by:  Emmy
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DISCLAIMER: Star Wars and all publicly recognisable characters, names and references, etc are the sole property of George Lucas, Lucasfilm Ltd, Lucasarts Inc and 20th Century Fox.  This fan fiction was created solely for entertainment and no money was made from it.  Also, no copyright or trademark infringement was intended.  Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.  Any other characters, the storyline and the actual story are the property of the author.

You look over your shoulder and squint through the sheets of rain, but you see no one. You shake your head and say, �Knock it off. Just think straight and get to the station.� You take a right turn around the corner, and it hits you again. That feeling of being watched. Your body starts to tremble from the cold and from the rising panic you feel. You take a deep breath and cross the street. �OK, so far so good. Looking relatively familiar,� you say. Then you feel it again. You turn and try to focus your eyes against the darkness, and your breath catches in your throat. A man. He stands on the corner across the street. �Oh God,� you say under your breath. You begin walking quickly, trying to remain cognizant of where you are going.

Your feet move quickly, and your brain scrambles to keep up as you talk yourself through it. �Turned�right last time, so turn left this time. Just pay attention. Just keep walking. Keep thinking and��

�So where are you headed, princess?�

You gasp loudly and jump as you hear the voice behind you. �Shit,� you say as your breathing becomes erratic. You begin to run straight ahead and finally drop your umbrella since it is only slowing you down. The rain pelts down on you, and your begin to lose track of your directions. You force yourself to pay attention then you say out loud, �Left, left�.oh thank God!� You feel some relief as you see the multi-service building again�but then you realize that it is not your destination. You now have to reverse your directions again in order to get to the station. Luckily, though, the streets are better lit.

You quickly glance over your shoulder and see no one behind you. But it�s so hard to see anything at all. No matter, you�ll just keep running until you get safely to the station. Besides, the adrenaline racing through you will never let you slow down.

�Why in such a hurry?�

You scream as a man jumps out of the alley in front of you and tries to block your path. Full-fledged panic takes over as you stumble and run away from him, dropping your purse and having no idea now where you are going. You yell for help, but all the buildings around you are dark. You can hear his heavy footsteps tromping quickly behind you, and you heave heavy sobs as your panic pushes you faster and faster, the rain drenching your clothing and finally your skin. It is so cold and so wet, and your brain cannot actually wrap around what is happening. You turn a corner, and without warning another man jumps out of the alleyway, knocking you to the ground. You scream again as you hit the sidewalk. You scamper ahead on the ground, wriggling far enough away from him to get to your feet again while the other man, the one originally chasing you, finally rounds the corner.

You take off like a shot, the panicked tears on your face indiscernible from the rain. You turn another corner as you hear the men yelling behind you. Halfway down the block you see a lonely telephone booth. You quickly examine the rest of the dark street and decide this may be your only hope. You scamper into the booth and frantically shut the door, pinning your back against the wall behind your while jamming your feet against the door to keep it shut as the men begin to bang on it and taunt you. You are separated from your attackers by only four panes of glass on each side. You hop on one foot as you alternately lift it to hold the door and drop it again for balance.

You pick up the receiver and fight to keep your hand steady to dial the emergency number. The men bang on the door again, and it gives a little. You ram your legs tight to keep it closed and scream, �Get the fuck away from me! I�m calling the police, you fuckin� bastards!� You try to sound as menacing as you can in your hysterical state.

The men stand outside the booth and laugh at you. �Police?� one of them says. �Police don�t come here. Now quit being such a squirrel and come on out here. We won�t hurt you,� he says with a leer.

�Fuck off!� you yell to their extreme amusement. �Come on, come on,� you whine into the phone as it rings. Finally an operator picks up, �Emergency services��

�Help me! Please!�

��please hold.� You hear a clicking sound as music begins to play.

�What the fuck?!� you yell into the phone.

The men laugh. �See, told you so!�

You wait on hold for a few seconds, which seems like forever, and then you get another idea. You hang up the phone.

�Ah, gonna come out and play now?� one of the men says.

�Go to hell!� you yell as you fumble through your pockets for change.

�Quit being such a little bitch!� The man begins to bang on the booth. �Come out of there!�

Your fingers finally find the right change as the rest of it tumbles off your trembling hand to the floor. You force it into the slot with fingers that just won�t stay still and then dial the number. The phone rings�.and rings�and rings�. �Answer, answer, answer,� you whine over and over as your tears come more rapidly.



��thank you for calling the Jedihunks Temple. We are currently unavailable�.�

�Shit!!� You hit the phone in frustration. No one ever answers the phone during parties.

��but please leave a message, and we�ll get back to you as soon as possible.�

You hear the beep and begin to yell. �Pick up! You guys! Please!!� You choke out a sob and continue. �I don�t know where the hell I am! And these fucking lunatics are CHASING ME!! PICK UP THE PHONE!!� Your voice becomes wild�your words punctuated by high-pitched wheezes. �I�m at the multi-service center�I was�.then�I got lost�. Oh God,� you whimper�and then scream, �PICK UP THE FUCKING PHONE!!� And then you hear another beep, and then dead air. �No! No! No!� you repeat frantically. You fumble for more change and then notice that the men have disappeared. You look to the sides, up and down the street�no one.

�They could be hiding�watching me,� you say quietly in a terrified voice. You take a deep breath and look around again. You keep your foot securely on the door and crane your neck to try and look behind you�and you gasp as you look up. �Transport station,� you whisper.

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