to either Cedara, Riticulan, Walt1013, mitsou or Mulder
Aqua offers cups of apple, cranberry and rhubarb juice
<Xanthe> Good move, Wombat. Works eveytime <G>
<Viridian5> And we're all concerned with our performance.
<Ecolea> thank you everyone!
<mitsou> type /me action
<Xanthe> Thanks Mitsou!
<Walt1013> Type /me 
<mitsou> np
Rose passes over her ClobberIt to Ecolea. It helps, trust me!
<Ecolea> Ben & Jerry's even better
<Wombat> mmmm... Ben and Jerry's...
Walt1013 produces bongos from desk and starts a drumroll...
Rose passes over B&J's swirls.
<Ecolea> uh...oh...think i started something
<Viridian5> Got any mint chocolate chip?
<Mulder> ..............................................................................
<Ecolea> lol
<diana_w> Oooh! B&J!  Yum!
<Wombat> Funky Monkey, please
<Aqua> I've a bowl of Cabury's mini eggs
<Aqua> Cadbury's even
<Mulder> Ladies and gentlemen and all of us somewhere between those two extremes, welcome to our second invitational chat of the year.
<Ecolea> thank you!
<itslemmin> Woo-hoo!
<Rose> Got Mint Chocolate Chip... and Funky Monkey... here you go..
Viridian5 thanks you kindly.
Rose applauds!
<Mulder> Laughter is the best medicine and whether something causes a slight curvature of our lips, a twinkle in our eye, a deep belly laugh, or on occasion, has us rolling on the floor, we come away feeling much better for the experience
<SubRosa> there we go!
<Cedara> hurrah!
<Ecolea> whoo hoo!
<Wombat> Wooo!
<Viridian5> Holmes! Yay!
<Holmes105> Hello, I got confused!
Hal hugs Holmes.
<fuzzicat> we're all a little like that, Holmes.
<mitsou> Hi:)
<Ecolea> applause for all the authors!!!
<Holmes105> Hiya guys! (Hugs Hal and V and Womabat)
<Mulder> I interrupt here for a certain reason :)
<Walt1013> Welcome, Holmes!!
<Holmes105> LOL!
Viridian5 hugs back.
<Mulder> Welcoem Holmes :)
itslemmin applauds wildly
<Holmes105> Hey Xanthe!
Wombat hugs everyone!
<diana_w> Welcome, Holmes!
itslemmin then notices nobody else is applauding
<Holmes105> Hi!
<Viridian5> <--thinks Wombat must have long arms
<Wombat> They're extendable
<Holmes105> Evidently
<diana_w> LOL!
<Viridian5> Ah.
Walt1013 snuggles in for {{{GROUPHUG}}}
<Aqua> that explains it
<Xanthe> Helooooo Holmes!
<Holmes105> Hiya! 
<Riticulan> Hi homes. 
<Holmes105> Hi Riticulan
<Ecolea> I'm feeling so snuggly now!
fuzzicat feels a bit like a sardine G
<Mulder> and for Holmes... :)
<Mulder> Ladies and gentlemen and all of us somewhere between those two extremes, welcome to our second invitational chat of the year.
<Walt1013> Don't tell us that's a bad thing, fuzzi! --- Yumm... all oily....
<Mulder> Laughter is the best medicine and whether something causes a slight curvature of our lips, a twinkle in our eye, a deep belly laugh, or on occasion, has us rolling on the floor, we come away feeling much better for the experience.
<Mulder> Our four guests today have that ability, and as practitioners of this sweet science, they are beyond parallel. Their wry wit, their keen eye, their ability to point out the ironies of life and to hold up a mirror to the foibles of the human condition has given us all hours of enjoyment.
<Mulder> Ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands and tentacles together and give a loud round of virtual applause to show our appreciation to Halrloprillalar, Holmes, Viridian5  and  Wombat  for agreeing to be with us today and sharing their wit and wisdom with us.  (kudos to Riti for composing this intro :)
<Ecolea> tentacles go flying every which way...
Rose applauds wildly!
Viridian5 watches out for those tentacles.
Wombat bows to the audience
<SubRosa> wd ritic
Xanthe standing ovation for the wonderful humour writers.
Aqua applauds wildly
SubRosa applauds
diana_w applauding and wondering about those tentacles
mitsou whoops and applauds!
itslemmin cheers
<Ecolea> tentacle accidently hits one or two authors. oops
Mama stands and applauds.
Viridian5 ducks.
<Holmes105> Holmes would bow but is caught in a tentacle
<Wombat> aargh!  My eyes!
<Mulder> Let us begin with a brief personal introduction of our guests. In alphabetical order... please welcome..............: HALRLOPRILLALAR
<Ecolea> sorry
<itslemmin> Yaaaay!
<Holmes105> Hey HAl
Wombat claps wildly!
Aqua applauds wildly
fuzzicat applauds grinning :3
Walt1013 claps hands and... never mind!
Hal bows and clears her throat.
Rose whistles and claps, bouncing in seat!
<Mama> Hal Hal Hal
itslemmin whistles
<mitsou> whooooohooooo!
<Hal> I think I'm supposed to say stuff about myself.
Rose grins!
Holmes105 Holmes claps wildly
<Ecolea> ecolea listens with baited breath
<Viridian5> Oh, man, I didn't consider that bit of it.
<Holmes105> Me neither
<Hal> Uh, well, I started to slash in Dec 1997 and went for the weird humour right off.
<Viridian5> I have about myself some time soon?
<Holmes105> Wonderful stuff it is too!
<Ecolea> wonderfully weird
<Hal> Pairing up Mulder with Tom Colton, Elvis, and so on.
<Mama> twisted, in fact.
<Hal> I guess weird pairing is what I'm known for.
<Hal> In real life, I'm a techie and a fangrrl.
<Hal> right now I'm listening to Abba and drinking a Guinness.
<Walt1013> YEAH!!
<Ecolea> Booze, darn forgot that cure!
<Hal> Hmm...if you read my intro on the website, that pretty much sums it up.
<Viridian5> Yay, Hal!
Viridian5 handcuffs self to desk at the thought of doing a live intro for myself.
<Mulder> next is .... HOLMES:
Wombat gets to go last :)
<Holmes105> Well, I don't know when I started
<Holmes105> Slash that is
<Holmes105> Probably around 1998
<Holmes105> I also went for the weird stuff
<Holmes105> Putting Skinner in oddball situations is what I'm known for.
<Xanthe> And you do it so wonderfully well!!!
<Holmes105> Thanks! LOL!
<Viridian5> Beanie babies....
<Xanthe> Xena Towel
<mitsou> LOL
Xanthe xanthe giggles
<Holmes105> I tend to think of him as a sub.
<Walt1013> Mulder, why don't Ihave a Xena towel...???
Rose rotf!
<Xanthe> YAY!!! We love him subbie!
<Xanthe> Mulder - buy Walt a Xena towel! 
<Viridian5> He's so dom the rest of the day....
<Holmes105> Who is?
<Mulder> a... what?? You gotta be kidding. You'll get a Hercules towel for your b-day. period <g>
<Walt1013> Yes Mulder, listen to Xanthe!
dossier applauds not so politely
Rose likes him anyway I can get him!
<Viridian5> <-----Thinking Skinner
<Holmes105> Anyway, that's it!
Hal cheers for Holmes!
Xanthe claps loudly for Holmes
Holmes105 bows
Wombat applauds wildly! Again!
Holmes105 bows again
<Ecolea> more tentacles go flying
dossier ow!
Rose ducks tentacle and claps!
Wombat gingerly returns tentacles to Ecolea
<Ecolea> please keep heads down
Viridian5 already ducking.
<Ecolea> pms abating due to violent exertions
<Mulder> and here is Viridian5...... :)
<Xanthe> And chocolate, Ecolea <G>
<Wombat> whoo!
Mama applauds.
<Hal> Yay Viridian!
<itslemmin> Yaaay!
itslemmin bounces up and down
<Viridian5> Hey all.  :::hiding shaking hands behind back:::
Aqua applauds
<Ecolea> Viridian rocks
<fuzzicat> yes!
<dossier> yeah!
Rose bounces up and down! Yay!!!
<Viridian5> I've been writing slash since February 1998 and always had a bizarre way of looking at things....
<Viridian5> Thanks, all!
<Viridian5> For some reason a lot of my humor involves light kink. Wonder if there's a reason for that....
<Ecolea> you'll never know until you try...
<Holmes105> Damn AOL hell!
<Holmes105> Shit!
<Viridian5> Naughty chairs, the It's a Small World ride, Mrs. Claus costumes....
<Holmes105> It did away with my nicknam!
<Holmes105> This is Holmes
<Viridian5> They killed Holmes!
<Viridian5> ::pet pet::
<Holmes105> I'm here!
<Hal> Those bastards!
dossier yeah Mrs claus LOL! 
<Rose> You bastard!
<Xanthe> Oh no! Holmes!!!
<Walt1013> Bastards!
Xanthe sobs
<Cedara> ack
<Holmes105> How do I get my frickin' name back!?
<Ecolea> fire when ready, point shoot!
<Mama> type /nick Holmes
<SubRosa> and if it doesn't work, wait a bit and try again
<SubRosa> your alter ego has to drop off irc
<Ecolea> sigh
<Viridian5> Yay!!!!
<Holmes105> Back again
<Holmes105> Sorry to be a pain
<Cedara> wb
Wombat huggles holmes
<Holmes105> AOL problems
<diana_w> Pass the cushions to Holmes, guys
<Viridian5> No problem.
<Mulder> np, Holmes :)
<mitsou> YAY
<SubRosa> welcome back ahnon
Holmes105 hugs wombat
Viridian5 hugs Holmes.
Holmes105 hugs viridian
Rose ties cushion to Holes and Holmes to chair.
<Viridian5> Everybody hugs everybody?
<itslemmin> Viridian was saying something about kink, I believe?
<Viridian5> snerk
<ahnon_e_m> can't fool me, i'm ignorant 
<Wombat> mmm... kink...
<Mulder> and here comes WOMBAT :)
<Riticulan> Kink, kink, kink id a good thing. 
<Viridian5> Just detecting a pattern...
<ahnon_e_m> i'm just a slow learner
<Wombat> Did viridian finish?
<itslemmin> Id a good thing, too.
<Xanthe> Helloooo Holmes!
<Wombat> Ooh...
<Hal> wombat wombat wombat!
Wombat clears throat
<Xanthe> Hooray! Wombat!!!
<Wombat> The first slash I wrote was when I was twelve years old
<Viridian5> I am now. Go ahead! whew
<Ecolea> 12?
<Wombat> I was in a geography lesson
Xanthe claps wildly.
<Mama> A born slasher!
<Wombat> I remember it distinctly
<Xanthe> Twelve???!!!
<Mama> Yay!
Holmes105 Way to go wombat!
<Mama> got me beat by two years.
<Xanthe> Your mother must have been so proud...
<diana_w> Ooh, a child prodigy!
<Ecolea> you'd better
<itslemmin> I wanna go back in time and write my first slash at age twelve, dammit.
<Cedara> who did you slash?
<Wombat> The first time I knew that other slashers existed...
<Cedara> <g>
<Wombat> was when I read about kirk spock zines in a gamer magazine!
<Ecolea> k/s sooooo good!
<Xanthe> WOW! I wish I'd known <wistful>
<Wombat> It mentioned Mr Spock's 'pillar of jade'
<Wombat> From that moment I was hooked!
<Ecolea> jade pillar! lol
<Rose> ROTF!
dossier LOL!
itslemmin snerks
<Xanthe> I used to watch Star Trek and wonder...but I didn't know other people did too!
<Walt1013> ROFL... the good old days...;-)
<mitsou> LOL
<Viridian5> Ah, euphemism.
<Xanthe> Jade pillar  -lol! No wonder you turned to humour!
<Holmes105> Me too, Xanthe
<Rose> Purple... or is it green prose?
<Wombat> But the first time I got in contact with other slashers was when I discovered the internet!
<Holmes105> His pickle
<Viridian5> <---driving out thoughts of starfish
<Xanthe> Me too, wombat!
<Wombat> I realised there were other people like me out there!
<Xanthe> Hoorah for the internet!
<Walt1013> Green... definitely!
<Wombat> It was quite a relief, I can tell you...
<Xanthe> Well, maybe not quite like you...<G>
Xanthe ducks flying keyboard.
<Wombat> I started with Due South
<Wombat> Then went on to DS9
<Viridian5> Woo-hoo!
<Viridian5> ahem Sorry.
<Wombat> And then discovered the X-files!
<Ecolea> Even the title due south is suggestive
<Xanthe> Hoorah! The X FIles!
<Cedara> lol
<Wombat> Shortly after that I read Ethan Nelson
<Viridian5> Yes, ecolea, that's been used many a time....
<Wombat> I was inspired to write silly parodies
<Wombat> And have done so to this very day!
<Xanthe> Thank god you were!
<Xanthe> I love parodies so much.
<Ecolea> inspiration is the root of all evil
<Rose> and of all fun!
<Wombat> Um... can't think of anything else...
<Ecolea> applause for wombat -- who took it like a true wombat!
Hal cheers for Wombat!
Wombat bows
Aqua applauds
diana_w applauding and cheering
Rose applauds!
Holmes105 Cheers and wild applause for wombat
<Viridian5> <--Now knows how a true wombat takes things
<Wombat> Oh, and my first slash couple were Kirk and Pike... sorry, whoever asked that
<Cedara> hi, griff
<mitsou> How much "natural humor" as opposed to created humor would you say is reflected in your work? (for all the authors)
<Wombat> It was only hurt/comfort, but the seeds were there
<griffinLZ> hi, Ced
<diana_w> Griff!  Hi!
<Holmes105> Hi
Rose gets more cushions ready!
<griffinLZ> hi, D, all
<Mulder> Hi griff! 
<Xanthe> Hi Griff
<Rose> Hi griff!
<Walt1013> Hi Griff!
<Riticulan> Howdy
<Aqua> Hi griff
griffinLZ waves all around
<Viridian5> <---pondering "natural" vs. "created"  Definitions?
<ahnon_e_m> hi
<mitsou> Hi griff
<Holmes105> I only do unnatural humor
Rose gives out more cushions to lemmin.
<Viridian5> Lemming! You slipped your cuff.  Get over here, please....
<diana_w> LOL Holmes!
<Hal> I'm not sure what the difference is.
<Ecolea> natural as in everyday as opposed to situations created
itslemmin giggles
<Wombat> Mostly created, then
<Mulder> we'll move on to QUESTIONS & ANSWERS
<Rose> I have a nice selection of rope here...
<Wombat> Although I love authors who can make day-to-day situations funny
<itslemmin> Apparently I'm going to crash every half-hour until the IRCLE people decide to acknowledge my registration.
<Viridian5> Natural shows up in my dranas in places. Mostly created for my humor stories.
<Mulder> Please DCC your questions to our Special Guests to either Cedara, Riticulan, Walt1013, mitsou or Mulder
<Wombat> Like Ethan Nelson and Helen-in-Hell
<Viridian5> Drama. sigh Dang!
<Hal> I think I've done a lot of each -- a fair amount of parody but also  a lot of day to day stuff with Skinner and Pendrell :)
<Wombat> I'm trying to do more day to day stuff, but it's hard!
<Viridian5> Day to day situations are hugely funny if put in the right perspective.
<Wombat> I guess I have the British Benny Hill gene or something
<Viridian5> fluffs cushion for lemming.
<Holmes105> I agree, but I just write what I know
<Virg> There's a Benny Hill gene?
<Virg> <g>
Viridian5 , very afraid
<Viridian5> I think they mapped that one recently....
<Hal> I enjoy doing both -- it depends a lot on my mood.
<Ecolea> nervous twitch at that info
<Walt1013> LOL, Viridian!!
<Viridian5> Thank yew, thank yew. <g>
<Viridian5> I don't do much parody. Usually I'm funny situations or dialogue.
<Cedara> hi, CJK
<Holmes105> Hi
<CJK> Hello Ced.
<Viridian5> Parody can be really hard.
<Walt1013> Hi CJK!
<Xanthe> Hi CJK
<Wombat> I find writing naturalistic situations harder than parody
<Riticulan> And sometimes there's such a thin line between parody and cruelty <g>
CJK waves around to those she knows and those she doesn't know... yet
<Wombat> Very true.  You have to be very careful
<Ecolea> But, wombat, you do it so well the situations don't seem contrived.
<Hal> One thing about parody is that there has to be a big enough body of work to parody.
Aqua waves back
<Rose> Hi CJK!
Mulder waves back. HI CJK :)
<Viridian5> Definitely. Wasn't there a quote about comedy being when somebody else falls down a manhole and dies?
<Hal> I remember wanting to write some Scully Slash parody, but having to wait several months before I felt comfortable doing that.
<Wombat> Agreed, Hal.  There have to be themes.
<Holmes105> Why?
<itslemmin> Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall down a manhole and die.
<Holmes105> I'm still
<Wombat> A lot of the humour of parody is in recognition
<Holmes105> her
<Holmes105> here
<Viridian5> Thanks, luv.
<Viridian5> If you don't know the source, you won't get the parody.
<itslemmin> (: Now if only I knew who said that...
<Hal> I find my parody is more about fic than about the show
<Wombat> If people don't identify with what you've written, a parody doesn't work
<Hal> itslemmin: It was Mel Brooks, IIRC
<Viridian5> I've tweaked both fic and the show.
<Viridian5> and sometimes the actors' careers.
<Viridian5> Though I'm careful about the last. <g>
<Holmes105> I've tweaked a little of everything too
<itslemmin> Thanks. (:
<Wombat> But there are so many cliches in fanfic
<dossier> and so hard to avoid!
<Rose> I have always thought that "it's funny when it is not you." every thing from the pie-in-the-face on is predicated on that...
<Ecolea> so easy to ridicule those cliches too
<Wombat> e.g  'He had fallen in love with his best friend.  His very male best friend...
<Rose> I looove good badfuc!
<Viridian5> Aggggh!  Get it off, get it off!
<Wombat> How many times have you read that?
<CJK> Oh gods.
Mama grins at Rose.
<CJK> Way too often.
<Viridian5> Um, I didn't mean it that way.
<Rose> I mean fic!
<Mulder> lol, Rose. I'll remember that <g>
CJK looks at Rose.
SubRosa snickers
<diana_w> I don't know, ROse - badfuc pretty well describes it <BG>
Rose hits self with silly stick again!
<Viridian5> "Badfuc" seems like it should have a definition.
<Wombat> lol!
<Cedara> lol
<mitsou> hehe
<Viridian5> For really squicky slash?
<Ecolea> define then
Rose falls on floor and dies of embarrassment!
<Viridian5> ::pet pet::
<CJK> Uhm, I love squicky slash...
<Viridian5> I haven't even warmed up my typo talent.
Mama hugs Rose.
<Viridian5> Hey, now it has a name!
<Wombat> One thing that squicks me is extreme violence at the expense of characterisation
<Hal> Squicky slash is a goodness
<Hal> There should be more Jar Jar slash in the world.
<Wombat> mmm... tongues...
<itslemmin> Yes, but then you have to define "squicky". My squick isn't everyone's squick.
<CJK> There is squick, and there is squick...
<Ecolea> No, not Jar Jar...
<Mama> agggh!!!!!!!!!!!
<Viridian5> You know the author is on a personal trip, riding roughshod over the characters...
Rose hugs Mama back and tries to get blush to go away!
<Mama> a blushing rose.
<itslemmin> One woman's squick is another woman's squidge...
dossier eeeeyyyyou!
<Aqua> <snicker>
<Holmes105> But it's so fun to ride roughshod over them
<Walt1013> Hal, can you really parody Jar Jaqr??;-)
<Cedara> hehehe
<CJK> Okay, Jar-Jar is squick.
<Ecolea> he is a parody!
<Hal> No, but you can write it straight and it's funny :)
<Holmes105> Jar Jar and Lid Lid
<Viridian5> If you think of the perspective thing, then nothing is truly squicky. The author had to think it was hot....
<Wombat> Which is worst?  Jar-jar/Qui-Gon or Jar-jar/Obi-Wan?
<Rose> I thought JarJar was a parody...
<diana_w> LOL Holmes!
<CJK> ROFL @ Holmes
<mitsou> New question for Hal: What would you say is your weirdest pairing?
<mitsou> LOL
dossier lmao @ holmes!
<Hal> Oh, god, almost all of them.
<Holmes105> me/ bows
<SubRosa> krycek/maul?
<Ecolea> weird!
<Hal> Krycek/Maul is almost normal.
<SubRosa> wasn't that you?
<Viridian5> I liked John Cage/Alex Krycek. Not weird in the way most think.....
<Rose> Wow...
<SubRosa> <g> that it is. I love them both, god help me
<Hal> It was.
<Wombat> Gotta be Mulder/Elvis
<Hal> To me, the weirdest was the Mulder/Elvis, yes
<Ecolea> weirder
<Mama> Not Mulder/Colton?
<CJK> Elvis?!
<Hal> which Wombat beta'ed for me :)
<Viridian5> OK, yeah, the Elvis one.
<Ecolea> mulder/colton is weirdest
<Holmes105> How about M/Cannibal Krycek
<Hal> And I still maintain that it's not quite the same as actor slash -- Elvis is already a mythological figure.
<Mama> although it did lead to that wonderful Skinner/Pendrell
<Viridian5> He is an icon.
<Holmes105> That was yours right Hal
<Wombat> I've rethought on that one, and I agree entirely, Hal
<Holmes105> True
<Hal> and there was Bill Scully Jr/ Spender
<CJK> Oh, the I Love Lucy stuff is classic. Thanks for writing that, too.
<Hal> You're welcome, CJK :)
<Wombat> Oh, that one made me laugh...
<Hal> Mulder/Frohike
<Holmes105> My favorite is the M/Sk hurt comfort
<Hal> it's all weird.
<Holmes105> LMAO!
<itslemmin> Ever noticed how anything that features Spender is automatically a weird pairing?
<Ecolea> indeed it is.
<dossier> weird guy,
<Rose> Well, he's a weasel...
<Viridian5> <---has written two Spender slash stories, only one of them humor
<Hal> the Mulder/Frohike wasn't humour, though so maybe that disqualifies it :)
<CJK> isn't he a ferret?
<Holmes105> I did Spender/Krycek
<Viridian5> He is a ferret, yep.
<Hal> Spender/Kryceks is a normal pairing, I think.
<Wombat> I don't think I've done any weird pairings :(
<Viridian5> I've seen that.
<Holmes105> I think so too
<Ecolea> rat & ferret?
<Holmes105> Of course!
<Aqua> I think so too
<Viridian5> My humor was Mulder/Spender, drama was Mulder/Krycek/Spender
<Wombat> Oh, apart from Skinner/Schanke, Kenny and Mister Ed
<Ecolea> now that was funny!
<CJK> I used to be the Sk/K archivist, don't you dare mentioning this one as weird. <G>
<Hal> sometimes it's simply the pairing that makes a story funny
<Holmes105> Schanke?
<Holmes105> Who?
<Wombat> Torch did a great Mulder/Bigfoot
<Wombat> Sorry, Schenke?  From Forever Knight?
<Viridian5> Wasn't that Chewbacca?
<Holmes105> Oh, eek
<ahnon_e_m> bigfoot, where?
<Ecolea> Bigger than what?
<Aqua> Chewbacca
<Viridian5> I am so confused.....
<Holmes105> I'm not familiar with those
<Wombat> I think he called him Chewbacca
<Hal> One of my faves was Anna's Mulder/Cooper story
<Viridian5> Those fine details are so important.
<CJK> Don#t tell me anyone actually paired Chewbbie with someone...
<itslemmin> Oh, that was excellent, that Mulder/Cooper.
<CJK> someone, sorry
<Holmes105> I didn't see the Mulder/Cooper story
<Holmes105> Sounds great
<Wombat> I read a Chewbacca/Ewok once
<CJK> Ewww!
<Mama> Loved the Mulder/Cooper
<Cedara> hi
<Viridian5> It was good. I actually saw a Mulder/Frank Black one once.
<Wombat> Brings a whole new meaning to the concept of gerbilling
itslemmin cringes
<Walt1013> LOL, size maters not...#
<CJK> Thank you, Womabt, I could have lived without that image!
<Ecolea> Mulder and Frank made a great pairing
<itslemmin> How would you write the dialogue for Chewie/Ewok? Grunt, growl, squeak, chitter?
<CJK> Frank from Millennium?
<diana_w> LOL Walt!
<Viridian5> Yep, but an unusual one.
<Ecolea> yeah millenium
<Wombat> Frank Black is a great character, but so serious...
<ahnon_e_m> little Chewokies running around
Hal looooooves Frank but doesn't find him slashy at all.
<Viridian5> Imagine the pillow talk, lemming.
<Ecolea> that's what makes it so interensting
<CJK> Argh.
<CJK> Guys, this is horrible.
<Viridian5> Chewokies? snerk
<Wombat> Some characters are just unslashable
Cedara giggles
<Holmes105> I loved Hal's story in which Skinner and Frank Black tried to cheer each other up
<Ecolea> nooooo!
<Holmes105> LOLOL!
Aqua crying with laughter
<Xanthe> Is anyone truly unslashable???!
<Hal> Right, Free Agents -- where I pulled all the pairings out of a hat
<Rose> LMAO! Oh shit, I have to read that!
<Wombat> Wesley Crusher, Xanthe?
<ahnon_e_m> free agents: coop and krycek, yeah
<CJK> Wombat: NOOOOOO!!!
<Viridian5> Kill Wesley, don't slash him.....
<Ecolea> wesley & xanthe? yeah! whip the brat into shape woman!
<diana_w> Wesley Crusher? Yuck!
<Rose> Two of the most depressed men in Federal service...
<Wombat> Wesley Crusher and Barney#
<Hal> Ooh,  Wesley slash would be yummy
<Walt1013> WESLEY... as in that horrible wiz kid??
<Rose> Slash him slash him!
<Holmes105> Rose, it was hilarious
<Viridian5> Only if it ends with someone dropping a piano on them both.
<Rose> I'll read it, where is it?
<CJK> Barney?!
<itslemmin> I think Wesley/Picard would be really icky and dark in a wonderful way.
<ahnon_e_m> fife?
<Aqua> Who is Barney?
<Ecolea> shoot barney, whip the shit out of wizkid!
<itslemmin> that's something Nonie could write.
<Hal> I've seen Wesley/Picard, I think.
<Viridian5> Well, he does sing, "I love you, you love me...."
<Holmes105> On Hal's website. 
<CJK> Don't do that to me, P!Q is my favorite pairing!
<Ecolea> purple dino
<Hal> It was fracking scary
<CJK> P/Q, even
<Holmes105> Maybe she would give us the URL
<Wombat> I never got Q at all
<Holmes105> Me neither
<Viridian5> I like him.
<Wombat> It all depends so much on personal taste
<CJK> I love Q. He's so amazingly arrogant...
<Ecolea> I've tried writing Q. He's amoral so it's really tough.
<ahnon_e_m> Q/Mulder would be funny
<Wombat> I love Paris/Chakotay, but Paris/Kim does nothing for me
<Hal> Did someone ask for my URL? It's
<CJK> Same here.
<Viridian5> Mulder would be fascinated by him.....
<Holmes105> There it is Rose!
<Viridian5> and Q would so get off on that.
<Ecolea> he is and isn't.
<CJK> C/P is nice... P/C isn't.
<Ecolea> I think Mulder would be fascinated, then disgusted.
<ahnon_e_m> Q would make one hell of an xfile.
<Holmes105> with Q?
<Walt1013> Has anybody written Q/Mulder yet?
<CJK> Disgusted? Q is teh Truth.
<Ecolea> worked on it and failed
<CJK> All the asnwers Mulder wanted...
<Riticulan> Q/Krycek would be interesting.
<Ecolea> Q's truth only and he's selfish. Wouldn't share.
<Hal> You can slash Krycek with anyone and it would work.
<Holmes105> Q/K would be hilarious
<CJK> I think Q's got only one true love, and that's the lovely Jean-Luc.
<Hal> He's the Little Black Dress of fanfic
<dossier> lol!! 
itslemmin laughs
<diana_w> LOL Hal!
<Aqua> Now you all have a new pairing to work on
<Wombat> Alex Krycek - superslut
<ahnon_e_m> I bet Q has a yahooty this long.....
fuzzicat giggles
<Walt1013> Q/K... now that might be something for the omnipotent one!;-)
<fuzzicat> a yawhaty?
<Ecolea> he can make it anyway he wants Q can!
<Rose> Dammit!
<diana_w> WB Rose
<Viridian5> Alex Krycek, International Playbpy
<CJK> wb Rose
<Holmes105> wb Rose
<itslemmin> Do you think Q is as usefully mutable as, say, Odo?
<Rose> AOHell....
<Wombat> I loved Torches' Krycek set in the Trek Universe
<Aqua> Inter-Galactic Playboy <g>
<CJK> Face is, guys, one can pair Krycek with anybody.
<Mulder> Question for Viridian: Are you going to write any more in the "Green" saga?
<Viridian5> I knew this was coming..... <g>
<Czeri> Um, sorry to interrupt but what Q are you talking about? (yeah, I know I'm late, but please help...)
<Hal> Yeah, those were great :)
<itslemmin> Q from ST:TNG, Czeri.
<Ecolea> Q from star trek
<CJK> From Star trek, Czeri.
<Viridian5> I have snips that aren't going anywhere right now. But it's still on my mind.
fuzzicat smiles at Czeri
<Cedara> eep!!!
<Aqua> I'd love to see more "Green"
<Walt1013> Played so well by John DeLancie
<CJK> Wombat overboard!
<Cedara> we lost the wombat
<fuzzicat> she'll be back.
<Czeri> Thanks ,I thought it couldn't be the James Bond one...
<Viridian5> My little Green thing in March sort of just sank, so I wasn't sure if anyone was interested anymore anyway....
Rose tosses a Wombat-saver.
Viridian5 readying the cushion.
<SubRosa> I have to go, all. I'll check the logs later.
<Cedara> bye, Rosa
<Rose> Bye Rosa!
<CJK> Bye, Rosa.
<SubRosa> thanks for coming you guys
<Viridian5> Thanks, folks.
<itslemmin> bye
<Walt1013> See you, Rosa!
<Wombat> Sorry, guys!
<itslemmin> Cuff that Wombat!
<Mulder> byers Rosa!!
<ahnon_e_m> bye
<Wombat> DArn timeout!
Viridian5 throws Wombat a cushion.
<Cedara> wb
<Holmes105> Hi Wombat
<Aqua> What was it called? I must have missed it
Rose ropes Wombat shinbari-style.
<diana_w> wb Wombat
Wombat is securely tied now, thank you
<itslemmin> Wombats in bondage...
<Ecolea> Viridian, don't feel bad, I think lack of feedback is often a sign of satisfaction and complacence in a reader.
<itslemmin> Do you really think so?
<Rose> np, Wombat!
<fuzzicat> sounds good anyway...
<ahnon_e_m> where was it posted in march?
<Ecolea> yes, if it's always good they don't care about writing
<Aqua> Viridian, what was it called? I must have missed it
<Holmes105> I think it's a sigh of a lazy one, anywho
<Czeri> Yeah ,whay Ecolea said. I love "Green"
CJK looks at the fuz.
<Wombat> There doesn's seem to be much feedback from slashX any more
Rose makes note "Buy more Zip disks for more fic!"
<Viridian5> The Wearing of the Green (A Silly 'Green' Vignette)
<Ecolea> I think that comes from complacency.
<CJK> Is SlashX the non-squidge based list?
griffinLZ leaves, waves bye to any friends out there
<Xanthe> There's not much posted any more to the slash lists.
<Wombat> Maybe it's a natural stage in the lifecycle of a fandom
<Viridian5> I sent it to slashx, nixxers, and pendrellfic. It ended up at The Basement.
<Ecolea> I read it!
<ahnon_e_m> could it just be that it's summer (here) and posting is slow?
<CJK> You have any clue how that sounds. Viridian? <g>
<Aqua> I'll have to search
<Rose> Where is that... is there more fic there?
<Ecolea> And didn't send feedback...
<Viridian5> Thanks!
<Viridian5> Some. snerk
<Viridian5> I have some starting ideas, but I'm not sure where they want to go.
<Aqua> There's still quite a bit of slash appearing on the Sk/K list and on RatBfic
<Mulder> Question to ALL guests: Why is it so difficult to write humour slash? What rules do you have to follow to make it work?
<Viridian5> I have the monster due South fic from hell hitting my brain...
Rose has 8 Zips full of fic and a file full of hard copy.
<Viridian5> Rules?  There are rules? <g>
<Wombat> I would say, don't be vindictive
<Wombat> Otherwise it's not humour, it's a flame
<Viridian5> Down, girl.  It's 89K and still a long way from done....
<Hal> Actually, I don't find it difficult to write humour. But it either works or it doesn't. It's hard to polish.

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