by:  Judy Marchman
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Author's Notes:  This just came to me today. Don't know what triggered it, but it was a sad bunny that hopped by.

DISCLAIMER: Star Wars and all publicly recognisable characters, names and references, etc are the sole property of George Lucas, Lucasfilm Ltd, Lucasarts Inc and 20th Century Fox.  This fan fiction was created solely for entertainment and no money was made from it.  Also, no copyright or trademark infringement was intended.  Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.  Any other characters, the storyline and the actual story are the property of the author.  Sugar is inspired by a friend's cat, and yes, the cat is actually named Sugar.

Note:  Sugar's meow translations indicated by // and Italics.

Obi-Wan entered his quarters, Anakin shuffling behind. His quarters with his padawan now. Quarters he had shared with Qui-Gon for some 12 years.

The rooms seemed empty now. Empty of his master's warm, living presence. Obi-Wan drew a deep breath as he looked around. Nothing was different, everything in its place. But then, what had he expected? It had only been a few days since they had last been here. Since he and Qui-Gon had last walked out that door on their fateful journey to Naboo.

Now Obi-Wan was returning alone. Well, not exactly alone. He had his own apprentice now. Anakin Skywalker. And Obi-Wan didn't have the slightest idea what to do with him. The newly made Knight had put on a brave front for the Council, for Master Yoda, and most importantly for Anakin. The boy had endured so much lately, and he had genuinely cared for Qui-Gon. The Council had said there was much fear in the boy. And right now, Obi-Wan felt much fear in himself. How in all the worlds of the universe was he going to do this? How was he going to train this boy?

Looking up, he saw Anakin wandering aimlessly around the living area, looking at the few personal items the two Jedi had allowed themselves. With furrowed brow, Obi-Wan went over to the boy and knelt down.

"It's all very strange, isn't it?" he asked. "Him not being here."

The boy nodded, eyes solemn.

"It won't be easy for either of us. I miss Master Qui-Gon very much. You miss your mother, and I know you cared for Qui-Gon. But we have to be brave and let our fears go into the Force. With the Force, there is peace." Obi-Wan nudged up Anakin's chin with his index finger. "Okay?"

Another nod, but this time some of the boy's normal spark was there. Obi-Wan was amazed at how strong the Force was in this boy. He forced a smile for Anakin's sake, suddenly feeling like a hypocrite. "Why don't we go find you something to eat? Hmm? I can't vouch for what might be in here."

This time Anakin managed a smile as he gingerly took his new master's hand.

Obi-Wan returned to his quarters a few minutes later and leaned against the wall. Anakin was in good hands at the moment. Master Adi Gallia had taken pity on Obi-Wan, seeing something in him that he hadn't even known was evident. "I'll see to the boy for awhile. You need to be alone, don't you?" Her voice had been soft and quiet. Obi-Wan had felt an all too familiar lump form in his throat. He'd been fighting this ever since the funeral. He had nodded, blinking his eyes rapidly.

Not looking at Anakin, he had managed to choke out, "Stay with Master Gallia, Anakin. She'll look after you. I need to take care of some things."

"Don't worry, Obi-Wan," Adi had said. "This will give Anakin and I a chance to get to know each other." She had smiled down at the tow-headed boy, who had glanced between her and Obi-Wan questioningly.

Now, it was all Obi-Wan could do to keep from sliding to the floor in despair. The grief he had kept at bay was welling up inside, it hurt so much. Wrapping his arms around him, he went into Qui-Gon's room and just stared. He couldn't move. It felt so strange, trying to comprehend that Qui-Gon wouldn't be coming back, wouldn't be here in this room anymore. Obi-Wan bit his lip, blinking hard. He knew he wouldn't be able to stay here. It was so empty. It would be too hard.

Obi-Wan started as he felt something rub against his legs. "Sugar," he whispered and tears began to slip down his cheeks. He bent down to pet her. The petite cat meowed softly, butting her head into his hand. If a cat could sound sad, she certainly did. She meowed again, rubbing against him.

"You know, don't you?" Obi-Wan whispered. "He's dead."

With that, his legs gave way and he sat down hard on the floor and began to weep, the pent-up grief finally finding release. Sugar climbed into his lap, pushing up on her hind legs to peer solemnly into his face, her yellow eyes glowing. She trilled a low, sad sound. Obi-Wan clutched at her and cried into her soft fur. "It's not fair, it's not fair," he repeated, words muffled. "Why didn't you wait for me? Why, Master?"

Sugar sat still in his arms and purred, providing him comfort and love as only a pet can. Eventually, the wave of grief subsided and he wiped at reddened, swollen eyes and a runny nose. He stroked Sugar's fur. "Thank you."

Sugar slipped from his arms, rubbed against him, and meowed softly. She then padded into the kitchen. Obi-Wan dragged himself up and followed.

Swiping his nose again, he couldn't hold back a small grin. Sugar was standing by her feed bowl, looking up at him with a demanding glare.

"Time to feed you, huh?" Obi-Wan said. "Life has to go on, is that what you're trying to tell me?"

"Meowrr." An affirmative sound.

"This isn't going to be easy for me."

"Meowrr." This one sounded like //I know.//

"I miss him."

"Meowrr." //So do I.//

"So, what do I do now?"

"Meowrr." //Feed me.//

Obi-Wan chuckled. "Master Sugar, what would I do without you?"

"Meowrr." //Have no one to feed.//

A bit later, Adi Gallia returned Anakin to the boy's new home. Anakin's eyes went wide at the site that greeted them. Adi just smiled and nodded at the serene cat.

Sugar was perched on the back of the couch, paws tucked under, keeping watch over her "padawan," who lay peacefully asleep below.

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