DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognisable characters and property of Stargate SG-1 belong to MGM/UA, World Gekko Corp. and Double Secret Productions. This fan fiction was created solely for entertainment purposes and no money was made from it. Also, no copyright or trademark infringement was intended. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author. Any other characters, the storyline and the actual story are the property of the author. Not to be archived without permission of the author(s).
Chapter 25: Heru'ur of the Goa'uld
They will die.
The shol'va and his companions have earned my complete and utmost wrath. I will not rest until their blood runs freely through my hands and stains the steps of my temple. They will be mine or the planet will burn around them, they shall not live to breathe another day.
We are less than three winwet from the planet. They have neither the intelligence nor the ingenuity to have escaped the planet without the dialing mechanism. They cannot have escaped. My former Jaffa.those who failed me on the planet.remarked on the rather foolish actions of the Abydonian, the shol'va and another Tau'ri warrior. Forsaking their means of escape to aid Jackson and O'Neill..
How weak they are.
The Jaffa were under the impression Jackson was ill or injured. That is good. An injured man will slow them, make them that much easier to corner.and give me a very effective weapon against them.
They will suffer for as long as it pleases me.for as long as it takes to find the child.and then they will die.
Three winwet and I will remove these far too persistent thorns from my mikta.