Aftermath 2

By Huntress

Disclaimer: Oh please, why disclaim, I ask? Does anybody *really* think that the characters are real?? Or that we fanfic writers own them??

Aftermath 2

Authors Note: I have two OMC's from Part 1, Det's Andy Weir and Tom Evers. As to what they look like, well, they can be the actor (or non-actor) of your choice.


The first thing Jesse noticed were the large arms holding him. He reached up with his hand, feeling the bicep. He cracked an eye open, then both, his right eye still swollen, and managed to focus on the man in bed with him...Steve Sloan. He scrunched up his face, trying to figure out how he had ended up in bed with the cop. Bits and pieces of the night before went through his mind.

The words with Andy Weir, the (brief) fistfight. Sitting in a booth, Steve feeling him up. The two cops bringing them to the ER, to Mark. Steve carrying him. And something about a bubble bath. He couldn't, for the life of him, bring all the pieces together. He tried to pull out of Steve's arms, but the man just held tighter.

"Mmm, Jess, where you goin'?"

" felt me up last night." Jesse managed to get out of Steve's grip. "You sat me in a booth, gave me Tequila, and...and you felt me up!"

Steve gave him a dopey grin. "Didn't you like it?"

"You got me drunk and took advantage of me!"

"No I didn't," Steve answered. "If I did, don't you think you'd be naked?"

Jesse glanced down at himself. He was still clothed. "But I'm in your bed!" He sat up, rubbing his face. "Why am I in your bed Steve?"

"Because you insisted. Told me you loved me. Oh, and *you* tried to take advantage of *me*, not the other way around. If I hadn't stopped you, you would have stripped me and had your way with me." He chuckled. "And I am *not* easy. I expect you to at least buy me dinner first."

"L-l-love you?" Jesse jumped to his feet. "I couldn't have. I wouldn't. I never...."

"I know Jess. You told me *that* too."

"NO! Couldn't have happened!" He backed up, shaking his head. "You stay away from me. I have to think." He ran out of the room, and shot up the stairs.

"Yep, you go and think Jess. Me, I don't recover so quickly anymore." He rubbed his temples. "I'm not getting up yet." He lay on one pillow, covering his head with the other. "Ohh, that hurts."


"Morning Jesse," Mark smiled, as the young man came into the kitchen. "Coffee?"

Jesse looked terrified, but nodded.

"Jesse, how much do you remember about last night?"

"Uh, I umm, I...Mark, what did I do?"

"You told Steve you loved him." Mark brought two cups of coffee to the table. "Did you mean it Jesse? Or was it just some drunken statement?"

Jesse stared at his cup. "Yeah, yeah I do. I'm sorry Mark."

"Why are you sorry?"

"He's *your* son."


"You don't mind??" Jesse was a little confused.

"No Jesse, I don't mind. In fact, I'm very happy. Well, not so happy that you two got punch drunk. But that's another matter entirely, one we will discuss later, I promise you." He felt his face get warm. "And if you would have heard the things Steve had to say about you...."

They both turned at Amanda's giggle. "He sat in the back seat with you all the way home, cooing. He whispered sweet nothings in your ear, well not in your ear, he was too tipsy for that, and told me that you belonged to him, that Mark said he could keep you."

"Keep me?"

Mark nodded. "He made it clear that you were his, and he was yours as well. This is not a one way street, Jesse."

"I didn't even know he liked men."

Amanda raised an eyebrow. "Jesse, when is the last time you saw him go out with a woman? The last time he *didn't* come into BBQ Bob's with a man?"

"But he was married!" Jesse said firmly.

"Jesse, Phyllis and Steve...."

"I spent one night with her," Steve said softly. They all turned to him. "I thought maybe I wasn' She got pregnant." He shrugged. "Yeah, it only takes *one* time. Anyway, I married her." He put his hand up as Jesse opened his mouth. "She miscarried two months later, but we stayed together, thinking we could make it work. It didn't."

"Did you love her?" Jesse asked.

Steve smiled. "I love *you* Jess." He took Jesse's cheeks in his palms, bringing Jesse's mouth to his, swooping in for a tonsil-sucking kiss. He broke the kiss, grinning at his father. "So dad, what's for breakfast?"

"I need to take a shower," Jesse said, taking off like a bat out of hell.

"What are you doing to that boy?" Amanda asked, a smile on her lips.

"Something I promised him last night," Steve answered, not elaborating.

Amanda changed the subject while they ate breakfast, then three forks were put down when the shower stopped.

"I'll be back," Steve said, jumping to his feet, and sprinting downstairs. He nearly fell down the steps in his haste, but calmed himself when he reached the bathroom door. He knocked to give warning, then walked in, eyes meeting Jesse's, who was stepping out of the stall. Reaching out, he took hold of the towel, taking over the task of drying Jesse's body. "Do you mind?"

Jesse shook his head, a little dumbfounded. "Uh, sure Steve. If you want to."

Steve leaned down, whispering in Jesse's ear. "I want to." Wrapping the towel around Jesse's arms, Steve rubbed up and down, taking his time, listening to Jesse breath. Wrapping his arms around Jesse's back, he dried Jesse's back with slow, circular movements. Turning Jesse around, leaning him against the wall, his hands slid down, along with the towel, down to Jesse's ass, gripping the cheeks through the towel. He parted those cheeks, fingers teasing the tight virgin hole. Dropping to his knees, hands carefully averting the one part of Jesse's anatomy he wanted to save for last. He dried each leg slowly. Towel moving down the outer leg, up the inner, soft caresses for Jesse's balls. Steve finally turned Jesse back to face him, licking his lips at the hardened cock before him. Tongue sliding out, he licked at the head, taking the length to the root in one motion. He glanced up at Jesse, sucked for a moment, then brought his head back, teeth grazing the sensitized skin. Kissing the tip, he grinned at Jesse. "Do you remember what I told you last night Jess?" He stroked Jesse's cock slowly, teasing.

Jesse's mind went into overload as he tried to find that *one* memory. "Umm, something about Mr. Bubbles?" Steve shook his head. "Blue sheets!"

"No baby." Steve gave the cockhead one last kiss, then rose. "I told you I loved you." He leaned down, tongue in Jesse's ear. "I told you that you were going to beg me to make love to you..." he kissed Jesse softly, grinding his clothed cock against Jesse's skin. "...and you will." He turned and left the young doctor standing there, mouth agape, eyes wide, and cock hard.

Jesse watched Steve go back upstairs, disbelieving. His head began to pound again, his erection waning, as he strode into Steve's room, gathering his clothing, slowly getting dressed. "What did he tell me?" Jesse sat down for a moment, taking deep breaths. "What happened last night??" He closed his eyes, once again trying to piece things together.

**You're playing with fire, sweetheart.**

"He called me 'sweetheart'." Jesse smiled.

**I'm going to teach you to make love Jesse, to make love with me.**

Jesse felt his cock swelling.

**I'm going to seduce you, and by the time I am done, you are going to beg me to fuck you into oblivion.**

The words seemed so clear now. Jesse repeated them in his mind. 'Steve loves me. He *really* loves me.' He ran upstairs, seeing Mark getting ready to leave. "Where'd Steve go?"

"Steve left. He took his truck, and said that he'll take you to get your car when he gets home. I'm going to take Amanda to get his car, and we'll all switch cars later. He said he had paperwork to finish, and that you're to rest. Alex and I can take care of things at BBQ Bob's. And since you have the next three days off, feel free to spend them here." Mark grinned at him. "When you were here a few months back, when your apartment was flooded, you left a change of clothes. I put them in the guestroom bottom dresser drawer. Oh, and stay out of the kitchen. I don't need the smell of burnt anything...not like the last time you stayed here."

"No cooking anything. Gotcha."

Mark nodded to him, then turned to Amanda. "Come along Dr. Bentley, some of us don't have the day off." He headed for the car, but Amanda lagged behind for a moment.

Turning back to Jesse, her face got serious. "Steve said something last night about you being a...."

"A virgin?" Amanda nodded. "It's okay Amanda. What else did he say?"

"He needed to buy condoms and lube." She began to chuckle. "Lots of it." She ran out to the car before Jesse could respond.


Jesse finished his coffee, and sat outside enjoying the peace and quiet. He watched two women come onto the beach, take off their clothes, and sunbathe nude. He glanced down at his cock, which was limp in his pants. "Not even naked women are doing it for me." He went back inside, intending to veg out in front of the TV. His mind drifted back to the young women, and he peeked at his cock...still no response. He thought about Steve, and his cock jumped to attention so quick, there was actual, albeit brief, pain. He quickly brought his attentions back to the TV, figuring anything on the tube would take his mind off of Steve.

But his mind was full of the cop.

He saw Steve on an old show called Galactica 1980. He saw Steve on Airwolf. He saw Steve on The Redd Foxx show. He saw Steve on *every* channel.

He wandered the house, just pacing, finding himself back in Steve's room, his head pounding again. 'Maybe if I sleep this off, things will be clearer.' He lay back and quickly drifted off.


Steve finished up the report on the Dunston case, and was preparing to go home. But his stomach was bothering him, and he made a pit stop at the bathroom. He closed the stall door, sitting down, putting his head between his legs to fight off the nausea from the hangover. He heard the door open, hoping that whoever it was would leave soon, as he felt like groaning. Instead, he heard a voice that grated on his brain....

"Well, what do you think?" Andy Weir.

"I think, that you should stay out of Steve's way, and keep an even greater distance from Travis." Tom Evers.

"The doc's a big boy. He can make decisions on his own." Andy chuckled.

Steve felt his anger again, balling his fists, inwardly seething.

"All I'm saying Andy, is that Travis has a thing for Steve, and I'm telling you, the feeling is mutual. You've known him long enough to know better then to fuck with him."

"What's he gonna do if I hit on the kid? Beat me up?" Andy was laughing now. "We're not in High School anymore."

Steve opened the stall door, and Andy, faced toward the door, didn't see him. Tom, however, did. And saw the look on Steve's face.

"Uh, Andy? Maybe you should, I dunno, give it a rest." Tom swallowed hard, heading for the door.


"Okay Andy, you're my partner. I respect you, and I will help you out when I can. Like decking Steve last night. But I *really* think you should quit while you're ahead."

"I don't understand you."

"You don't have to. Umm, I'll come visit you in the hospital...I promise." He stepped outside the bathroom, standing outside the door.

Mel Adams walked by, raising an eyebrow at him. "Uh, Andy's in there. Steve's in there. Andy was running off at the mouth, Steve heard, and I decided I was best off out here."


"Fuck you Sloan!"


"Lucky punch Andy-boy!"


"You missed Stevie!"

"NOBODY...CALLS...ME...*STEVIE*!" Each word punctuated with the sound of a punch.

Outside, Mel looked at Tom. "Think we should go in now?"


"Yeah, I think it would be wise."

The two burst in, to find Steve and Andy in a stall, Andy's head being shoved in the toilet.

"Steve, let him go," Mel said softly, trying, but failing, to control her laughter.

Steve pulled Andy's head up, and let the man drop to the floor. "Stay away from Jesse."

"Don't worry," Andy sputtered, "I will."


Steve's ride home was anything but relaxing. Visions of Jesse filled his mind. So he decided to turn on the radio...big mistake.

*Doctor, Doctor, gimme the news, I got a, bad case of loving you....* Click.

*Calling Doctor Love....* Click.

*He's the one they call Dr. Feelgood, He's the one that makes ya feel alright....* Click.

*Jesse is a friend, yeah I know, he's been a good friend of mine....* Click.

"Jesse...Jesse...why couldn't I have fallen for a guy named Fred? No songs about guys named Fred."

*Do The Freddy...Do The Freddy....* Off.

"Now what? Flowers? No, too sissy. Wine? No, we had enough to drink last night." He smiled to himself. "I could just get naked, and see what he does. Nah, too forward." The smile turned into a grin. "Then again maybe the forward approach is what's needed."

He made a quick stop at the drugstore, grabbing a pack of three condoms and a tube of lube. Thinking for a moment, he decided on a box of twelve and two more tubes of lube. By the time he got to the checkout, he had two boxes of thirty-six and eight tubes. 'Best to be prepared.'

Getting back into the truck, he took a deep breath, and did something he had never done, in all his years as a cop.

He turned on the flashing red lights, and broke every speed limit to get back to the house.


Steve ran inside, grinning from ear to ear, shouted "JESS!", and didn't watch where he was going. He tripped over a footstool, barreled into the recliner, which reclined under his weight, sailed over it, and banged his head on the breakfront. "OWWW!"

"STEVE!" Jesse ran over, and saw Steve's eyes closed, thinking Steve was unconscious. "Steve, speak to me."

"I hit my head." Steve sat up, rubbing his forehead.

"I gathered that. How did you fall?"

"Don't ask." He smiled at Jesse. "And how was your day?"

"It was...." Jesse stopped, when he saw what had fallen out of the bag, feeling his face grow warm. "I see you went shopping."

Steve's face turned dark crimson. "Uhh, yeah. I...Jess, I love you."

Jesse picked up the condoms. "Two boxes Steve? And what's with all the lube? You don't need that much."

"How do you know? You're the virgin here. And I said I love you."

"Yeah, I heard you. Seventy-two? How many times do you intend to do it with me?"

"Well, if things work out," Steve grinned, "a whole bunch. And then some."

"Steve, I don't know if I...I *do* love you, but I don't know if I'm ready for this yet."

"Jess, I don't intend to use every condom in one marathon session. And I never said we had to get naked and fuck like bunnies in one night. I figured I'd take you to dinner, maybe a movie, and we could see what happened after."

Jesse finally smiled. "Ah, the seduction."

"I see you remembered what I told you last night."

"Yeah, but I keep remembering something about...Mister Bubbles."

Steve laughed. "I, umm, have a stash. I also have some...toy boats and a water gun. I got this target that you can shoot, with all kinds of stuff, like a ringing bell, and a spinner."

"What did you do? Buy out Fisher-Price? Next thing you're going to tell me is that you have colored foam bath, and one of those washcloths shaped like a kitten."

"Actually," Steve blushed, "it's a puppy."

"You do realize," Jesse said, standing up, "that you have just given me terrific blackmail material."

"If you tell, you can't paint the tiles with my fingerpaint."

"You paint the tiles?"

"It's washable, or dad would kill me."

"You know, I always wanted to paint the bathroom tiles. In my bathing suit of course."

Steve raised an eyebrow. "Bathing suit?"

"Uh, yeah. If you don't mind. You *don't* mind, do you Steve?"

Steve got to his feet, grinning from ear to ear. "Nope. If it makes you happy, I'm happy. You gonna wear your Speedo?"

"NO! I mean, I'll wear my trunks."

"Then I'll wear *my* Speedo." Before Jesse could answer him, Steve swooped in, arms around Jesse, taking his mouth in a deep kiss. Breaking the kiss, Steve sighed. "I'll go make the bath."

"I'll go get changed."

Jesse went into the guestroom for his suit, and Steve picked up his supplies. Going downstairs, he placed a tube of lube under a towel, and opened a condom wrapper, hiding it as well. "Don't want to scare him off." He walked to his room, stripping along the way, then heard the gasp from the stairs. "Don't panic, Jess. I said I'd wear my bathing suit."

Jesse was shaking his head, staring at Steve's cock. Even though he had seen Steve in a swimsuit before, he had never noticed the size of the larger man's cock. It was still soft, and Jesse figured it was a good eight inches. He took a deep breath as he did some quick calculations, figuring on its size fully erect. "Uh-uh. That is *never* going to fit."

Steve walked over to him, stroking his palm over Jesse's cheek, smiling softly. "When the time comes, when you're ready, it will. Trust me."

Jesse shook his head. "I don't think so."

"Jess, go fill the tub. I'll go get on my suit."


By the time Steve got to the bathroom, Jesse was sitting in the large tub, stretched out. "Steve, any reason why these," he held up the lube and condom, "were under that towel?"

"Umm, I, umm, they put themselves there?"

"Uh-huh," Jesse smirked. "I like Mister Bubbles. Now, where's your fingerpaint?"

Steve left the bathroom, and came back a moment later, with an armful of bath toys. "Here's my water gun, and the target. See, it has a spinner and you get points if you hit it just right."

"My God, I fell in love with a child. Steve, how do you buy that stuff in the store?"

Steve blushed again, and joined Jesse in the tub, sitting opposite him. "I tell the salespeople I have a kid and they point me to the best toys. Lookie here, see, this frogman, you wind him up and he swims. And this sailor, he can dive off the boat. But my favorite...." He picked up the fingerpaints. "See, Jess, four different colors. I painted a house last week, with trees, and flowers, and...."

"Okay Stevie," Jesse teased, "lets play with the gun. I bet I can hit the target more then you."

"I'm a cop Jess, I never miss." Steve set up the target and slid to the other end of the tub. "Move over." Steve took the gun, hands gripping it like his real weapon, and fired. He hit the bell, and nodded smugly. "Told ya. I don't miss."

"Okay. Why don't you try that again."

Steve aimed, but a hand groping his crotch made him miss. "Hey, not fair. No feeling up while I aim."

Jesse took the gun, aimed and fired. The water ricocheted off the wall, splashing them in the face.

"Good thing you're not a cop," Steve mumbled.

"I heard that," Jesse answered, grinning at him. "Wanna kiss me?"

"Yeah." Steve turned his head, looking into Jesse's eyes. The kiss was soft, growing harder, as Steve felt other things grow hard. His hand slid to the back of Jesse's head, deepening the kiss. Breaking it, he panted, "Ahh Jess, you have the sweetest mouth. I could kiss you all day and not get tired of it." He pulled Jesse into his lap, water sloshing onto the floor. He pushed his body up, erections rubbing through the thin fabrics of their bathing suits. He pulled their mouths back together, free hand sliding down Jesse's back, under the waistband, grabbing Jesse's ass. He started to hump, and felt Jesse trying to pull away. But Steve wasn't about to let that happen, and turned Jesse, so the younger man was cradled in his arms. His hand wandered down to the front of Jesse's trunks, sliding in, rubbing Jesse's cock.

Jesse pushed away quickly, catching Steve off guard, and got out of the tub. "I thought I was ready for this, but I'm not." He grabbed the towel, drying himself quickly, and backed out of the bathroom. "I...I don't know if I can."

Steve heard him running up the stairs, and cursed himself. "Idiot! You know he's a virgin, and what do you do? You go full speed ahead, with no warning." He got out, watching the water drain. "Just like my lovelife...down the drain." He pulled on a pair of shorts, and slowly walked upstairs. He found Jesse, in shorts and a tee-shirt, standing in the living room, staring outside. He silently moved behind him, wrapping an arm around Jesse's waist. "I'm sorry love." He kissed Jesse's neck. "I didn't mean to rush you."

Jesse turned in his arms. "And I didn't mean to leave you like that. I got scared."

"I know babe. It's okay. I'm not angry at you. I am, however, angry at myself. I shouldn't have pushed you." He kissed Jesse softly, and smiled. "Come back inside. I want to show you something."


Steve led Jesse downstairs, sitting him on the bed. "Wait here a second." He ran to the other room, and came back with a videotape.

"A video?"

"Visual aids are sometimes the best teacher." Steve popped the tape in, moving behind Jesse, pulling off his shorts, a soft sigh in relief...they were starting to feel terribly tight. "Now, just watch...."

Jesse shrugged, and just sat there wondering what they were going to be watching. Within five minutes, the video playing nearly gave him cardiac arrest.

A porno film. A gay porno film. Jesse tilted his head, eyes widening, totally disbelieving. He sat on the edge of the bed, just watching. "M-m-men. And they're...they're...."

"Fucking Jess. The word you're looking for is fucking."

Jesse continued to stare. "He's...he's...."

At this point, Steve was getting amused at Jesse's reaction. "Giving a blow-job. Don't tell me you've never seen a porno film before."

Jesse shook his head. "No. I mean, I know what they are. I'm not ignorant, but I've never...never...oh shit, he's...what is he doing?"

Steve was a bit surprised that the doctor *was* ignorant about what he was seeing. "It's called reaming Jess. It's quite pleasurable actually." He began to rub Jesse's shoulders, untucking the tee-shirt, no resistance as he pulled it off, tossing it aside. "It's a rush, when you feel a tongue in your most personal place." Kisses to Jesse's neck. "Men know what other men like." He slid his hands down Jesse's chest, rubbing the nipples, feeling them get hard. He pulled Jesse back, so he was sitting against the headboard, Jesse between his legs. "You just keep watching Jess. There's a lot more to see."

Jesse's breath hitched as he watched the film, a third man joining the two. "Oh shit...." He leaned back into Steve's arms, feeling the tongue licking his neck, the hardness pressing against his lower back. He snapped back into reality, suddenly realizing what was going on. "Steve?"

"Shhh, just relax for me. Just watch the video, and take deep, calming breaths. Nothing's going to happen unless you want it to." Steve slid his hands down Jesse's body, unsnapping his shorts, the zipper coming down. "Mmmm, you like this babe?"


"The movie or my hands?"


Steve got an evil smile. "Good." His hand slid down the front of Jesse's shorts, feeling the hard cock, rubbing up and down. "Take 'em off." Jesse did as he was told. "That's a good boy." Taking Jesse's cock in hand, he stroked soft, feeling Jesse swell under his touch. "Feel good baby?"


"Pretty monosyllabic aren't we."


Steve had reached his limit, and turned Jesse's face to his. A deep kiss, sucking the air from Jesse's lungs, while he played with Jesse's cock. "I can't wait lover." He turned Jesse so the two were facing. "I love you."

"So you've told me a dozen times." He cracked a smile. "Say it a few more. I love to hear it."

"I love you." He blew in Jesse's ear. "I love you." Kisses down Jesse's face, to his neck. "I love you." Steve sucked on one spot, leaving a bruise.

"I love you too." Jesse initiated the kiss this time, hand moving down Steve's body, running a finger along Steve's cock. He looked down, finally getting a good look--at least ten inches, if not more, and thick as well. "Steve, I am telling you, it is *never* going to fit."

"And I told you, when it's time, when you're ready, it will. It's going to slide in smoothly, and feel so good." He reached for a rubber. "I'm going to open one of those condoms...." His arm was pulled back by Jesse.

"No, no condom. Nobody is ever going to have me again. Just you. Bareback. Please."

Steve shook his head. "I don't think so Jess. Gotta use a condom or I don't dare touch you."

"I'm clean Steve, you gotta believe me."

"Jess, it's not you. It's me. I've had male lovers, and I've been stupid, and haven't always used...."

"I ran your blood work for your PD physical last month, remember? You're clean."

Steve thought for a moment, reluctantly nodding. "I...Jess, whatever you want."

"Thank you."

Steve turned Jesse onto his stomach, not raising him to his knees. Squeezing some lube on his fingers, teasing Jesse's tightness, not entering, gauging Jesse's reaction. He got a moan, and slowly pushed one finger inside. He felt Jesse tense up. "It's just me baby." He slid the finger in and out, waiting for Jesse to relax again. When he felt the muscles ease up, he added a second finger, getting no resistance. "You okay Jess?"

"Ohhh yeah. Feels good."

A third finger entered, Steve spreading them, stretching Jesse as best he could. Glancing down at his erection, he wondered if Jesse was right, if he *would* fit inside. Sometimes he wondered if being so well endowed was a blessing or a curse. Too many would-be lovers had gotten one look at his size, and refused him. Too many had him briefly, and pulled away. His own wife bitched about making love with him, in the time they were together.

"Jess, this is *very* important. I need you to take deep breaths for me, and relax as best you can."

"It's going to hurt, isn't it Steve." It was a statement, not a question.

Steve wasn't about to lie to him. "They'll be some pain at first, but it *will* ease up." He took a deep breath himself, thinking, 'I hope.' Aloud, "If it becomes too much, or you feel too much pain, just say so, and I'll stop."

"Then what?"

"We'll figure something out. I promise." Jesse raised himself to his knees, but Steve pushed him back. "No babe. Trust me, and lay down this first time." Steve kneaded Jesse's cheeks, holding them open. Resting his cock against the virgin passage, he bit his lower lip, the head pushing in. He felt the tense body under him, and stopped. "Jess, I told you to relax. If you don't, we stop this right now." He felt Jesse relax again, watching the cockhead enter, hearing the 'pop' when he got through the muscle that was trying its best to keep him out. He saw Jesse bury his head in the pillow, and froze. "Jess? Talk to me. You need to tell me what you're feeling."

Jesse wanted more then anything to tell Steve the truth, that it was painful, that he didn't know if he could do this. But he wanted to give this to Steve so badly, that he flat out lied. "It's okay. It's just new, you know?"

"I know babe. Remember to take deep breaths." He eased some more in, getting about halfway, when he heard the groan. It was *not* a sound of pleasure. "Dammit Jess! I'm not doing this." He pulled back, but Jesse moved with him.

"Don't stop. I can do this. I promise it's not that bad." Another lie.

Steve was unsure, but entered further, inching in, finally buried balls deep. He rubbed Jesse's back, leaning over him, whispering, "You okay?" He got a nod, moving his hands to Jesse's ass, spreading further. "I'm gonna move now, but you tell me if there's any pain." He pulled out a bit, then moved back in, slow and easy. "Ahh, I can't believe you're taking me Jess, taking all of me." Another pull out, a deeper push in. "Oh Jess, you are so hot, so tight. Never felt anything like this before." It was the truth. Further pull out, hard push in, this time getting a moan, and not a painful one either. Steve needed more, and slowly moved Jesse to his knees. He pulled out almost all the way, shoving back in, hitting the prostate dead on.

Jesse threw his head back and howled...that was the only sound to describe it. " it again...."

Steve angled right, hitting that pleasure spot once more. Taking Jesse's cock in hand, he stroked gently, fingers rubbing the head. Gathering precum, he slid them over Jesse's lips. "Taste." Jesse's tongue slid out, licking the fingertips, and Steve thought he was going to let loose right then. He had to let Jesse cum first though, had to pleasure the younger man before he got his own. "Wanna ride you baby, make you mine." Steve didn't even think, he pulled out until only the tip remained, then slammed back in. Again and again, hard and fast, taking possession of what was now his, and his alone. He jerked Jesse off harder, hearing Jesse scream, feeling the semen on his hand.

Now he could get his release. "MINE!" His thrusts were harder now. "MY ASS!" Deeper. "MY BODY!" He was at the edge cumming hard, filling Jesse with his seed, never feeling a release like this before. His vision blurred, and he was sure he was going to pass out. Steve slid out slowly, swallowing hard as he saw the blood. "Oh God. Oh Jesse, I hurt you. You're bleeding."

Jesse turned to face him. "No, no you didn't Steve. You popped my cherry." He smiled. "There's always blood. I'm a doctor, I know." He shifted to his back, grimacing.

"You're in pain." Steve was breathing heavily. "I'll go get...I don't even know what to do!"

Jesse took his hand. "Hey, I'm the one who has panic attacks, remember? Not you. Calm down. Just get a washcloth, and some first aid cream, and I'll be good as new. Like I said, I'm a doctor. Trust me."

Steve came back with the cloth and cream, gently cleaned Jesse's ass, and slowly spread him, squeezing half a tube up the hole. He put Jesse's underwear back on, and gave him a small smile. "Better?"

"Yeah, but I'm going to be sloshing around for a few hours."

"I'm not going to touch you for a while." Steve stated firmly. "A few weeks...months...maybe years. You need time to heal."

Jesse's eyes widened. "*WHAT*?! You have got to be kidding. I'll be fine in a couple of days. Less probably."

"Uh, maybe you should get an exam. Yeah. Make sure I didn't do any damage. Dad can do it." He nodded. "That's a good idea, right?"

" And *you* are babbling. I want to get something to eat. I'm hungry." He sat up, but Steve pushed him back down.

"No. You just stay there. I'll bring you food."

"Steve, shut up. I am going upstairs, and getting something to eat. If you don't let me up, I'm going to tell your dad you were mean to me. He'll kick your ass."

"You wouldn't...would you?"

"Oh yeah. Without a second thought. He likes me better then you." Jesse walked to the door, then turned back, not sure how to react to a guilt-stricken Steve. "You *didn't* hurt me. I swear."

"Really? Honest?"

"Honest Injun," Jesse grinned. He held up three fingers. "Scout's honor too."

"You remember."

"That I do. But I can't figure out about the blue sheets."

Steve got up, an arm around Jesse's waist. "Come on. I'll tell you about it on the way up."


Authors Note: The TV shows are self-explanatory.

The songs Steve heard are:

Bad Case Of Loving You--Robert Palmer

Calling Doctor Love--Kiss

Dr. Feelgood--Motley Crue

Jesse's Girl--Rick Springfield

Do The Freddy--Freddy and The Dreamers