by:  Kathryn Burns
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Copyright © 1999

DISCLAIMER: Star Wars and all publicly recognisable characters, names and references, etc are the sole property of George Lucas, Lucasfilm Ltd, Lucasarts Inc and 20th Century Fox.  Star Trek Voyager and associated characters, names and references belong to Paramount and Gene Roddenberry.  This fan fiction was created solely for entertainment and no money was made from it.  Also, no copyright or trademark infringement was intended.  Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.  Any other characters, the storyline and the actual story are the property of the author.

N.B. Thoughts are in // and Italics.

Qui-Gon Jinn was becoming more frustrated by the second. Captain Janeway has called a meeting to discuss all their options //or rather lack of// thought Qui-Gon silently. They had been following the Borg for just over a day. //Has it really only been a day since I lost my daughter?// thought Qui-Gon somewhat sorrowfully. //It feels like an eternity.//

The meeting had included the entire senior staff: Captain Janeway, Commander Chakotay, Lieutenant Commander Tuvok, Lieutenant Paris, and Lieutenant Torres. In addition, Ensign Kimm, Neelix, 7 of 9, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan were invited to attend. Obi-Wan had strangely chosen not to. The rest of those in attendance had essentially spent the whole time telling Qui- Gon what they could not do, or how horrible the Borg were. Finally Qui-Gon's patience ran out.

"Listen, that woman you keep mentioning is my daughter." His tone was calm but all could hear the urgent, pleading, demanding notes in his voice. "There has to be a way to save her - Nothing is impossible. If you can get me on that ship I can find her and save her."

"That's just the problem Mr. Jinn. There is no way to beam over because we do not have the capability to catch up to the Borg."

"I will not accept that." said Qui-Gon.

"Mr. Jinn, I," Janeway was interrupted.

"Janeway here, what is it?"

"Captain the Borg vessel has stopped and is hailing us."

"On my way, Janeway out." Janeway strode purposefully out of the conference room into the turbolift. Trailing her were: Qui-Gon, Chakotay, Paris, Tuvok, Kim and Seven. They arrived at the bridge quickly.

"Onscreen please."

An image coalesced on the viewscreen. Qui-Gon recognized his daughter - altered like the Borg. His hopes of rescuing her died for a moment. Then grit and determination rose them higher than before.

"I am Koral of Borg. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. Your distinctiveness will be added to our own."

Inside Kathryn was screaming. She could control nothing. She longed to speak to her father as Kathryn, not as Koral of Borg. She kept trying to break through.

"Kathryn, hang on, you can defeat this." Qui-Gon told the creature on the viewscreen.

"The being you know as Kathryn Jinn no longer exists." Koral opened her mouth to say more but something behind Qui-Gon caught her attention and she stopped. In that moment Qui-Gon saw his daughter again. He turned to see what she was looking at - it was Obi-Wan, who stared back in surprise and shock.

Kathryn felt the Borg weaken for a moment. She could get a message through!

Obi-Wan wanted to run from the nightmare on the screen yet he was held, rooted to the spot. The coldness in its features disappeared for a moment, long enough for a message that chilled and relieved Obi-Wan at the same time to get through. From somewhere in the mechnical monstrocity Kathryn spoke:

"Ben," she said using his birth name rather than his Jedi name, "Ben, We," she paused, "I," she corrected, "Love you. Please help me." she pleaded. Then the coldness took over again. "You will be assimilated."

The viewscreen clicked off. Obi-Wan bolted, her tone, the pain in it, had broken his heart. He ran not knowing where to, just away from the pain.

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