DISCLAIMER: Star Wars and all publicly recognisable characters, names and references, etc are the sole property of George Lucas, Lucasfilm Ltd, Lucasarts Inc and 20th Century Fox. This fan fiction was created solely for entertainment and no money was made from it. Also, no copyright or trademark infringement was intended. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author. Any other characters, the storyline and the actual story are the property of the author.
When Kat'ri stalked off, she had no real destination in mind. In fact, she'd never been in this building before. Slowing her pace and looking around, she realized she'd been running though the halls and was now well and truly lost. She retreated to a window ledge and sat down, drawing her knees up to her chest. Her makeup was streaked with tears. How could Obi-Wan be so hurtful and thoughtless?
"Because he's male. They're all that way, regardless of species, although Humans seem worse than most."
Kat'ri looked up at the speaker and saw that it was Cal'breth. She sniffled. "Hi."
Cal'breth smiled down at the teenage girl. "It'll be okay, Kat'ri. Obi-Wan didn't even realize that what he said might hurt you. Come to think of it, what did he say?"
"He said," she paused, hitching back a sob. "He said he would rather of asked Bant or Pevika to the party instead of me." At that, she began to cry again.
Cal'breth took a deep breath. She was going to have to tell Qui-Gon to give his Apprentice diplomacy lessons.
"That doesn't mean he's not happy to be here with you, Kat'ri. I saw the way he was looking at you earlier." At that, the girl's head came up.
"Mm hmm. Kat'ri, do you remember when you were a little girl in the cr�che?"
"Yes, Master Cal'breth."
"Did you ever visit the zoological gardens?"
Kat'ri nodded, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand.
"Do you remember how all the children wanted to play with the tabbirs? And there weren't enough of the furry little creatures for everyone to have one?"
Kat'ri nodded again, wondering where this was going.
"But if you couldn't get the animal you wanted first, did you just give up and go back to the cr�che? Or did you find one that made you just as happy even though you hadn't planned on playing with it?"
Kat'ri thought about it for a second before throwing her arms impulsively around the Jedi Healer. "Thank you, Master Cal'breth."
"You're welcome, Padawan Kat'ri. I'm sure Obi-Wan was just being honest. It's a failing he seems to share with his Master."
Kat'ri sniffled again, looking up. "Really?"
"Yes. Qui-Gon has�matured since I first met him. I'm sure Obi-Wan will as well."
"How long have you known him?"
"Qui-Gon and I have known each other since our Initiate days. But he pulled a similar stunt on me when we were about your age. But he was suitably contrite and I forgave him - after I let him grovel for awhile."
"So�I should make Obi-Wan suffer?"
"Of course, child. It's your prerogative as a woman."
"It doesn't seem very Jedi-like," said Kat'ri, still dubious.
Cal'breth smiled a secretive smile. "I'll let you in on a secret, Kat'ri, but this stays just between us, ok?" At the girl's nod, she continued. "You're a woman first and a Jedi second, whereas a man is a Jedi first and a man second. This allows you certain privileges."
Kat'ri looked up at the woman in some confusion, but a slightly evil grin parted her features after a moment's contemplation. Her pointy canines slipped out of her lips, giving her a decidedly predatory expression.
"Now," said Cal'breth, standing. "Let's go wash your face and we'll send you out to break his heart and sweep up the pieces."
Meanwhile, in the main hall, Qui-Gon was trying, rather unsuccessfully, to console his morose Padawan.
"I was just being honest, Master. I didn't mean to hurt her feelings."
"Of course not, Obi-Wan, but women, particularly young ones, are sensitive. Especially during�"
"No, Master, please. We had this discussion when I was thirteen and I don't want to go through it again." Obi-Wan's cheeks were flaming.
Qui-Gon fought the urge to laugh at his Padawan. It was with some difficulty that he schooled his features to the Jedi mask of calm.
Cal'breth sent a wave of pure Force his way, in an attempt to warn him that the two women would be re-entering the room. She tossed her head to the side, and Qui-Gon withdrew to stand beside her, after patting his Apprentice on the shoulder.
"Good luck," he whispered to Obi-Wan as he departed.
Kat'ri glided across the hall to stand before him. Obi-Wan looked at the floor. "I'm sorry, Kat. I didn't mean to hurt you."
She tossed her hair back in feigned negligence. [Ooh, Cal, nice touch.] Qui-Gon noted.
"Obi-Wan Kenobi, does my appearance so disgust you that you cannot even look at me?"
[Cal, that was just plain mean.]
[Shh. I'm trying to listen.]
Obi-Wan gapped at Kat'ri. "No! Of course not! I think you look gorgeous tonight."
"Oh, well, I'm sure I'm not nearly as pretty as Bant or Pevika."
[Did you have to make her so catty? I kind of liked her the way she was.]
[Will you hush?]
Obi-Wan took Kat'ri's hand. "Tonight, when you came to my quarters, I was overcome with your beauty. For the first time in my life, I looked into my heart and found something I didn't know I didn't have."
Kat'ri's breath caught in her throat. "Really?" She managed. This time it was not catty or sarcastic, but pure emotion.
Obi-Wan nodded, their faces grew closer, and he brushed his lips against hers innocently.
[Awww, isn't that sweet?]
[Cal, when you're done corrupting my Padawan, please let me know.]
[Relax, old friend. They're not doing anything�yet]
[Cal! Shame on you! He's only sixteen.]
[Don't look at me that way. We matured faster back in those days.]
[I told you that you're getting old. You just gave another telltale sign.]
[Shut up.]
Trumpeting fanfares interrupted their banter and the Senator and his daughter paraded down a red-carpeted staircase. The party had officially begun.
The Senator made his way through his guests, chatting and gossiping with them all in turn. Qui-Gon bowed to their host. "An excellent party, Senator. My compliments to you and your daughter on this joyous day."
"Thank you, Master Jinn. I'm so very glad you came and that you are enjoying yourself."
With the polite platitudes over with, the Senator moved on, chatting with his many guests.
Cal'breth took Qui-Gon's arm as they began mingling with the other guests. She looked around to where she had seen the two Padawans a few moments before. They had disappeared. She looked around with the Force, seeking their signatures, and found that they were in the gardens. Cal'breth quirked an eyebrow at Qui-Gon.
"Should we go fetch them?"
"Okay�let me re-phrase that. Are we going to go fetch them?"
"And here you were accusing me of corrupting your Padawan."
"Yes, well," Qui-Gon coughed and Cal would have sworn he was embarrassed. "I do have to live with Obi-Wan for another ten years or so. I'd hate to have him plotting my untimely demise."
Cal'breth laughed heartily. "Are you telling me you're afraid of your Padawan? The great Jedi Master Jinn, frightened by a sixteen year old boy."
"It's not fear, Cal. You know me better than that. I'm merely trying to be a 'Guardian of the Peace' - and that peace extends to my personal quarters."
The Healer shook her head, laughing quietly.