by:  Jenn
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DISCLAIMER: Star Wars and all publicly recognisable characters, names and references, etc are the sole property of George Lucas, Lucasfilm Ltd, Lucasarts Inc and 20th Century Fox.  This fan fiction was created solely for entertainment and no money was made from it.  Also, no copyright or trademark infringement was intended.  Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.  Any other characters, the storyline and the actual story are the property of the author.

'And from the crossroads where peasant and his king meet, there shall arise a new facet of the Force. A great master will arise, eclipsing all that have come after and since. Through the master, dark and light will collide and the galaxy will be thrown into turmoil. So is it written so will it be.'

- Ancient Jedi Prophesy.

Eisley Palpatine stood in his stately robes, facing a grand scale of windows. His image reflected back on the glass, so one that might observe him could see two personas of the same being. His hair held a gray tinge now, as his senatorship was coming to a completion. The Naboodian council was still strong, although they were striving to change the overwhelming tide of oppression in its surrounding systems. Palpatine knew of the bureaucracy tendencies and the slow pace at which the Senate moved now. The Great Senate was but a mere shadow of what it had been in years past. The strength of a thousand years was dwindling before their very eyes. Strength was no longer found in those who ruled, and the lack of respect made him disgusted. He turned from the window to cross to his audience dais and sat upon his chair. He would lend strength and centralization to the Republic, he thought. He would lend them if it was the last thing he did.

"Oceanius IV, water planet. Located on the third tier of stars from Corsucant. Main export: salt and aquatic life as well as precious stone. Language:" Obi-Wan lifted his head from the viewport to look at his mentor. "This cannot be right, Master."

"What is it, Padawan?" Qui-Gon leaned over the chair to look at the screen in front of them. "What is their language?"

"They do not speak Basic. Their official language is Hydodian." Obi-Wan winced. "That will add, I�m sure, to the amount of energy this diplomatic mission will exploit." The young Jedi lifted his head to smile at his Master with a shrug. "What do you know of the language?"

"Painfully little, Obi-Wan." Qui-Gon returned with a solemn grin of his own. "But the Force will lead us through and provide a way to accomplish our task. What else is there that we need to know?"

"Oceanius natives are of amphibian nature, however, there is little dry land left onto which they can exist. The main landing port is on the main landmass of Titela. Temperatures of the planet fluctuate between forty standard units during the day to minus 10 standard units at night. The atmosphere in the water is of a more steady type, not moving much off of 20 standard units. Their current ordeal exists over a five hundred-season dispute for the ruling party of the planet. Two families have been at war on and off for an eon. It has only recently caused a problem with trade exportations. We are to settle the dispute only so far as the trade lines are involved, we are not to end their dispute." Obi-Wan finished his synopsis with a flourish and leaned back in the chair to view his mentor.

Qui-Gon nodded thoughtfully, turning to watch the planet below for a moment. The viewscreen was filled with a sapphire blue world whose uniformity was only broken occasionally by sand colored landmass. "I feel that something is not right here, Obi-Wan. I feel that there is more here than meets the eye and that it will be a struggle to get them to see the Senate�s ruling."

"And the lack of a common language will only compound the problems, Master." Obi-Wan frowned as he turned off the viewport and the cockpit of the ship was filled with only the reflected light of the planet below. The two Jedi fell silent until the door behind them slid open.

Padme Amidala had had quite enough of reading for the cycle, and was looking for her teacher to beg for something else to do. She stopped in the doorway to look at the planet below. "We�ve arrived, then."

"Yes, Padme." Qui-Gon mused. "It seems as though we have. Finished your reading?"

"Yes, Master Jedi." Padme moved forward to look at Obi-Wan in his reclined position. "Let me see." She laid her hand on Obi-Wan�s arm and smiled gently. "Yes, the planet below is Oceanius IV. The mission will begin soon, but you are troubled. The language is presenting a problem; neither of you speak Hydodian." Obi-Wan squirmed as Padme gripped his arm harder. "And you have not found your breathing apparatus, yet."

"Very good, Padme." Qui-Gon nodded in satisfaction.

"Why does she pick me for this little game she plays?" Obi-Wan sighed, fixing his robe about his shoulders as Padme smiled gently at him. She answered with an ease that both men had gotten to know in the last season. "Because, Obi-Wan, your mind is easier to interpret and read."

Qui-Gon smiled a tight smile at both of his charges and nodded to the planet below. "Obi-Wan and I must leave the ship in orbit. There is precious little landing space on the planet. Come, Padme, I will give you your lessons for the next few cycles; it should keep you busy until we return."

As Qui-Gon went to pass the girl, her hand shot out to land on his arm. Sensing that she had something to say, the elder Jedi bent to hear her. Padme, for her part, was upset with the prospect of remaining on the ship throughout another mission. She gazed at her teacher with respect, but with purpose. "Qui-Gon, I have remained on this ship through every mission that you and Obi-Wan have been sent on for the last season. With all due respect, sir, I feel as though I can add something to this mission."

Obi-Wan sat forward to watch his Master and the lithe girl debate. It was a favored pastime of his, as both possessed keen intellect and sometimes-sharp tongues. He smiled as he watched his mentor draw to his full height and shake his head. "No, young Draca, we have talked about this previously. You remain on the ship while we are off-world."

"I am not a child, Master Jedi, and I do not wish to be treated as such. This mission could be jeopardized if I do not accompany you." Padme swung her long heavy braid behind her head, allowing her brown eyes to grow to their fullest size. "I can help you this time."

"I think not, Padme."

Qui-Gon moved to walk past her as her hand grabbed his for an instant to halt his retreat. Once he turned she dropped it and smiled. "I know Hydodian."

Obi-Wan smiled fully as he watched his Master stop and gaze at the girl, his blue eyes alight with new knowledge. He was silent for a period, until he turned to Obi- Wan with a smile. "Told you, I did, that the Force would provide a way. Very well, Padme, maybe you are ready to accompany us. But you will have to wear the Jedi ceremonial wear that Mace provided you and you must remain between Obi-Wan and I when we process. Is that understood?"

"Clearly, Master." Padme answered with a smile and a wink towards Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan rose out of his chair and stalked down the dimly light hall toward the cabin wing. Once the door shut, Qui-Gon turned to Padme fully and grasped her chin. When her face was raised to his, he spoke bluntly and heavily. "I am allowing this only for the sake of the mission, Padme. Do not allow the feelings of glee, they will hurt you. And, this display of stubborn will has not gone unnoticed. You will need to curb these outbursts if you are to have the drive necessary to harness your skills properly. I am your teacher and I command respect from you."

Padme lowered her eyes and waited until Qui-Gon released her chin to speak. "I apologize, Jedi teacher. May I speak?"

"Yes." Qui-Gon stated bluntly.

"My childhood and early adolescent seasons were spent working on and perfecting my negotiation and diplomatic skills. I feel that this past, combined with your teachings and practice of my Jedi skills should not be wasted." Padme said softly, her face turned towards the ground.

"I agree, Draca." Qui-Gon was quiet for a moment. "I do not think that your Jedi skills are perfected completely, though. These missions are sometimes dangerous, sometimes mundane, but if we run into trouble, young one, I and Obi-Wan have our given orders and our creed to follow. You will be completely on your own. I cannot endanger the mission."

"Let me have my trial by fire, Master Jedi." Padme intoned quietly.

"And so you shall, Padme." Qui-Gon pressed the door mechanism. As it slid open, he moved forward, his young student following in tow. "And so you shall."

The sand beneath Obi-Wan�s bare feet was hot to the touch and was causing a slight discomfort. The sun overhead beat down with an intensity that he had not felt in years, since visiting his sister on Tatootine. His short hair was doing little to stop the sweat from rolling down his face. His hazel eyes caught his master�s blue ones and they shared a nod. Turning back forward, the young Jedi placed his hands folded in front of him, mirroring Qui-Gon�s stance. His ears were being assaulted by the disharmonious sound of the Hydodian language, and it was enough to ruin his concentration on the matter at hand.

His gaze dropped to Padme, clad in a tan tunic belted over her slim hips. Her dark blue cloak denoting her stature as a Jedi student was surely capturing and exploiting far more of the solar energy than his brown one, but she did not falter in the intonations and stature. Her long chestnut hair flowed down her back to end in a knot below her waist. Quietly, but with a level of confidence, she intoned what was needed, relaying the given messages to Qui-Gon and answering back to the Oceanians. In the last season, Padme had become like a sister to him, and this instance was only increasing his pride in her and her abilities. At barely seventeen, Padme Nadierre Amidala was shining brightly.

The Oceanian leader that met them at the ramp of the port was a large, almost frog-like creature, standing slightly under Qui-Gon�s height. Their slimy purple skin was beautiful to behold changing in hue depending on the angle at which the being stood and the way with which the sun�s rays were burning. Such beauty, Obi-Wan had neither seen nor experienced previously.

The trio�s feet were unclad on the sand in deference to the culture of the planet and to show respect to the leader. On Obi-Wan�s back there was a knapsack that contained a meager collection of survival supplies that the elder Jedi always insisted on having with them when planet side. He watched as Padme lifted her hands in the universal sign of understanding and continued on her intonation. The Oceanian leader nodded enthusiastically before erupting in a loud shout that hurt all the human ears present, although Padme was the one that did not flinch. She turned quietly to Qui-Gon, keeping her eyes downcast. After a short exchange, he nodded and pointed at the dwelling behind them. Padme nodded and turned to the leader to ask a short question. Soon, the trio was being led to the dwelling.

Once inside, the three humans shed their cloaks with speed betraying their need to remove layers of clothes in the heat. Qui-Gon smiled at Padme as she shook her head violently to regain some of her hearing after being assaulted close range by the loud sounds of the Oceanian Hydodian language.

"I have to admit, Padme, your bearing and your ability to keep a clean mind is of high quality." Qui-Gon stated, kindly.

"Thank you, teacher, although I think that this mission is going to take longer than expected, with or without my skills." Padme shook her head again and turned to Obi-Wan. "Do you agree, Ben?"

"Aye." Obi-Wan smiled gently. "Although it would help if I knew what was said. I gather a feeling of frustration from you, Padme, but I do not perceive the reason."

Qui-Gon turned to his apprentice, " The leader that we met with is not the true leader of the currently in power family. He was simply a cousin of some type to the leader and was elected to come meet with us to determine our worthiness of meeting with the Bunda." He shook his head. "What made this harder is that they have denounced the Senate�s ability to rule over them. I feel that we could be in danger if this mission does not end soon."

"Danger, Master?" Obi-Wan leaned over a chair that was placed next to a sturdy table. "Of which type do you sense?"

"If the opposing party or if one of the members of the party in power decide that we are endangering their position and that we might spark a feeling of rebellion against those in power, they might more to either exploit us or harm us to achieve their end." Qui-Gon nodded to the collection of Oceanians that were left by the door. "Either way, it is not good for us."

Padme sunk into a chair, wiping her brow clear of sweat. "What do you think of this mention of a dark lord, Sir? The description of their new god sounds an awful a lot like the mention of the Sith Lords in the Jedi Chronicles that you have had me read."

"I realize the similarity, young Padme, but the Sith have been extinct for a millennia. I highly doubt that they could have returned without our having knowledge of them." Qui-Gon nodded solemnly, "But your insight does you credit."

Padme smiled and stretch her arms above her head. The sun outside was setting on the sapphire ocean; casting tendrils across the mass like a giant Hedion squid. Qui-Gon motioned to both of his charges to make their beds for the night as he pulled a comlink from his cloak. After a few short minutes, he finished appraising the captain of their ship what the situation was and gave their location. He also then turned to make his bed for the night, admonishing both Padme and his Padawan to keep their sabres close by and at ready for use. The night fell hard and quick on the dwelling and those inside fell into the heavy sleep of those exhausted.


The dark clothed humanoid that was addressed extended his hand to allow the reporter to continue.

"Master, the Jedi have arrived from Corsucant to intervene for the trade networks."

"I know." Came the low rumbled reply.

"What should we do? Answer them quietly and send them on their way?"

"No." A pause ensued. "Go to their dwelling tonight and take them. They will be asleep with the weight of a heavy wave. Take them to the lair of the Jawaka and use them for the seasonal sacrifice."

"But, sire, the Senate�."

"I will deal with the Senate, apprentice. Do as I say."

The smaller amphibian bowed and backed out of the room, leaving the other to turn back toward the window in thought.

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