by:  Kathryn Burns
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Copyright © 1999

DISCLAIMER: Star Wars and all publicly recognisable characters, names and references, etc are the sole property of George Lucas, Lucasfilm Ltd, Lucasarts Inc and 20th Century Fox.  Star Trek Voyager and associated characters, names and references belong to Paramount and Gene Roddenberry.  This fan fiction was created solely for entertainment and no money was made from it.  Also, no copyright or trademark infringement was intended.  Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.  Any other characters, the storyline and the actual story are the property of the author.

N.B. Thoughts are in // and Italics.

Kathryn was overjoyed - //I broke through, even if just for a few seconds. I can beatthis.// The Borg had seemed to weaken for a few seconds then had overcome her and forced her back to the dark corner. The weight of their minds seemed even heavier than before. The Borg had cut the transmission and started off again - they had detected an M-Class planet with six billion living beings.

//My God// realized Kathryn //They're going to assimilate them.//.

Another Borg approached, "Koral, subjunction 23, Unit 1 of 8 will join in the assimilation of this world."

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan were once again on the bridge.

"Captain, we're receiving a distress call."

"Onscreen, Mr. Kim."

"Captain, it's just audio, they claim their viewscreen is not functioning."

"Let's hear it, and see if you can confirm that their machinery is malfunctioning."

"Aye Captain."

"Please help us ****th*****se***** need assistance ********creatures all over, taking everybody****res****ce.***weapons are useless. Please, if anyone receives this message*****help."

"Captain that planet is located near the projected path of the Borg cube."

"What does that mean?" asked Obi-Wan, knowing and fearing the answer.

"It probably means that the Borg are assimilating the Chimirion." said Janeway simply.

"Mr. Paris, set course for the planet Chimirion, warp nine."

"Aye aye Captain."

"What will this do to Kathryn?" asked Obi-Wan.

"Physically, nothing, but emotionally . . ." the look in Chakotay's eyes told him all he needed to know.

Kathryn watched as she, no, Koral, assimilated yet another being. She had assimilated so many beings yet Kathryn could not get used to it. She remembered the people's faces � their terror. She heard them beg, plead, pledge to do anything to save their families. Kathryn fought Koral //A Jedi is supposed to protect and defend but not this.// Yet she had no more power to stop it than if she had been chained to a stone wall. Memories given by the Borg were horrific enough, yet, actually living them was something else. She helplessly watched as her hand snaked up to grasp another of the beings - species 9254, as the Borg called them. She didn't know their real name. The being screamed as her hand injected Borg nanites through a needle. Another man drew a knife and stabbed at her with it. He had aimed at her with it. He had aimed at her heart but missed that and struck her shoulder. Borg shields evidently only worked with lasers and guns but not projectiles. She felt the pain - and welcomed it. If dying would end this torment then she would gladly accept it. But before the man could strike again she saw her hand grab his knife and jerk it away. She assimilated him. She could also feel the pain in her shoulder begin to subside as the collective began to heal it. She tried to hang onto the pain. If she felt pain - she knew she still existed. //Ironic, isn't it.// The whole situation was some kind of sadistic, ironic nightmare.

"Captain, we're approaching the planet Chimirion."

"Enter standard orbit. Scan for lifesigns."

"Captain, there's a group of unassimilated beings on the planet surface, the Borg are approaching their position."

"Chakotay, take a small away team and try to rescue them. Set your weapons on modulating frequencies but be careful when you use them - you only get a few shots."

Chakotay nodded, "Tuvok, Mr. Kim, you're with me."

The three men walked toward the turbolift. Qui-Gon stopped them, "We'll accompany you."

"That's not necessary, we don't need to put anyone else in danger."

"Our job is to protect and defend - to help where we can . . ."

"In your universe, maybe, but not here."

"Please," interrupted Obi-Wan, "Let us help. Maybe we can rescue Kathryn at the same time, besides our weapons ARE more effective against the Borg. Please I have to help them . . . and her."

Chakotay looked at Janeway, silently asking her opinion. She nodded.

"Okay, come on we'll beam down."

Just as the now fivesome entered the turbolift, Obi-Wan asked, "Exactly what do you mean by beam down?"

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