by:  JazzyJedi LA
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Author's Notes:   Lotsa Diet Coke, Ewan McGregor, Sappy romances, support of my husband (Jedi Rah), Oingo Boingo music(esp "Not My Slave"). Probably in that order.

Revision Note:  This revision has added a bit of dialogue, Sache makes an appearance, the story of The Queen's Amulet is used here.

DISCLAIMER: Star Wars and all publicly recognisable characters, names and references, etc are the sole property of George Lucas, Lucasfilm Ltd, Lucasarts Inc and 20th Century Fox.  This fan fiction was created solely for entertainment and no money was made from it.  Also, no copyright or trademark infringement was intended.  Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.  Any other characters, the storyline and the actual story are the property of the author.

The month leading up to our escape from our home was difficult for many, fatal for some. The Trade Federation's blockade was depriving us of supplies necessary for a population of our size. We had to import much of our food and many medical supplies. The Queen knew that one of Veruna's legacies was a world that was not self sufficient in these resources. She had planned to take action to correct that during her reign. But this had come too soon-we wouldn't have been able to reach that goal for a few years. The Federation saw that and took advantage of our weakness to their benefit. Over the petty matter of taxes! I had to keep reminding myself that rage would not help, it would only distract me from the business at hand.

When the time was near for our capture at the hands of battle droids, I wished to stay and fight it out. The Queen had to calm me and remind me that we were outgunned, fighting at this time was not the answer. I was going to insist on attempting to conceal some weapons as she helped me get into the black velvet dress that was to be my disguise. I even rehearsed my speech to her while I waited for her to join me. I did begin to wonder what why she was delayed when Amidala entered the dressing room at last. Saché was on her heels, the most earnest look on her face.

"But, Your Highness," Saché pleaded

"No! That's my final answer," the Queen said. Her voice was firm, and it was clear she would not discuss the matter any further, whatever it was.

Saché bowed her head. "Yes, Your Highness," she replied meekly.

Amidala's manner softened. "Saché," she said, touching the young handmaiden's shoulder. "I appreciate your thoughtfulness and concern. I know you meant well. Perhaps your preparations will be useful at another time. For now, this is the plan we are going to follow. You trust me, right?"

"Of course," Saché blurted out. "You don't even have to ask!"

"Well, then," the Queen smiled. "Bear with me, and all will be well in the end. Now, I must speak with Sabe. Go gather the other handmaidens and we will meet in the Throne Room shortly."

As soon as Saché left, the Queen let her confident manner drop a bit before me. Sadness in her eyes, she helped me dress and prepare for my role as her decoy.

"May I ask, Your Highness-what did Saché have in mind?"

"She has a shelter prepared in the secret passages. It's stocked with enough supplies for a month. She wanted me to hide there while the rest of you were captured. I will not desert any of you to hide. I certainly can't rule from there. I didn't want to hurt her feelings, but it's not the plan for me."

"I understand, Your Highness," I said. I started to rethink my speech. It might not be wise to bring up another issue so soon. I decided to try anyway.

"Padmé," I said in the voice she used, "we should be prepared with the weapons so that if we can get the drop on them, we can make the best use of the opportunity."

She stopped dressing me for a moment, lost in thought.

When she picked up where she left off, she started coaching me. "Make the voice a bit deeper, Your Highness, and do your best to drop the accent. You will need to sound stoic. As much as I respect your defense ability, and you know I do, your plan has a brash aspect to it. I realize it's hard to walk and not fight," Amidala said. She stopped fastening the gown in the back for just a moment so she could walk around and face me. "And I know the feeling of violation you are going through, we all feel it. I believe our time will come, it's just not now."

I nodded. At least I had tried.

When she had finished, she stood back and looked me over. She was pleased with my appearance. She quickly changed into the handmaiden orange uniform and just before she pulled the hood over her head, she fingered her amulet. It was a token from her father, and I knew just how much it meant to her. In fact we had gone on a search in the woods that very morning to recover it from where it had fallen the day before.

"Thinking of them?" I asked sympathetically. I was worried about my parents too.

She looked down, not wanting me to see her eyes. When she looked back up again, there was no longer sadness, now I saw concern and determination. Her eyes met mine, and she untied the cord that held the amulet around her neck. She approached me, and tied it around mine.

"Wear this, Sabé. It's a symbol of my gratitude for your bravery."

I was stunned. "I can't take this from you, my Queen. It is an honor to protect and serve Naboo, and that's all I desire."

"Then when Naboo is safe I will wear it once again. Until then, I want you to have it."

"Thank you, Your Highness." I was moved by the gesture. I might have been close to tears, but I had to remember to stay cool. Besides, it would have spoiled the makeup, and it was too near to the time we would have to meet the invaders to take any chance with that.

When the droids came, they captured us and took us as a group. It consisted of me, the other four handmaidens, the Queen in disguise, along with Panaka, Governor Bibble, and six guards. We were going to a camp to be imprisoned until they could get a treaty signed. I refused to cooperate, just as I'd been coached to do. I kept my eyes open for any sign from Padmé, and remained silent as much as possible, so I wouldn't slip and give our secret away.

At the far end of the Plaza, before we headed onto the main walkway, I felt an electric crackle in the air. It seemed to tell me that something was about to happen- something important. I increased my alertness, tensed my muscles, glanced around. No one else appeared to notice it.

Seconds later, three figures dropped from an overhead walkway, two human, one, a creature. The humans I instantly recognized as Jedi. This was thrilling for me, despite our dangerous situation. After years of admiring these warriors from afar, I was witnessing two of them in action.

The older one, obviously a master, was refined and elegant in his approach to the confrontation. He took control of the situation, wasted no motion, and dispatched his share of droids quickly.

I respected the master, but I found myself more fascinated with the younger one, his apprentice. I remembered they were called Padawans, and he wore the braid to indicate his position. My teachers would have fussed at his style, called it showy and reckless. He levitated straight into the air to kick out at two droids, rather than cut them down efficiently. He twirled his lightsaber a bit more than necessary. Still, it got the job done and it did seem to suit him.

The master moved us into a smaller side street, away from where STAPS might spot us. He introduced himself as Qui-Gon Jinn, and the Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and told us the gravity of the situation. He required a decision from the Queen immediately. We had to choose to stay on Naboo and face almost certain death, or accept his help in escape and plead our world's case before the Senate.

It was not my choice. I turned while making a statement to buy time, "Either choice presents great risk, to all of us...,"as I turned to see what Amidala would indicate to me. It was a very unqueenlike gesture, and it could give me away, I knew that. I just prayed that the Jedi did not catch on to the inconsistency.

Padmé responded in the code we had set up. We were to go to Coruscant.

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